Lots of Things Happen at the Dinner Table

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 9


Sungmin’s POV


Ten minutes before entering the dorm…

"I am so tired." Heechul announced in the van. We were just coming home from schedules at 5:05. Today was one of those days that seemed to drag on forever. We had gone through the same motions of our idol lives since we debuted and it like sometimes it became boring like today. I looked at my phone and wondered if Hyori was lonely.  Suddenly as it my mind had told it to, my phone buzzed.

*Call from Hyori *

Kyuhyun’s POV

I looked at the window and snickered. We were already at the dorm and it was now time to start our games. The bet was going to be so easy. Who can't resist The Kyu? All girls at every age love me and my God given voice.

This is gonna be fun.

Once we parked and unloaded, we all headed for our room. Surprisingly, the elevator in our apartment building can withstand all of our weight when riding so it wasn't necessary for multiple trips. Once the doors opened to our floor (Literally, I mean our floor. We take up the entire floor.) we were all attacked by the sweet smell of food. It wafted over us so tantalizingly that it made all of us salivate.

"What is that smell?" Leeteuk hyung asked. Everyone shrugged their shoulders. Well that was a stupid question. Seriously, how would we know what that smell was? A better question would be where was the smell coming from.

"I don't know but it smells like heaven!!" Shindong exclaimed as he pushed to be the first out of the elevator.

"Yah! Shindong!" we all shouted simultaneously and grabbed for his shirt to pull him back. I understood where Shindong was coming from.


Shindong-hyung isn't always like this but once you skip lunch after dancing your feet off and all the other schedules we had without a snack, you would be surprised at how hunger overruns your senses.


“Maybe it’s the other tenants of the apartment.” Kibum observed. We were one of the floors that were positioned at the top of the building. It was reasonable to say that the smell rose up to our floor. So everyone thought nothing of it and pushed it to the side. However you could see Shindong-hyung turn gloomy.

"Come on let's go." the sensible headed Siwon suggested while gesturing to the dorm’s door. We headed to that location and strangely the smell grew stronger and many stomach growls could be heard. No one thought anything of it and sighed at the aroma that brought forth images of mouthwatering food to our minds. Once we reached the door, Leeteuk pushed in the key slowly in to the key hole. Then he turned the key millimeter by millimeter speed. The leader could be very responsible during times but others he was just like the idiots you see in cartoons. Basically he was a tease.

"Hyung! Can you hurry it up? I am dying here!" Heechul really never does miss an opportunity to voice his opinions…even though they are not wanted. When getting no response from his hyung he started to whine. If you know Heechul, he whines a lot but once you piss him of the whining may also include hitting too.

"Alright already but shut up and stop hitting me!" Leeteuk snickered. He opened the door and entered we dorm. Everything was going on like normal but most of my hyungs had stopped dead in the living room. From my view point from the door, it seemed like they were staring at something. Curious to see what managed to stop my bustling buddies; I went to go see for myself. I walked over and like them, I stopped dead.

What was before us was absolutely astonishing. The messy dorm we had left this morning was now sparkling and clean. It was even cleaner than last night.

The tabletops were so shiny that you could see your refection in them. The floor didn't have the usual crumbs and was gleaming, proving that it had a proper waxing. The couches were not their usual off white but a startlingly pure white color. I didn't even know the couches could be that white and I have been living here for how many years now?


The clothes that were once laying everywhere were seen folded on the coffee table in front of the couches and the slight noise of the washing machine and the dryer were heard. There was absolutely no dust on any of the appliances and as I looked toward the kitchen, my jaw dropped further. The kitchen was clean and sparkling but it was the dining table that caught most of our attention.


It had sixteen freshly cooked steaks set with two perfectly cooked eggs on each plate in front of each chair. There were side dishes that contained veggies, steamed egg, kimchi and many others. The saucers were even placed out with soy on it already. I was stunned. How in the name of Siwon’s God had someone prepared something like this?!

The dorm was amazing but the most amazing part about it was the look like lazy- sitting on the couch. Hyori was in her pajamas with her hair tied loosely in a bun watching Star King on the TV. She looked as if she didn't notice us coming home but then she turned and looked at us. She smiled angelically looking at each of our expressions.


{ http://www.yesstyle.com/en/ieva-drawstring-waist-sweat-pants/info.html/pid.1024677144 <--Hyori’s look}


"Welcome home!" she said cheerfully.

Hyori POV

Oh yeah... Believe it. I got the amazing SuJu to stop dead in their starlit tracks. *Insert evil laugh*

"How...when...who... What?!?!" I grinned at Leeteuk as he tried and failed to form a coherent sentence. It was nice seeing this side of him too. The great leader was at a loss of words.  At that moment Heechul walked in the living room with a gangsta swagger, leaving the sound of a flushing toilet hanging.


“Wow man! Our dorm be so clean! The living room is so spotless and have you seen the bathroom? I felt like I was using the urinal built for the Gods! I felt so sad to soil it with my human pee. And the sign on the door was priceless! I took a pic of it and posted it on twitter and it reminded me to flush too! umm...okay.” He finally stopped in the middle of the living room but upon seeing the awkward position everyone was in, his thoughts trailed off.


I giggled at him and his straightforwardness with everything that comes his way. Then I stood up and put my hand on my hips.

"Well, If you are going to continue to gawk then I am going to eat the buffet dinner by myself however if you plan to eat, then go wash up and come to the dinner table." I looked at them and rolled my eyes because they looked like they weren’t planning on moving anytime soon.

"Well hurry up! It won't taste as good if it is cooled!" I urged. Finally they started to disperse. I saw some of them tip toeing to their room, trying not to taint the shiny floor. I headed towards the dining table chuckling to myself and sat down on the same seat as the night before. I didn’t notice the figure behind following me.

"What? Are you so eager to sit next to me again? Did you miss my mesmerizing charm?” I whipped around and saw Hangeng-shi. I sighed. Here we go again.


“Charm? I think you mean the stench of testosterone and raging hormones. As for me missing it? Not one bit.” I smirked. I knew how to handle myself when it came to guys, especially the kind who is arrogant as he was at times.


“Well, aren’t we feisty tonight? Is that really the way to greet your Oppa after a hard day’s work?” he said in a flirty tone. I rolled my eyes. Please, guys really aren’t original.


“And is that the way to greet your dongsaeng who cleaned the entire day and cooked for her oppas?” I replied. It was a small lie but it didn’t matter.


“Besides, I only sat here because I don’t know where the guys are going to sit.” I continued.


Looking at him quizzically I asked, “Aren’t you going to wash up before dinner?”


“I would but when fifteen guys are raiding the only bathroom in the dorm, it does take a while.” I nodded in understanding the dilemma.


“I guess so. Then why don’t you just wash up in the kitchen sink?” I asked him.


“Only if you will help me.” Raising and eyebrow, he gestured for me to follow him. I tilted my head in consideration to continue this game when the others started to file in the dining room. I looked at Hangeng and shrugged my shoulders, giving him and exaggerated “Oh well” look. He turned and walked to the kitchen. I noticed he did so in an annoyed manner. I snickered.


Everyone was seated in the next two minutes and to my surprise, Hangeng and the rest of the Trio avoided sitting next to me. Instead I sat next to Donghae, Eunhyuk and across from me was Sungmin. As soon as thanks were given, because Siwon insisted, we began to eat and conversation began.


“Hyori, did you really clean the dorm?” Ryeowook asked me. I looked up from the meal I cooked and smiled.


“Maybe...” I replied. I may not look like it but I was a tease. I can’t help it, it was too fun.


“Oh, Come on Hyori? Who else can clean like this? I know how you get when you see a messy room.” Sungmin commented leaving a hint of a past memory.


“What do you mean Minnie?” I asked innocently.


“Yeah, What do you mean Sungmin? We are all curious to know.” Kangin urged him to continue.


“Oh… well, okay then if you guys really want to know,” He paused and I hope he wouldn’t mention THAT time. Too late. Why did I have to tease?


“Once when we were young, Hyori came over to my house to play.  The playroom we used was my room because my house was pretty small back in the States. That day I remember her wearing a white dress and had her hair down with a white bow. I also remember that day I had wanted to paint. As we were playing, I not only did I get paint on her favorite dress but also the rest of the room.” He paused for dramatic effect.


“Without even getting mad at me, she ran out of the room and came back with a pail of water, dish soap and a sponge. Without a care in the world about her ruined dress, she got down on all fours and started scrubbing the floor. Two hours passed that day and nobody could stop her from cleaning my room. By that time my room was spotless like our dorm today. However Hyori’s dress was no longer the pearl white, it turned into a dark brown mess. Once she was done cleaning my room she looked at me and smacked my head. She had scolded me that no woman alive would want me if I was a mess. With that, she left my house and ran to her’s across the street.” Sungmin chuckled.


“From that day on she learned her lesson and never wore white when she came to play at my house. We were seven at the time.” He finished and I chuckled at the memory. The room was quiet as they all tried to comprehend the information. I continued to eat my food. After a while I looked up and everyone was looking at me with expressions that were unidentifiable.


“Do you have OCD or something?” Heechul asked me nonchalantly and I choked a bit on my food. You might think that it was offensive of him to ask me that but then again you have to understand that Heechul is just too straight forward for his own good.


“I thought the same exact thing when I was cleaning” I laughed out while I scratched the back of my head in a sheepish manner. They all smiled at my reaction.


“You must all think I am weird, huh?” I asked them.


“You have no idea hun,” Kyuhyun snarked out from the end of the table. With that he got smacked.  Typical Kyuhyun.


“No, not exactly.” Eunhyuk said next to me with a starry look on his face.


“Are you okay?” I asked him.


“Don’t worry about it. He’s just suffering from a bite from the love-bug.” Donghae clarified. I just nodded not fully understanding what he was talking about though.


“Well anyway, what I really want to know is how you made tonight’s dinner.” Ryeowook said, saving me from Hyukjae’s stares. Laughing, I shrugged my shoulders.


“Magic,” I replied to Wookie however I found Sungmin staring at me. I turned to him.


“What is it?” I asked him.


“It’s nothing. I just remember you being the absolutely worst cook in the history of time. Did you really make all of this or did you buy it?” He said without a second to think. I, with the rest who started eating again choked up. Giving him the “What the Heck” look, I wondered if he was going to tell the whole of Super Junior all of my secrets.


I began to defend myself, “Minnie, you may be my best friend but remember we have been apart for a while. Things change you know.”


“I know but when I left you could barely boil water or even cook rice.” As he said those words I pursed my lips and turned red. The room erupted in laughter. Great, Super Junior now thinks I am an idiot.


Oh Sungmin, you better watch out. Cutting holes in your boxers isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you.


“Yah! Did you have to say that?” I scolded him.


“What? I am just speaking the truth.” I sighed exasperatedly.


Once the room quieted I began to explain, “What you don’t know dear friend is that I started to learn how to cook and helped a lot at the cafeteria.” I said.


“Cafeteria? Where?”


“At the college I attended pabo.” I said matter of factly.


“You mean the college where there are over a four-hundred students? That college?” he asked. I nodded my head.


“No wonder you could cook for sixteen people without a sweat.” Wookie said astonished. I sighed remembering all those bustling and demanding classmates of mine.


“Yeah, it wasn’t so easy, especially if people wouldn’t take you seriously in the stupid hair net and apron.” I noted. Some of them snickered at the thought of me in a hair net while others cringed at the thought.


“It must have been hard.” Leeteuk added.


“You have no idea. Then again it did teach me how to successfully cook.” I said. Super Junior nodded and the rest of the conversation was taken to another topic once again.


“So, Hyori are you going to join us for schedules tomorrow?” Zhoumi asked. It was the first time he spoke all night and I was curious to know why he wanted to know.


“Why are you asking?” I questioned.


“Oh nothing. I just wanted to know if you became our personal maid or if you wanted to hang out.” He scoffed. Taken aback by his bluntness, I considered should I go with them? Then I realized he called me a personal maid.


“YAH! I am no personal maid!” I threw my crumpled napkin at his head but only missed and hit Hangeng instead.


“Yah? What did I do?” Hangeng whined. I sighed again.


“Mianhe, I was trying to hit that arrogant so called Gentleman Mimi over there.” I scoffed then I continued to the rest of Super Junior.


“If you guys don’t mind, I’ll come with you guys. I just don’t want to get in the way but what are you guys going to be doing tomorrow anyway.”


“Just the usual. Dance practice in the morning then photo shoot and lastly vocal training.” Siwon-shi said nonchalantly. That didn’t seem so bad. I nodded.


“Cool. I get to see you guys at your best. Can’t wait.” I said truthfully and surprisingly cheerfully. By that time, everyone was done eating and since I cooked, I let Hangeng, Zhoumi and Kyuhyun wash the dishes tonight. I thought I deserved a break. Besides I wasn’t anyone’s personal maid.


After dinner, everyone went to do what they wanted and because I had gone shopping that day, I headed for my room. I entered and started sorting out the new clothes I had bought. I also prepared my outfit tomorrow too seeing as I might have a long day ahead of me. Then soon after it was already time to get ready for sleep. While I was doing this I had no idea what was cooking in the kitchen for me.


{No pun intended}


Author POV


(Apparently, the Trio’s meeting place is the kitchen for tonight.)


While everyone was resting, digesting their food and getting ready for bed back in their own little worlds, the Trio plotted for the next day’s coming events (and so is your author lol). What will be in store for our heroine? Stay tuned! 

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying