The Bus

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 14


Kyuhyun’s POV


As we headed to the bus in a soldier like march, I had a nagging feeling that we had forgotten something.


“Hey, hyung? Did we leave something behind?” I asked Leeteuk who was on my left. He had to stay by my side because I would only listen to him when I was misbehaving.


“Nope, I don’t think we did. Let me check,” Leeteuk said scratching his head. I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. By that time we were already in the lobby waiting for the repaired bus to park in the front.


“Yah! Does everyone have everything and you didn’t leave anything in the studio?!” Leeteuk yelled out for all the members who were goofing off to hear.


“De!” They all shouted in unison.


“Are you sure? Heechul! Do you have your phone and your camera?!”He called out to the second eldest.


“Yes! I do! Now stop nagging me! I am spending alone time with Hannie!” He called back from the corner of the lobby. I looked over and gagged. They were cuddling. YUCK! I knew by heart that Hangeng and Heechul were straight but they loved to play up the act in public for publicity. Over in the corner, you could see the female staff fawning over them with their mobiles and cameras.  I rolled my eyes.


Anything for fame.


Teukie turned back and shrugged his shoulders at me and I pulled my eyebrows together in thought. I still had this feeling like we were forgetting something. I wondered what it was.


“It seems like everyone has everything. Don’t worry it’s probably nothing, Oh, look the bus is here,” The leader said to me in a reassuring tone. He then called everyone’s attention and we all headed out to the bus. One by one, we entered the bus and Kangin and Leeteuk took a quick head count.

“Twelve…Thirteen…Fourteen…Fifteen…Okay that’s it! Lets Go!” Kangin said cheerily. The engine started and the bus began to move. We started to pull away from the building.


“Are you guys sure we aren’t forgetting anything?”  I asked all of them. They turned to me and nodded.


“Yes, I am pretty sure Kyu. Stop bugging us.” Zhoumi muttered for the rest of the members. I shrugged and nodded.


I looked around the bus and everything was like normal. Donghae and Eunhyuk were giggling at something over on the side while Siwon was reading the Bible.  Really? What else could he read from that thing? I looked around some more and Kibum and Henry were discussing something in English while Ryeowook, Leeteuk and Heechul were taking pictures for their Twitters. Kangin and Yesung were listening to their iPods in the back of the bus and Sungmin was on his Nintendo, laughing at something. Zhoumi and Hangeng were minding their own business, looking out the window. Suddenly it hit me, what was bothering me.



I forgot to switch of my PSP before we left. I reached for it and flipped the switch. Then I settled back down and took a look at the window. Today was going to be a long day and it looked like it was going to rain too. What a shame.




Hyori’s POV


While Super Junior was in the lobby…


Damn! How did they move so quickly? Where did they go? Was it left or right?


Obviously, I was lost and the only reason why I was lost was because they had left me. Those idiots!  I raced down the hallway wondering how I was supposed to get to the freaking lobby if I had no idea where I was. I turned a corner and saw to my relief a security guard who looked like he could help me in my situation. I calmed myself to act professional and headed in is direction.


“Excuse me sir, if you would be so kind as to direct me to the lobby. I would greatly appre…”


“YAH! HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE!!” He screamed at me. I turned to make sure that it was me he was taking to and surely enough, it was.


“COME HERE THIS INSTANT! FANS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER SM BUILDING WITHOUT AN INVITAITION!” He continued to scream at he and he charged forward. I shook my head.


“B-but I was invited! I was invited by Super Junior! I am just lost!” I tried to reason with the burly guy but he was already calling for back-up.


“Level two. We have a Bogie!” He talked into his walkie-talkie. I realized then that I was in deep trouble but also that I was on level two. How in the name of limbo did I end up on level two? Before I knew it, two guards were behind me holding a Taser and a Baton. What did they think I was? A wild animal?


“Come with us slowly and we won’t hurt you.” The first guard said to me and my mouth dropped. They were really going to attack me.


“Umm…I think I can find the lobby on my own…” I said to them as I started for the stairwell that was on my right.


“HEY! YOU COME BACK HERE!!” Yeah, like I was going to willingly hand myself over to a bunch of armed lunatics who thought I was a wild fan. I raced down the stairs and entered the first floor. I looked around and raced to the left hoping that I would soon find a door to my release. However, I found something else. A different guard had appeared in front of me. I turned sharply and raced in the other direction. Apparently, in doing so I had ripped an alarm that was hidden in the hallway. Why were there activated alarms in SM Entertainment?!


Great. Just flipping great. I had the entire security system on my tail now.


I turned at the oncoming hallway and thanked God for my prayers were answered. There was a door that led outside. I dashed for the exit, to my freedom before the guards were able to reach me. However just before I reached the door, a huge burly guard stood in my path. He stood about seven inches taller than me and had a very built form. I stopped to a halt and looked him up and down then turned behind me to see that I still had time before the others caught up.


“Please, this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t do anything wrong, I was just coming here with a friend.” I tried to explain the guard who just looked at me and chuckled.


“Tell me something I don’t know. Geezz, can’t you fans come up with a different line then that? I have heard that excuse too many times.” Said the guard in surprisingly high pitched voice. I started to hear the others coming closer.


“Please sir, I don’t want to hurt you.” I said to him pleading with him to understand. To my horror, he just laughed.


“You hurt me? Impossible.” He said too sure of himself. Looks like others in this building will have to learn a simple lesson.


“You said so.” I lunged forward with all my strength at his legs; using the inertia to push him off balance. It was like how football players knock someone down on a football field to describe it better. He tumbled to his front and made sure he landed on his back, so as not to have any major injuries. Then without me realizing he had brought out a Taser and luckily I was able to dodge the first swing of his arm. Then I swiftly caught his hand and karate-chopped the Taser out of harm’s way. My arm then s its way to his neck and did the classic pinch which put the guard to a deep unconsciousness. I placed him lightly on the floor as if he was sleeping.


“Sorry pal, I warmed you.” I then raced out the door as a bus passed me. I did a double take at the logo and signs on the bus. Without thinking I raced for it. No matter how tired I was, I was still determined not to get left behind. The bus I was racing for was clearly the bus I was supposed to be on. It had a huge logo painted on it. It said SUPER JUNIOR’S AMAZING SUPER BUS!  These guys surely know how to travel in style. All be it a very obnoxious style.  


I dashed forward for the bus that was not stopping. As I raced forward, I noticed that it was speeding up. Come on you idiots! Notice someone is running after your bus! I screamed in my head for them to take notice. Before I knew it the bus had already left the parking lot and was headed for the freeway. Farther and farther away did the bus go as I slowed my pace in defeat. I stared with my mouth agape. They left me. Those idiots left me.


Okay Hyori, its fine you know they were going to a photo shoot. All you have to do is hop on a bus and go there by yourself.


Then I realized that I had no idea where the photo shoot was going to take place. I thought about going back to SM to ask where their shoot was going to take place then thought better of it. I didn’t want to be arrested for trespassing or worst. Be sent to an asylum for thinking that I was a childhood friend of Lee Sungmin.


Lee Sungmin! How could he forget me?!


Keep adding to the punishments Minnie! One day I will get you for all this… >.<


I picked up my phone and tried calling him. I dialed the number and waited for him to pick up but I was answered with a robotic tone stating that the number was out of service.




The idiot I call my friend, forgot to charge his phone again. I then dialed the number that called me before, Kyuhyun’s number. I was answered by the same robotic tone. Did they all off their phones? I realized that it was probably to keep them from being distracted.  I thought of who else I could call and Tae Song popped into my head. Then I remembered that he had a big release of his designs and because of that I didn’t want to bother him. I put my phone back in my pocket.


I sighed and stood there, thinking of what to do now. I guess I have to head back to the dorm. I definitely did not want to walk all the way back to the dorm which was practically two hours walk from here. I decided to go and take the bus. I looked around and saw the bus stop two blocks down.


I sighed and started to jog over, wanting to reach the bus stop before I would miss my ride again. I was looking at the buildings and admiring what was going on in the bustling street that I didn’t notice the figure in front of me causing me to bump into it or rather him.


“Mianhe, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” I apologized to the young man.


“No problem,” He said to me in a nice smile. I smiled back.


“Umm, excuse me but do you know when the next bus is coming that heads east of here?” I asked the nice man. He pulled his eyebrows together and I got a bad feeling.


“I’m sorry, but that bus you are speaking of already left ten minutes ago.” I slumped. Great I missed the bus.


“Do you know where I can catch another bus that heads in the same direction?” I asked him. He nodded and pointed past the SM building from where I had come from.


“Over by the park by the shopping center, you have to pass the SM building then turn right and walk exactly seven blocks. Once you reach the last block turn to your left and walk straight for two more blocks. There would be the market and next to that is the park.” I nodded and memorized the directions.


“Thank you for your help.” I bowed and started for the park.


“Miss, you better hurry though, it looks like it is going to rain.” He called from behind me. I nodded again and waved towards the kind man who had helped me. When he turned back I looked at the sky and wondered why he had said it was going to rain. The sky was cloudless and the sun was high. If anything I would only suffer from sun burn.


I shook it off and started to jog to the park. I took out my iPhone and plugged in my ear phones to listen to some music. I had already passed the SM building when I started to think about what had happened again. All the events that had previously occurred came rushing back into my mind. Just thinking about what happened was making my blood boil and my temper short.


How could they forget me? I know that their schedules were important but how could they actually leave me?! Sure, I wasn’t so important but would another human being leave someone who was new to their environment alone? Even if that person wasn’t as famous or rich as you, you shouldn’t leave them behind. I bet they were worried of losing their all famous status to care about leaving someone like me behind. Checking the time, it was eleven thirty and I had been walking for ten minutes already.


Then a thought struck me. Did they even remember me? Did they notice I was missing from their company? I checked my phone for a message or a phone call to see if they even remembered that I was missing. Not to my surprise, there was nothing. Who knew there were human beings like them?


I was already walking the fifth block the guy had told me too when I sighed. I knew that Super Junior had their good sides but to be human you have to have bad sides too. I slowly calmed myself with these thoughts. I know I only started living with them but how on earth can you forget someone and leave them out for dead?! Because of them leaving me behind, I had been chased by guards, forced to take the bus, missed the first bus and is now speed walking to catch the last bus.


I just had to wonder, it wasn’t on purpose…Right? They didn’t leave me behind because I got mad at them at SM? Did they blame me for them being late for schedules? Was it really my fault? Maybe it was. Maybe if I had texted someone before going into DBSK’s studio none of this would have happened. They had all come looking for me. They wasted their time to come and help me.


By that time I had already reached the last two blocks and was turning to see the park next to the market like the young man described to me. I looked around and saw the bus stop across the park. I had been walking for a straight forty minutes and was relieved to see that my long journey was almost over. I strode into the park and took in the sights. I was too wrapped up in the thoughts of the Super Idiots to realize that I was finally in Seoul. The dream city I had wanted to live in since childhood. I looked at all the kids playing in the park and the couples having peaceful picnics. Then I looked up at the beautiful clear blue sky and then at the full trees.


I had reached the bus stop already and took a seat after looking at the arrival and departure list. I was early by forty minutes I was finally resting my feet from running and then walking about a mile here and I was happy at the short relaxation. I realized then how exhausted I felt after what had happened today so I rested my head on the edge of the bus stop. As I listened to the sounds of the traffic and the people in the park, I thought some more about what happened.


Okay Hyori, there is no need for you to me mad anymore. It wasn’t just one person at fault here. You’ll be fine because in a little while you will be back in the dorm. Besides look around you; you finally reached your dream. Smile and bare the small problems along the way.


I checked the time again and about ten minutes had passed. I decided that a little power nap wasn’t going to do any harm besides I had thirty minutes to spare. I took my earphones out and played Shinee’s Kiss Kiss Kiss on my iPhone and set it to repeat. I leaned my head once again on the bus stop and closed my eyes letting myself drift into a peaceful nap.




Hello again everyone! How is this fine day we are having? Sorry, I don’t know what comes over me sometimes for me to write something like that…probably too many old movies :D

Bleh! Sorry for the crappy pic. I tried and failed to find a good picture of their bus. *sighs* oh well :D 

Ummm, to all those ELF’s out there…Please don’t hate me for calling SUJU any mean names. I truly do love and respect their work. It is only for the sake of the story. Thank you for understanding! :D

SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and TELL ME WHAT CHA THINK! ßShameless advertising *down on knees* FORGIVE ME! heehee!

Like always, I hope you enjoyed this chp.  See you next time!

Hugs and kisses,

Khubby :D

PS. Again idk why I do it :D 

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying