
The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 15


Sungmin’s POV


We were already headed to our dorm at five o’clock after three hours of the photo shoot and two hours of vocal practices. Our photo shoot was only supposed to be two hours and vocal practices was supposed to last only an hour. However because of technical troubles and miscommunications we all had to stay and extra hour at our schedules. Each and every one of us was exhausted both physically and mentally. We were all a bit irritable and moody at the moment too.  I stretched out as I entered the bus with the rest of my chingus.


“Ugh, I am so tired. I just wanna’ go home and sleep,” I said to my hyungs. They all nodded and started to go inside and take a seat.


“Well we could have been home a lot earlier if someone wasn’t so lame at posing for the camera.” Heechul voiced out, who was referring to me. I had taken up so much time with all the bad poses I was giving the camera today.


“Who are you talking to? Yourself?” Kangin retorted earning him a smack on the arm. I guess I have to thank him for that later.


“For your information, I am the best at posing for photo shoots.” Heechul defended.


“Sure you are. Probably because of all the twitter pics you upload in a day.” Eunhyuk said darkly.  He was a bit sour for not being able to have a lot of pictures taken due to the camera hog Heechul plus my bad posing during the shoot.


“At least I can finish recording my part of a song on the first try.” Heechul said to Hyukjae and slumped into his chair.


“Excuse me, but have you ever even considered how hard it is to rap to a song like that?” Eunhyuk lashed back.


“And what are you trying to say? The songs I write aren’t good enough for someone like you?” Donghae snapped into the argument.


“Someone like me?” Eunhyuk said furiously.  At that moment Siwon stood up to break the fight up.


“Guys, please stop fighting. It is not a good idea to start a fight after all that we have been through today.” He said calmly trying to reason with the skinship duo.


“Of course Mr. Perfect comes in to break them up.” Yesung said quietly from the back of the bus.


“Mr. Perfect? You must be mistaken.” He said defensively. Yesung turned his head away and continued.


“You’re tall, you have looks and have a freaking six pack. It’s just not fair.” He quipped. Siwon started to shake his head in disagreement.


“What’s not fair? God created all of us humans equally. It is just up to us to make ourselves the best.” Siwon tried to explain.


“Here we go again with that religious mumbo-jumbo. Next he’ll try to convert us and force us to go to church.” Heechul mumbled and before Siwon could defend himself, Shindong interrupted.


“So what are you trying to say Siwon-shi? That I am a lazy- who won’t pluck up the courage and lose the weight? Is that it?” He said. Shindong didn’t have is usual snack today and it was understandable that he was a bit pissy.


“No, that is not what I am trying to say at all.” Siwon was defending himself. Suddenly there was a slam of the brakes and Leeteuk got up.


“ALRIGHT! THAT IS ENOUGH OF EVERYOONE’S BICKERING! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF LISTENING TO YOU GUYS FIGHT! NOW WE ARE ALREADY AT THE DORMS SO SHUT THE HELL UP, GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIVES!” He shouted to all of the members which caused me to almost pee in my pants. Everyone listened and shut up, stood and left the bus. We all rarely get on Leeteuk’s nerves but once you get on the bad side, you end up with your tail between your legs and listening to what he has to say.


In complete silence, we headed into the elevator and started to ride up to our floor. Suddenly there was a “Pffftt” sound followed by a rancid smell.  In unison, everyone put a hand to their noses to cover it from the smell.


“Oh God! Who passed gas?” Leeteuk asked all of us while waving his hand to push the smell away. This of course spread the smell in the tiny elevator.


“I’m dying!!” Heechul gasped and started to claw the air. What a drama queen…


“Oh shut up pretty boy. It’ll pass.” Eunhyuk said confidently and was rewarded by several smacks on the head.


“Yah! Are you trying to kill us?” Donghae asked in a funny voice because he was squeezing his nose closed.


“No? Why would I do that? And why did you all hit me? I didn’t do it!” Hyukkie said raising his hands in surrender.


“If you are looking for the culprit, then you might as well look at Hangeng hyung.” Kyuhyun snickered. All eyes turned to look at Hangeng who shrugged his shoulders.


 “What? It happens you know.” He said without trying to defend himself which rewarded his with his deserved smacks.


“I think you inspired me to write a song…” Leeteuk trailed off. Just then the door opened to our floor and we all stepped out.


{ <- the song… Okay I know it wasn’t written because Hangeng ummm…Biongs a lot…it was too funny I had to add it somewhere lol}


We headed to our dorm’s door and finally entered our home. From that point on everyone headed for their respective rooms. I headed to into mine and came out running and screaming. 



Author’s POV


“HYORI!! HYORI IS MISSING!!” Sungmin ran out of his room and started tearing the living room apart. Being bothered by all the noise the members all exited their rooms and gathered in the living room grumbling about how loud Sungmin was being.


“Sungmin! Yah!” Kibum tried to call his attention to him but failed. At this point Minnie was looking under the couch and running to check behind the curtains.


“WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE?!?” Sungmin was screaming and continued running past the others who were just staring at him. Irritated and annoyed Kangin stuck his foot out to stop the idiot from running to explain what was going on.


“What is it now Sungmin?” Leeteuk asked who was half dressed being disturbed while he had been changing. Sungmin lay on the floor rubbing his buttocks, looking up at his friends.


“Yeah, what do you want now? I was just getting settled down.” Kangin muttered a bit pissed off.  The others nodded in agreement.


“I was in the middle of a very important match too,” Kyuhyun whined. At that moment, Sungmin snapped up and grabbed Kyu by the collar.


“Shut up Kyu! Your game isn’t the major problem right now.” Sungmin said while trying to keep calm.


“Then what is it?!? Spit it out already.” Leeteuk demanded followed by nods of agreement from the others.


“IT’S…IT’S…” Sungmin began but couldn’t finish his sentence for the tears in his eyes and emotions were gagging him. Kangin stepped in and smacked his head.


“IT’S HYORI! I LOST HYORI!! MY CHINGU IS MISSING!” And finally, he broke down in tears. The blood from everyone’s faces drained and then they all tried to recall where they had last seen her.


“The last place I remember being with her was in front of DBSK’s studio.” Leeteuk said as he turned to the others.


“Yeah, that’s the last place I remember seeing her too.” Siwon agreed while the others nodded along.


“Where do you think she is now?” Eunhyuk was asking.


“Maybe she is still at SM.” Donghae answered. Kibum shook his head.


“If we left her unattended without a pass for the building, she would have been thrown out.” He said to all of us.


“Has any got her phone number?” Siwon asked everyone who just shrugged.


“What? No one has her number?” Siwon continued looking around at everyone.


“What about Sungmin? Won’t he have her number?” Donghae suggested. All eyes landed on the grown man crying and they all sighed. Leeteuk knelt down to pat Sungmin on the back trying to soothe the cries.


“Sungmin? Do you have Hyori’s number?” Leeteuk was asking a calm tone.


“…*sob sob* My Hyori…My Chingu…Gone…” Minnie was incoherent in forming any full sentences and just kept sobbing.


“Where is his phone?” Henry asked everyone who was surprised that the youngest came up with the smartest idea.


“It’s over here!” Ryeowook shouted from behind them holding Minnie’s mobile. He opened the phone and frowned.


“It’s out of battery.” Kyuhyun said who was next to Wookie. Everyone sighed.


“Oh! Wait! I have her number too!” Kyuhyun said. For that he received several smacks.


“What was that for?! Oh never mind!”  He brought his phone out from his pocket and dialed Hyori’s number. The phone rang…and rang…and rang again. The entire dorm was holding their breath hoping that she would pick up. Suddenly the sound of an electronic voice popped from the other end.


“Her phone is off.” Kyuhyun finalized. They all sighed in exasperation.


“What are we going to do now?!” Eunhyuk questioned but everyone was absorbed in their own thoughts. Each one of them was wondering where she could be.


“She’ll be fine.” Hangeng finally spat out tired of worrying over Hyori. The others looked at him in a confused state.


“What do you mean she will be fine?” Kibum raised his eyebrow and looked at his hyung.


“She has a key doesn’t she? She knows where the dorm is, can kick major , and she has got money on her.” Hangeng summed up. Everyone started to nod in agreement.


“Yeah, maybe she wanted to have some alone time, seeing as we did piss her off before.” Zhoumi added to the reason to why Hyori was missing.


“I guess so; it would be reasonable to think that.” Leeteuk was saying which started to calm everyone else in the room seeing that the leader was agreeing. However one person wasn’t buying it.


“How could you guys?” Sungmin roared from the front of the group, who had finally stopped crying. Except now instead of a mournful expression, he had one of mortification.


“Don’t worry about her Sungmin. Hyori can take care of herself. She is a grown woman who knows what she wants.” Kyuhyun said to Minnie who was glaring at the Evil Maknae.


“I may have been apart form Hyori for many years, but I personally know for a fact that she wouldn’t just leave and abandon others.” Minnie defensibly said to everyone in the room. No one moved a muscle, until Hangeng shrugged his shoulders. Sungmin scowled and glared at his team mates.


“Well if you guys aren’t going to do anything about her disappearance then… I AM!” He exclaimed with finality. He grabbed his coat and ran out the door to look for Hyori. They all stared at the door that just slammed shut and suddenly a wave of guilt wafted over each member.


“I feel guilty…” Siwon said out of the blue who in fact, voiced everyone else’s thoughts. Unknowingly, most of them started to nod their heads in agreement.


“Maybe he is right…” Eunhyuk trailed off looking at the others. All of them had guilt written across their faces.


“Yeah, he is best friends with Hyori to know her habits.” Shindong added in.


“Hyung, I think we should go and try to find her too.” Henry looked at Leeteuk with puppy eyes and the leader sighed.


“Well, what are we waiting for? HYORI TREASURE HUNT IT IS!” Heechul burst out charging towards the door then turning back to look at the others.


“I’m joining!” Donghae and Eunhyuk started jumping about and followed close behind Heechul.


“I wanna go too!” Ryeowook said tugging at Yesung’s sleeve urging him to join as well.


“Fine, I’ll come with you guys so as long as you’re going.” Yesung sighed out toward Ryeowook who smiled broadly. From that point on, everyone except the Trio accepted the offer to look for Hyori. As the group was leaving the leader looked behind to see the three sitting and watching T.V.


“Aren’t you guys coming to look for Hyori?” He asked them and they all shrugged.


“I told you, she’ll be fine.” Hangeng said smugly. While the other two nodded,


“You’ll see you guys are just wasting your time looking for her.” Zhoumi quipped in too.


“There is no point in looking for her. Hyori will be home by the time you guys will come back and you’ll all feel like idiots.” Kyu sighed out. The leader just shook his head and sighed out.


“I don’t think so but do whatever you want. Besides, I don’t think she would want to be in your kind of company anyway. Arrogant as you guys are and how prideful you guys are acting who would want to be around you. Anyway, I hope you lazy-asses enjoy your time.  We’ll be going now.”  With that Angle Teukie slammed the door leaving the Trio.


“There is no chance they will find her.” After a long silence, Hangeng voiced out trying to reassure the others that what they were doing was not wrong. Not knowing however that his own words were meant to calm his mind, not the others.


“Yeah, Seoul is too huge for them to find her.” Zhoumi added.


“Hyori will be home before we know it.” Kyuhyun said too. The three then stared at the T.V. for a few more minutes in silence, not really focusing on what they were watching.


Suddenly the lights flickered and for a split second the dorm was brightened with a bolt of lightning. Following the flash of light was the greatest burst of thunder that shook the dorm and the bones of the Trio.


Shocked by the sudden calling from nature, the three sat where they were listening to the harsh pelting of rain on the windows not knowing what to do. Mere seconds passed and simultaneously a single thought whipped in their minds.




They stood up in unison and started fumbling for their keys and jackets.


“Ummm…Hyung, are you hungry? So am I. I’ll be right back I need to go buy some ramen.” Zhoumi then excused himself and ran out the door thinking of one thing or rather one person.


“Hyung, I forgot to tell Zhoumi-hyung to buy some medicine too soo….umm…I’ll be back!” With that Kyuhyun dashed out the dorm leaving the eldest stunned. He looked around the dorm and came to a conclusion.


“Ummm….As the eldest, I shouldn’t let them leave without guidance….Yeah that’s right.” And finally the eldest grabbed his coat and rushed out, slamming the door on the empty dorm.




Mwahaha!!! What will happen to Hyori now? lolz. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was still writing this chapter and stuff so yeah....

I have bad news to tell you guys too... Like everyone else in AFF, the school disease is spreading meaning I won't be able to update as much as I wanted to. However I promise that I will update as much as possible before school starts up again. Bleh! so yeah...

I hope you liked this chapter and look forward to the next one :D love you guys all and thanks for understanding!

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying