Love Interest or Reliable Friend? ...>.

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 12


Hyori’s POV


I stood there pinned to where I was standing.


What should I do? Should I run and pretend nothing happened? No, that would be too cowardly. Finally, I made my decision. I had no choice but to just face them and admit my fault. No point in running.


“Who are you talking to hyung?” Junsu asked his dolphin like voice. The rest of the members also stopped and looked at what the leader was staring at intently. It was too late for me to flee or try to cover my tracks. So like an idiot, I looked down and opened the door further. Being caught red handed was something I truly hated but I seemed to happen to me a lot. I fumbled with my things and slowly entered the room.


“Mianhe, I just noticed one of your songs playing from the women showers and was curious to see where it was coming from before I left.” I said this without lifting my head. I was too embarrassed and shy to look at them anyway. I could tell from the heat of my face that I was already red.


“No need to be sorry, you were just being human.” I looked up to see that it was Jaejoong who had said the gentle words. I smiled sheepishly and lifted my hand to scratch the back of my head.


“But really though, if you wanted to see us before you left, you could have just opened the door.” Yunho said matter of factly.


“Yeah, but I didn’t want to distract or bother you guys when you were in the middle of practicing. I know you guys are going to have your comeback in Japan soon so…” I trailed off realizing that I had just given myself away.


“By any chance are you a Cassie?” it was Micky who was talking now and from my reflection in the mirror, I could tell I had turned a deeper shade of pink. Aww man…. I probably seemed like one of those starker like fans.


“De Micky-shi. I’m not going to lie about it now.” I chuckled.


“Well, you can’t really lie about it now anyways. You already gave yourself away.” Changmin had said off handedly. I was a little started by his quipped remark. Why are all the makneas here, forked tongued in this company? Shaking the question off I looked at all of them.


“Well, I’d best get going, befo…” I was cut off.


“HYORI?!?! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!” the yell reverberated the entire hallway, probably the entire building for all I knew. I felt sudden chilled shudder down my spine.


“Before that happens.” I finished my statement. I sighed. Honestly, there is something called cellphones.


“What the hell was that?” Jaejoong said taken aback.


“Yeah, what was that?! It shook the entire building!” Micky exclaimed. I avoided eye contact and was about to brace myself for the worst.


“I’m sorry for that. My friend is a bit protective of me.” I continued looking at DBSK who all had faces of astonishment. I backed off and looked into the hallway. I saw not only Sungmin but the entire group of Super Junior looking for me.


“YAH! PABOS! OVER HERE!” I yelled down the hall for them to hear me. As soon as I was done speaking, all their heads turned to me and charged.


Now remember I said that I was a die-hard fan of SuJu? Yeah, well I am not that much of a happy camper when all fifteen members are charging towards you with ready to kill looks on their faces with your best friend leading the rampage.


My eyes wide, I did the only sensible thing a person could do in that type of situation. I quickly slammed the door shut and hid behind DBSK.


Oh yeah Hyori, very brave. I thought to myself mentally smacking my pride.


Poor DBSK, they had no idea what was happening. Within a matter of seconds though there was a thundering pounding on the door.


“HYORI, OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!” I cowered at the sound of Sungmin’s scary voice.


“Umm…what’s going on here?” Yunho asked.


“Is that Sungmin’s voice on the other side?” Junsu questioned. I wanted to answer but at the moment I was too busy listening to the ruckus outside of the door. Suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it.


“Yoboseyo?” I answered.


“Hey Hyori, could you please open the door before Singmin dies of a heart attack?” I recognized that it was Kyuhyun on the other end of the phone.


“How did you get this number?” I asked him.


“That doesn’t matter right now; okay Siwon-hyung, Shingdong-hyung, and Kangin-hyung are going to pull Sungmin off of the door so you can open it without getting hurt. On the count of three.” I nodded and headed for the door.


“One.” I put my hand on the door knob.


“Two.” I turned the knob breathing in deeply.


“Three” the banging stopped and I whipped the door open


I sighed and stepped out of the studio and took a look at my surroundings. Sungmin who was the real threat to me at the moment was still stuggling with the three who were holding him down. The rest of SuJu were standing in front of me, arms folded. I then stood before them and folded my hands across my chest, getting ready for whatever happens next.


“Where were you? What happened? Are you injured?” All of these questions hit me at once by Minnie as he tried and failed to free himself from his hyungs. This was the second time he had done this to me today. I was annoyed and a bit pissed off at all of their stupidity at not trying to call me first. Instead they all decided to go crazy and bother everyone else in the building by causing this commotion.


Once freed, Sungmin tried to take my arm to check for bruises or wounds.


I hated when he did that.


I grabbed his right wrist and stood my ground. I twisted while placing my foot behind his and used the momentum to fling him forward. This caused him to flip over my head and land back first against the carpeted floor. He was stunned for a moment and looked into my eyes. I glared at him then at the rest of Super Junior.


“What was that for?” they all asked me. I grit my teeth and took in a deep breath. I was determined not going to lose my cool. In an overly calm voice, I looked over to Sungmin and I started to bombard him with questions.


“Yah! Do you ever learn? This happened in high school too! Don’t you remember? No, I didn’t think so.” I heaved out, answering my own question. “ Did you try contacting me though my phone? Did you think this though? Did you all have to stampede your way down the hall? “ I turned to all of them with a stern face. They stood and stared at me at my outburst. I guess they didn’t think someone small could pack a big punch.


Lesson: Don’t judge by appearances.


“We just worried about you Hyori. Please don’t be mad at us. I am sorry we didn’t call before causing a commotion.” Minnie was getting up off the floor while apologizing. I looked at him and looked at the rest of Super Junior and heaved another sigh.


“Yeah Hyori, I am sorry for not contacting you before we went crazy looking for you.” Leeteuk admitted. Then Kibum spoke too.


“Miahne, we really shouldn’t have done that. We just thought you were lost.”


“We all jumped to conclusions that you were kidnapped by fans or worst.” While Eunhyuk said this, the entire of SuJu looked down at the ground. I suddenly felt bad for yelling at them. They had only wanted to keep me safe and I had yelled at them. I sighed and uncrossed my arms.


“I am sorry too guys. I shouldn’t have yelled at all of you who were just trying to keep me safe.” I confessed to all of them who looked up with hopeful faces.


“Really?! You’re not mad anymore?!” I looked at Sungmin and gave him a look.


“I may not be mad anymore but it doesn’t mean I will forget this.” I said to him sternly. He nodded his head and jumped to  hug me. I was first tackled by him then the others started to join.


“Aww! It’s a group hug! I wanna join too!” It was Heechul who was off to the side. He then raced over and wrapped his arms around me and Minnie. Soon after that all fifteen were hugging.


Caught up in the moment, I completely forgot about the others who were there.


“Ummm… do we have to watch this?” Yunho asked from behind me. I had forgotten all about Tohoshinki. Whoops!


“Yeah, it’s starting to get all mushy and such.” Changmin agreed.


“Maybe we can change the channel to something else,” Yunho said jokingly.


“I heard Playboy is on channel five,” Changmin quipped and Yunho chuckled. On his left however Micky and Junsu were sniffling.


“But it’s so adorable, cute, snuggly and warm.” Micky said to his hyung and dongsaeng who just rolled their eyes.


“Yeah, it is like a scene from a drama.” Junsu added to Micky’s statement showing his soft side. I wondered where Jaejoong was in all this and I saw him on his phone in the corner laughing at something. It seemed like he enjoyed being in his own little world.


“Will you guys shut up! I am enjoying the moment.” It was Minnie who yelled at them from the center of the mass of bodies.


“Come on, Let go now.” I ordered them.


“No! I don’t wanna!” it may have been Sungmin who said that but the rest of them clearly said it though their eyes.


“Don’t make me go ninja on all of you!” I warned them and they all let go simultaneously. I turned towards DBSK.


“Mianhe, I didn’t mean for all of you to get hooked up in all this.” I apologized to them.


“Hyori? You were here the entire time?” I turned back at Ryeowook who had asked the question. I nodded.


“I was in the showers when I heard their songs so I went to go see who it was.” I confessed to them explaining why I hadn’t gone down to the lobby after my shower.


“That explains a lot.” Siwon said. Well thanks Captain Obvious. I turned to check the time on the clock and was started at how much time had passed.


“Omo! You guys are running late for your photo shoot!” As I announced, Leeteuk looked at his phone and nearly fainted. Then suddenly he turned all serious and got down to business.


“Everyone, down, lobby, cars NOW!” he said in an authorative tone causing everyone’s heads to perk up. They all headed for the lobby and a march. Wow, Leeteuk can be a leader sometimes huh?


“What was with the marching?” Yunho asked. I turned back and looked at DBSK not knowing when the next time I would see them again.


“I have no idea.” I said to them. Suddenly Jaejoong came up from behind me.


“Hey, Hyori can I have your number?” I turned to look at him who was peering over my shoulder holding out his phone. I knew that he was the type to ask for phone numbers all the time and that he had the most phone numbers out of the five of them.


“Yeah, sure.” I took his phone and entered in my phone number, my name and called my own phone. I let it ring and answered it.


“There, now I can call you when I am bored.” Jae said to me. I lifted my eyebrow. Then I realized that Super Junior had left me in the dust. I bowed to DBSK in a rush.


“It was nice meeting all of you again. I have to go now but I hope we meet again.” I said in a rush and ran down the hall trying to catch up to the marching Super Junior.



Yunho’s POV


As I saw Hyori run down the hall, I thought to myself that she was pretty cute. Jae nudged me and I looked over to him.


“She’s cute,” Jae voice out my thoughts. I shrugged and he nudged me again.


“Wayeo?” I asked him and he raised his eyebrows at me. He nudged me again and again.


“You like her don’t you.” He commented with a snide tone.


“Ani, why would you say that?”  I wasn’t sure if my voice sounded convincing and I prayed that my facial expressions didn’t give me away.


“Oh come on Yunho! I now that look on your face. You try to be cool and cold toward any woman you like.” Damn, I really couldn’t hide anything from Jae. He knew me to well.


“Well you must have something wrong with you because I absolutely don’t like her that way.” I retorted.


“At least you like her in some way then.”  Jae chuckled happy to see a glint of the truth in my eyes. He continued.


“Yah, you want her number?” He asked me, taking me by surprise.


“What would I need her number for?”


“You know, Yunho to get to know her better. Though the phone and as you get closer though the physical body.” He wiggled his eye brows and I blushed.


“Omo! The great Leader blushing? You must really like her huh?”  Jaejoong teased and I smacked him on the head.


“Yah! Stop teasing or I’ll make you duffer tonight!.” I said to him as I walked away but I noticed that he had shut up. That line works every time. I patted myself on the back.


I had to ask myself a question though. Did I really like Hyori after one meeting? Nah, it was a simple crush. Nothing more nothing less.


I shrugged it off and continued practice with my fellow members. 


I tired to focus, but I had this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach...hmm?? Am I lying to myself?



Hello again! I was finally able to buy SuJu's new Album plus other stuff yesterday so I was a bit preoccupied to update...meaning I was too busy listening to my iPod and dancing to write... T.T I'm sorry! *gets down on knees* Please forgive me! :D thx! lol


Anyway, drama aside, I hoped you liked this chapter! To answer any questions, yes I am deciding whether or not to make Yunho a love interest or just a reliable friend, but I won't tell you readers just yet. SPOILERS! lolz... I think River Song is growing on me... Doctor Who anyone? yes? no? think i am crazy? probably....


Okay, gtg this author's note is getting way too long....I'll stop bothering you with my craziness! Sayonara! "till next chapter!

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying