Back Together

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 4

Hyori POV

Once the plane landed, I exited and hauled my luggage to the reception area of Seoul Airport, where I thought Sungmin would be waiting for me. I looked around. Nothing.

Damn. I forgot to ask Sungmin where he would be waiting and what he was going to be wearing. So I picked up my phone and called my Minnie.

"Yoboseyo? Hyori is that you?" the familiar voice asked from the other line. I smiled happily and started to uncontrollably look around the airport.

"Minne! Agioo! How I have missed your voice! I am already in Seoul Airport. Where are you now and what are you wearing?" I said maybe a little too fast. I couldn't help it, I was too excited.

Calm Hyori, calm.

"I am wearing a white cap, shades, black and white tee shirt and a black jacket with black skinnies." as Sungmin said what his attire was I quickly looked around to see a tall figure looking at his clothes. I giggled to myself at the sight of my BFFL trying to figure out what he was wearing.

{ This is what he was wearing :D }

So as not to alert my Minnie, I inconspicuously walked toward him without him noticing me. Of course I had to keel the conversation going.

"Sungmin, is that really what you’re wearing? You couldn't have picked something more obvious? The entire airport is filled with business people wearing those same exact colors and clothes. Thanks for making my life easier." I said in a pretend exasperated manner. I was just close enough to hear Sungmin's real voice and not just the electronic voice coming from my phone.

He reached up and scratched his head while tapping his foot. Looks like his habits are still the same after all these years.

"Mianhe, I just don't think I would be able to greet my long time buddy if a thousand crazy fans attacked me at the airport. And what would you have me wear? My Bonamana outfit? Haha!" Sungmin said with his back turned to me.

{ His Bonamana outfit :D heehee! Me like visuals :D}

“Bonamana? Geez…if I wasn’t an ELF I would have said that was the stupidest thing you could have said. However, because I am an ELF do I actually find that funny,” I said. I was just close enough to jump him. I quickly ended the call so Sungmin wouldn’t hear the echo of his own voice.

"Hyo Ri? Yoboseyo? Hyo Ri!? Can you hear me? Yah!" and that was when I attacked him from behind.

"Hey chingu! How is everything?!?" I had a broad smile plastered across my face as I bear hugged my Minnie.

"Hyo Ri!!! Aigoo! Everything is perfect now that you are here. Aish! You sacred me though!" Sungmin exclaimed which only made me laugh.

"Well come on. Let's get you stuff and go to where you will be living. Besides if we stay here any longer people may start to notice my radiating beauty.” my bestie said. I smacked his head and rolled my eyes.

“Yah! What was that for? I was merely saying the truth.” He yelped.

“Since when did my chingu become arrogant?! hmp? It’s a good thing I came here at the time I did. You’re becoming more like Heechul on T.V.” I scolded him as he dragged me to the exit.

He chuckled, “You’re right. I should stop or else my Mother will hit me again.” He was gesturing to me as he said mother in an exaggerated voice. I agreed by nodding my head and helped lift all of my four bags into the van that was waiting for us outside. The van had a “SUPER JUNIOR’S VAN” sign painted on it.

Well, so much for being inconspicuous.

Nevertheless I said, "Wow Sungmin, this sure is a cool ride." As we started our journey to my new home, the home that I still wasn't sure where it was.

"Hey, Minnie I have a question... Where exactly am I going to be living? I mean I did ask you weeks ago to find me a place but you never really told me where. I mean is the rent high? Is it clean? Is it quiet?" I asked still clueless about my chingu's plans.

"Firstly, Gomawo! You remembered my nickname! Secondly, no the rent is not high. There is hardly any rent at all. The place is pretty clean…ummm… most of the time, and lastly quiet? Umm... That depends on a lot." he answered all my questions but still refused to tell me where I would be living exactly. I pestered him continuously but soon gave up.

Throughout the rest of the car ride we exchanged news on each other’s lives. We talked about his new life as an idol and what has been going on lately. Even though we talk on the phone, there are still some things that were not yet shared.

Apparently, he had found time in his busy schedule to learn martial arts and was named the Aegyo King by all ELFs around Asia. He even told me that I could meet his fellow members today, which both excited me and horrified me at the same time.

I was excited to meet Super Junior because of the obvious reasons. Hello? They are one of the biggest idols here in Asia, make amazing music and are all y in their own way. But then I was also horrified at the thought of meeting them too.  I didn't want to come off as a complete ELF to them (which I was but would never admit to Minnie) because I didn't want to become that crazy fan of theirs that would cling to one member. I also didn’t want anything to be weird if I were to hang out with them more often. It would be just too awkward to act natural around them if they knew I was a fan. But what I was really worried about was if they were going to ask who my biases were in the group. Now that would be beyond weird.

A few minutes passed and Sungmin said," Hey Hyori, I have to tell you some advice about my members before you meet them. Besides everything you watch on our variety shows and stuff like that, there are some things that nobody really knows about each of the members." He paused leaving time for what he said to sink in. I nodded and he continued.

"Heechul, well he really is what you see on T.V. He is loud and expresses himself a lot. Eunhyuk is SuJu's anchovy. He is both skinny and smells of fish but that is probably because he hangs put with Fish Boy, Donghae all the time. Don't get shocked if you see them do some skinship now and again. They say it's for practice but nobody believes that.” He took a deep breath and continued.

”Siwon, Leeteuk, and Kangin are the more responsible types. Even if Leeteuk is a ditz sometimes and Kangin maybe a flirt sometimes, they are both focused and get down to business kind of people, especially if we are releasing a new song or album. Siwon tends to be quiet but looks out for all the members. He is just really serious about religious stuff. Yesung and Ryeowook are both a little weird but once you get to know them, you'll see that they are both cool in their own ways. However, Ryeowook is like the mother who feeds everyone until they are stuffed. Umm... and stay away from Yesung's turtle. He gets over protective when it comes to his turtle. Shindong loves to eat…nothing more to say about him. Kibum and Henry are pretty much laid back kind of people. If you need any help with Korean to English, they are there to help. But then again you can always ask me!" Sungmin said and I slapped him on the arm.

"Ouch! That was uncalled for!" I only chucked at his childishness.

"Then there is Hankyun, Zhoumi, and Kyuhyun who are the only ones that are good at hiding what they really act like. They are all players. Sure they seem nice, sweet and kind but really, they are players. So stay aware when they are around. I mean they aren't as bad as I put them out to be. They are really nice guys when you get to know them but just watch your behind. Literally." Minnie said with a smirk.

"Really? Hmm… Well that's just a disappointment.” Seeing how one of them was my bias. I shook that off and continued, ”How about you Sungmin. What are you like of the camera?" I asked teasingly. I already knew the answer, of course.

"Well, I am the best member of SuJu. I mean what will they do without their Aegyo King? Super Junior just won't be the same without Lee Sungmin. Both y and cute? What more could you ask for?"

I rolled my eyes and said," And how would you feel if I told some of your members what you just said now?" I smirked at Sungmin who started to panic.

"I didn't really mean that. Please don't tell Kangin! He'll throw across Asia! Just please don't say anything to any of them. I mean Kyu is evil! He cut holes into all of my boxers because I borrowed his keyboard!" I cracked up at that last statement. I knew Kyu was devious but not that evil genius. But then again it takes one to know one right?

“Did you, by and chance, ask Kyuhyun if you could borrow his keyboard?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

“Umm…ani…I just needed it to reply to some fan mail I was getting. I only had it for a day.” Sungmin jumped to his own defense.

I sighed. Did this kid know that his fellow member was crazy about his Star Craft? Apparently not.

“Pabo. You took away his only pride and joy in his young life. I would do the same if I was him. Actually, I would have done worst.” I noted a bit of warning in my voice to Minnie.

“Hey Hyori? Are you by any chance a computer gamer-geek too?” now it was Sungmin’s turn to raise an eyebrow.

I looked out the window completely ignoring his question. I didn’t want him to know my slight obsession towards computer games just yet because if he found out, he would never let me hear the end of it. I wanted to enjoy my stay here in Korea. Sungmin teasing free.

After a few more stories were told, we were at my new home. I looked out the window to check on where we were and saw a tall and long apartment building.

"Your room is close to the top floor." Minnie told me. I looked up to see how tall it was and felt faint. I really hate tall places. Oh well.

We unloaded my belongings and entered the apartment. We headed for the elevator and Minnie pushed the twenty third floor level. An uncomfortable silence was surrounding us and that was weird. There is never awkwardness between us. Something seems off.

"There is something I have to tell you Hyori." Minnie said in a sheepish voice. I looked at him quizzically.

 I knew it.

"De? What is it?" I asked cautiously. The doors opened and we exited. I followed Sungmin as he started to explain.

"Well, I couldn't find an apartment close enough to your job site. It was either that or the rent was way too high. So, I improvised with what I had." Sungmin stopped in front of a door that was slightly far from the elevator. I looked around the hallway and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, I got a strange feeling that something was going to happen.

"What do you mean you had to improvise with what you had?" I raised my eyebrow and shot lasers with my eyes towards Sungmin, the friend I trusted with my life. As I said the words, Minnie opened the door with a key and we walked in. I noticed that he held his breath and avoided any eye contact.

The whole time I didn't realize that there was someone or rather that there were some people, behind me. I shrugged my shoulders and disregarded his weirdness and turned around. My heart nearly stopped beating at, what or who, was in front of me.

"Annyoaseayo! Super Junior-imnida. Super Jun-IOR!" Leeteuk and the rest of SuJu greeted me happily with their signature gesture.

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying