
The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 12


Regaining my composure I stood up.


“Kamsamnida, for your help.” I said in a shy voice. I looked up at the member that had helped me. It was the Xiah Junsu.


“No problem. By the way, my name is Junsu.” I nodded and took the hand he offered me.


“Come on, we have practice to get to.” I looked to Junsu’s left to see Yunho. Yes, the rumors were true. He did look a little mean at first but I wondered if he was really kindhearted.


“Hold on, I didn’t catch her name yet.” Junsu turned to me and smiled, “Your name is?”


“Hyori, P- Park Hyori-imnida,” I said still flustered from meeting DBSK. Just then Yoochun hooked an arm around Junsu’s neck affectionately.


“My name is Micky, Nice to meet you. So, where are you headed with all those drinks?”  I looked at him a bit stunned and realized he asked me a question.


“Oh…umm, Over to Super Junior’s Studio.” I said to him.


“Oh, you must be their assistant.” I turned and looked into Jaejoong’s eyes. Quickly, I looked away and blushed at the accidental eye contact.


“Okay, see you later. Like our benevolent leader said, we have practice. It was nice meeting you again. Hope to see you around here soon.” Junsu waved happily at me while walking away. They all turned and headed for the south corridor. I stood there for a while still paralyzed for shock.


I was an elf, for sure. However I was also a huge Cassie. Oh my God Sun! I met DBSK! I started flipping out when I felt something wet and cold on my stomach. I looked down to my shirt made kangaroo pouch and noticed that the ice cream was slowly melting.


“OMO!” I yelled as I raced back the studio.


Once I reached the studio, I was attacked by so many questions at one time.


“Where did you go? What happened to your shirt? Why are you carrying so many things? What took you so long?” Not to my surprise it wasn’t Super Junior who was asking me these questions. It was only one voice that lectured me. I looked at Sungmin and sighed. He finally shut up for me to explain.


“I just went to go get you some refreshments. My shirt is like this because I was carrying your ice cream and it started to melt. I am carrying this many things because there are 15 of you plus me. It took me awhile because I met some people on my way back here. Does that answer all you questions?” I sighed out in one long breath. Sungmin relaxed and stepped back.


“Umm… Well if you guys don’t mind I would greatly appreciate it if you would help me with this stuff.” I said obviously having a difficult time carrying the drinks. I stared to call out there names and handing them their preferred choice of drinks. Once all the drinks were given and Sungmin had his ice cream I was able to go back to my seat with my raspberry tea.


“How did you know what we liked to drink?” Leeteuk asked me after a long silence. I could tell that the other members were wondering the same thing based on their looks.


“I just remembered what you all wanted to drink based on what you drank last night during dinner.” I said nonchalantly, “Why? Did I make a mistake with anyone’s drink?” I looked around.


“Surprisingly, no you didn’t.” Leeteuk replied to me and I smiled happy that I did something good for the SUJU team.


“Yeah, even our manager doesn’t even know what refreshments to get us.” Yesung added. Taken aback by his sudden speech, I nodded. He was usually the quiet one.


“Really? Hmp, I thought your manager would take better care of you people. You know, since you’re all idols and stuff.” I said to them


“Not really, but then again if you want Hyori, you can be our manager.” Kibum said with a wink.


“That would be a great idea!” Eunhyuk said.


“Yeah! Hyori will now have an excuse to stay with us 24/7.” Henry yelled from the back of the studio.


“Hyori, you should really consider to be our manager.” Kangin recommended while I just shook my head in disagreement.


“Yeah, I would make the best manager ever! I’ll have all the pressure of keeping you guys famous, bringing you places on time, running your schedule and mostly taking care of your spoiled famous behinds. I would practically be married to all of you” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.


“Ohh, that way we wouldn’t have to fight over you! We could make a schedule on who could get you on certain days and…” Yesung was saying.


“Wow, hold on there I never agreed to be anyone’s manager, much less wife.” I interrupted.


“Aw well, looks like each of us won’t get a chance with all snuggly with Hyori.” Hangeng snarked out. I merely rolled my eyes again but noticed a few long faces.


“Okay, now what are we going to do?” Leeteuk asked all of us. I looked at the time. There was still an hour left of dance practice.


“Hey, now that we are all refreshed by Hyori’s amazing memory and the drinks how about we do some freestyle dancing.” Eunhyuk said to everyone.


My eye’s widened. Uh-oh. I didn’t really like dancing in front of people. I wasn’t bad or anything but my dancing skills compared to theirs was like comparing the moon to the sun. I was ordinary while they were not only stars but also smoking hot. (Lol, sorry for that lame comparison. heehee!)


Eunhyuk was the first to dance and he wasn’t called the Dancing Machine for nothing. His popping moves were so cool and seeing them in person was even more amazing. {Yes, I watched him dance in Youtube. :P} ßEunhyuk dance :D


Then it was Leeteuk’s turn and he did one of those silly dances. ßLeeteuk dance :D


When his turn was over the music changed into Tell Me and Heechul, Siwon, Shingdong and to my surprise Hangeng immediately stood up and took the stage. They danced to it flawlessly with the proper amount of attitude causing the entire room to erupt in laughter.


 Suddenly, Single Ladies came on and Leeteuk, Shindong and Eunhyuk started to dance!


I have to admit it was one of those memories that would never leave my mind. It was so funny I fell of my chair laughing at them.


Songs passed and everyone had a turn to dance. It was quiet after a while and suddenly I felt numerous pairs of eyes on me. I turned and to my horror they were all waiting for my turn to dance.


“Come on Hyori! You have to dance something!” Henry whined. I felt the blood fall from my face.


“Yeah! Dance! Dance! Dance!” They started cheering making my heart race. What am I going to do? Why am I always put into situations like this? Damn these insanely hot guys and their demanding natures. I looked up at them and shook my head.


“Nope. I am not dancing.” I said to them.


 They all pouted.


 Why me?


“Please Hyori? Please, please, please!!” Sungmin squealed. I looked at him and that was my downfall.


{ Sungmin’s face.}


I sighed and got up and went to the stereo to plug in my Iphone. I scrolled though my playlists and heard all the excited whispers behind me. Once I found the song that I wanted I turned and looked at Super Junior.


“I am sorry if I at dancing. I tried my best to learn this dance. Don’t judge, thanks.” Then I played the song. I walked to the front of the studio and got into position. From then the music took over me and I started to move. The dance wasn’t that difficult to do once you knew the steps but it was the feel that you had to get right to perfect it.


{Hyori’s dance: }


After a few verses I was done. I turned to look at Super Junior ready take the criticism they would surely throw at me. All I got were O.O faces though. I stood there for a while not knowing what to do so I went to my seat and drank some tea. I waited for something else to happen but nothing. It started to get awkward. I looked at them and they looked at me.


“So, what now...” I asked them


“What do you mean?  You just dance amazingly and brush it off like nothing?” Wookie said to me surprisingly harshly.


“Yeah… about that, it was bad huh? Nothing compared to your skills. It’s okay you can tell me, I don’t mind.” I said to them.


“You danced really well! Where did you learn to dance chingu?” Minnie asked me. I shrugged.


“Umm… Well I kinda copied it from the internet.” I confessed.


“Hey, Eunhyuk isn’t that your dance?” Zhoumi stated from the back of the room. Hyukie was staring at me with starlit eyes.


“Yeah, that was my dance bit for 100% Entertainment. Hyori? You really based your dance on that?” Eunhyuk asked me. I shrugged and nodded.


“How long did it take you take you to learn that?” Wookie asked me.


“Umm… more than a month because I had to watch Hyukie dance it real time and there were no tutorials.” I confessed.


“I’m still astonished that you learned it.” Eunhyuk said to me.


“Well, yeah. Once I saw that performance by you, I felt inspired to copy it.” I grinned. It was true though, the only reason why I wanted to learn to dance was because of Hyukjae. I looked at him and saw him turn red. He saw me looking at him and he covered his face and turned away. Giggling, I didn’t notice the jealous glares from the other members. I looked at the clock hanging by the door and brought my eyebrows together.


“Hey, isn’t your photo shoot at 1? It’s already eleven….don’t you guys need to get ready? You know shower and then get there?” I asked all of them. I looked back at Super junior and they just stared at me for the millionth time today.


“Umm… yeah Hyori’s right we should go and hit the showers.” Leeteuk announced, snapping everyone back to attention. Then they started going for their bags and heading out the door.


“Hyori, the female showers is just down the opposite hall to the right okay? Meet you by the lobby arraso?” Sungmin said to me. I nodded and headed back down the hall, following the directions he gave me.


I was walking past many other rooms which I had no idea what they were for but as I passed the vending machine from before I realized that the female showers were  right next to DBSK’s practice room. I smiled. I headed for the showers thinking that I should stop by before we left.


As I undressed and headed for the nearest shower stall, I heard a familiar song playing from the room next door. I stopped and listened. It was DBSK’s Purple Line which was coincidentally one of my favorite songs. I showered and rushed to get dressed and to put a light amount of powder on my face. I wanted to catch them in practice before I left with SUJU.


Don’t get me wrong, I was a die-hard ELF but I was also a hardcore Cassie. My blood could have been sapphire blue for all I cared but there would always be that part of me that loved DBSK. I had about the same amount of posters and albums as Super Junior compared to DBSK. I even knew their personalities, names and even what their pet peeves were. Now that I think about it, my love for them both would be half and half. So, I guess you can say that my blood could be a royal purple. (If you mix Blue and Red)


{ Hyori’s new outfit}


Once I was done preparing myself to go to the photo shoot, I left the showers and went to the room next to the showers. As I neared the room, I could clearly hear the famous songs blaring from the studio. I was close enough that I noticed the door was slightly ajar. I peeked through the little crack to see the famous five dancing to the beat. I was awed by their serious faces and could clearly see the passion for what they did in their moves. I stayed there for a few minutes, mesmerized by the beauty of each member.


I was pretty sure that like Super Junior, there were some things that no one knew of each of them. However I just couldn’t shake the feeling that they were all sincere no matter what their true personalities were. After studying them for about five minutes, I decided it was time to leave and go to the lobby. I was turning away when I noticed that someone from inside the studio had noticed me from outside. I had accidentally made eye contact with Yunho though the mirror.


“Well, are you going to come in or are you just going to stare?” He asked in a quizzical tone. I couldn’t tell from his voice whether or not he was mad or surprised.


But one thing was for certain.


I was caught red handed and I didn’t know what to do next.


Aigoo! T.T Ottoke?!?!



Hello again everyone! I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who subscribed to my story :D I hope that all of you will continue to read and enjoy what I write. 

I also had a question. Do you guys think that I put too many links? Please reply back thanks!

Alrighty, gtg hope you liked this chapter! :D

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying