Step One.... and My Unexpected Meet?!?

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 22

Hyori’s POV

The following few days after the incident at the photo shoot were eerily quiet. Don’t get me wrong when I say that I loved it when it was peaceful, but the serenity in the dorm was more like the calm before the storm.

Every since I had found out that the trio had placed a bet on me, I started to notice all the little things that they did to attract my attention. From offering me a drink to taking up my chores, they tried to make me feel affectionate towards them. It came to a point that I felt the need to see exactly how far they would go. So the day before my meeting with my boss, ( cuz you know I do have a job in Seoul) I struck up a conversation with all the Super Junior members during breakfast.

As we were all sitting around the dining table, I watched as all the members spoke about their schedule and whatever came up in an idol’s life. Seeing it time for my plans to take action is changed the topic.

“Minnie, do you remember that tomorrow is the day of my meeting with Mr. Park?” I asked knowing full well that he had forgotten.

“Ummm…Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that that!” I mentally rolled my eyes.  I knew it.

“So I won’t be able to go with you guys to your schedules.” I calmly stated as I reached for my oranged juice. While I took a sip, Leeteuk spoke.

“Wait, how are you getting to your work place? Are you taking the bus?”

Sheepishly, I answered.

“Umm… No actually I am going to have to walk. I don’t have much money for fair.” It was a lie but they wouldn’t know.  

“CHINGU! ANNIYA! You’re not walking there. Don’t you know how far your work is from the dorm!?” Sungmin blurted out. I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. By this time, our simple conversation drew all the attention of all the members.

“Well I can’t do anything about the distance from here to there. And I don’t want to be a nuisance to anyone. Besides, your all busy tomorrow. I don’t want you guys skipping out for work. Cuz, you know, your fans are everything to you guys.” I said looking into my glass. On the outside I had the saddest of faces but deep down inside, I knew my devil horns were urging to be revealed.

“We’re not all needed tomorrow. Actually Zhoumi, you’re free tomorrow right?”  Eunhyuk stated and turned toward the end of the table where Zhoumi was seated. Lifting his head he looked at all of us and nodded.

“Ummm….Yeah, I’m free.” His voice was almost a whisper and I could barely hear him.

“Yah! Hangeng! Aren’t you free too tomorrow? And you too Kyuhyun!” Leeteuk exclaimed.

“Why didn’t you guys say something before? What? You guys don’t care about the welfare of Hyori? How could you people?” Donghae said shaking his head.

“God is Disappointed in you people.” Siwon said. Heechul rolled his eyes.

“So could you guys take care of Hyori tomorrow? I would owe you guys big time if you did this for me.” Minnie said with his Agyeo on full blast. Sighing, the trio nodded and I smirked.

Step 1 complete.

“Thanks guys! I appreciate it a lot. So it’s tomorrow at nine, in the Sightz Building. Well now that is settled…” I started cleaning up the dishes.

“I’ll help out.” I looked up to see Kyuhyun looking at me with a glint in his eye. I suddenly got shivers down my spine. Shrugging off the feeling, I collected the plates and head towards the kitchen and placed the dishes down. I turned around looking at the floor and nearly died of a heart attack.

“What exactly are you planning little miss?” His voice was that of velvet and I knew he was on to my scheme.

“N-n-nothing, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mentally smacking myself I stuttered trying to get around his body that was now only an inch away from mine.

“Don’t play the innocent angle because I know you’re not.” I breathed in deep breath and willed my heart to keep calm.

“You know I’m not. Now move aside before they start thinking something is going on in here.” I said to him, still trying to move a side.

“What? You don’t this is something?” He said now and inch away from my neck. Involuntarily, I shivered and I knew the was smirking.

“Har har! Very funny. Now move aside.” But still the arrogant bastard wouldn’t move. I sighed and looked him in the eye.

“Fine, what do you want Hangeng?” I gave in and waited for his plans to arise.

“I want for you to tell me what your planning for tomorrow.” I rolled my eyes.

“Who are you to demand anything from me when you owe me?” Flinching from the realization, he pulled away a little and I was finally allowed to breathe my own air.

“Hmp!...whatever… It doesn’t matter anyway.” I scoffed and pushed past him knowing full well that I had won our little battle.

Hyori: 1

Hangeng: 0

“What took so long in there?” Shindong asked and I shrugged.

“Just dropped my mug. No Biggie.” I said and continued to fix up the table.

“Maybe I should help you guys.” Zhoumi offered and I began to urge him back in his seat but he insisted and started putting away the some of the plates too.

“Yeah, I think I’ll help as well.” I looked up and saw the Kyhyun was fixing the plates too. What the…? Since when did they get so nice?

With the help of the three of them the table was clean, dishes were washed and plates were kept in no time at all. Everything would have been fine and would have gone without a hitch but of course something had to happen along the way.

While I was putting away the glasses in the top cabinet when the stool I was standing on started to wobble and in no time my foot had slipped a little to the side. I stumbled to the side when I felt six pairs of hand support me. I would have been more grateful for the save if two hands hadn’t slipped lower than the belt, if you know what I am saying. But as soon as I was able to turn around the three of them were all back in their old positions before I had slipped. All of them were too far for me to be the culprit who had felt me up.

I gritted my teeth and turned around to continue my job. I swear these Asians are ninjas! *SIGH*

Whatever, these boys will get what’s coming for them.

From that point on, the day continued like normal. I prepared for my meeting with my future boss, cleaned my room and dolled myself up. When the day was done, I slept and prayed that tomorrow would go as smoothly as possible.

As I drifted off to sleep, I wasn’t aware of the growing danger that was stirring in the kitchen

Third POV

“Hmm…do you guys think something is up with Hyori?” Hangeng asked the other members of the Trio. Kyuhyun was getting a glass of water while Zhoumi was staring at the table lost in thought.

“Huh? What do you mean hyung. She hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary that I can take notice of.” Kyu commented then took a long sip of water. Hangeng just looked at him with the “don’t give me that crap” look.

“Yeah right, you know as much as I do that she is up to something. I just haven’t figured it out yet.” The eldest said who was now scratching his head.

“How ‘bout you Zhoumi-hyung? Notice anything out of place lately?” Kyu nodded his head to the quiet one of the group.

“Uhhh…umm… nope.” He said flatly without looking up.

“Oh come, on you must have noticed something. She’s been acting strange ever since that day on the bus.” Hangeng pushed on. Zhoumi just shrugged his shoulders and twirled around with his hair.

“Well, no not really…I think you guys are just being paranoid. Hyroi is probably on her monthly thing. Just leave her be and she’ll lighten up sooner or later.” Zhoumi said while he stretched out his back. The other two just looked at him then back at each other.

“Are you sure about that?” Kyuhyun asked and Zhoumi shrugged once again.

“I don’t know; I am not the Woman Whisper.” Zhoumi looked at the clock and got up.

“Whatever Gentleman Mimi, are you heading to bed already?” Hangeng asked standing up as well. Zhoumi started walking towards the door.

“Yeah, you guys should go to bed too,” Zhoumi turned to look at the pair. “I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” And with that he pushed the door open and vanished into the dark living room.

“Well that was creepy.” Kyu pointed out and Hangeng just nodded.

“Oh well, he’s right. We should get to bed. Goodnight Hyung.” And then it was just Hangeng left in the kitchen.

It was silent in the kitchen without the others and Hangeng started to get lost in thought.

He had noticed Hyori acting weird ever since the day in the bus but he couldn’t place why. All he could remember from that bus ride was that he was discussing the bet with the guys. Could it be that Hyori knew what we were talking about? No, that was impossible. He had clearly remembered talking in Chinese to the others. There was no way she could have understood what they were saying, right?

Well he definitely hoped so.

With that last thought, he strode over to the door. Pushing it open and stepping through, he left the empty kitchen and went to bed.


The next day…

Hyori’s POV


Groggily, I reached for my phone and looked at the time.


What? Why so early? I slumped back on my bed and felt my phone vibrate again.


Reaching over I looked at the screen ready to shut of the stupid alarm..


Bolting up right, which I regretted right away, i cleared my head and looked at my surroundings. After a minute of successfully clearing my head, I stretched and looked over at the bed next to me. I laughed at the sight.

My Minnie had never been the neatest sleeper but the sight was hard not to laugh at. With his blankets kicked off to the side and his pillow squished between his legs, Sungmin was snoring my ears out. I wondered how I could sleep through the night peacefully. Creeping next to his head, I saw that there was a trail of drool spilling out of his mouth and I wondered what is fans would think if they ever saw this. Then it hit me…Blackmail >XD

I grabbed my phone from my bed and quietly took several pictures of him sleeping. Whahaha! I am so bad sometimes. Well, it serves him right for being mean to me from before. Besides, what comes around goes around right?

With the blackmail pictures saved in my Private Pictures app, I headed for the bathroom and put on my sweats. I had set up my alarm for three hours early because I had wanted to go out for a jog before the members woke up. I had been feeling so heavy lately because of the non-stop sitting I had to go through while on the Super Junior schedule.

After washing up and changing, I exited our shared room and headed for the living room. I had to tip toe out of our room just to be sure that I didn’t wake anyone up. I passed all the doors successfully and slipped on my sneakers once I was at the door. Making sure that I had my spare key, phone and that I had left a note, I quietly opened the door and headed to the outside world.

Once I had reached the outdoors, I stretched and warmed up not wanting to sprain myself on my expedition. I plugged in my earphones and hit play. The first song to play was B2st’s Freeze. I smiled to myself and started to jog.

For a good twenty minutes I was jogging and I had reached the nearby park. Figuring that it would be a better idea to jog around here, I circled a few times. When I was on my fifth lap around the park, I felt my phone vibrate. I got it out while still jogging and checked what the notification was about. While I was looking down at my iPod, I hadn’t realized who was running forwards.

One second I was calmly looking through my phone and then the next I was on the ground crushed under another body. Having the breath knocked out of me, I suddenly realized that I was being pulled over to the bushes. I thrashed around wanting to get away for a potential but his grip was too strong. He clasped a hand over my mouth and I felt his hot breath on my neck.

“Shut up...Please I’m not here to hurt you.” The deep voice said calmly and I froze. Where have I heard that voice before? Suddenly a group of girls ran pass the bush we were hiding in and I began to relax. The grip on my mouth and body relaxed as well and I looked around to see who my captor was.

My heart sped up and a cold sweat broke throughout my body.

“Y-y-y-y….?!?!” I squealed in utter shock. This wasn’t possible…was it?




>XD Hey guys! Been awhile huh?

Sorry…. SCHOOl ß Only explanation (-_-;)

Anyway, I hope that you guys liked this chapter. I tried making it as long as possible to satisfy your needs :D heehee!

Comments? Recommendations? Concerns O_o? lol


I also want to thank achillison….heehee! Thanks for the inspiration to write this chappie!

Okay gois…. I got to go! Love you all!

Khubby_Korean23 ~<3

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying