The Trio's Games

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 10


Zhoumi’s POV


It was seven in the morning and we were on our way to our dance studio at the SM building. Because of a of luck, our bus broke down and now the only way of transportation was three separate cars. Apparently, we were separated so that Hyori, Hangeng, Kyuhyun, Yesung and I were in the same car. While sitting next to her gave me a great advantage to flirting with her, it was impossible to do so when Hangeng and Kyuhyun were there. It reminded me of our past conversation from last night.




(Last night in the kitchen)


I sighed. I was fixing the table while going over my thoughts


Why did I have to join that stupid bet anyway? I honestly didn’t know how I am supposed to win Hyori over. Sure I was a playboy but I didn’t really sleep with girls left to right. I was only labeled a playboy due to the fact that all the girls fawn over me and not because that I hit on them. I am not bragging or anything but once I look at a girl, she comes over and offers the world to me. Being the gentleman I am, how could I refuse. So basically, I got my title over my weak control of my hormones. Yeah… I am not as bad those dim-wits over there.


From those times, I learned to adapt and get used to my new title. I didn’t mind it at all. I learned to pick up girls and how to flirt. However I still felt uncomfortable with some women so I tend to act like the Jerk-type. You know the ones who tend to be cool but inconsiderate? Yup that’s me and I wasn’t sure if Hyori would like that.


“What’s with the long face Mimi?” Kyuhyun was putting away the dishes into the cupboard when he noticed me sighing.


“I don’t know. I just don’t think it’s going to be easy to win Hyori over,” I said trying not to imply anything.


“Yeah, I agree with Mimi. I was trying to talk to her and go do some ‘stuff’ when the members walked in on us at the wrong time. I think we should just try and get some alone time with her somehow.” Hangeng suggested.


“Yeah, but how? We always have schedules and we are always with our members,” Kyuhyun said.


Suddenly a plan started revolving around in my head.


“When do you guys not have any schedules?” I asked them.


“Tomorrow, since I don’t need vocal training.” Kyu sighed, “I am just that amazing.” Hangeng and I did what a sensible person would do. We smacked him.


“I have off the whole day on Thursday this week. Why are you asking?” Hangeng commented. By this time we were already done fixing up in the kitchen but we stayed where we were because there was no one there to overhear our conversation.  Hangeng leaned on the sink while I rested my arms on the counter top. Kyuhyun was sitting on the table.


“I thought that maybe we could all ask her out on a date and take her out on the days we won’t have any schedules so we can have some alone time with her.” I suggested. They both were quiet for a moment and started to nod.


“Okay so then Hyori is mine tomorrow, Hangeng’s on Thurday, and your’s when?” Kyu summed up.


“She will be mine on Friday afternoon.” I answered.


“Okay then our dates are settled.”


“That’s only true if she will agree to out with you Zhoumi.” Kyu laughed out. They knew how I became a so called playboy and they loved to tease me about it.


“Yah! You watch and see me win this bet Evil Maknae!” I growled.


“Sure, sure, whatever you say Gentleman Mimi.” He chuckled and left the kitchen to go play Starcraft probably.


“He sure does have a forked tongue.” Hangeng noted as he left as well.


I was left alone in the kitchen mentally kicking myself. Why had I said that to Kyu? I slumped in a chair and tried to think of things Hyori would like to do on Friday. I might as well do my best at this game.






Hyori’s POV


(I was wearing:  since we were going to the dance studio)


We finally arrived at the SM building after being stuck in traffic for forty-five minutes. Honestly I was happy to leave the cramped car. I got out and headed for the door trying to get away from the Trio. Along the way I hooked arms with Sungmin and forgot about the past events.


Now I know what you’re thinking, you want to know what happened huh? Okay then, before the car ride was unexpected but the actual ride to the dance studio was interesting to say the least. I am not saying that it was bad or anything but it was just annoying. Don’t believe me? Okay try tolerating this…




At SUJU’s apartment parking lot…


I was walking down to the big huge bus that belonged to SUJU when BOOM! Apparently, the engine exploded. Leeteuk, Kangin, and Kibum came dashing off in front of me to go and check what had caused the engine to explode. A bit surprised, I turned and looked at the rest of Super Junior. They all didn’t know what had happened and started to panic. Now when I first met them, I didn’t think that they would be prone to panic attacks. I was wrong.


I looked over and observed my new found species of Idols. It’s called Super Idiots. (Don’t get mad at me for the name >.< lol)


“What are we going to do?” Eunhyuk asked worried.


“We might lose our jobs?” Donghae gasped out at he started jumping all over the place.


“What?!? I can’t go on living without my fans!!” Heechul shrieked.


“Your fans are useless! They won’t save us from Lee Soo Man!” Yesung commented coolly, joining the conversation. Heechul smacked his head.


“YAH!! Don’t go dissing my fans Apple face! You have no right to say that!” Heechul defended.


“Hyung! Don’t hit my Yesungie and his cute apple face!” Ryeowook stepped in between them as Eunhyuk and Donghae started to run around nervously chasing each other. I looked over to the rest of Super Junior. Siwon was rubbing his temples while Henry was staying as far as possible from him with Sungmin, terror written on their faces. Apparently they were expecting Siwon-shi to explode any moment.  Shindong was eating a bag of chips and minding his own business while looking at the sky. When my eyes landed on the Trio, a shiver passed right through me as I looked away. They were off to the side leaning against the wall, still staring at me.


Okay fine, you want to play this game, we can play this game.  I wasn’t usually a flirt, but I hated when guys thought that they could just manipulate you based on how many girls they scored before. I turned towards them and eyed them looking at me and raised an eyebrow. Honestly what were they trying to do? See if they could see past my clothes? I looked at each of them one by one, staring them down.


First was Zhoumi. I looked straight in his eyes and smiled. He didn’t flinch. Guess that’s not going to work. Seconds ticked by and he started to smirk thinking he had won. I was still smiling but I clenched my teeth. I hated losing and I hated over confident jerks even more. I did the unexpected and winked at him pushing as much flirtatious powers I could into it. His mouth dropped open. He looked away and turned red. One down two to go.


Next was Hangeng who was giving off this “Don’t Mess With Me” aura. I eyed him and made eye contact. The game begins. He was the first to make a move. He reached for a bottle of water and drank slowly, still holding eye contact with me. As I looked into his eyes, I noticed a trickle of water slowly make its way down his defined chin, down his fully exposed neck and finally vanish into his shirt.  Honestly, I was flipping out with my fan-girling in my head, but like I said I didn’t like to lose. When he was done drinking, I made my move. I smiled and placed a hand on my lips. Slowly I rubbed them and raised an eyebrow at Hangeng, mirroring me he raised his. Then just to push the game farther, I pulled my hand slowly down my neck and to the bridge of my shirt. To top it all off, I bit my lip. His reaction was hard not to laugh at. He paled, then suddenly turned a bright red looking away. Two down and now one more to go.


I sat down on one of the hoods of the cars on the parking lot and I looked a Kyuhyun. I wanted this one to end quickly. I played my move first. I brushed my hair out of my face and rested my head on my hand. Then slightly I cocked my head to the side while winking at him. He didn’t budge.


He smirked as if to say, “That’s all you got?”


I tilted my head to the other side and replied with looks, “Maybe. Now you.”


Smiling he reached out a hand and gestured for me to come toward him. Then like I did earlier, he placed them on his lips. Without stopping, he rubbed them and ran that same hand up into his tousled hair. Then in a fluid motion, he closed his eyes, looked at me and his lips. His neck was fully exposed and my heart quickened.


Damn he was hot. Grr… Not going to lose.


After that suggestive show he looked at me and winked. I raised an eyebrow and began my show. Like I said earlier, I wanted this to end quickly. I looked at Kyu and tilted my head. As not to rush, I looked him up and down. Starting from his head, down to his torso, past his hips, down to his toes and then I shot my eyes back at his. I my lips and did the unexpected. I placed a hand on my mouth and blew him a kiss. I looked at his reaction and snorted. Just like the other two, he turned a tomato red.


Total score: Hyori- 1 vs. Trio-0


I looked at all of them and raised my eyebrows. That action alone was like saying “Wanna another round?”


 I smirked and turned toward the others. They were still arguing amongst each other. I sighed wondering when we were going to get on the road. As that thought raced through my mind, Leeteuk came running toward us. He called everyone’s attention which was difficult to say the least.


“It looks like we are going to have to take separate cars to SM.” He announce to everyone once they all quieted down. Suddenly, three cars stopped in front of all of us. I had planned to sit next to Minnie and Wookie to hangout but sadly that’s not how it went down.


Because of the rush to get to SM everyone was pushed into the cars without warning and I ended up in the car with the Trio and Yesung. Apparently, we were the ‘Leftovers’ that got shoved into the remaining car. Let me tell, you sitting next to Zhoumi and Yesung was not only uncomfortable but when you add the constant looks from both Hangeng and Kyuhyun from the mirror, it quickly turns annoying.


I tried my best to ignore their looks and the tightness sitting between Zhoumi and Yesung but it was hard so I decided to distract myself by looking into the window. I looked to the one on Yesung’s side but he had placed his large turtle pillow in the way and was taking a nap. I looked at Zhoumi’s side and was staring at the window nonchalantly.


“Is my beauty so alluring to you?” Zhoumi asked. I was startled by the sudden question because for about five minutes the car was absolutely quiet except for the slight sound of the motor running.


“Oh, well I don’t think the so called Gentleman Mimi is conceited? I didn’t expect that.” I said to him. Kyuhyun laughed from the shotgun seat.


“I’m not always like this so as long as you know how to push the right buttons, you’ll find my nice side.”


“Like how I did back in the parking lot?” I answered. He choked on his water he was drinking. I giggled.


“I’m just joking. Don’t die on me!” I started patting his back. He regained his composure and looked at me, shook his head and looked away. Instead of looking out the window, I started checking my messages on my phone. Then Hangeng started talking in Chinese.




“Haha! I told you she had a silver tongue Mimi.” He said to Zhoumi.


“Hmm…At least it’s not as bad as Kyuhyun’s foul mouth comments towards everyone.” Zhoumi replied in Chinese.


“Yah! Don’t say that!...Hey do you think Hyori knows Chinese?” Kyu asked all of them. They shrugged their shoulders.


“Let’s find out shall we,” Kyuhyun started rubbing his hands in preparation.


I, on the other hand, was minding my own business pretending not to know what they were saying. I was fluent in many languages but I wasn’t ready to tell that to them just yet.


“Hyori,” Kyu called out to me so I raised my head to look at him. He continued.


“You are a damn y beast that shouldn’t be allowed to walk this Earth.“ He said in Chinese. I held no reaction and just kept looking at him.


“Let me try.” Zhoumi said. Kyu nodded. It seemed like they all like the idea of trying but failing to confuse me.


“Hyori, is the most obnoxious, arrogant and fat person I have ever met in my life.” I rolled my eyes in my head.


Really? Did these guys know how to insult a person? Guess they were too busy getting it on with the ladies. I tilted y head like I was confused.


“How about this,” I turned to Hangeng upon hearing his voice.


“Hyori, I want to get it down with you all night long. I want to uncover the other side of you and roll you on my bed.” I internally gagged! He was so cheesy! Yuck! Does he try to catch girls with that line?!? I shivered but thankfully they didn’t notice or that would have ruined my game. I scrunched my brows together.


“I don’t know what you guys are saying.” I said innocently in Korean. To myself I thought they were idiots.  They continued to talk in Chinese.


“So when are you going to ask Hyori on that date? “ Hangeng asked Kyuhyun. He shrugged and looked out the window.


“Maybe later,” He said. Oh boy, He was going to ask me out? Hmm… What am I going to do about him?


I looked out the window and smiled. We were finally at SM. Thank goodness!





Okay...I am sorry for not updating yesterday. I had some family time with my parents, so yeah... :D I might do a double update to make up for yesterday but I don't know... What do you guys think? lolz :D 

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying