Rain, Rain, Go Away...

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 16


Meanwhile, back at the bus stop…


Hyori’s POV




I felt a hand on my shoulder and realized that it was gently shaking me.


“Excuse me miss…” I heard a voice calling out to me, trying to wake me from my unconsciousness.  


“Urg…Five more minutes…” I groaned out to the voice in English who was calling out to me. By that time however, I was already starting to become aware of my surroundings. I was about to pull up my blanket to cover myself from the chilly air but when I reached out there was no blanket. Heck, there was no bed. I pulled my eyebrows together and continued to listen to the things around me.


“I told you she was a foreigner. She won’t be able to understand what we are saying.”  A male voice was saying to the other.


“No, I still don’t think so. She has to be Korean besides someone should wake her up. She has been sleeping here ever since we went into the café and it’s getting dark already.” A woman voice spoke out. I then heard a sigh and suspected the male to be culprit of the sound.


“Okay your right. I don’t think my conscious will take me leaving a pretty young girl out at five in the afternoon.” With those words I bolted upright, eyes wide in horror. I looked at the couple, a bit guilty for scaring them.


“Ummm…Miahne, but what time did you say it was?” I asked the two of them. They both looked at me with worried eyes.


Great, now they are thinking I am a lunatic or a homeless person.


“It’s five in the afternoon,” said the woman. I sighed exasperatedly and smacked my head. I had missed the bus again, by five freaking hours. How am I supposed to get to the dorm now?  I turned to the nice couple from before and bowed.


“Kamsamnida, for waking me up. It was foolish of me to sleep there. Mianhe, for scaring you and for wasting your time to wake me up.” I looked up and saw their face break out in to a smile.


“No, it wasn’t a big deal just watch where you sleep next time. Arraso?” The male asked me. I nodded my head.


“Kamsamnida again and if ever we meet in the future, I will return the favor. Now I must be going. Thank you again.” I said to the couple and started walking all the way back to Super Junior’s dorms.


When I was about five blocks down, I decided to check my iPhone to see if anyone called to see where I was. To my dismay, my phone was dead. I mentally smacked myself foe leaving my iPhone on while I slept. I had drained my battery while listening to music and now had no way of contacting the boys. I sighed and continued walking wondering if they remembered about me yet or if they just forgot I was living with them. By the time I reached the tenth block, my feet were hurting and I didn’t know how far I could go before I needed another rest. I checked the time on my watch and saw that it was already five thirty. I groaned. I had only reached ten blocks and thirty minutes already passed. How much longer until I reached the dorm?


Suddenly, I saw the sky light up with a frightening flash of lightning followed by the earth shattering boom of thunder. Looking up I saw that there were dark storm clouds coming fast from the west covering any light from the setting sun.


Crap. Maybe the guy from the bus stop was right. I tried to speed up my pace in a failed attempt to escape the rain. Without warning, the sun was completely blocked out and I started to feel the pelting rain upon me. I bolted for the nearest store and caught my breath.


“Umm, Miss would you like to buy a sweater?” I looked at the lady who was behind me. I looked back outside and then at what I was wearing. Sadly, I didn’t bring a sweater or an umbrella.


“Do you have any umbrellas?” I asked the store clerk. She shook her head sadly.


“No Miss, and all the stores around here ran out of umbrellas because it is now Monsoon season.” I sighed. I forgot Korea had a monsoon season.


“Okay then, how much for the sweater.” I asked her.


“It’s on sale; I’ll give it to you for 5000 won.” She said kindly seeing my needy state.


[5000 won is about 5 dollars]


“Kamsamnida!” I said to her thankfully. I gave her the money and left the shop with my sweater. I exited the store, happy to have more clothing on to protect me from the rain. I dashed out and was immediately greeted with a splash in the face from a passing car. Wonderful, my front was now soaked and I hadn’t even reached half the distance of my destination. I clenched my teeth and started running once again.


Now that I think about it, my mother told me never to run in rain because you will get wetter. From experience, I learned that today. My clothes were soaked down to my underwear. My hair dripping and my make up running down my face, I felt like a girl from a drama that broke up with her boyfriend. I was so wet that it was like I had run though a pool. I sighed and gave up. I started walking seeing no use in running anymore.


Today was not going the way I had hoped and planned. I wanted to spend a day with my chingu and his friends to get to know them better but look at me now. I was a sorry walking though the rain because she missed her ride twice...wait no, three times.


It also didn’t help my mood or situation that my entire body was going against me at the moment. Because of the energy I was excreted from earlier, I was completely drained and aching. My feet were killing me. It felt as if a sledge hammer was being smashed into my feet with every step I took. My back was starting to ache like I had been sitting in a very bad chair and my head felt like it was exploding from the inside out. Then to top it all off, I felt my stomach growl. What a great combination and a cherry topping to add.


I looked around me to estimate how far I still had to walk and saw that I still had to go about twenty more blocks. I looked at the time in a window of a shop and saw that it was already six thirty. I sighed. I had been walking like a lost puppy for about an hour. I looked straight and started on my way again.


If you wondered what on lookers thought of my helpless situation well, let’s just say it felt like being in high school all over again. There were the people minded their own business and walked on their way with their umbrellas while others stared and gawked at the sight of me. However it wasn’t their expressions that got me the most. In my opinion, it’s the things they say is much worst then their faces in actuality.


I had heard a lot of crap being said about me in the past but I felt the worst at that moment in time. When you are passing people who were laughing at your stupidity while some others pitied you, you will sometimes wish you couldn’t even understand what they are saying. As I had walked passed a restaurant where a bunch of drunken ahjussi’s were drinking and I had sadly caught their attention. They had started calling for me calling me babe and told me to do not so pleasant things with them.


I shivered at the recollection of that moment and hurried of the last five blocks to the dorm. I checked my watch and it was seven at night. I looked up at the building and smiled. I had made it back on my own back to the dorm after two hours of walking though the rain. Then without warning, all the pain my body was ignoring rushed over me causing me to double back. My head started to pound terribly making my eyes bug out and my back felt like it had been through numerous poundings.


I slowly made my way inside the building still wet and dripped on the floor while clutching my head to somehow suppress the pain. I entered elevator and was even surprised at my ability to remember the floor I lived on. I heaved heavy breathes as I waited for the doors to open and when they did I stumbled to reach the door. I reached into my pocket for the key to the dorm and was trying to put the key through the hole but failed. The key tumbled out of my hands and on to the floor. Suddenly, my knees gave in and I too fell to the floor. I lay there a heaving mess unable to get up because the pain was too great. If I had felt any better I would have laughed at my own helpless situation.


I had been abandoned or forgotten…whatever you called it and was left with trying to take the bus home. I had missed the first bus and then the second due to my stupidity. Ended up walking for two hours straight in the rain hungry aching and still a bit ticked off. Now that I had made it to the dorm, I couldn’t even pick myself up and open the door.


I guess this is the literal meaning of ‘So close, yet so far.’


What had I done to deserve this?I wondered as I faded into a deep black sleep once more.




Author’s POV


He had searched high and low for Hyori but was unable to find her in such a huge city of Seoul. Finally after searching two hours in the rain, he decided to go back to the dorm to see if she was already there. It had never occurred to him that maybe she had been home all the while everyone was looking for her. When he reached the dorm building, he took the elevator and noticed a very large puddle of water on the ground. Wondering where it had come from, the doors had opened to reveal a trail of water leading to their dorm door. Curious as to what had left the trail, he followed. When he finally turned to the last corner the trail stopped and ended with a sight that scared him out of his wits.


“HYORI!!” He ran over and cradled the young lady in his arms checking to see what was wrong. He felt her head and gasped at how hot her head was. He could have sworn you could have cooked an egg there it was so hot. He picked her up and opened the dorm’s door.


They entered and he placed her on her bed, not knowing what to do about her wet clothes. He knew she couldn’t sleep with them on if she had a terrible fever and he also knew that if he took them off, she might kill him if she found out. Suddenly, Hyori started to rile up a coughing fit and he finally came to a decision.


It was either she lay sick, wet, and on the verge of death or he took off her clothes and changed her into new ones. He would just have to face the consequences later.


Slowly, he knelt down and started to peel off her clothing revealing milky smooth skin. First to go was her jacket then her shirt then her pants. He didn’t dare take off her delicates in fear of his life and sanity. He mentally slapped himself for wanting just to stare at the helpless woman in her undies. It was to his surprise that Hyori wore patterned underwear and not just any type of patterned undies. They were patterned with the letters SuJu all over in blue. He smirked.


So this is how much she likes Super Junior huh? He thought to himself.


He then grabbed her pajamas and started putting them on her as not to leave her in the cold anymore.  Just when he was slipping on her dry pajamas, she flinched. His gaze flicked to her face and went pale. Her eyes were open and staring at him. Frozen between pulling up her pajama bottoms and running out the door, she placed a hand on his. His heart began beating at an alarming race. Before he could say anything, she spoke.






“Thank you Hangeng,” She said in a very low whisper that he had to strain to hear.


“No problem.” He replied, blushing crimson and looking away. After saying those words, she had closed her eyes and drifted off back to sleep. He tucked her in and left the room to get a wet towel to place on her head. While leaving the room he placed a hand over his still racing heart and tried to calm it.  No woman had ever sent his heart rate that high before and he wondered what made Park Hyori any different.


Who are you really Hyori?







Mwuahahaha!  ^.^ Likey likey? Yes? No? Why? Tell me :D Hahaha!


Did you guys expect that? Did you see it coming? Please tell me I caught you off guard… >.<


Sorry for not making the stripping scene more…umm…steamy? Hahaha!


Besides that…I hope you liked it :D  Comment and tell me ideas of what you want to happen next ‘cuz I really don’t know what’s gonna happen…


That’s a lie… Bad Khubby! *Slaps hands* lolz :D


To all those silent readers out there… I love ya all but to make me love you more…comment? Show ya love? Not possible? Okay, I understand… T.T hahah!


Okay ‘till next time folks!


*curtain closes*

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying