Martial Arts

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 11


Hyori’s POV


“So my Hyori is going to see the place I work for.” Minnie said to me happily. I chuckled. Sometimes I wish he would never change from his childish antics.


Super Junior and I headed inside of SM Building. I was simply amazed. I gasped as we entered the enormous building.


“Hyori, Wait for me here okay? I have to go over with the guys.” I nodded and let go of Sungmin and did a 360 turn to look at my surroundings. The lobby was so big that it was intimidating to someone as ordinary as me. It was not only spacious but also had that echo that large places had. While Super Junior was use to the building, I surely was not. They were at the front desk checking-in for ‘work’ while I stared at my surroundings. I was so absorbed in my sight-seeing that I didn’t notice the figure approaching me.


“It’s amazing isn’t it?” I turned to see Kibum behind me. I smiled and nodded.


“Yeah, I had the same reaction as you and so did all of the other members.” He continued.


“We will probably never forget the first day we ever entered these front doors. It was like the world was being offered to us when we each had our offerings to train here.” I looked at Kibum and the rest of Super Junior who were by the front door. I smiled and wondered if they were still affected by the luxury of being an idol.


“Was it hard?” I asked Kibum. He turned to me and tilted his head.


“Hard to do what?”


“Hard to get used to it all. To be an idol, to block out everyone else, or to try to stay in touch,” I looked at him, “Was it hard to become who you guys are now.” I asked him. He almost looked taken aback.


“Nobody has ever asked me that question.” He noted.


“I don’t know how to answer to something like that. Umm… I guess, yes it was hard to move to a different life style like becoming an idol.” He confessed. I nodded in understanding.


“Well, I have to say you guys did a really good job at adjusting.” I said quietly thinking of how nice and friendly they all were.


“Why do you say that?” Kibum asked. Still looking at him I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the large poster of Super Junior.


“I guess it’s because when you think of stars and idols, you would think that some of them could transform in to arrogant jerks. However when I first met all of you guys, you were all so nice. Yeah, some of you play the conceited self-absorbed arrogant jerks but the truth is you all kind hearted and friendly.” I confessed in English. He looked at me and squirmed his eyebrows together. I knew perfectly well that Kibum may have been one of the best English speakers of the group, but he was still had a hard time understanding if you talked in long sentences and fast.


I just looked at him and smiled. He was still confused and I hooked my arm with his.


“Come on let’s go to practice.” I said and followed the rest of the members who were headed toward their dance studio.


We entered and I saw the blue sky with clouds background that you saw in all the SMent videos of the idols practice dancing. In front of that wall was a wall covered in mirrors. Of to the side was the audio system. The floors were all wooden but surprisingly clean. We entered and the members threw their stuff off to the side.


{ BAM! The practice room :D }


“Hyori, put your stuff here next to mine so it won’t mix with their dirty stuff.” Minnie gestured toward a spot near the door where it was obviously separated from the other stuff. I shook my head and smiled. There goes my over protective Minnie. I went over and place my stuff down. Then I went to take a seat next to the audio set up where you hook up you iPods. Super Junior started to do their regular stretches and warm ups before they started to dance. I observed them for a while and Ryeowook came over to me.


“Noona, Come over and stretch with us.” He offered and I shook my head.


“Oh, Come on Hyori. A little stretching will do you good.” Donghae added in.


“Yeah, you should come over here.” Eunhyuk gestured for me to come over. I sighed and walked over.


“There you go, now was that so hard?” Wookie asked me.


“No it wasn’t.” I replied to him and started stretching my triceps.


I rolled my head and then my shoulders. Next were my wrists then my ankles. I started to loosen up my waist when I remembered I was in a room full of guys and I headed for the back of the studio so that no one could get behind me. Then I started to reach for my toes and the floor. I started to do my stretches for Taekwondo and I unknowingly caught a few eyes.


“I didn’t know you did martial arts Hyori.” Sungmin told me. I turned and scratched my head.


“Yeah, I had to learn in High School to protect myself. I had a few anti’s after you left to become the great Sungmin.” I saw Minnie’s eyes widen.


“It was no big deal. Really, just a few things here and there. The Only thing that really was big was me throwing someone into a garbage can.” I said off handedly, trying to shrug it off.


“You THREW someone into a garbage can?” Heechul asked from the other side of the room.


“Umm…Yeah…” I said, “It’s no big deal really. He wasn’t even that tall. He was just pissing me off by making fun of Super Junior.” I said to all of them who were listening.


“My Baby Hyori threw someone!!!” Minnie exclaimed and started to check if I had any injuries. I carefully pulled away and chuckled.


“You threw someone because they were making fun of Super Junior?” Kangin asked. I nodded. Because of that I received Ooo’s and Ahh’s from everyone. Suddenly Heechul came up to me.


“You are simply amazing! I love you!” Then he hugged me causing the wind to be knocked out of me.


“Yah! Get your Heenim hands off of my Hyori’s innocent body!!” Minnie yelled attacking Heechul. Once Heechul was off me I placed my hands on my knees and took in a deep breath. They started arguing over in the corner and Siwon came over to help me up.


“What martial arts do you do?” Siwon asked me. Thank you for saving me!


“Oh, umm… Taekwondo.” I said to him and his eyebrows shot up.


“Hey! Siwon does that too!” Eunhyuk squealed. I looked away and turned a bit pink. I really wanted to do Taekwondo because of Siwon.


“Yeah, I know that. It’s actually why I started to learn that and the fact that my mom use to be a black belt in it too.” I said to them and I noticed that Siwon was starting to act bashful.


“Really? Can you show us something?” Donghae asked eagerly. I looked at him and I gave in once I saw the look on his face.


{ his face lol >.<}


“Okay but only one kick.” He and the rest of them cheered and they backed away. I slowly walked in front of them and shook myself up a little bit.


I was nervous. VERY NERVOUS.


Okay you can do this Hyori.


I closed my eyes and face the opposite wall. I took in a deep breath and opened my eyes. Then without thinking, I dashed forward and delivered a jumping- turning side kick to the air. I tuned and landed in a crouched position. I closed my eyes and exhaled.


{ It’s something like this :D }


Then I heard applause. I looked up started to see Super Junior clapping. I stood and sheepishly bowed.


“That was amazing. Back at the dojo I used to see my seniors do that kick.” Siwon commented. I blushed and thanked him.


“Yeah but my landing was really off. I need a punching bag to do it properly.” I replied to him.


“Kyuhyun can be the punching bag as a replacement.” Zhoumi offered. I chuckled.


“I am pretty sure his fans are going to kill me if I ruin his pretty face of his.”


“Yah! My face is prettier!” Heechul defended himself. I just shook my head and smiled.


“Well at least I am pretty sure I don’t need to worry about someone mugging you Hyori.” Donghae said to me. I laughed.


Leetuek started to clap his and hands.


“Come now practice has to start sometime.”


From that point on Super Junior practiced songs for their upcoming come back. Old songs from Miracle to even new songs like Mr. Simple were being practiced and rehearsed. To tell you the truth, sitting there for nearly three hours straight was painful but not boring at all. As I observed the guys dancing I realized how much effort they had to exert to perform their best for their fans. It was obvious from their motions that they could have done all the dances in their sleep. The synchronization of the choreography was impressive to say the least but then again, this was Super Junior we were talking about. Half way through the next song I left the room without telling them so as not to disrupt their hard work. I wanted to go buy them some drinks to freshen them up.


I walked down the corridor from before and saw a vending machine. I looked at the options and considered what the guys liked to drink. I remembered from dinner that Leeteuk, Kangin, Siwon, and Kibum preferred water to anything else so I got four waters out of the machine. Then I remembered that Shindong, Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Henry liked the sweet stuff more so I got them sweetened iced tea. Heechul likes herbal things so; I got him the herbal tea that was available. Yesung loved orange juice but Wookie liked apple juice. Then was the trio who all like iced coffee. Lastly was my Minnie. If I knew him well, I knew that he would choose the iced tea but knowing how he gets sometimes, I just decided to get him some ice cream. As for me, I decided to get a raspberry iced tea. Once I had all 16 refreshments, I headed back to the studio.


I had not taken three steps before I bumped into someone and toppled over, dropping all the things I was carrying. I rubbed my and started picking up the things I had dropped.


Without looking up I said, “Mianhamnida. I am not usually this clumsy. Sorry for bumping into you.” And to my surprise a male voice replied back to me.


“Aniyo, it was my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He started to help me pick things up and I looked at him for the first time. I nearly squealed at who I saw in front of me. In all their shinning glory was Tohoshinki.


THE RISING GODS OF THE EAST were in front of me.





BAM! Double update just cuz I love you people :D Lol okay going to go and continue writing :D See ya!

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying