The StarCraft King

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 18


Kyuhyun’s POV


It had been a week since Hyori’s incident and she was still bedridden. Well, it wasn’t her fault for being bedridden. It was more like she was forced to stay locked up in her room. Every time someone saw her out of bed cleaning, cooking or even going to the bathroom someone would always scoot her little tight back in bed. It didn’t matter who it was who saw her. Whether it is Leeteuk, Kangin, Kibum or even Yesung who saw her, it would always end up the same. After a few days of this treatment, I could tell she was starting to get irritated and annoyed. She would constantly try to defend herself and say that she was perfectly fine but to no prevail.


It was to my surprise that she hadn’t kicked someone’s for bugging her about it too. Somehow though, she would find a way to entertain herself in her room. Whenever it was my turn to check up on her, she was either reading, playing cards and on her laptop. She was mostly on her laptop though and I always wondered what could’ve kept her so busy on it for her to forget to say hi to someone who walked in the room. (No, it’s not what you’re thinking you erts out there…geez.)


My curiosity was soon quenched on the seventh day of her quarantine, which was today. By this time she was allowed to go the kitchen and walk freely without being bothered or scolded by someone. She was in her room, on her bed and of course, on her laptop when I peeked in to see if she needed anything.


“You need anything?” I asked her in a mild tone and she shook her head and continued to stare intently on whatever she was doing on her laptop. I shrugged and headed for my room. Once I reached it, I closed the door and switched on my own laptop. After the boring process of waiting for the systems to load, I immediately signed on to my StarCraft account.


(Okay, I just want to let you guys know that I am not an expert on StarCraft so if I get the gaming terms wrong, I am sorry :D)


Not to brag or anything but I was a God at playing StarCraft. (Don’t tell Siwon-hyung I said that…He hates it when I call myself a God…) I was undefeated and ruled the online world. It was my kingdom where I was powerful and no one could stop me. Well, until I met him…


I went onto Online Battles and saw my target. The user’s name was Blue_Lightning15 and he was only person online that I couldn’t beat. When we first met, I thought that the person was a complete amateur at the game based on his screen name and boy was I wrong. I versed him thinking he was going to help me increase my level up points. After five minutes of versing him I already lost two games in a row. From that first meeting I swore to myself that I wouldn’t stop playing StarCraft until I beat his sorry . Whenever I logged on he and he would be online as well, I versed him and in despair I continually lost time and time again. This week had been my downfall. Surprisingly he was on more often this week than in all the time I had known him and I took my chances in trying to kill him off.


Now I had another chance and was determined to beat this guy once and for all. I clicked on his screen name and chose the option battle.


Blue_Lightning15: Want to fight again? R u sure?


GamKyu21: Hell yeah, r you ready 2 die today?


Blue_Lightning15: What? U mean like the other times I died? Oh, wait that was u who died…not me…sorry sorry.


My eyebrow twitched and I clenched my teeth. This guy seriously got nerve. What the heck? What’s up with the Sorry Sorry? He’s such a loser. Does he even know who I am? I’ll show him.


GamKyu21: Shut the hell up and play.


Blue_Lightning15: Whatever you say captain. *salute*


From that point on we battled like no tomorrow, sending each other insults and come-backs.


Blue_Lightning15: U know, u really shouldn’t have done that….


GamKyu21: N why not?


Within the next two seconds, my opponent killed of all of my men with one attack and started to destroy my HQ.


Blue_Lightning15: Because of that….. sorry sorry ….. Looks like I win again… >.<


I slammed my fist on my desk and only succeeded on hurting my own hand. I started typing furiously.


GamKyu21: One more game and we’ll see who is better.


Blue_Lightning15: Ok…but don’t say I didn’t warn you… for the past seven games….just saying….


GamKyu21: I won’t stop until I win, u know…


Blue_Lightning15: Yeah…. I know that’s why I was considering LETTING you win….i am kind of tired…


I gritted my teeth and wanted to punch this guy. The nerve to say that he would LET me win. Unbelievable.


GamKyu21: Don’t you dare!!! I WILL NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO BE BEATEN BY YOU!!!!


Blue_Lightning15: sure sure…. I admire your perseverance.


We then started out tenth game continuously shooting insults at each other.


Blue_Lightning15: U really want to win that bad huh?


GamKyu21: Of course. I had been undefeated until I met you!


Blue_Lightning15: Ahhh…that explains a lot…maybe I should just disappear… so you would still be undefeated… how does that sound?


GamKyu21: I don’t get what ur saying…


Blue_Lightning15: I am saying  this….


And he logged off, automatically making me win. The bastard let me win!!


I slammed on the desk again and stood up, cursing the life out of Blue_Lightning15. I opened the door to my room and barged out in rage and disappointment. I slammed my door and headed for the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to grab some milk and slammed the door shut.


“Wow, Kyu you okay?” I turned and saw the others giving me weird looks. I shrugged my shoulders and looked away.


“Don’t worry. It’s probably that stupid computer game of his.” Kibum said to them and they all nodded. They were used to outburst form be caused by my game…no because of him… Blue_Lightning15. Grrr….How I hate that guy.


I sat down on floor in front of the couch and drank my milk. At that moment Hyori came skipping out of her room with a huge grin on her face and went for a glass of milk too.


“Why are you so happy?” Henry asked seeing the joyous mood from her. She was practically emitting stars and shining auras.


“Oh nothing really, I just beat some obnoxious person online.” Looks like someone is having a better time online than I was.


“Really? Like a computer game?” Henry was asking and Hyori came over and sat next to me facing the others who were busy watching the T.V.


“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing to say…” Hyori trailed off while looking at her glass of milk.


“Please tell me!! I am dying to know what you are interested in.” I rolled my eyes and began drinking my milk as Hyori sighed.


“Well, okay then since you begged. I play a game called StarCraft. I know it’s dorky but it’s really fu—Wow! Kyu! Are you okay?” I started to choke on my milk that I was drinking and interrupted her. I waved of her help and calmed down a bit. I didn’t know she played too. Once I calmed down, they began talking once more.


“You play StarCraft? Really? Kyuhyun plays that same game as you.” Henry was saying to Hyori who looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders.


“What? Really? That’s so cool! Maybe we could have a match later but I warn you. I am pretty bad at it still. Sorry sorry.” She asked me and I raised an eyebrow. Sorry sorry? Why did that sound familiar?




It couldn’t be….Could it?


“Hyori, what is your screen name?” I asked her quizzically and she blushed. At this time, we had attracted all the other member’s attention and they were listening intently.


“Umm… That’s a bit embarrassing to say too.” She said to me and my eyebrows pulled together.


“And why is that?” Donghae asked form the couch. She shrugged her shoulders and looked away.


“Well because I made the account when I was a huge fan of Super Junior and I wasn’t thinking when I made the username.” She tried to explain and my heart began to race.


“So tell us! Tell us! What did you use as you screen name?!” Eunhyuk was demanding and wanted to know badly.


“Yeah! Stop keeping us in suspense! Spit it out already.” Heechul urged her on and I cringed hoping it wasn’t true.


“Okay fine, I’ll tell you guys.” She said in a shy voice as she looked at her glass of milk once again. She continued.


“It’s Blue_Lightning15. I named it like this because blue representing for the color for ELF’s, Lighting so that you guys would make it big lighting fast and 15 for all the 15 members of SUJU.” She explained and my heart stopped. I froze and the blood from my face drained.


It couldn’t be….


“Wow! That’s a really cool username and I it sounds like you really put a lot into making it.” Leeteuk said encouragingly as the others nodded along. I on the other hand bolted up. I turned and pointed my finger at Hyori who looked stunned.


“YOU! IT WAS YOU!” I yelled out as the others just looked confused and started.


“It was me? What did I do?” She asked in an innocent voice looking as angelic possible. Hyori held the expression of complete innocence. Her face was a complete mask. However, it takes one to know one right? And I knew, I just knew she wasn’t as innocent as she put herself to be. Blocked from everyone else’s view, I saw a glint of mischievousness in her eyes that only I could recognize.


Oh My God! I couldn’t believe it. From the beginning…all along…








Hyori’s POV


MWAHAHAHA!!!!  I am evil am I not? To be honest, when the GamKyu21 versed me for the first time, I knew it was a very slim chance of it being the actual Kyuhyun of Super Junior. However, started to wonder what would happen if it was the real Kyuhyun. But then as time passed, I shrugged off the notion and just played normally with the guy.  Who knew he as bad as he did though.


I had only found out this week the true identity of GamKyu21. I had found out along the way that GamKyu21 was really the actual Kyuhyun of Super Junior. From all the times this week that I had played and Kyu getting upset whenever he exited his room, I was able to sum everything up and I loved how I kicked his time and time again.


I had beat the King at him own game.


I looked at him innocently as he pointed an accusing finger at me. I wanted to bite that finger off. I hated being pointed at. It made me feel guilty for something I had done and what I did now wasn’t bad at all. I had tamed an arrogant jerk. That wasn’t bad at all.


“YOU! IT WAS YOU!” He yelled at me and I rolled my eyes in my head. Who else could it have been? Santa? Not likely….but that would have been cool.


“It was me? What did I do?” I asked innocently hinting that I actually knew what was going on in my eyes.


“YOU! YOU’RE THE FREAKING WHO KEEPS MOCKING ME ON STARCRAFT!” He yelled at me and I just sat there looking up at him. It was so hard not to laugh out loud.


“Wow, Kyu calm down! Take a seat!” Leeteuk demanded and Kyu finally took his seat next to me still glaring at me. I could feel the holes of rage being burrowed in my head and I shuddered.


“Now what are you taking about? What are you talking about Hyori mocking you?” Leeteuk asked seriously. Kyu never let his gaze lift from my face while he replied.


“On StarCraft! There was always this one person who I couldn’t beat and continually mocked me!” He said through gritted teeth.


“Yah! It’s not my fault you absolutely at playing StarCraft! Besides I wasn’t mocking you…I was just saying the truth and I like to tease that’s all.” I said to him in a nonchalant tone while facing the others.


“Wait, so what you’re saying is that Kyu got his kicked on StarCraft by our Hyori?” Hangeng was saying and it was obvious that he was holding back his laughter.


“I don’t think he got his kicked, more like he got it handed to him.” Zhoumi interrupted.


“On a platter,” Eunhyuk added.


“With sides of kimchi and noddles with black sauce…” Shingdong added too. We all looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders.


“Anyway, yeah, Hyori since when did you play StarCraft?” Minnie asked me and I tilted my head in thought.


“Umm, about a couple of months ago. I was bored and wanted something to do. My friend was actually the one who suggested I play this game.” I replied honestly to all of them not looking at Kyuhyun who was still unmoving next to me.


“Wait you started playing just a few months ago and you were still able to beat Kyu?”Siwon asked me and I nodded, not seeing what the big deal was.


“I thought Kyu was the King of StarCraft.” Yesung asked all of us and I just shrugged my shoulders.


“Kyuhyun, exactly how long have you been playing StarCraft?” Donghae asked him. Kyuhyun looked away and started blushing.


“I started playing before I was in Super Junior.” He mumbled but was still audible to the rest of us. For a couple of moments there was silence then suddenly a huge roar of laughter filled the room.










Waves of laughter kept hitting all of the Super Junior members. Leeteuk was smacking his legs and Zhoumi and Hangeng were lying on top of each other. Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Shingdong were trying to support one another and Heechul was crawling on the floor. The rest of them including me was clutching on to our stomachs in pain and enjoyment. The only one who wasn’t included into the festivities was of course, the center of the joke himself. The evil maknae, Kyuhyun.


He stood with a bolt and stomped his was to his room. After a few seconds of his disappearance, we all heard the door slam shut. Everyone began cracking up once again but I started to feel a little guilty for what happened. When the room quieted and everyone calmed down after a third eruption of laughter, I began to talk.


“I think we went a little rough on him, don’t you think?” I said to all of them who just stared at me.


“What do you mean?” Kangin asked and I shrugged.


“I mean, I don’t think he took it as a joke.” I explained and they just kept on staring at me like I had five heads or something.


“Don’t worry about him Hyori. He gets like this when we piss him off too.”


“Yeah, he’ll be a lot better later or after he pulls a prank on someone else.”


“Just ignore it and move on. There’s no need to worry about him.”


“Besides, he gets what he deserves. It’s nice to see him on his knees because of a girl.” Minnie commented while the others nodded in agreement. I still felt a little guilty but decided to take their advice. Besides, they knew him better than I did. Right?





YO! Was Sup Mah Homies!


Okay… that’s not me… I was trying something new! Don’t judge! Lolz!

So yes, that’s the chapter I wrote for today…I hope you found it funny and I am killing anyone with my lame humor… (>.<) So what do you guys think is going to happen to Kyu and Hyori?

Trouble in paradise? Yes, a major yes to that one but any predictions?

Comment and tell me! lolz… I honestly and truly love hearing from my readers. If any of you peeps are writers you know what I am talking about too lol…

Okay time for the sad/bad/terrible news I have for you guys… I am going to have a school meeting tomorrow for practically the whole day so I really really don’t know when I can update tomorrow. If I get home early enough I will definitely post something up!

Anyway, Thanks for reading like always and comment if you have thoughts to share!

….That means you! Yeah you! The one who is about to click the exit button…

I see you! 

…. No, jk jk! Love you all! Yes, even you silent readers :D

Thanks and see you next chappie!


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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying