Bet?...What Bet?

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 20

Kyuhyun’s POV:

The door slammed shut and I headed to by bed. I flopped on top with the widest smile on my face. I knew acting like a brat would get me something I wanted for free. I just had to wait for and let things get more heated up.

So does that mean that all the times I acted like an to all of my friends and staff members was on purpose? To put it simply, yes.

From the point I entered my room that day after the Starcraft incident I started formulating a plan to get her back. Like her, my plan was to be kept on the down low and only for me to know.

So there I was, lying on my bed with the stupid smile plastered on my face for the prize I had won.

I contemplated all the things I could do to Hyori; not to mention the things I could make her do for me. So many choices from making her clean my room to cooking my favorite foods for me where revolving in my head. Being a guy, I also had ideas of what other ‘things’ I could do to her. The simplest thoughts however made me shiver and feel uncomfortable in a good way.

Hyori tending to my every whim. Hyroi in a bunny suit rushing to make me dinner. Hyori in a maid outfit cleaning my room. Hyori tied and whimpering and me holding a whip… and the thoughts kept coming. I sighed in delight.

(Kyu is such a creep! Lol…. Don’t hate me kekeke!)

After thinking of the many joys I could rain on myself because of Hyori, I sat up and listened to the ruckus from down the hall. Then suddenly I heard the door leading to outside the dorm boom shut. I snickered. I guess Hyori had to leave for some air. Oh, I am so going to enjoy this.



Back to Hyori walking the streets of Seoul…

Suddenly she shivered out of nowhere looking around her.

What was that just now? She thought to herself.

Maybe someone was thinking of me… Hyori continued

But why do I get the feeling that it wasn’t a thought that could benefit me in any way…hmm…

Shrugging it off, she continued on her way and enjoyed the rest of her leisure walk through the city.


A couple days later

Hyori’s POV

“Hyori! Com’on! We’re going to be late!” I heard Leetuek scream from the dorm’s main door and I quivered. I now understood why the others are scared of their leader. Everyone knew him to be the fun outgoing guy on stage but in the dorms, he’s a whole different story.

“C-coming!” I replied back while rushing to stuff my things in my bag. I hated carrying a purse around with me and much rather preferred to carry around a bag. It just held so much more and after living with these guys for three weeks now, I knew it was extremely handy.

Over the few weeks that have passed, I have noticed a pattern in everyone’s behavior. From these patterns, I have adjusted what I carry in my bag to assist them in any way possible. From tissues, coloring books and snacks my bag was filled to accompany my needs as well as theirs. You see, even is Super Junior is one of the biggest stars out there in Asia; they aren’t what you could call the best at remembering things.

With double and even triple checking my bag, I finally ran out of the dorm and down into the parking lot.

“Pali Hyori!” Minnie cried from inside the bus and I ran to catch the doors before they closed. Once inside, I looked around to find an empty seat. Unfortunallry the only seat available was one in the back of the bus next to the Trio. Sighing I headed my way over while giving Minnie evil looks. I still haven’t gotten to beating him to a pulp yet.

“What? Miss us that much?” Hangeng asked me and I scoffed. He may have been a prince when rescuing me but after that day, he had completely ignored me and had started acting like the typical he was. I promptly sat in between him and Zhoumi who was sitting next to Kyuhyun who was focused on his PSP.

After a few seconds of silence the Trio started talking in Chinese.

“Hey, have anyone of you made a move on her yet?” The eldest of the three asked.

Her? Did they have another target? Poor girl, she’s going to have her hands full with these knuckle heads.

“Nope, not yet. I’m still thinking of a way to approach her.” Zhoumi was saying.

Hmmm? Gentleman Mimi having a hard time catching a girl?

“Too bad for you hyung, I have already made my move on her. I have a date set and soon she’ll be wrapped around my finger.” Kyuhyun snickered and I resisted rolling my eyes at his conceitedness.

“How about you hyung?” Zhoumi asked after smacking Kyuhyun on the head. I have been with these idiots for a good month and some things just never change. I sat up straight ready to hear the reply.

“Actually, I have already seen her in her underwear.” Hangeng scoffed out and I wasn’t the only one to choke up.

Wow, they didn’t call him a playboy for nothing.

“Wh-wh-what?!?!” Kyu puttered out and I had to resist laughing at his expression. I looked over at Zhoumi and saw a dejected look in his eyes.

“Yup,*Sigh* those blue super junior underwear was very nice on her too.It really accentuated her curves and she had such fair skin.” That’s strange, I had a pair too. Guess I’m not the only crazy elf out there huh? Then Hangeng continued.

“I wonder if she is wearing them right now. You know if she was, I would totally TAP that!” He said.


At that moment I hadn’t noticed both of Kyuhyun’s and Zhoumi’s gazes look me over in the most creeper way possible. If I had been looking I would have said that they were stripping me with their eyes. *SHIVER*

Still in Chinese, they continued their conversation thinking that I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

“It’s a good thing she doesn’t understand what we are saying or else your head would be on a platter.” Kyuhyun said and internally, I nodded.

No guy should think about a girl in that way.

“I know but you would like that wouldn’t you Kyuhyun. Just so that you can win this huh?” Hangeng replied.


“Of course. Do you guys know how deprived I have been feeling in the department?” The maknae replied.

“Well, duh! Of course I would know. I am part of this bet you know.” The eldest said.

“Me too.” Zhoumi added in too.

Great…Just great… I was not only sitting next to the most arrogant guys on the bus but also the horniest guys on the bus too.

What did I do to deserve this…

There was silence for the next few seconds and suddenly Zhoumi spoke up.

“You know if she ever found out that we made this bet about her, I don’t think she would ever forgive us…” Zhoumi said in a quiet voice.

Bet? On who? SuJu undies girl?

“Hmmm….well if ever this turns out for the worst we could always blame it on Kyu.” Hangeng concluded and Zhoumi started nodding.

“Yup, okay that solved everything.” Zhoumi agreed and kyu was about to defend  himself.

“Fine then blame it on the Maknae. It’s not my fault Hyori is a nice piece of .” Kyuhyun defended himself.


Huh? What? REWIND!

Did he just say Hyori? As in me Hyori?

I was about to say something when the bus stopped and everyone started to file out. I didn’t even have time to recollect myself when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up and saw Hangeng, Zhoumi and Kyuhyun looking at me and I came into realization.

The freaking erted trio made a bet.

A bet about me…

On who could catch me first…

Oh crap…




Ok… don’t hurt me >.< I know I haven’t updated in like more than a month. So I thought since I had free time now that I should make an update. I have just been so busy with moving to a new school and getting use to the new schedule that it has been really confusing for me at the moment. Now that time has passed, I feel like I can start updating every weekend if I don’t have a major test in the next up-coming week.

Now that’s out of the way….

Has anyone heard of the free Kpop concert in New Jersey? U-know the one that was supposed to be in NYC? Well, I really hope I could go and see SHINee, B2st, and TVXQ. Kekeke! My friend has even thought of volunteering to help out backstage.

WHAHAHAH!!! *Evil laugh* kekeke! Only problem is…I don’t speak Korean >.> Oh well take it or leave it right?

Anyway I hoped you like this chappie. I also have to confess that I didn’t really have any time to go over it so sorry for the many mistakes… ^_^

Thanks for all the support and I hope you be patient with me ^_^



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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying