Gambling of Hearts ~

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 7

Back in the living room…

Sungmin's POV

"So what do you think of Hyori?" I asked my friends. I was curious to see what they thought about my best friend.

"I personally think she is smoking hot!" Kyuhyun said nonchalantly.

"I agree" said both Hangeng and Zhoumi simultaneously. I rolled my eyes. I knew those dorks would react like this. Hyori has always had a great figure but to say it bluntly like that felt weird. Going to warn Hyori about this later.

"You guys think everything female that walks is GORGEOUS!" Heechul said but he also said gorgeous in English, which was pretty funny. It reminded me how he called everything gorgeous back then too back when we met Eva and Anya.

"I think she is cool. I mean, she knows how to play video games too! What girl in the universe knows how to do that?" Eunhyuk sighed.

"I think someone is in love~<3" Sang Kyuhyun.

“Oh shut up Kyuhyun.” Kibum turned to Eunhyuk, “There are a lot of girls in America and Canada who play video games. It’s a lot different there than here” He said in a matter of fact tone. Henry nodded in agreement.

"Yah! Hyukkie is mine and mine alone!!" Donghae yelled while pulling Eunhyuk in a tight hug. Geez... There goes that Fishy…again.

"Well yeah, I agree I think Hyori is pretty cool too. I don't know her that well, but from what I noticed about her, she seems innocent. Hmm… I wonder if she reads the Bible…" Siwon defended Hyori then trailed of in his own thoughts. I saw Leeteuk and Kibum nod in agreement.

I smiled I knew someone would think so but what was with that religious comment. Don’t tell me he thinks her to be a good wife?! HYORI! DON”T GET MARRIED YET!

"I could talk to someone else in English with!!" squealed Henry.

"Henry, you could have talked to me," Kibum said sadly.

"Me too!" I said in my Aegyo voice.

"You guys are too boring to talk to!" was all Henry could say in English before pouting.

"Well will you look at the time. It’s already eleven. Come on everyone! Time to sleep! We all have schedules tomorrow morning until who knows what time!" Leeteuk interrupted. I sighed and started to head towards my room only remembering that that Hyori was in there too sleeping already. So I crept in and got my clothes to wash up in the bathroom. Then time to sleep.

I walked over to where Hyori was laying fast asleep. I gently move a piece of hair out of her face and pulled up her blanket.

"Goodnight Hyori..." I whispered as I smiled. “It’s great to have you back. I am happy that we fulfilled our vow to each other.” I turned gently and felt a small tug on my pajamas. I looked behind me and saw Hyori smiling up at me.


“Me too chingu, me too,” she whispered. I climbed into bed and reached out my hand to her. Our beds were so close that we only had a foot and a half distance apart. She put her hand in mine and we fell fast asleep holding hands just like before.


Meanwhile back in the other bedrooms…

Third Person POV


Hangeng, Kyuhyun, and Zhoumi all were restless in their beds that each of them, one by one, got up to go to the living room.


Hangeng wanted water.


Kyukyun had thought that his bedroom was too hot to sleep in.


Zhoumi just had a nagging feeling bothering him.


However the true reason that bothered the three of them was of course, Hyori.


Soon they were all gathered in the living room for no particular reason or so they thought. They were sprawled on the couches with the T.V. on but no one was paying real attention to it. Suddenly, Kyuhyun perked up.


“So hyungs, what do you really think of our new tenant?” Kyuhyun asked his hyungs. He knew that they all thought that Hyori was hot but wheels were turning in his devious mind.


“She makes you think.” Zhoumi replied. This caused both Kyuhyun and Hangeng to look at him with interested expressions. It wasn’t often Zhoumi would give is opinion about a girl. Even if he was a player, he liked to keep things to himself.


“What do you mean Zhoumi?” Hangeng was now intrigued.


“Back before dinner was ready, I had asked her in the living room if she had a boyfriend in America. Unlike other simple-minded girls, she avoided my question by shooting some at me.” Both Hangeng and Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow. No girl had enough sense to evade Zhoumi’s questions much less fire some at the Questioner.


“She seems to know how to evade guys. Maybe she had some suitors back in the States. She is quite a catch, especially with that behind of her’s” Hangeng observed.


“Probably…Yah! Did you feel her up already? Just because you’re the oldest out of our trio, doesn’t mean you get dib’s on the hot new tenant.” Kyuhyun pouted.


“I have to agree with Kyu with that.” Zhoumi interjected.


“Fine. I’ll kick it down a notch, just because you guys can’t catch a chick when I am around. My hotness is too great.” Hangeng boasted.


“Sure, you maybe the head ladies’ man in our group but if Heechul-hyung caught you saying that, you would be lying on the ground…as a motionless lump.” Kyu said in a snarky tone while Zhoumi chuckled. They all knew how defensive Heechul was about his looks.


“What about we make a bet?” Kyu said after a brief pause of silence. He looked at his hyungs and they both raised an eyebrow.


“We all know here that we are the best at getting girls but all the ones before are small fish compared to Hyori.” Kyuhyun continued.


“So what are you suggesting?” Hangeng said in an interested tone. He believed that whatever Kyu was going to throw at him he would win for sure.


“I am suggesting that we make a bet on who gets to Hyori first.” The maknae said.


“As in who ever make her fall for us the quickest? How long is the time limit and what are the rules?” Zhoumi questioned.


“Exactly hyung, the time limit is until we release our new album. So that gives us two months to complete the wager. The rules? Let’s see… Okay, you aren’t allowed to see any other girls…meaning no dates with them, no flirting…not unless you need it to accomplish the bet and absolutely no . Oh! And you can’t interrupt on the other contestant’s dates.” Kyuhyun said cheekily.


Everything was fine with the bet and the guys but once they heard no , things got sticky. Each of them didn’t know how long the bet would last but they were all cocky enough to believe that they could make Hyori fall for them before they went all mad. Hangeng was the largest flirt out of the three of them. He had slept with the most girls and flirted a lot off camera. Kyuhyun was a very close second to his hyung in that department but Zhoumi wasn’t that bad as the other two. Nevertheless, they all came to one final decision. They were going to enter the bet to win Hyori and to show their pride.


“Okay, I accept the terms.” Hangeng said then turned to Zhoumi, “What about you?”


“Yeah, I accept. “ He replied then faced the maknea, “So when does the game begin?”


“It starts tomorrow.” Kyu firmly said.

“Alright then. Come on we have to go to bed or Leeteuk will find out we have been out late again.” Hangeng said.


After that they all headed to their rooms. However they didn’t sleep. All they did was think of the perfect way to win Hyori’s heart.


With those thoughts they each, one by one, fell asleep with a smirk on their faces.


However what the Trio didn’t know was they were going to hurt someone really bad throughout the process of their stupid bet.


Well I hoped you liked the chapter. I felt like it took too long to get to this point. Mianhe! <3

Anyway, I hope you all stay tuned for the next chapters!

Speaking about staying tuned… Did you listen to Mr. Simple yet?! Amazing isn’t it? Lolz!

Okay then go HW to do catch you guys later! 

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying