Hyori's Devilish Nature

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 26




I headed for the parking lot and saw the car parked in the distance. I was able to see the other

three guys in the car faced towards one another discussing something. I smirked and once I was in

the line of sight of the car, I turned into the depressed and sad Hyori from before. My shoulders

slumped, my face in an expressionless mass and the aura around me screamed sadness.


It wasn’t hard for me to act. I never took lessons but it was just something that came naturally to

me. To be honest, I did like acting just play out certain scenarios in my head. I walked slowly to the

car and soon the Trio saw me from the inside. Their faces grew from expectant and fell to quizzical

expressions as I entered the passenger seat.


“Hey Hyori? Are you okay?” Zhoumi questioned as I pulled out my phone. I ignored his question

and began to text Minnie.


“How was the interview? Did you get the job?” Kyu asked expectantly and like with Zhoumi’s

question, I ignored him as I continued to text. I forced my eyes to water as I looked at the screen.


“Hyori?” It was Hangeng’s turn to see what was wrong with me. He reached out and placed a hand

on my shoulder. I turned to face him as a single tear drop fell from my eyes. Hangeng’s reaction

was that of shock and sympathy. I looked back down and re-read the message that I sent to



To: Minnie <3


Minnie please tell the others that I just want to be alone for a while. Don’t try to contact

me. I’m with Hangeng, Zhoumi and Kyuhyun so you don’t have to worry.


Fr: Hyori


The car was silent the entire time I was on my phone. It seemed as if they didn’t know what to do. I

crossed my arms and turned to look outside the window. Hangeng started the car and soon we

were on the main road without a planned destination in mind. Suddenly, Zhoumi spoke in Chinese.


“Hyung, maybe we should at least try to make Hyori feel better.”


“Sure but how?” Hangeng asked as he passed the third green light.


“How about we take her to the mall? All girls love shopping.” Kyu suggested and I smirked.


Free clothes? I think so!



“Okay that sounds like a good idea. Let’s try our best alright guys! Sungmin would kill us if we


brought home a sad Hyori.” Hangeng said enthusiastically and drove off to the huge mall.




In about ten minutes we were parked in the parking lot of the mall and I turned to the Trio with a


confussed look on my face.


“Why are we here?” I asked them knowing fully well why we were here, but I had to keep up with my



“We’re here to make you feel better Hyori!” Zhoumi said a bit too excitedly and I resisted the urge

to snort at his out-of-character behavior.


“Oh, well you didn’t have you guys.” I faked humility. However as I expected, Hangeng walked in

front of me heading for the entrance as the other two held my wrists and pulled me forward.


“Come on! Let’s go eat first!” Kyu suggested and soon enough we were in a small and cozy café

inside the mall.


“What do you want to order Hyori?” Hangeng asked as he handed me a menu and I looked at the

list of caffeinated beverages and chose the most expensive one there.


“You sure you want that one?” Hangeng asked regretfully and Zhoumi elbowed him in the ribs.


“Of course she wants that one hyung. Now go order.” Zhoumi pushed Hangeng out of his seat and

headed for the counter. On his way there, he received many looks of interest and wonder. So did,

Kyuhyun and Zhoumi.


Heehee… this is gonna be fun.


“Hangeng-shi! Can you make our orders to go!” I yelled from our seats and recived horrified looks

from the other two at the table and shrieks of joy from the observers in the café. Hangeng had

whip[ed around to face me and I glowed of innocence and ignorance.


“Uhh… Hyori, it REALLY would be best if you didn’t shout out our names like that.” Zhoumi

whispered and I tilted my head to the side completely innocent.


“Uh? Wae?” I asked.


“Because…uh… it isn’t fun to be chased by fans everywhere we go.” Kyu tried to sound calming

but I fainted surprise.


“Oh God! I’m so sorry! I forgot you guys were IDOLS.” I said exaggerating the word idols and my

mouth was quickly covered with Hangeng’s hand who had just came back from getting our order.


“Hahaha…. Let’s go guys. I think it would be best if we leave. Like NOW.” He said and as we left,

cameras flashed and mobiles were whipped out to either contact friends or take pictures of SUJU

members. I inwardly giggled and we finally exited the café.


“So where do you want to go first?” Kyu asked and I pointed at them.


“I think you guys need disguises if we’re going to shop here.” I said and pulled all three of them into

the closest clothing store. I chose the most obvious and ridiculous outfits there.


“Is this really going to hide our identities?” Zhoumi walked out of the dressing room with a pair of

jean shorts, converse and a shirt that had ‘I’m confused…wait no I’m not’ written in English. He was

also wearing a green hat and shades in an attempt to cover his face. Then it was Kyuhyun’s turn to

walk out of the adjacent room dressed in yellow kakis, blue converse and a T-Shirt written in

English that said ‘WARNING: I Do Stupid Things.” Personally, I thought the shirt reflected his

personality perfectly.


“I seriously think these are going to make us stand out a lot more than if we dressed in regular

clothes.” Hangeng noted as he walked out of his dressing room with pink skinny jeans, red

sneakers topped off this a t-shirt that had ‘I’m with Mr. Gay’ which below it had an arrow pointing to

his side. I muffled a laugh as all of them looked at me questioningly.


“Umm…why are you laughing?” Kyu asked and looked at himself in the mirror, not finding anything

THAT wrong with his clothes.


“Oh nothing, all the outfits match you guys.” I said and got up from my chair.


“The writing on our shirts, it’s in English right?” Zhoumi observed and I nodded.


“It doesn’t say anything bad right?” Hangeng reassured and I nodded not looking at him.


“Of course it says things perfectly PG-rated things.” I said in a muffled voice as I lead the three of

them to the cashier who was staring at the choice of clothes the three of them were wearing. I

snickered and soon we left the store.


“So where to now Hyori?” Hangeng asked and I looked around at the surrounding stores. I pointed

to the first junior’s clothing store in sight. We walked in and because of the Trio’s outrageous

outfits, they started to gain some unwanted attention.


“Yah, yah! Isn’t that SUJU?”


“OMG! That’s totally Hangeng!”


“Look how hot Kyu looks!”


“I’ve GOT to contact everyone ASAP!” I heard many female fans say as I shopped for clothes. I saw

a cute skirt in the front of the store by the window display and picked it up.


“OPPA! Does this look cute?” I asked and turned to Zhoumi who blushed crazily and nnodded not

making eye contact with me.


“Uh, Hyori please don’t scream something like that out in public.” Zhoumi begged and I chuckled

darkly. I walked over to Hangeng and Kyu who were hiding in the back of the store and modeled

the skirt to them too.


“Watcha guys think?” I said as I turned with the skirt up to my waist. I didn’t miss the subtle drool

coming out of Kyu’s mouth or the light cough Hangeng covered with a sigh.


“Yeah, get it.” Kyu merely said and I nodded. After a few more selected items, we paid and headed

for the next store.


Store after store, the pile of bags the guys were carrying for me grew and I grinned evilly. As we

shopped however, the crowd of unwanted spectators and fans grew in number as they slowly

followed all of our movements. Finally we headed to the final store I had planned for. I headed for

the nearest lingerie store.


“Come on guys, let’s go.” I said and walked in. I looked back and saw that the three of them were

frozen outside of the store, not wanting to enter. They exchanged looks and then looked at me.


“Hyori, we can’t go into a store like that with all these people following us.” Hangeng said and I



“But I need your opinions on what would look good.” I said desperately and resisted the urge to

cringe at the tone of my voice.


“Our image would be ruined if someone were to catch all of us in a store like that with you.” Zhoumi

noted and Kyu nodded his head regretfully.

Time to play my trump card…



I stomped my foot and looked at the three of them. I urged the fake tears to grow in my eyes and I

pouted.  To put it simply, I was acting like a brat.


“Fine then! I’ll go by myself!” I turned and marched into the store unknowing to the Trio my hidden



I walked in and hid from the view of the Trio in the front. To be honest, I wasn’t here to search for

any fancy underwear. I hated all the lacy stuff just because it was itchy and annoying. I looked at

my watch and saw that it was already 6:30pm. I looked up and waited for my plan to unfold.






“Hyung can’t we go and help her out?” Kyu asked and I smacked his head.


“I know perfectly well how your erted mind works!” I scolded him and he frowned.


“That’s not far hyung! I know how YOUR erted mind works too!” Kyu defended and crossed his

arms like a spoiled child who was denied a sweet treat.


“Hyung.” I turned and faced Zhoumi who had a worried look on his face.


“What is it Zhoumi?” I asked and he shrugged. Currently we were sitting on a bench right outside of

the store Hyori was in and thankfully our crowd of stalkers had mistaken some other group of guys

as us and left.


“Don’t you think that we should at least try and help her out just a bit in there? Putting all erted

thoughts aside, Hyori did have a bad day today.” Zhoumi pointed out and I shook my head in



It would seem a bit inhumane to just leave her alone when she needed someone close to her at the

moment. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I looked at it.


To: Hangeng


Hyung, please take care of Hyori. I don’t think she got the job. I just want her smiling 

when she comes home. Thank you hyung! I owe you one! <3 <3


Fr: Sungmin


I sighed and closed my eyes. Beside me I heard similar sighs and looked at Kyu and Zhoumi who


had both just closed their phones.



“Text from Sungmin?” I asked and they both nodded their heads.


“Yeah, Sungmin said if we didn’t take care of Hyori then he’d tear us to pieces.” Zhoumi shivered

and I looked at Kyu.


“He said that? Well, he told me the same thing but in MORE added detail of the ripping.” Kyu said

and simultaneously we all sighed.


“Fine.” I said and got up.


“What?” They both asked.


“Let’s go in.” I said and I headed in.






After sitting in my hideout, I noticed that Hangeng was finally getting up from the bench. It was

about twenty minutes after I had walked in and I was relieved that they started to enter the store.

As they walked in deeper into the store, I started to slip out of the store. Slowly I pasted without

them noticing and finally I was free. I breathed a sigh of relief and stretched.


Okay time for step two. I pulled out my phone and started to text them a group message as I jogged

towards the group of SUJU fans near the ice cream shop. The text read:

To: Trio



Let’s see exactly how fast you guys can run. First to arrive at the dorm will have a

surprise waiting for them. ;) See you soon <3


Fr: Hyori


I smirked at my message and sent it. I approached the group of fan girls and subtly blended in.


“OHMYGAWD! There they are! In that store!” I said and pointed at the lingerie store I had just

exited. Frantically all the girls started to flail and charged for the store.


Heehee… sorry guys ^_^


Step three: Time to go the dorms.


I exited the mall and headed for the car that Hangeng had driven us here in. I smirked and pulled

out the keys from my back pocket.




I bumped into Hangeng from the back faking a trip. As he caught me I slowly slipped my hand into

his pocket and slipped the keys out.


“Are you okay?” He asked oblivious to my true intentions. I nodded and we continued our walk.


End of Flashback


I opened the car and drove the good seven minutes to the SUJU dorm screaming along to SUJU’s

y, Free and Single that had just came up on the radio. Soon I was at the door step of the dorm

and I carefully put my sad face back on. I opened the door and walked in.


“HYORI!!!!” Minnie came rushing up to me and tackled me into a bear hug or rather a bunny hug. I


resisted the urge to laugh and lightly hugged him back. He ushered me into the living room where

everyone else was waiting. I was immediately ambushed with ‘are you okay?’ and ‘how was it?’ but I

just kept a straight face. Eventually the room grew quiet and I took action.


“I GOT THE JOB!!!!” I screamed and they all were frozen in place trying to understand the



“I got the job! I passed the interview! Hahahah!!! The looks on your faces!” I said laughing and

finally the ice was broken and joyful burst of congratulations erupted.


“Come on! Let’s Celebrate!” Leeteuk suggested and there were cheers of joy.


“BULGOGI!!” Shindong called out receiving nudged from the other members.


“God is good isn’t he?” Siwon asked as we all walked out and I nodded while everyone else just



“LET’S GO KARAOKING!” Eunhyuk suggested and Donghae jumped on his back in excitement.


“Oh GOD! Not again!” Kangin stated but Heechul elbowed him.


“Don’t say that in front of Siwon!” Heechul joked and Siwon bumped into him by ‘accident’ while

putting on his shoes. In a flash everyone was out of the dorm except for Leeteuk who was counting

the members on his hands.


“Hyori? Where are Hangeng, Zhoumi and Kyuhyun?” he asked and I shrugged.

Probably running for dear life from fans at the mall…



“Oh, I’m not sure. Let’s just leave a note for them.” I said and Leeteuk nodded in agreement. After

we placed the note on the table we left to go party.


Those guys are gonna hate me SO much <3








After about thirty minutes of running around in the mall from hoards of fans, Zhoumi, Kyuhyun and I

finally made it to the parking lot without out crow from following us. We had walked to where we had

thought we parked the car only to find it occupied with another car. I reached into my back pocket 

and realized the key wasn’t in there anymore.


“Gah! I don’t have the keys! Hyori must have taken them and left.” I exclaimed and placed my

hands on my hips.


“What are we supposed to do then?”Zhoumi asked and I looked at him and Kyu with desperation in

their eyes.


“How could Hyori do this to us?” Kyu asked and I sighed.


Because she’s a conniving little brat…


“Come on let’s go take the bus.” I said regretfully and we all sulked in the hot sun to the bus stop

where we waited fifteen minutes. Finally we hopped on the crowed and humid bus and after ten

minutes we arrived at the dorm. Exhausted and angry, we all entered the dorm.


“HYORI?” I called out expecting an answer but there was silence. We entered the empty dorm and

looked around.


“Hyori?” Kyuhyun’s voice echoed from the hallway.


“No one’s here.” He came back to the living room and slumped himself on the couch.


“Hyung take a look at this.” I turned to Zhoumi who handed me a piece of paper. I took it and read

the scrawled message written in Hyori’s handwriting.


Surprise! I Got the Job! <3

Everyone’s out celebrating right now. Well got to go.

Bye guys <3



P.S. Thanks for the car.



Oh no she didn’t! 




Hey Guys <3

So I finally got around to posting this chappie up <3 

I promise more Fluff in the future chapters after the up coming one!

Well I hoped you like this chapter excluding the grammar,spelling and all my other impurities lol. 


OH! and If you guys are interested in BAP, I recently posted a BAP fic. 


Nothing But Bad Luck 


Well Check it out if you guys like it ^_^ 


Until next time! Love you all for your constant support <3 


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Thank you!
That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying