Mianhe Everyone!

The Bet that Won Her Heart

I can understand that once you realize this isn't a chapter, most of you guys would leave. However if you are willing to read on then by all means go on and thank you for your time,

I just want to start of by saying thank you to all of my readers regardless on whether you are a silent reader or an avid commenter. 

Now for the bad news...

Okay I am aware that I haven't been updating reguarly and I truly apologize. I just wanted to say that I am sorry. I won't bombard you with excuses by telling you that school is coming and stuff like that becasue I am pretty sure you get that enough from others....even though it is true... lol -_- 

However I will try to update a chapter after I finish my umm... homework.... :D heehee...

On the brighter side...

I wrote a fic dedicated to Heechul since he is leaving for military service on the first. 

I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoy my other fic. 

(Lol shameless self advertising... >_>) 

Anyway, I truly hope you enjoy my work and continue to support me and if you read the beginning and still read all the way to this point then here's some presents for you guys...






Happy (official) birthday, Siwon!


Happy birthday Han Geng! :)






I don’t have derpy Heechul. :(






And lastly...




Lol I hoped you guys enjoyed :D 

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Thank you!
That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying