A Day to Hyori :D

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 8

Sungmin’s POV


I woke up by my alarm, at seven. I looked over and saw that I was still holding Hyori’s hand. I smiled. I was happy that some things will never change between us. Slowly, as not to wake Hyori, I let go of her hand and got out of bed. Then tip-toed my way out of the room to get ready for schedules today. I wondered if Hyori should come with us today or if she should just stay home.


Once I was dressed, I headed for the kitchen to eat the breakfast that I smelled from the bathroom.


{http://pics.livejournal.com/dare_darou/pic/0002xr5h/s320x240 Sungmin’s outfit}


“Morning Hyung,” yawned a sleepy Donghae form the table. Everyone was present and was already eating. Well, thanks for waiting for me guys.


“So is Hyori going to be accompanying us to schedules?” asked an over enthusiastic Kyuhyun. I pulled my eyebrows together. Since when did he care about anything besides himself? Evil Kyu is up to something.


“No, I don’t think she has fully recovered over her jet lag,” Leetuek answered Kyu before I could with a smart- comment. He continued.


“Sungmin, go write Hyori a note saying when we will be home by and where we went so she won’t panic later when she wakes up. Oh! Don’t forget to leave some food for her you guys!..... SHINDONG! EUNHYUK! I was referring to you guys.” Leeteuk yelled. Everyone turned to Shindong and Eunhyuk who, apparently, had their cheeks full of food.


I chuckled. Shindong hyung and Eunhyuk will always be the same. I then went to go find a pen and some paper to leave a note for my chingu (friend). After writing, eating and getting last things before it was time to go, I headed for out room.


I stuck my head in our room and saw Hyori still sleeping soundly. I walked over quietly and gently nudged Hyori. She groaned and I leaned in.


“Hyori-ah, we are going for schedules now. Arraso? Okay, see you later chingu!” I whispered in her ear.


“Yah! What are you doing?” I quickly turned to see who was hissing at me. Of course it was Heechul hyung.


“Shh!!! She’s still sleeping pabo!” I hissed back at him. He was about to yell at me when I rushed to the door and covered his mouth. I pulled him out of the room while closing the door with my foot.


“Yah! You dare call your hyung pabo?!?!” He gasped. I just rolled my eyes. “What were you doing with Hyori? Huh?”


“I was saying goodbye for your information.” My irritated voice came out but then again I was happy to know he cared for her. Just then, Leetuek poked his head around the corner.


“Yah!! We are late for Schedules! It’s eight ten; we were supposed to be there by eight! Manager-hyung is going to beat the living daylights out of us if we are late again!!”


Quickly forgetting the recent events, we both rushed to the van downstairs. When Leeteuk-hyung talks like that, you should learn to listen to what he says. We all know what happens when we don’t listen.


In the van, I looked out the window and sighed. I wanted to spend more time with my buddy but duty calls. Unfortunately.


I sighed again.


I’ll see you soon Hyori!


End of POV


An hour later…


Hyori’s POV


I woke up with the sunlight shining through the open curtains. Slowly, I started to become more aware of my surroundings. Then I realized that I wasn't back in America and looked over to the bed next to mine only to see it empty and undone.

Oh, right they had schedules.

I then sat up from my laying position and reached over to the nightstand for my phone. Instead of grabbing my phone, I grabbed the hand written note next to it to see what it said.


Dear Chingu,


Morning sleepy head! Don't feel sad that we left for schedules without you. Everyone, especially Leeteuk and I, thought that it would be best if you rest in for today to recover from your jet lag. Oh! Don't get lonely okay? We will be back by five in the afternoon. See you soon! Love ya chingu!


I smiled. Who knew Leeteuk-shi would care about me in that way. Okay then. I had free time to myself until five. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I was walking down the hallway when I asked myself if I should eat first or unpack my luggage. Since I wasn't hungry yet I decided to go unpack so that it will be out of the way. I headed for our shared room and started to take things out of my suitcase.


Because I didn't know what type of weather was in Korea, I prepared for the worst. My winter jackets and sweaters went into the walk in closet with my shoes. I then put my T-shirts, pants, shorts and accessories in my dresser drawers. Then I placed a picture of my friends, family and me on my nightstand. Within an hour, I had fully moved in to my new room and by that time I was starving. I walked out into the kitchen and saw that the guys had left me some food.  Just the regular breakfast; waffles, orange juice and fruit were layer out on the table ready to be consumed.

After having the nice breakfast, which I would expect Wookie to be the chef, I went to the living room and looked around. Geez... It's been a, what? Not even a full day and the living room and the rest of the dorm was a complete mess.


So being the considerate tenant in the house, started to clean. Firstly though, I waked over to what looked like an audio system and figured out how to hook up my iPhone. From that point on, the dorm was filled with Kpop from 2ne1, to ShiNee, to Big Bang to of course Super Junior.

While I was jamming out to my own tunes, I cleaned the dorm from top to bottom. It started with just picking up their clothes and throwing them in the wash. Then it turned to folding their clothes and cleaning the couch. Which then lead to vacuuming the dorm because of all of the crumbs on the floor, probably from Shindong's snacks. Then I ended up scrubbing and waxing the floor. I ended up having to use the bathroom and walked right out. Someone had too much kimchi. I then obligated myself to clean the bathroom as well. I scrubbed the bathroom thoroughly. After cleaning the bathroom I placed a sign on the door.

"Please Flush. We don't want to see your... Ummm...'mess'. Thank you"

I headed for the living room again but as I passed the bedrooms, I noticed that they were all open and not only that. They were all of course messy. Personally, I think I have OCD because I really wanted to go in their rooms and clean for them. Then again I was new here. I couldn't just enter their rooms. That would be very rude and I was sure they wanted their own privacy after coming home from prying reporters and fans. So all I did was close their doors to prevent myself from seeing the mess and I continued to the living room.

I took one last look around and realized that everything was spotless once again. I checked the time and only two hours had passes. Wow! Just two hours to clean the whole dorm? I patted myself on the back. I reminded myself to thank my mom for training me to cleaning the impossible back in the States.


It was now 12 in the afternoon and I had nothing to do. Realizing that I had not contacted my friends here in Seoul, I picked up my phone and called up my friend from college.

"Yah! Tae Song! Let's go shopping. I heard that the mall around here is great to go shopping at." I said to my college buddy.

"What do you mean? Don't you remember I am in Korea at the moment fulfilling my wildest dreams?... Wait! Don't tell me you are here now!!" I heard him exclaim from the other end of the phone. I giggled. He had no idea I was coming to Korea much less to live here too.

"Yah! Pabo! Are we shopping or not? If so, meet me at Red Mango in thirty minutes. You know the one by SM Entertainment.” I planned our meeting place.


“Yeah, sure, no problem. See you there in thirty.” I heard him hang up and I got ready to go out with my good friend from college.


Know you all must be wondering who Kim Tae Song is. If you must know, he was my friend in college that I shared a dorm with. Crazy, I know. The college I went to only had a limited amount of dorms for the students with scholarships. The dorm was nice but they were Co-Ed. The Board of Ed. thought that it would be fine to put well mannered, geniuses and talented kids together to learn for each other. For some it was the worst situation they could be in and for others it worked out perfectly.


In my case, it worked out just fine. I had thought that I would be living with a total ert but it turned out the Tae was gay. ( Haha! That rhymes!...no offense :D ) From our first introduction, I knew I didn’t have to worry about anything odd happening in our dorm. As the weeks turned into months then years, we became more comfortable with each other’s presence and it even came to the point where I would ask him on fashion advice. Tae was aspiring to be the best fashion designer in all of Asia so who better to ask them him? Even if his designs were a bit wild, he had the talent and creativity to reach his dreams. Then, right after college, he got his dream job here in Seoul. He left for Korea but we stayed in touch just in case I would come to Seoul as well.


Now, he is one of the designers for a very high class fashion line for Kpop idols, actors and actresses.


Within twenty minutes I was ready. I had showered, changed and make-up. Because I was in a rush, I had to tie my hair in a sloppy bun. I headed toward the door that led out of the dorm when I saw another note by the door. I picked it up and read it.




I thought that you might leave the dorm because of the mess and for the sake of seeing the city. I left a key under the mat for you to keep and use since you are going to be living with us. I hope you have a safe trip and come home safely!




I smiled. I didn’t know this guy was such a gentleman. Of course he was clumsy and a joker on T.V. but you hardly saw this side of him. I picked up the key from underneath the mat and headed for Red Mango.


By the time I reached one of my favorite hang-outs, both in Jersey and here in Seoul, Tae was already there. He was dressed to impress but then again he was a designer after all. He wore a classic pair of white skinnies with a black chain that dangled from his right pocket to the back of his jeans. What he was wearing on top was a royal blue T-Shirt that had his own company’s logo on it and a black leather jacket that hugged his nice form. Then to top everything of, he wore bright green rimmed sunglasses, converse and a hat. I looked him up and down. Yup, He hasn’t changed since the first time I met him.


“Looks like you haven’t changed your style since we last saw each other.” I whispered in his ear. He shrieked in a womanly way and lightly slapped my arm. I loved his reactions, it always brightened my day.


“Aigoo, you scared me to bits. You shouldn’t do that to people you know. Now come on, I’m dying for a smoothie,” He said playfully then linked his arm with mine, pulling me into Red Mango.


I shook my head smiling at his abrupt way of changing topics. We entered the store and ordered our treats. Soon after that, we were exchanging recent news on events that just happened in our lives. I learned that he had been working non-stop for a new release of products that were going to be modeled by a famous idol group.


“Congratulations, looks like someone reached his goals in life.” I said slyly. He nudged me embarrassed.


“Well, yeah…I guess you can say that. So what’s up with you and your life?” He asked me since he had been doing all the talking so far.


“Oh, nothing much. I am still getting used to the new country and all. Oh! I found a place to stay by the way! I had to ask my Chingu to help me find a place though.” I said happily.


“So where are you staying?” I considered telling him where I was staying. I knew he was very reliable not to tell anyone who I was living with. I decided I could trust him enough.


“Promise not to flip out. Promise not to tell anyone. Promise to keep this between me and you.” I looked at him sternly and raised my eyebrow. Tae mirrored my actions. He raised his pinky for a pinky promise.


“I swear on the fine hands God created for me to work as a designer.” He vowed seriously while looking me in my eyes.


Wow. That was a big vow. Okay, I can trust him now. Completely. I locked pinkies.


“I am living with the Super Junior.” I said in whispered English so that no Korean ELF’s heard me. I concentrated on Tae’s reaction and he seemed to take it completely and surprisingly well.


“Omo! That is great news I am so happy for you! You get to meet them, talk to them, eat with them, and be with them on a regular basis.” He said in a very calm voice.


“You aren’t going to freak out?” I asked him with wide eyes.


“Why would I freak out and break out promise huh?”


“Arraso, fair enough.” I looked at my watch. It was already one fifteen. If we didn’t leave now, we wouldn’t have any time to shop.


“Come on, let’s go shopping! I have been dying to buy Korean clothes for such a long time now.” I gestured toward the door. We finished our snacks in a rush and raced out the door.


For the next two hours, we shopped like mad people. We went to the biggest stores in the mall to the smallest stores out on the streets. All the while, we were giving each other tips and advice on what looked best and what suited us. By the time we were done, I had enough clothes to fill my entire half of the walk in closet that Sungmin and I shared. Tae had enough clothes to fill three walk in closets. I swear he had super powers or something because he carried all his clothes the entire time. He even offered to carry my stuff which I was already dragging on the floor because of the weight.


“Omo! Look at the time! Aigoo! Tae, I have to go and shop for food for tonight!” I said to my shopaholic friend.


“Okay no problem! I know just the place!” He pointed to the market down the street. I wanted to repay the kindness of the Super Junior Members so I decided to cook steak for all of them.


After ten minutes of speed shopping through the aisles of food, I had what I needed. Soon after, Tae hailed a taxi for me. We said our rushed goodbyes, thank you’s and see you soon’s and I was on my way back to the SuJu dorms.


When I arrived I rushed upstairs and was happy to see that no one was home yet. I put my clothes and everything I bought in to my closet and rushed to make dinner. It was already three forty five and the guys would be back at five. I only had an hour and fifteen minutes to cook sixteen steaks. To pump me up for the impossible task, I hooked up my phone to the audio system again and started playing Kpop. Then, I headed for my own mission impossible dinner edition.


I quickly washed the raw slabs of meat and seasoned them with salt and pepper. After doing so I got two big pans that both fit in the stove at once. I placed eight on each pan and put them all in the stove to cook until brown and juicy.


While the steaks where cooking, I started to make the side dishes. A small bowl of steamed egg, fish cakes, kimchi and many others were being prepared all at once. When the side dishes were done, I placed them on the table and checked on the steaks. It had been thirty minutes and the steaks were almost done just fifteen more minutes and everything would be ready.


I started to cook eggs like a mad woman because if everyone got two eggs, that would be a total of thirty two eggs. I placed three pans on the stove and cooked eggs in all of them. Amazingly, I didn’t burn or break any of them. I went to go check on the steaks and they were done. I carefully pulled them out and set a steak on each plate, to set the table.


I stepped back and looked at the table to see if I forgot to do anything. Nope everything was there. I checked the time. It was four forty. I headed back to the kitchen and started to clean the giant mess I made. In twenty minutes, everything was spotless.


Now you guys may want to know how I learned how to cook like that. Let’s just say that college prepared me for the unexpected. Yup, you guessed right. I ended up helping the cafeteria in making breakfast, lunch, and dinner... FOR THE ENTIRE CAMPUS I might add.


Checking the time again, I realized it was already five and the guys weren’t home yet. So I called Sungmin to see if everything was okay.


“Hey Minnie. Is everything okay? Why aren’t you guys home yet?” I asked. I heard a sigh on the other line.


“Yeah Hyori, everything is okay. We are all just tired and hungry. Omo! We are at the dorm already. We are just parking outside. See you in a giffy!”


I smiled. At least the food I made won’t go to waste. I quickly rushed to my bedroom to change back to my slouching clothes and to wash my face clean of make-up. I then tied my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and ran to the couch to on the T.V. I wanted to make it look like I was there the entire day. Childish, I know, but I wanted to see their faces in shock.


Then the guys walked in.


Oh, how I wished I had my camera.


It was their turn to stop and stare at what they saw in front of them.


I sighed. Aigoo, how this dorm is full of unexpected surprises.




Wow, that was a really LONG chapter. I hope you enjoyed it :D

I tried my best to edit it but I am pretty sure I missed something somewhere. Sorry. T.T

Sorry for updating a bit late today, summer homework never ends. Merong!

I have a favor to ask all those who own a twitter or facebook. If you support Super Junior then please take the first poll in the link and vote for Mr. Simple. If you have a twitter, search eatyoukimchi and tweet them to do Mr. Simple for Kpop Music Mondays. The poll and tweet if for a youtube channel called eatyourkimchi. The couple review Kpop music videos and take a poll every week of what the veiwers want reviewed. To see more of their videos go onto eatyoukimchi.com. 


If you do not have a twitter or faceboo,k go on and click on the link below and request Mr. Simple for kpop music mondays.:D 


Thank you all so much for your support to further increase the popularity and love of Super Junior! FIGHTING!

Okay, see you next chapter! ~<3

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying