Learn From the Past

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 21

Hyori’s POV:

(What she is wearing... Hehehe! so cute!)



“Hyori? Are you okay?” Zhoumi asked as he tilted his head to the side.


Psh! Don’t play innocent!

“Yeah Hyori? You seem a little green.” Kyuhyun added while Hangeng was now trying to pull me up.

“Hurry up and snap out of it Hyori!” Hangeng demanded but all I could do was stare gapping at the three of them. Suddenly a yell from the door of the bus snapped me out of it.

“YAH! PABOS! PALI!” It was of course, the benevolent ruler of Super Junior, Leeteuk, who was calling us to attention. With that command from the dictator, I stood and grabbed my bag. Without looking at the Trio, I pushed pass them and headed for the door. I needed air and some time to think this through before I lost it.

Today, the guys were scheduled for, yet another, photo shoot. The photo shoot sight was an ordinary, well ordinary to Super Junior, set. The theme for the photo shoot would be Military Style for their repackaged album, A-Cha. The place was nice enough to work in actually with wide open spaces and a snack bar for those who wanted a bite. In my opinion, I thought it was a fairly nice set. Of course, there was the green screen and the usual light set ups and what not but my favorite part of the entire place was the balcony that was hidden behind the racks of clothes and lights. As everyone filed out into the set and head for their designated dressing room, I quietly snuck out onto the balcony where I planned to clear my thoughts.

Once at the balcony, I took my seat on one of the folding chairs and looked out on the view. It was the break of dawn when we had left for the shoot and now that I was relaxed on the balcony, I could finally show my appreciation for the view of Seoul. It was actually very beautiful to sit there and look at the scene in front of me. With the sun still on the horizon, it shone with a warm orange-yellow glow. The rays of the sun landed on the many buildings of the city and silhouetted them in a dark shadow. All together the picture was nothing less than perfect. However, I knew I had more pressing matters to think about than to admire the view.

Who would have guessed that the Idiots would have made a bet on who could win me over? Obviously, not me. I knew for a fact that they weren’t the most moral following members of the group but to stoop as low as to make a bet on one’s feeling was below the belt. (No pun intended) No one should have the right to play with someone’s feelings and I would know that first hand. All this reminded me of what had happened years back, when I first entered College.

I was happily in love, with my boyfriend in Sophomore Year. We were together for about two years and I was naïve enough to think that we would be happy for the rest of our lives.  What happened was something I would never forget. It was Halloween back in America and a couple of my friends; my boyfriend and I were invited to the biggest Halloween Party of the year. It was held at the ‘Popular Girl’s’ house so it was a pretty big deal to be invited. Mark, my boyfriend, and I had planned to have matching costumes at the time so we dressed up as Prince and Princess.  On the day of the party, I had ridden with my friends to the house because Mark needed to do some stuff. What I didn’t know at the time was that Mark was cheating on me with Marisol, the Pop Girl. Apparently, the party was designed so that I would know about was Mark was doing to me.

(Like this :D)



I walked in the house and by that time the party was in its full blown stage where everyone was slightly drunk and partying like animals. Because of the atmosphere of the place, I desperately looked around the house for Mark. When and where I found him is to this very moment still etched into my heart. It was one of Marisol’s lap dogs who told me to look for him in the ballroom. Rich bastards had a ballroom, I know right? So of course being the idiot I entered to find it completely dark with the sound of muffled groans echoing through the vast room.


“Mark? Where are you?” I called out and heard nothing but my voice echoing.

“Come on Mark, where are you? You’re scaring me.” Calling out seemed useless but it was the only way I could comfort myself at the moment.

“Ahhh!~~” Was the response I received and I looked around in the dark with my hands outstretched. After walking for what seemed like eternity, my foot suddenly bumped into something. I reached out to touch the object and found it was a bed. A bed with someone on it or rather some people on it.

Without warning, a beaming spot light shone on the bed and there I saw Marisol and Mark wrapped in each other’s arms and legs. Their clothes, torn and hanging of their bodies made it obvious as to what they were up to. Marisol’s lipstick was severely smudged and I saw traces of it on Mark’s neck, mouth, and exposed chest. When they turned to look at me, was probably the most painful moment of the entire scene. Huge grins were plastered on their evil faces and the moment my eyes locked with Mark’s, I knew everything was a lie.

“H-Ho-How could you?” was the only thing that could escape my lips as I took step after step back, away from the nightmare, away from the reality.

“Haha! Why did you really think I would like something of your ranking?” Mark’s words were daggers to my heart as he continued.

“Why would I choose crap like you over a Goddess like Marisol? Besides, I only did it to raise me status. The guy who made the class nerd with an ice heart fall in love with him.” He raised an eyebrow.

“But looking at you now in that dress is making me think otherwise.” He said as he was getting up from his position.  Marisol’s arm shot out and grabbed his forearm.

“What? Don’t leave me for that piece of trash.” Marisol’s words hit me just like Mark’s had. Mark looked sown on her and smiled.

“I was just joking, how could I leave you hot stuff?” Then he ravished her in kisses on her neck and she tilted her head back to expose more of her flesh to him. Frozen in my place, I could do nothing but stare and flashback to the times he had done that to me. It made me feel dirty, used and most of all unloved.

“It’s funny that you thought you had a chance with Mark. You’re useless and unworthy of any man in this world. Just go die alone in your corner of books.” And with those words the entire room lit up, reveling what was before hidden in the shadows.

Fellow classmates and ex-friends stood there laughing at me and throwing threats and undoubtedly racial names. Not knowing what else to do, I turned and looked for the door that I had entered in from. I had ran around the room once while people grabbed at my dress and ripped it. Along the way I lost my shoes and my hair had fallen out. Finally I had found the door and busted my way out. Tears streamed down my face and there was nothing I could do to stop it. The rest of the house was empty and it was easier to find the exit that way. Once I had escaped the devil’s house, I ran. There was not destination I had in mind but my feet had carried me to the place where I had met Mark. It was the playground in our town that was hidden in the woods.

When I looked around, all I could see was the happy moments we shared together but once remembered, they morphed to the evil grinning faces of him now. The way he looked at me, the things he did for me, the touches, words and cherished moments flushed away in the drain. I fell to me knees and barely noticed the pain from the scrapes I got because the pain from the middle of my chest was far greater. Then as if the sky felt my pain, it started to rain. Lightning and thunder did nothing to stop the constant flow of thoughts and there I stayed for the rest of the night.


All Lies…

A Bet for my heart…

Why Mark?...


It was only when a bird landed next to me, did I realize that tears were steaming down my face. Hurriedly, I wiped them away along with the memories of that horrid Halloween Night. I wasn’t going to let that happen to me again.  I wasn’t going to let myself experience that pain again. God only knows how long it took me to recover after that had happened to me. However, a part of me thanks fate for what had happened. Without it I wouldn’t had become stronger and more defensive than I was before.

As I stared at the bird that had landed on the concrete edge, many thoughts overrode my brain. What was I to do? How was I going to react and should I give them a chance?

Suddenly the bird flew away and at that moment I made up my mind.

Inhaling, I watched as it flapped its small wings to stay a flight. I exhaled and smiled to myself.

I knew I had many question to answer to myself and many more to ask the Trio but one thing was clear.

No matter what happened during this little game of theirs, I promised myself that I was not, absolutely not, under any circumstances, going to fall for any one of them.

“YAH! HAS ANYONE SEEN HYORI?!!”  I heard Minnie call from inside and I shook my head. I looked at my watch and saw that I was only gone for a good twenty minutes.

Sheesh…. When does a girl get some alone time? >_>

Before my so called chingu could tear up the set, I rushed back in.

“PABO! I’M OVER HERE!” I yelled from the other side of the set to him. I was not shocked to see what he was doing right now. As I guessed, he was looking under the snack table. Mind you, the snack table was the size and shape of a low coffee table. I rolled my eyes and stode over to him and tapped him on the shoulder since he didn’t hear me form the back. He whipped around and his expression changed from furious to lost boy to lastly teary eyed.

“Andwae! No crying on my watch.” I said and pulled out a tissue to wipe away any tears to make sure his make-up wasn’t smudged.

“I thought I lost you again!” Sungmin said desperately and I tried to free myself from his vice like grip around me.

“You know, Minnie, I am an adult now. I can take care of myself.” I said matter of factly. Sungmin only shook his head furiously.

“Anniya! You’ll always be by baby!” He said and I rolled my eyes once again at him.

“Arraso! But if I am your baby then, wouldn’t it be bad if you strangled me to death?” I said to him and he just blushed and let go of me.

“Okay, I see your point chingu, but we need your help with something.” He said as he gestured to the clothes rack. Tilting my head to the side to see what he was referring to and to my surprise I saw Kim Tae Song. I smiled and saw that he and Hangeng were arguing over something. Sighing I nodded at Minnie and understood what I needed to do.

I walked calmly over to the duo and listened in on what they were arguing about.

“Just because you are an idol, doesn’t mean that you could go around criticizing my work.” Tae said.

“I wasn’t judging anything!” Hangeng defended and my eyebrows pulled together.

“Yah you were. If you don’t like my designs go find another designer who would accept this type of pay!” Tae said and I stepped  closer to hear the argument better.

“What do you mean? I hardly even said anything bad about your work? Stop blaming me for something I didn’t do!”

“Well if throwing down one of my designs and calling it carp isn’t insulting my work then may I care to ask what is?”

“I already told you! I wasn’t calling your work crap! It was just…it was just…” Now was the time to enter in on the conversation. I stopped in the view point of both of them and held up my hand to stop and further words.

“Okay now stop this at once. Do you guys know how much of an idiot you’re making yourselves look right now?” I scolded the both of them who had the expressions of wonder.

“Hyori!” Hangeng and Tae exclaimed in shock and I placed my hands on my hips.

“Your actions now are in-excusable! Everyone here was working completely fine until you two started making a fuss. You!” I pointed at Tae, “ I know how hard it is for you to create your clothes but listen to the other party’s reasons as to why they did what they did. Any You!” I pointed at Hangeng, “What gives you the right to call someone’s hard work crap huh? Come with me and tell me why you acted the way you did.”

“But-“ Hangeng and Tae tried to talk but I grabbed Hangeng and pulled him to the side away from the earshot of Tae and the bystanders.

“Now explain why.” I demanded. Hangeng looked off to the side, avoiding my eyes and reached up to scratch the back of his neck.

“Well…that is…There was…” I raised my eyebrow and looked at him.

“Spit it out already!” Yeah, I can be dictator sometimes.

“W-ell there was a…a…a… sp-spider… on the ..jacket I was supposed to wear.” He finally explained and I just stood there staring at him.

“You can’t be serious, right?” I asked him and the look he gave me was of deathly seriousness.

A moment passed and I burst into laughter. Aigoo! A grown man scared of spiders! PRICELESS!

“Yah! Stop laughing at me!” He said in a small voice but I could barely reply to his words because I was to focused on the hilarity of the moment.

After about two minutes of laughing bliss, I finally calmed down.

“You know, I am going to have to tell Tae this.” I said to him and his face went pale.

“No! Please don’t. Jebal!” I shrugged my shoulders and started walking away. A few steps away when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist to pull me back. Pretending to stumble back and I gave an exasperated sigh.

“You know as well as I do, that I am going to have to tell Tae the truth, Hangeng.” I said and I looked up him to find his expression that of horror.

Hmp! Servers you right!

“Please, I’ll do anything. Just don’t tell him that! Don’t tell anyone that! My reputation! Please Hyori! Have mercy!” He begged and I had to do everything I could to hold in a laugh.

Did you have mercy on me before you made the bet? …

“Anything? Fine then, you’ll be my slave when I call for you. Whenever, wherever you need to be there! If you aren’t there, expect the entire society of ELF’s in the world to know your true self. Arraso?” I said to him and he nodded vigorously nodded in agreement. I smiled an evil smile and shrugged him off.

“Okay then, go and be on your merry way. But remember what I told you.” With that I turned, walked off toward where Tae was at and didn’t look back at the undoubtedly quivering Hangeng.

“Hey Tae, he didn’t intentionally want to insult your work. Just trust me and leave him be. He’s just an idiot like that.” I explained and Tae had an expression of confusion.

“Why?” Tae asked and all I could do was grin.

“Trust me Tae, just leave it be. Besides, because of this he owes me his life.” I quirked out. Tae raised his eyebrows.

“His Life? Well if you put it that way, I guess he’ll suffer if it’s you who he owes his life too.”  I nodded and patted him on the shoulder.

“You know it. Now show me the clothes you designed.” We then headed to the closet where he continuously showed me works of clothing he created. However no matter how much I wanted to pay attention to Tae, I couldn’t help but scheme about my small revenge…

Hehehe! The possibilities… >:D



Annyeong! Well, as promised an update in a week :D Yeah!

So in this chapter I just wanted to let you guys see a bit of Hyori’s past. This will eventually lead to something big later on… O_o  hehehe!

Now Hangeng owes Hyori who owes Kyuhyun… I wonder how this is going to turn out? Suggestions anyone? Lol! What should I make them do?? The answers and possibilities are endless.

Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter and Hyroi will probably start working next chapter… I don’t know yet :D

Oh! And umm…sorry for all the grammar mistakes :D hehehe!

Don’t forget to subscribe, comment and criticize! Lol! See you next Chapter!


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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying