Over a Bowl of Porridge

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 17


Hangeng’s POV


I left the room with my heart pounding wondering why Hyori was the only woman up until now to make my heart race like that. After heading for the bathroom and placing a cool wet towel on Hyori’s head, I reached for my cellphone and sent a blast text to all of my team mates telling them that Hyori was home safe and sound. I looked at the time and it was already eight thirty. I went to the kitchen and started to make dinner.


By the time the porridge, fried rice and beef and broccoli were done, my fellow members walked through the door. They all came in screaming and shouting until I ran to them and shut them up.


“WE’RE HOME!! HANGENG! HYORI! ANYONE THERE?!” not to my surprise, it was Heechul to be the owner of the voice. I walked up to him and wacked him on the head.


“Yah! Hangeng! Why did you hit me?” Heechul called out in his obnoxious voice. I smacked him again and tried to explain but kept on getting interrupted.


“HYORI? Where is my Chingu? Hyyyyoooorrriiii!!!” Sungmin yelled out, running past me and quickly glancing around the room, looking for his friend in vain. I tackled him onto the couch before he could shout again.


“Get off me!!! Where is she? Where is she?! You said she was home already?! Where is-“ I clamped my hand over his mouth until he started to calm down. I gave him the shut-the-hell-up look and finally released him. I stood and composed myself and turned to the rest of them.


“Hyori is home but she has a high fever and is now resting in bed so all of you better shut up.” I explained to them and they all nodded their heads and started filing in the living room.


“MY CHINGU HAS A FEVER!! OTTOKE?!” Sungmin was about to run to their shared rooms but before he reached his destination I grabbed the back of his shirt. He struggled and I held a firm grip.


“Do you want her to get better or annoy her to death?” I asked him and he finally stopped struggling.


“Where did you find Hyori?” Kyu asked me with a raised eyebrow in an accusing tone. I shrugged and acted cool.


“Oh, she was already at the dorm when I came home.” I said to them and froze. Opps…


“When you came home? I thought you didn’t want to go looking for Hyori?” Leeteuk questioned me then turned to Zhoumi and Kyu.


“Umm… Hyung and I were hungry so we went to go buy some ramen…” Zhoumi was trying to explain.


“I forgot to tell Zhoumi-hyung to buy some medicine for my headaches so I went to go get some…” Kyu trailed off.


“Really? Are you sure?”  Leeteuk asked them both and they nodded their heads desperately.


“Then where is the so called ramen and medicine? Hmmm?” Leeteuk asked them and the others started to giggle in the behind the leader. The duos’ faces went red and looked at the floor. Leeteuk then looked at me for my excuse and I gulped and looked away. You really couldn’t get away with anything under Leeteuk’s gaze.


“I…ummm… didn’t want to leave my dongsaengs in the rain soo…I tried to follow them but couldn’t find them…so I came home and when I did, I found Hyori.” I said to him and heard Heechul and the others snicker at my lame excuse. There was silence in the room and cleared my throat.


“What sate did you say you found Hyori in?” I looked at Sungmin who had just entered the living room again from their room. He had slipped out of my hold a little while ago. I shrugged.


“What do you mean?” I asked him as the others were staring and listening to our conversation. By this time, we were all in the living room and sitting down.


“Well I went inside our room and sound that her hair was wet and she was in her pajamas. I was just wondering how she ended up sick and in her pajamas.” He asked me as I continued to avoid looking at anyone’s eyes. I absolutely cannot let them know that I was the one who stripped her down. They would all have my head on a platter if they knew.


“Oh, that…umm… I found her in the situation you found her in. She was making a ruckus when I came home and went to go check in your room. I saw she wasn’t feeling so good and felt her forehead. From that point on I placed a cool towel on her head and was making dinner.”  I explained to them. Everyone else besides Kyu and Zhoumi, looked like they believed my story.


“I…umm…made some dinner like I said, if you guys are hungry…” I said to them and they just shrugged and started to file out to do their own business. I sighed out in relief and went to the kitchen to set the table and fix something up for Hyori. I felt someone behind me and turned to see Zhoumi and Kyu. Their arms were crossed and looked at me accusingly.


“You didn’t find her like that did you?” Zhoumi said in a sarcastic tone. I shrugged and continued to pour some porridge in a bowl for Hyori.


“Maybe and maybe not. It’s something for me to know and for you guys to never find out.” I said to them successfully dodging any questions they could shoot at me. Once I was done setting the table and getting Hyori’s dinner ready I turned to them and eyed Kyuhyun.


“I thought you were going to have a date with little miss Hyori today.” I asked him and her looked down at the floor.


“Well, yeah…I kind of forgot besides our manager said I had to do vocal training as well which blocked me from even asking her, if she were present.” He explained and I shrugged.


“Looks like you lost your turn for a date.” Zhoumi said to him and my eye brows pulled together.


“I think we all lost a chance for our dates this week. Hyori is sick and I don’t think the rest of the guys will let us bring her out if she isn’t in tip top shape.” I concluded and Zhoumi’s shoulders slumped. We all sighed in unison at that moment Sungmin walked into the room.


“What’s with the long faces?” He asked us and we ignored the question as he turned to look at all of us. If Sungmin ever found out of our little bet about Hyori, it wouldn’t matter if we were his Hyungs or Dongsaeng, he would cut off our s and feed them to the dogs.


“Hey? Is that for Hyori?” He asked me and I turned to look at him. He was eyeing the bowl of porridge I had set and I nodded.


“Yeah, I was wondering if you could deliver it to her for me.” I asked him and her nodded eagerly. Sungmin then took the portable table and carefully skipped to their room.


“Oh, save me some dinner will ya! Thanks!” He called out behind him and I decided to set a separate batch of food for Sungmin.


After Sungmin left for their room, everyone else started to file in the dining room and sat down.  Once we were settled, Siwon urged that we say Grace and in that instant I prayed for something when we went silent. It was out of the blue and I honestly didn’t know where it had come from but in my mind I prayed that Hyori would get well soon.


Why did that come into my head out of all things in life? Hmmm…..






Hyori’s POV


I was in the middle of sleep and consciousness when I heard someone walk through the door. I heard that someone place something beside me and was welcomed by the smell of something delicious. My stomached rumbled and I heard a small giggle and I knew it was my chingu. He sat next to me on my bed and gently brushed hair out of my face.


“Hyori, wake up. I have some food for you so you can drink some medicine after.” He said to me in a quiet whisper and I slowly opened my eyes to look up at his. He helped me sit up straight and propped me up on a pillow for support.


“How are you feeling?” He asked me while readying the porridge on a spoon. I opened my mouth to answer but he immediately swooped the spoon into my mouth. I chewed the delicious spoonful and gave him a look while swallowing.


“Did you really have to do that?”


“Mianhe, I just want you to finish eating and take your medicine as fast as possible.” I nodded and continued.


“I’m not feeling the best.” I merely said to him and his brows pulled together as if to ask me why.


“What happened? Why did you get sick Hyori?” he asked me and I was taken aback by the nerve of him asking me such a ridiculous question. A nerve twitched in the back of my neck and I clenched my teeth.


“Oh, I don’t know Minnie. Maybe it’s because I was abandoned by my Chingu and his friends. Maybe it’s because I missed the closest bus going here.” I said to him. He just looked down at the food as I continued.


“Maybe it’s because I had to walk to the next bus and still missed that too because I fell asleep. Maybe it’s because after five hours, no one noticed I was gone. Maybe it’s because I was forced to walk in the down pouring rain for two hours to get to the dorm. I don’t know Sungmin, you tell me. Why?” I said in a calm and straight voice not noting the anger, disappointment and pain in my voice. I looked at him for a while in the quiet room and finally he looked at me. There were tears in his eyes and his voice was shaky.


“Mianhe chingu, mianhe. I am so sorry for leaving you alone. I am sorry for forgetting you. I am sorry for making you walk home. I am sorry for letting you get sick. I am a terrible friend and I don’t deserve you as a chingu.  Hyori, I am so sorry.” He started sobbing as he spoke and I sighed. I felt guilty too. I knew it wasn’t just his fault but I felt like I had to get my point across somehow. I reached for him and placed my hand on his head.


“It’s okay Minnie. I forgive you. Besides, it wasn’t just your fault for everything that happened today. There is no need to blame just yourself.” He continued to cry but looked at me hopefully.


“So you aren’t still mad? You forgive me?” He asked me and I smiled, turning back to my normal self.


“Well… I am not mad at you exactly just irritated with everyone I guess. I mean after showing you guys my awesome dance moves and my martial arts skills, you guys still forgot about me.” I joked out and Minnie wiped the tears that streamed down his face.


“Oh, come on now chingu. Stop crying and feed me some porridge. I’m starving.” He perked up and started to scoop huge mountain full of porridge in my mouth. I didn’t complain as I knew this was the only way to get Minnie calmed down and besides the food tasted great.


“Hey Minnie, who cooked this meal for me?” I asked him once I was almost done with my food.


“Wae? You don’t think I cooked this for you?” he asked me in an accusatory voice and I rolled my eyes.


“I may have been a terrible cook back in high school and you were better than me, but I am positive that you couldn’t make porridge with duck in it.” I said to him and he pouted. I giggled and pinched his cheeks.


“Hangeng-hyung made it.” He explained to me and I nodded. That explained why there was duck in my porridge. Maybe Hangeng wasn’t the conceited I knew him to be.


“Oh, okay then. Do me a favor and don’t tell him I know okay?” I asked him and he nodded in joy.


“Hyori, not to pry or anything, but are you into them? Kyu, Zhoumi and Hangeng do you like them?” He asked me honestly and I was startled as his curiosity. I shrugged and thought it over; wanting to give him the most honest answer I could muster. I like teasing them and making them feel like idiots. It was also fun seeing their startled faces as well as their embarrassed expressions but I didn’t particularly like any of them.


“No not really Minnie. Why do you ask?”


“Oh nothing, I just have a feeling that they are coming on to you that’s all. I just don’t want to see my chingu get hurt because of some playboy’s antics.” He explained to me. I nodded and took in the pills he gave me with the water and swallowed it in one shot.


“Don’t worry Minnie. Nothing will happen to me. I am experienced in this field after all right? Just trust me and everything will be fine.” I told him a reassuring tone and started to lie back down my bed.


“If you say so then chingu. Okay, I’ll let you rest now. Goodnight and sleep well so you will be better by morning.” He told me as he exited the room. I looked at him, smiled and nodded.


“Goodnight Minnie. Love you!” he chuckled and started to close the door.


“I love you too Hyori.” And with that he closed the door leaving me to fall, once again into the welcoming darkness of sleep.






MIAHNE!!! I am so sorry for not updating these past few days. You guys all know school is starting up soon and I still have a huge load of summer work to do. BLEH!


Procrastination is my downfall T.T I also have a school meeting this week so I will try to update tomorrow but I can’t promise anything.


Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and like always feedback is welcome :D


Thanks for all your support and understanding!




…….After reading it over my A/N……


My thoughts:


I sound too formal and uptight….. Yuckie!


That’s it I am starting my next A/N with YO! Lolz :D 

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying