Safe!.... Or Maybe Not...

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 24


A million years passed.... Wait no… Seconds passed… Next thing I knew…


“Hyori! The taxi stopped!” Huh?


I turned, expecting total wreckage in front of me but no. There was Yunho in his bright shirt waving for me to run to the taxi. So many freaking emotions passed through me at that one moment. Anger, relief, shock, amazement and so many other emotions gushed through me, stunning me out of anything coherent to say.


Yuhno had ALMOST DIED.


I looked at the taxi driver and his facial expression was probably the reflection of mine.  But when I looked over at Yunho, he just had the ‘Nothing Really Happened’ look on his face. This man was something else entirely.


Gathering my strength and senses back, I sighed a deep breath and stomped my way to Yunho. Oh, he was in a whole crap load of crap from me. (lol)


“YAH! PABO! ARE YOU CRAZY! YOU COULD HAVE DIED IDIOT!” With each word that I said, my hand landed on his back, head and chest with full force. Suddenly he caught my hands and looked at me. The crazy bastard was smiling.


Smiling!! What the Hell? Is he Human?


“I told you I could hail a cab. Come on, we have to get to the SuJu dorms before you’re late for your interview.” He said and pulled me into the cab. Stunned, he told the address to the driver and told him that if he could get us there in less than five minutes then Yunho would give him a fifty dollar tip.


The cab driver was certainly motivated and had regained his senses at the mention of a large tip. Through short-cuts and traffic lights, the driver sped through them without a care. The entire ride, I was clinging to the door handle and Yunho’s arm. Horns honked and I could have sworn I could hear a siren in the distance. It seemed impossible, but we were there in three minutes flat. It was the longest three minutes of my life.  But then, compared to the Near-Dead-Yunho experience, this was like taking candy from a baby.


As soon as the taxi stopped, I opened the door and on wobbly legs I headed for the front entrance to the dorm. I stumbled and a pair of hand held me up right. I looked to see and it was of course, Yunho. He had the same grinning face that he gave me before we had gotten inside of the cab.


“You are a crazy bastard.” I said in a straight tone.


“And you are going to be late for your interview.” He said matter-of-factly. That one sentence ignited a new strength in me and bolted up right and jogged for the entrance. There was time for me to beat the crap out of this guy later after my interview.


In no time, I was opening the door to the dorm and as soon as the door opened, I was greeted with worried faces and pleas to tell them what had happened. I pushed past everyone with only one intention in mind.


Shower, get dressed, and get to interview.


Once again my college experiences are coming back to help me. Now that I looked back at it, running extremely late for meetings, classes and such has trained me in the most efficient ways of getting ready.  I ran into my shared room with Sungmin and grabbed my clothes that I had prepared the night before. Like Flash, I darted into my bathroom while dodging the random SuJu members down the hall. As I went I was taking off my socks, hair tie, watch that by the time I was at the door to the bathroom, the only thing I had on was my shorts and undershirt. Pulling open the door and jumping in the bathroom, I turned and inwardly chuckled at the mess of expression that were left behind me.


“Mianhe everyone. I promise to answer any of your questions after my interview.” And with that I turned and shut the door closed.


I was in and out of the shower in ten minutes and pulled on my clothes in a flash. Then I styled my hair in an amazing and easy up-do that would hide that fact that my hair is wet. I grabbed my make-up kit and applied moisturizer, powder, curled my lashes and put on some mascara. I stepped back to see if anything was wrong and nodded at my good work.


Guess I haven’t lost my touch.


I pulled the bathroom door open and scanned the room for my victims. There! On the couch! I dashed over and grabbed him by the arm.


“Yah! Yah! Wae!? Wae!? I was just getting to the good part of my game!!!” Kyuhyun began protesting and I yanked him by the arm until we were at eye level.


“We’ve got to go somewhere don’t we?” I said in a menacing tone and I felt the poor guy shiver. He blinked twice and nodded.


“Come on, we don’t have much time. I need to find the other two.” Pulling Kyuhyun along, I went to search for Zhoumi. I turned into the Kitchen and there he was drinking a bottle of Coke. He saw my expression and started to gag and sputter all over the place. There was no time for that. I grabbed him by the arm and he started to complain. However those arguing words ceased once Kyuhyun gave him a reassuring look. Next was Hangeng.


“He’s already downstairs waiting in the car.” I heard Leeteuk say from the doorway smiling at me and the other two guys I was dragging by the neck.


“Gomawo Leeteuk-shi!” I said and I raced for the door. I pulled my shoes on and my mini gang bolted out the door.


“Good luck Hyori!” I heard Minnie scream after me. I would have to thank him later.




Hangeng’s POV


I was down in the lobby of our dorm when a female that looked suspiciously like Hyori burst through the front door. Soaked in sweat, she dashed for the elevator and then disappeared.


Yup, I’m sure that was Hyori.


I looked at the door again to see someone I didn’t expect to see. Yunho from DBSK.


What’s he doing here? Wait, did he come here with Hyori?


I looked him up and down trying to match up the puzzle pieces. He was wearing a bright shirt. One that didn’t bring out his features besides his built. So, it was probably not something that his clothes coordinator would choose for him. His forehead was also shining with a thin layer of sweat.


Hmmm….. Must mean that they were running. Odd…


Yunho was headed for the elevator, undoubtedly headed for the SuJu dorms. He got into the elevator and soon enough, he vanished from sight too. I tilted my head in confusion and looked at my watch. 8:15 am.


Wait a minute… Didn’t Hyori have a meeting… no… it was an interview. Hmmm…. Might as well take this to my advantage.


I brought out my cellphone and dialed the Angel Leader’s number.


Ring! Ring! Ring!


“Yeoboseyo?” I heard Leeteuk’s nervous voice on the other end.


“Ne, its Hangeng. I’m guessing Hyori’s already up there getting ready.” I asked with a smug look on my face.


“Yeah, she’s in the bathroom getting ready. But there’s a lot of banging in there and I’m wondering if she’s alright.” Leeteuk said and I snorted. Banging in the Bathroom… naughty me.


“I’m pretty sure she’s doing fine on her own. Hyung, can you do me a favor please? When Hyori starts to look for me, can you tell her that I’m already waiting for her in the car outside of the front door. Thanks Hyung.” I said hurriedly and hung up the phone.


I looked around the lobby and headed towards the vending machine. I got four iced coffees and got a pack of mints. Then, I headed towards the front door and towards our shared car. I decided if I was going to win Hyori’s heart, I was going to have to be one step ahead of her game. With a smirk plastered on my handsome face, I opened the driver’s door and sat down. Made myself comfy and waited for the time to pass and for my plan to take place.




Hyori’s POV


Less than a minute, the three of us were rushing out the front door and searching for the car.


“There… that b-b-black car…” Zhoumi panted and I soon spotted the car. I pushed them along and as Leeteuk said, Hangeng was waiting there. He turned and smiled while he opened the doors’ locks. I, of course, got shot gun and I faced Hangeng about to say something when a cold metallic object was placed against my cheek. The sudden chill, sent shivers down my spine and I finally got the chance to look at Hangeng.


“Here, to cool you off.” I reached for what he had placed on my cheek and realized it was an iced coffee. My favorite iced coffee. How did he know? No Hyori, stay focused.


I made eye contact with him again and smiled.


“Thanks but no thanks. I don’t want my breath smelling like coffee during my interview.” I said smugly and handed the beverage back at him. He wrapped his hand around mine and pushed my hand back.


“That’s okay. I have mints. Enjoy the drink, it seems like you need the extra boost anyway.” He flashed a smiled at me and I unconsciously pulled back. Okay… what’s he planning?


“Uhh… thanks I guess. Come on. We’ve got to get on the road pronto.” I said, collecting my nerves. I was determined not to be easily shaken up by a can of coffee and a pack of mints.


“As you wish.”  Damn this charming guy…. I won’t be shaken by his words either.


I checked my watch and realized I had about twenty minutes before my interview was scheduled. I looked up to survey the traffic and saw that it wasn’t as bad as I had expected it to be earlier. I smiled. I was going to make it on time. After five minutes of driving, a few words shattered my calm exterior.


“Umm… Hyori… do you know where we are?” Kyuhyun asked.




I guess I spoke too soon.








Annyeong Everyone!!! Heehee! Sorry for all the heart attacks the heavy Cliffhanger caused at the ending of last chapter >.> Just trying to make things exciting after a long disappearance ^_^


Anyway! I hope you guys and gals enjoyed this chapter... and yes…probably…maybe Hyori will have her hard earned interview next chapter hahaha! ^_^


Thanks for sticking with this slow-updating-immature author lol ^_^


Love you all! <3 


ps.. sorry for the lack of a main pic.... seems like I had a hard time uplaoding the pic to go with it >.> 

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying