Reckless Deal with the Devilish Child....

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Chapter 19


Hyori’s POV


From then on life went on as usual for the next three days but something was just off in some places.

Everyone attended schedules and I would tag along now and again making sure that I had all their

numbers just in case. They all talked to me and treated me like family but things were still off between

me and Kyu.


Every time I went up to him to start a conversation or to just joke around, he ignored me or brushed me

off. I assumed that it was because of the StarCraft incident and thought that he would just let it go

sooner or later. As the days rolled by however things became worst between us.


He started fights with the members and argued over the little things. Not even Leeteuk could calm him

down when he was on fire. Being the nice and considerate person I was, I started to blame myself for

what was happening in the dorm.


It came to a point on Friday afternoon when everyone came home from schedules. Kyu had exploded

on Yesung for leaving his turtle out in the hallway.


“Yah! Yesung! I told you to STOP leaving your stupid turtle in the Hallway!!!” I heard Kyu scream down

the corridor. After a few seconds I heard someone running out and I peeped my head out of my door to

see the action.


“Yah! My turtle isn’t stupid and I am Hyung to you!” Yesung screamed out to Kyu who looked like he

was ready to punch the wall in or something.




his lungs. Afterwards he strode to his room and slammed the door shut and I flinched at the sound. I

pulled away from the opening of my room and sat on my bed. I started thinking and doubting about

recent events that have been occurring lately.


Had I caused that? No, right?


I sighed in deep and went to the kitchen. I passed Yesung in the hallway and considering that he had

just been disrespected by his dongsaeng, he seemed perfectly fine. He was off in his corner laying on

his stomach and talking to his turtle.


“He’s so mean. Ddongkoma.” Yesung whispered to his turtle as he caressed its shell. He continued

having a one-way conversation as I listened in. It was like listening to a crazy person talking into a toy



“What?! You mean you forgive him for stepping on you?!”  There was silence for a few moments an d I

heard a sigh.


“I guess you’re right Ddongkoma. I forgive him but it better not happen again.”




“Huh? You’re telling me not to hurt him why?”




“Grr.. Fine I won’t touch the brat even if he tri-“




“Arraso arraso, I trust you and yes I promise I won’t lay a finger on the kid.”




“I love you too Ddongkkoma! Saranghae! ~<3” And with that, Yesung lifted his turtle above his head

and twirled around in circles. I could just see the floating hearts around their heads and shivered.

What a weird sight to see. No wonder Minnie told me Yesung was a bit umm….Off?


I continued on my way to the kitchen and prepared some of Kyu’s favorite snacks. This contained a

Pocky, Banana Milk and a bag of chips with the StarCraft logo on the bag. Everyone in the dorm knew

that he only bought the bag of chips for the logo but we left him to waste his money on whatever.


After setting all the food on a tray, I headed for the Evil Maknae’s room. Once I reached his room I

honestly didn’t know what to do. I knew I was the last person he wanted to see but I just felt so guilty

that I had to do something. His attitude was ruining everything in Super Junior’s career. The fights,

arguments and unnecessary bickering around everyone was creating a dark cloud on our moods.


Had the light and happy going mood of the Suju members disappeared because the innocent joke I



For some reason my heart was racing and my knees were just slightly quivering.


That’s probably because you are carrying the weight of Super Junior’s happiness on your shoulders…



I shook my head and told myself that it was nothing. After taking a deep breath, I raised my hand and 

was just about to knock on the door when a voice boomed from the room.

“Yah! If you’re going to ask to come into my room think again!” Kyu shouted from his room and being

started, I took a step back. I gripped the try tightly and clenched my teeth.


“Kyu, can I please come in?” I asked from outside.


“No! Didn’t you hear me? No one is coming into my room!” I sighed.


“Come on Kyu! Just let me in. I want to talk.” I said to him looking at the plain white door.


“I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to be here and most of all, I don’t want to be part of this crap

anymore.” Wow, dramatic much? Fine no more Ms. Nice.


I sighed and held the tray with one hand and turned the knob. There weren’t any locks on the doors in

the dorm in case of emergencies. I entered his room and set the try down.


“Yah! Pabo! Turn around and face me.” I told him as he was on his laptop with his back facing the door

and me. I saw him stiffen and he slammed the desk with his fist. He turned and I had to hold myself

from cringing. Kyu’s face was darkened and was mean looking. He had the aura for a biker from the

States and I involuntarily shivered at the sight. Despite myself, I took a step forward and looked into his



“Kyuhyun, please stop this. Everyone is depressing over the mean aura in this place.” I said softly to

him as he shrugged his shoulders.


“So? What do I care? You guys aren’t one bit worried about how I act. Why should I give a crap?” He

said in matter of fact tone. He headed for his bed and sat on the edge of it. I strode over and sat next to



“That’s not true. Everyone here loves you, no matter how evil and devilishly annoying you can be.” I

tried to reassure him and he turned away from me.


“Kyu, look at me.” He didn’t budge. I placed a hand on his shoulder.


“Kyu, please look at me.”


“No, you can’t make me.” He said childishly and I stifled a sigh.


“What do you want me do? Apologize?” I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.


“It wouldn’t make a difference to me whether or not you do that. You word are empty.” He said and my

eye brows pulled together. I really didn’t want it to come to this but I had to use my trump card.


“Fine then, if I promise to do anything you want for a day, would that make you feel better?” I asked

him. I stayed still for a little and I practically saw the wheels turning in his devious brain. I shuddered at

the thought of what he would do to me or what he would make me do,


I knew I had to cheer him up somehow and knowing how mischievous he was, he wouldn’t let a simple

“Sorry” pass. It had to benefit him in some way.


Abruptly, he turned and faced me with a smirk plastered on his handsome face. I swallowed and held 

my breath. He took the bait.


“Okay then. I will forgive you in exchange for your slavery bribe.” He said in his deep voice.


“Excuse me but this is not a bribe. It’s only an exchange.”


“Fine whatever helps you sleep at night.” He quipped and I sighed.


“So you forgive me and the guys, not act like a spoiled brat and return to a happier Kyu?” I asked to

clarify out deal.


“In exchange of a day of your services, that is.” I took in a deep breath and nodded. It was better than



“Alright then, just say the magic word and I’ll be at your side on the given day ready and waiting for my

tortu- ermm… duties.” I said to him as I was heading for the door. As I was passing the door way I felt

a hand wrap around my hand. Suddenly, I was pulled back and landed on the surprisingly broad chest

of The Kyuhyun.  My back resting on his chest, I felt his light breaths on my neck and I shivered.


What happened? How did I end up like this?


My heart had been racing when I entered his room but now I it was pounding against my chest. I felt a

cold sweat spread through my body and I tensed. I felt his hands slide from my shoulders down my

arms and to my waist. Outlining the small curve of my back, sending jolts through my body. I couldn’t

move and my mind had gone blank.


“I hope that on the day I request for you services, you are willing to do whatever I say.” My eyes

widened and mentally kicked myself.


“W-what do you m-mean?” I grit my teeth, hating myself for stuttering.


“Oh, I am pretty sure you know what I mean Hyori.” He said as he pulled me closer to his chest and I

gasped feeling too close to this guy. This devilish, alluring and smart- guy.


“N-no I don’t know what you mean and I am pretty sure I don’t want to know.” I said to him bravely and I

was surprised that I could actually form smart-assed comebacks like that.


“Oh Hyori, my innocent Hyori, just wait until the day I call on to you. I promise you won’t regret it.” And

with that he released me from his tight hold and pushed me out the door. I stumbled outside in to the

hallway and whipped around to face him.


“Oh, and thanks for the snacks. “ Then he slammed the door shut on my face.


I was left there standing alone in the hallway. My expression was a mystery to me and I could only

assume that it was of astonishment mixed with fear. Still trying to process what had happened, I made

my way to my room and collapsed on my bed. I started at the ceiling and thought of what happened.


Why? Why had I done that? Sure, I knew Kyu was a person who only cared about what he would get in

return but why had I promised him something so…so…so… endangering? I couldn’t even find the right

word to fill in the endless amount of adjectives to describe my thoughts.


“AISH!” I sprang up from my bed and ruffled my hair. I was so stupid and hated myself for a countless

number of reasons.

I had stood there like an idiot in his arms. I stood there without doing anything to fight back. Was I a

moron? Why had I taken martial arts classes and defensive lessons only to be beaten by an arrogant

know it all Korean Idol? I closed my eyes and the only face I saw was his. His smirking face. That well

featured face.


I had to do something to get my mind off of this. I looked around and changed my clothes to something

appropriate for me to go out with.


( ... Hmm been awhile since I put up a link…. J)


I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do or where I was going but I need some alone time. I grabbed my

phone and ear phones. I took out some money from my wallet and shoved it into my pocket. After

heading out the dorm door after leaving a note, I placed my ear phones in and played shuffle on my



The last thing that passed through my mind before I was absorbed by the beat of the song I was

playing was his words.


“Just wait until the day I call on to you. I promise you won’t regret it.” I shivered and shrugged it off.

It was probably nothing right? But then again… How many times had I been proven wrong?





*Holding back tears*




I know that this has been long over-due for an update and I am truly sorry. I had just been

procrastinating to do my summer work like every other human being in the world but I finally was able

to finish my summer reading yesterday.


*Jumps for joy… then goes back to holding tears*


And I have been depressing like all the ELFs in the world too. I am sure that all of you have heard the

news already so I won’t go into details.


I just wanna say that I hope you all support Heechul’s decision about this matter and understand that

he is doing this for his country. (and because it’s mandatory… but mostly for his country… J)


Let’s just all hope that during the time he is away, Suju pushed forward with happy smiles and that the

time when all 13 of them will be on stage together comes quickly.


Oh! I am planning on writing a oneshot so I probably have to lay back on updating this for a while.



On a happier note, Kibum is back in the spot light! After being under the radar for so long it’s nice to

see him again.


Anyways, sorry for making this note depressing. I hoped that you liked this chapter and tell me how 

you felt about it. I really love hearing from you people. Oh…and umm… I didn’t really proof read this

time around so if there are so many mistakes… mianhae… J Hugz!



And remember…



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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying