Goodbye then Hello

The Bet that Won Her Heart


Hyori POV

Do I have everything? I scanned the room one last time and headed to the living room. As I double checked my luggage to make sure I had everything, I wondered if my life in Korea would be as I dreamed it would be.

"Hyori, do you really want to go to Korea? I mean you were raised here in America. I don't know if you would fit in well to the new culture and society in Korea honey," my mom said to me. I turned toward her and my father and smiled. I knew how worried they were about me but they also knew how hard I worked for my position there too.

"I'll be perfectly fine mama. You don't have to worry about me." I replied in a reassuring tone. As I packed my bags into the car with my dad's help, I couldn't help but question myself if I was doing the right thing.

I was already 24 and already a pro at video designing and filming. To get to where I was, I had to study hard ever since middle school until I graduated college. My ultimate goal was to live in Korea as the best video designer there and now I had my dream. So, yeah I guess you can say that I was making the right choice.

On the way to JFK, (hey that rhymes) my mom sat in the backseat with me and held my hand while we all reminisced in old memories.

"Hahah! Hyori, do you remember when Sungmin-shi and you ran around our front lawn in front of the sprinklers?" my dad asked along the way.

"Aigoo! Appa! Why do you have to remind me of those things? I was so embarrassed that day." I pouted recalling me slipping on the slick grass and falling flat on my face in front of my childhood friend, Sungmin.

"But honey, that was the funni- ugh," my so called father was saying before my mom smacked him in the stomach. I started cracking up.

"Aish! Appa, your daughter is leaving us for who knows how long and there you go again making fun of her." Umma said with an exasperated sigh. I just smiled and realized that we were already at the airport. Suddenly the pang of realization hit me as I was about to leave my parents for a very, very long time. Where had the two hours gone?

We unloaded my luggage and checked me in to Korean Air. Then before I knew it I was saying goodbye. Tears streamed down my face as I hugged and wished my parents well.

"Take care alright? Make sure to eat and don't starve yourself. I love you so much you and if things get too tough you can always come back home to America alright? Be good and say hello to Sungmin for Me." my mother said all in one breath. I hugged my mom tightly and nodded because I knew if I tried to talk, I would just choke up. I turned to Appa to say farewell and gave him a huge bear hug.

"Hyori, your mother and I are very proud of you and your accomplishments. Don't feel guilty if you need to ask help from us and remember not to spend all the money on your credit and debit cards. Feed yourself like your Umma told you to. I love very much and take care in Korea. Oh! And say hello to Sungmin for me while you’re at it." I nodded and started walking to my assigned gate number," Oh and Hyori," my father called out from behind me," DON'T PUT YUR GUARD DOWN WITH THOSE BOYS ARRASO?!?!"

All I could do was look back and gaped at my Appa. Then suddenly a wave of laughter consumed my pain and longing to go back. I waved one last time and blew a kiss towards my loving parents. I turned and headed on my way to Korea and my dreams.


So.... How was it? Good? Bad? Please! I need Feedback :D thank you and I hope you continue to read!

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That's it I'm going to try to update this sometime today or tomorrow. *GAME FACE ON* lol


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A-pple #1
Chapter 16: I thought it was Sungmin! Hahaha
A-pple #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh! I just love the trios! Hahaha x)
Chapter 27: Oh my goodness!!! What's gonna happen next??? please update soon!!!!!! XD
AnimeKitty #4
Omigosh! I have a t-shirt just like Zhou Mi's! XD
Continue it!!~ I love this, I'm a new reader, and I think the story is Amazing(:
Can't wait to see what the Trio does^^
OdetoJoy #6
Agree with Hiyokoi? Heck yeah!
You have no idea how freaking happy I was to see that you updated asdfghjkl like seriously!
Keeeeeeeeeeep the fiiiiiiiic
Nooooooo! Please dont delete it! It's freaggin awesome!!!
amarxnth #8
NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS STORY ;-; I really enjoy reading this and I'm really curious what the trio are going to do next xD if you add in fluffy moments that would be awesome! Plus you could write the BAP fanfic at the same time (I love then :D) looking forward to your updates!
AnimeKitty #9
Yunho got hit by a taxi????!!!!! Oh noes!!!!! D:
he got hit by a taxi
crying crying