Please come quickly~

Our Love Story

*Your POV*

 I woke up to the sound of the kettle boiling.

 *Must have fallen asleep while doing the pasta art-- Wait!! Where is my pasta art?!* I thought and started pushing all the papers, pens and decorative items onto the floor.

 "Ah~!!My pasta art is missing!!" I whined and sighed.

 "No silly girl... I give it to that young man." Yeye said and hit my head.

 "Oh jinja?! Ya!! Gomawo~~ “I exclaimed and link arms with yeye as I skip happily to the bathroom with yeye beside me.

 "Quickly shower and get dressed come down to the kitchen to have your breakfast..." Yeye said and push me to the bathroom and close the door.

 A warm shower that refresh me from the overnight and prepare me for the long interview in the evening.

 After breakfast, I had a long and nice chat with yeye, until exo manger called and break the moment.

 "Min Joo... I will pick you up at 3pm to get you dressed for the interview. The interview will start at 5pm so don't be late okay..." Manger said with a warning tone.

 "Alright... I won't... Don't treat me like 5 years old..." I whined and yeye giggled softly.

 "How could I not?? You don't act like your age..." Manger said and laughs loudly.

 "Aish... I don't! It is---"

 "Arraso.... Arraso... Just don't be late.... Bye bye" Manger said and hung up the phone before letting me finish whining.

 "Aigoo... Seems like you only left with 30 minutes to prepare and cook 加油面.... Better hurry~~ “Yeye said and I quickly look at the time.

 *Oh no!! It is 2.30pm!! Pasta! Pan! Pot! What else!!?* I thought as I ran around the kitchen gathering the utensils and indigents.

 "Remember to only think about him when you cook~~" Yeye said and I just nodded my head as I prepare cooking.

 30 minutes pass and I manage to cook finish the pasta and wash myself up.

 I stood at the side of the street as the cars drove pass me. Firm, I hold onto the paper bag that contain the pasta that I made for D.O and then a car slowly turn and stop at the side of the street in front of me

 "Get in, we have to get you dress!" Manger said once the car window was down and as he took of his shades.

 I rolled my eyes and enter the car.

 *Like father like son.... Like manger like artist.... D.O and manger act the same way!!* I thought and silently laugh to myself.

 The hair dresser comb, perm and highlight my hair.

 The make-up artist 'paint' my face with light pink folusher and eye shadow then ended it with a orangey lip stick. Which they are going for the concept of sweet, simple and cute.

 [A/N I don't know anything about makeup so I randomly said the combine XD ]

 The dresser pick out a red dress and balck high heels and a plain red clutch bag to end with the image for the interview.

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 "Turn one round slowly!" The dressers said once they put on the silver shining necklace one me. I did as I was told and they scan me with their eyes.

 "Prefect!" The dresser said and clap his hand.

 "Thanks Henry...You did a wonderful job!" Manger said and pat his shoulders.

 I turn around and look into the full length mirror.

 *Is this really me?? I look dazzling...* I thought as my eyes widen with my mouth open.

 "Come on ugly duckling... Let's go..." Manger said and drag me out of the dressing room.

 "Just keep quiet at the interview.... And let D.O do the answering..." Manger said and look at me with a reassure glance.

 I nodded and look out the car window to calm my nervous heart.

 Soon, we reach the destination where the interview and where D.O will show case his song.

 Once the car stop, photographers' camera begin to click, flashing light shin into my eyes and reporters begin to pour out their questions.

 The manger protect me by hiding me in his embrace as he pushes through the crowd and me hugging the noodles I made tightly.

 "We will answer all your questions once the interview and show case starts... Please clam down..." Manger said as he open the door and let me enter then stop the media and reporters from going in.

 *Phew... So close to dying...* I thought as I let out a heavy sighed.

 *So that is where D.O learn to protect me when I first went to his school....* I thought and that moment flashed back into my mind.


“Yah~~ D.O. is here!!!!” A fan girl yelled and ran towards us and I immediately got push away but luckily D.O. pull me into my embrace so I wouldn’t be hurt by the fan girls.“Oppa!! Signature!!”

 “Oppa!! Photograph with us!!” All sorts of comment and request are yelled out. D.O. just pulls me closer to him. “Thank you for the support but I really need to go to class now…” D.O. said as he tried to push through the crowd. “The rest of EXO is here!!” One of the fan girls yelled and the crowd immediately disappeared. D.O. then let go of me and dust his school uniform. “Thank you for protecting me just now…” I said as I adjust my skirt.

“I don’t want my ugly duckling fiancée to get hurt…or else my mother would kill me for it…” D.O said coolly.


 I smiled at this short flashback and made my way to the stage where the tables where arranged as I wait for Suho and D.O to appear before the interview start in 30 minutes.

 Soon, Suho arrived. Nice dress with a cool and youthful image and a shade that looks hot on him.

 "Sunbaenim! You look good!!" I yelled and Suho just smirked and walk up the stage and took a seat beside me.

 "So do you..." He said and patted my head then look around.

 "Where is kyungsoo??" He asked.

 "No idea where that idiot is..." I replied.

 " I thought he will be with you..." Suho said and sighed.

 Still left with 10 more minutes to the start of the interview.

 For time being me and Suho played childishly with me messing his hair and him messing mine up but manger stop us.

 5 more minutes till interview starts.

 Reports and Medias were invited in to take a seat in front of the stage but still no sign of D.O. This time 3 of us got worried since D.O was the main of this interview.

 "Is he going to be here?? 2 more minutes till the interview starts... You sure he will turn up??" One of the reporter yelled with an annoyed tone.

 "Ya! Where is he?!" The others yelled along.

 "He will be here on time I promise!! Just wait for a while please!" Manger yelled back to calm the reports but it was obvious they are not buying it.

 *D.O where are you?? come now please...* I prayed in my pounding heart as I stare at the entrance.

*Suho & manager POV*

*Kyungsoo you have to hurry….*

 To be continue....

Hi my lovely readers~~ It must have been a very long time since I last update this fanfic and for that I am really sorry about it...  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are you excited to know what happen next??! If so continue to read this fanfic~~ ^^

Ooh!! By the way the next chapter is going to be a sweet one eh~~

Do comment and tell me how you think of this fanfic so far alright?? ^^

Don't be ghosty please, I beg you :(

Till then...


NOTE!! For those who read "I am blind but still you love me" fanfic.

Did you enjoy my last update?? ^^

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Chapter 44: Cute
nuescaako1609 #2
love this story <3
exodeous #3
this is so cuteee><
AtesSa #4
Chapter 2: Evil D.O kkkkk
I realy love him
AtesSa #5
Chapter 1: I love it .
is that guy D.O?
I cant wait. going next part
AtesSa #6
I love D.O
I'm going to read this fic and send you a comment
mignonly #7
Chapter 44: This is soooo cute! XD heheh hb Do Eunjoo or orr Eunsoo :3 authornim~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 8: Omg they always fighting over a little things kk soo funny XD
Chapter 44: Seriously, this story is amazing!
Good job author-nim! :)
sleighride #10
Chapter 44: This story is really really interestingg . I love it