
Our Love Story


I woke up early in the morning and took a refreshing warm bath then changed into my school uniform before grabbing a carton of milk and leaving for school by myself as usual.

*I wonder how is he like, does he likes cooking as much as I do. Did he had any dating experience before* I was in deep in my pool thoughts when suddenly, Hye Min jumped out from behind and disrupted my chain of thoughts.

“Morning girl what you thinking?” Hye Min greeted me with her cheerful morning vibe as usual

"Hey what is with the grumpy face?" She pouted and poked my cheeks.

I sighed and told her the whole incident on the way to school.

Hye Min’s parents also owns a company butwasn’t willing to help appa since they both aren’t on good terms.

“Aish you poor thing, don’t force yourself to do something you don’t like. I will beg my parents for you,” Hye Min comforted me.

“Aniyo you know your parents won’t help and I am going to do it for my appa’s sake, after all it is what a daughter should do. This was the least I could do. As a child all I did was gave appa trouble nothing more, now this is a chance for me to repay him for being patient with me despite giving him nonsenses all the time,” I said and forced a smile.

“I am so proud of you Min Joo” HyeMin ruffled my hair to praise me from the bottom of her heart..

School started and ended as usual and soon it was my date with Mr. I don’t know who.

*Oh..! Great now how am I going to find this guy when I don’t know how he looks like,* I thought and walked out of school with Hye Min by my side.

"So how are you going to find Mr. Marriage?" Hye Min who was pitying me a few hours ago now began to tease me.

"I don't know how he looks like though so that's a problem, Hye Min-ah please stay and help me find him," I begged her while blined my eyes a few times.

"Sure no problem I would love to--" Hye Min was agreeing to my request when suddenly a loud scream was heard.

"What was that?" I covered my ears naturally.

"I don't know but the fan girls are screaming which means there is a idol nearby, quick let's go check it out!" Hye Min squealed. Before I knew it, she was dragging me to the source of the screams.

"Hey Hye Min-- Wait Hye Min--"

"Hye Min--"

No matter how loud I yelled her name she was just to distracted by the idol few meters in front of her.

“Omo It is D.O from EXO” Unnie exclaimed and screamed along with the other fans and jumped up and down happily.

"Hye Min unnie help me find the guy, wow you change your mind pretty quickly," I sighed in annoyances.

"Mainhae too excited I guess," She giggled then turned her attentions back to the idol.

"Unnie who is D.O" I asked.

"Huh what you said, I can't hear you." She said and brought her ear closer to me.

I rolled my eyes before repeating my qustion.

"Unnie I asked, who is D.O and what is EXO!" I raised my voice loudly so she could hear but perhaps a little to loud to catch everyone's attention including the D.O guy.

“Are you by any chance Jung Min Joo?” D.O questioned me and looked at me with a warm smile.

“Me?” I pointed at myself with widen my eyes.

“Yes you silly,” He said while waiting for the answer so was the crowed. 

“Neh I am,” I said trying to avoid the eye contact with the girls.

“Good!” D.O said then grabbed me by my wrist and pushed me into his car and drove away leaving the fangirls to stare dumbly in air.

“So I suppose you are the guy I am supposed to date?” I glanced shyly and looked up at him.

He didn’t reply but the warm smile disappeared and change into a very cold look.

“What took you so long?! Don’t you know that those fans are going to ‘kill’ me if you came later" He yelled which shocked me a little. 

“I am sorry for being late…” I apologized and looked at my hands to avoid his eye contact. Afraid of his deathly galre.

“But are you the guy I am supposed to date?” I asked again.

“Yes I am stupid, tch I thought I was going to date a hot girl but after seeing you, I think I am going to hate this day,” D.O said.

Anger already filled my face when I heard that but I just try to hide it.

“Sorry to disappoint you…” I replied while looking at my hand.

*This guy is a jerk! If I marry him life would be like hell. NO NO NO for appa’s sake!*I thought and decided to do some revision while D.O drive since I have a test tomorrow.

He purposely speed up causing my notes to fly out of the window and this time I really couldn’t stand it!

“Yah you jerk! I know you don’t like me so be it, why did you do that?! How am I supposed to study for my test tomorrow!” I blurted out and fold my arms angrily.

“Just fail the test then,” D.O said not caring a bit.

"Jerk.." I whispered out softly then took out my MP3 player and listened to songs, wanting the trouble to get out of my head.

“What are we doing at your house anyway?” I asked as I took of my shoes.

“I don’t want to go on a date with an ugly duckling like you. I am an idol people will judge me, thinking that I like ugly girls” Kyungsoo said as he slumped on the couh and watched the television.

“I am ugly duckling pfft, do you think you are that handsome?" I ranted softly not wanting him to hear what I just said Kyungsoo suddenly stood up then walked to me.

He then brought his face really near to my face his hot breath hit against my soft face, “Neh I am that handsome. Got a problem with that?” Kyungsoo half smirked and walked into the kitchen.

*Aish this guy, seriously!* I stomped on the ground and ranted to myself when suddenly a poodle ran towards me.

“Aw aren’t you a cute little doggy,” I  picked it up and took a look at it's collar.

“So your name is tofu?” I asked and rubbed my nose against its nose then it my face.

“You know what, you are much better and sweeter than your owner. He is a meany," I now started to rant to a poodle and Tofu just barked.

“I will just take that as a yes,”

“Tofu don’t go near her, “ Kyungsoo appeared out from the kitchen then Tofu leaped out of my hug and ran towards him.

I pouted and looked at Kyungsoo. He was wearing an apron over his casual wears.

“Hey are you cooking?” I asked excitedly as cooking is one of the few things that cheers me up.

“Do I look like I am gardening?” Kyungsoo replied then headed back into the kitchen. I just followed him.

“Can I help you?” I asked as he cut the meat with his cold back facing me.

“You want to help me cook my lunch?”

“Your lunch? Isn’t that our lunch?”

“Who says is our lunch cook your own lunch”

"Suit myself then," I got along with his meanness.

Without hesitation, I skipped over to the fridge and took out the ingredients and started cooking.

“Ew that is your lunch?” Kyungsoo looked at me in and my food in disgusts.

“It may not look nice but I am sure it will taste better than yours. I said that because I am super confident it will be better,” I said proudly while holding my dishes and taking a seat next to him.

Kyungsoo just stole a piece of my lunch and ate it.

“So how is it?” I asked while looking at his expression to get some answers.

He did not answered and started giggling and that warm smile came back onto his face then he stole another piece of meat from my dish.

“It taste good right?” I asked and smiled happily.

“It's okay,” Kyungsoo said emotionlessly and smiled then he ate my lunch within a few minutes.

“Hey! I didn’t even have a bite of it. Haha I bet it is too delicious or you are just out of prison and you are suffering from a serious problem of hunger,” I joked.

“Here eat mine, let’s just exchange lunch" Kyungsoo said and gave me his dish.

After lunch, I washed the dishes because he made me.

*Kyungsoo is really rude and mean to me but after lunch he doesn’t seem so bad. Aniya it might just moment of kindness only* I thought as I dried the dishes.

Suddenly, my phone rang.


“Appa what? No I am not going to!! I rather die He is a jerk! No of course the deal is still on--  but isn’t this a bit too much?” I said and whined in the phone.

“Fine  just for today,” I uwillingly agreed and hung up.

*Kyungsoo POV*

“I am sorry for being late..” She apologized and looked at her hands.

“But are you the guy I am supposed to date?” She asked again.

“Yes I am stupid, tch I thought I was going to date a hot girl but after seeing you, I think I am going to hate this day,” said.

“Sorry to disappoint you..” She replied.

*What is with this girl, isn’t she supposed to be mad at me? Why is she so kind even though I am so mean to her?* I thought and saw Min Joo studying and an evil thought came into my mind to make her angry. I purposely speed up the car causing her notes to fly out of the car.

“Yah you jerk! I know you don’t like me so be it, why did you do that?! How am I supposed to study for my test tomorrow!” I blurted out and fold her arms angrily.

*Haha she just looked cuter when she is angry,* I thought and secretly took another glance at her.

“Just fail the test then” I said, trying to hold my laughter.

“What are we doing at your house anyway?” Min Joo asked.

“I don’t want to go on a date with an ugly duckling like you, I am an idol people will judge me. Thinking that I like ugly girls,” I said and slumped on the couch and watched the television.

“I am ugly duckling pfft, do you think you are that handsome,” Min Joo softly ranted.

*Silly girl I can hear you very well,* I thought and stole another glance at her. I stood up and walked to MinJoo and brought my face really near to her's.

“Neh I am handsome, got a problem with that?” I half smirked and walked into the kitchen to get myself some lunch.

*This girl is really interesting and cute while-- maybe a little pretty but was still I should try to make her hate me so that she would break this deal,* I thought as I prepared to cook when I heard my puppy Tofu barked. I took a peek and I saw Min Joo playing with Tofu.

*She is cute* I thought and smile at myself.

“Tofu don’t go near her,“I said and Tofu leap of her arms and ran towards me.

“Are you cooking?” Min Joo asked excitedly as if she had never seen someone in an apron before.

“Do I look like I am gardening?” I rolled my eyes at her stupid question then headed back into the kitchen.

“Can I help you?” Min Joo asked.

“You want to help me cook my lunch?”

“Who says is our lunch cook your own lunch” I replied rudely.

"Suit myself then," She just got along with my meanness.

We shared a kitchen without talking but snatching everything available in the kitchen just to complete our dish and obviously I won.

“Ew that is your lunch?” I looked at Min Joo and her food in disgusted.

“It may not look nice but I am sure it will taste better than yours. I said that because I am super confident it will be better,” Min Joo said proudly while holding her dishes and took a seat next to me. I just stole a piece of meat and ate it, so I could further criticize it but the food taste--

*Wow! This taste delicious.. I can't further criticize it* I thought and sighed in disbelief.

“So how is it?” She asked while looking me, waiting for my answer.

“It taste good right?” She asked and smiled happily.

“It's okay,” I replied with less emotions trying to not compliment her. I started eating her lunch and before I know it, I ate everything, like within a few minutes.

“Hey! I didn’t even have a bite of it. Haha I bet it is too delicious or you are just out of prison and you are suffering from a serious problem of hunger,” She insulted me.

*Well played MIn Joo, you are going to pay for that insult,* I thought and for revenge, I made her washed the dishes and I heard a phone conversation.

*What is she doing what did she say? About today? I wonder what’s wrong,* I thought and looked at her silently.


I hope this chappy is good. It is showed off by

this two cutie pies that they hate each other

so much that it will kill them both but secretly they --spoiler--

Nope they dont like each other.

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Chapter 44: Cute
nuescaako1609 #2
love this story <3
exodeous #3
this is so cuteee><
AtesSa #4
Chapter 2: Evil D.O kkkkk
I realy love him
AtesSa #5
Chapter 1: I love it .
is that guy D.O?
I cant wait. going next part
AtesSa #6
I love D.O
I'm going to read this fic and send you a comment
mignonly #7
Chapter 44: This is soooo cute! XD heheh hb Do Eunjoo or orr Eunsoo :3 authornim~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 8: Omg they always fighting over a little things kk soo funny XD
Chapter 44: Seriously, this story is amazing!
Good job author-nim! :)
sleighride #10
Chapter 44: This story is really really interestingg . I love it