✘ Just a little confused.

The best is yet to be ♥

''Where should I start...'' I just looked at him and waited what is that thing he needed to say.

''I... It was all a lie.I don't want to be mean with you at all.''

I serously didn't know if I should believe this or not.And had no idea what he's actually talking about...Anyways,I was just confused and there was a silence for a long time.

''W-wha-what do you.. mean?''

''I mean that....I pretended to hate you.''

''Okay...Do you also have a reason why you did this?'' I was still super confused.

''Yes,I do have a reason.''  Oh gosh..How come he's so serious now..

''Okay...Can you tell me?''

''I can,but I'm not sure if I want.The thing is..It's really hard you know.''  Ahh...Yes,I felt it is hard for him.I wanted to ask more but....I also didn't.Cause...I didn't know if he's ready to say this to me and if he is,it's really hard to tell.So..I didn't know what to do.

''Hey,you don't have to talk about this if you don't want.It's good that you said it was all pretended because...That's just relief.I don't need to know the reason.''  Ohh..Seems like he really doesn't hate me..I can't even put this on words how great it seemed to be.


He didn't say anything else.Cause there seemed to be tears in his eyes.He just played with his fingers like he was nervous or smth.He just looked down(on his fingers) and raised his eye brows and then I also saw a little tears in his eyes.

''Hey..Umm..I have to go.''

''Okay,I'll send you home.''

''Nono..Umm,I'll take a bus.You don't really need to.''

''What if I want?''

''Then,I must say that I'd like to go alone.A lot to think about.''  He looked at me for a while.

''Uhh..Okay then.But be careful,it's late.''   He's saying that....Seems unreal.He should be saying..Disappear,the other words...I hope someone kidnapps you.But he asks me to be careful???So I went home thinking of all that thing.Yeah,you can imagine by yourself what I was thinking,the same as you would have thinked.


''Heyyy,Karen,how long you're planning to sleep?It's already 11.''   Ahh...It is....Oh crap I had to..Go and find some place where I could start playing badminton again.(I was pretty good at badminton in my home country)But....I slept so long.

''Oh yeah,thank you sunshine.I will wake up.''

''Ok,there's already coffee waiting for you in the kitchen.I'm really sorry but I also bought some breafast,but I was too hungry so I ate it all.But now I need to go to work,so go and buy something by yourself,okayy??And sorry agaiiinn!!''

Just like that,screaming,she left the house.I couldn't even say it's really okay and thank you..So I drinked my coffee and went out.I went to city and asked people if they know where is the closest badminton club or something,but no one knew.I wanted to call DongWoon or someone but I still didn't have their number yet.And..To think of my phone,I couldn't call them anyway.So I just sat down and rest my legs.Then one little girl came to me.

''Ommmaa....ommaa....ommmaaa....''She seemed really upset and oh gosh she was so small.

''Heyheyhey,calm down.Tell me what's wrong?''

''Mommy is missing...'' Ohoh...as usual.

''Heyy,don't cry.We'll find your mommy,okay?Now,where did you last see her?'' And she pointed to the parking place that was front of the huge mall.So I just held her and started to walk there.When I got there....I saw a tons of photographers again...So many people,girls...'

'You saw your mommy here?''

''Mhm'' She said in tears.

Wellwell,that's gonna be difficult to find her here for sure.I tried my best untill I saw one woman in red jacket,who was trying to find something.I was 95% sure it must be her.I went there and asked if it's her daughter and she said yes.She thanked me a lot and went then.Oh I felt good that I saved this little one,but now...who's the person there...I went a little closer and...Of course it was him.Ohoh...I just keep bumping into him again and again.But I wanted to get a talk to him,to ask about the badminton places.So I pressed myself so close as I could and started to scream his name.I thought it's almost impossible that he would see me but..you know,I had to try.So I screamed as loud as I could and like a miracle he turned his head and reconised me.

''You!!??''  Oh...he really saw me..

''Come here!'' I tried really hard but then boduguards came.

''Nonono,let her get here,she's my friend.''  So I got next to him,but not for a long time cause he pushed me to the car and locked the doors.

''Believe or not,but I need your help once again.''  I thinked for a while what help he means.... and then...

''NOOOONONONO,I'm not gonna do this again.Never ever ever again!Never Ever EVER!''

''Plllllleeeeeeaaasseeee,I'm ssooooooooooooooooooooo begging you.'' And he made his cute face.

''No you..You...Aiiiissshhhhhhhhhhh SERIOUSLY,I'M GONNA KILL YOU!''

''Jesssssssss,you're the best,Now.Take these anddddd...Go to the mall...to...men shop and buy something,here's my card.And then come back here and the car will be waiting for you.So you get in and drive to the apartment,okay?''

''You even ask me that!!You know it's not okayy!!???''

''Okay change,I don't look.'''

'You don't?Are you sure?''

''I'm not a ert!!'' So I started to change,really quickly.While doing that I asked a couple of questions.

''What about you?''

''I'll stay in car.When you're gone I drive away and then jump out and thennnn...The car comes back for you.''

''Ahh,okay,I'm ready.''

''Now,please make sure no one reconises you,cause I'll be in a lot of trouble then.Just be the same good as you were the last time.''

''Aish,whatever.'' So I put this hat to my head once again and stepped put of the car like it's natural thing for me to do.I would have liked to give some autographs,but I couldn't so..I just started to walk to the mall...Thinking...Did he do this because of the girl again..?Hmm...So I went there and tried to pick up some kind of T-Shirt.I thought of the time..Is he gone by now??I think he is..So I bought the white T-Shirt(there was written on it:I'm just a little stupid.) and went out.It was weird to walk when so many people always follow you and..It was also so hard to walk.Then I went out and prayed that the car is already there.Luckily it was.So I went into the car and showed with my hand to the driver again..Last time he drived to the apartment when I did like that,I just hoped it works tjis time too.So we drived and drived and finally we arrived to the apartment.Wait a minute...I don't have the key...Great.So I just went in and knocked to the door.And then the guy came,who's name I didn't know.I saw his legs and...towel,but I didn't look up,just in case.Anyways,I was wearing the hat,so I just pretended to be cool with it and ...wear it....like a cool guy.If that sentence makes any sense...

''Seobie!Aish,you forgot the key again??Next time I can't open the door you know,it was your luck that I reconised you this time.'' I just stepped by him,to the apartment and then took the hat off.

''OH CRAP!'' He startled really hardly.

''Who are you?What do you want?''

''Umm..I guess I haven't met you yet huh...I'm YoSeob 8,nice to meet you.'' I just smiled to him and put my hand ready to shake it,but he was still afraid.Finally he shaked my hand..

''Oh...YoSeob8,great...umm..I'm GiKwang.''

''Mm...Good to know.Now..Umm...Can I ask you where your ramens are?'' He looked at me like...Yeah,you can imagine how.

''I'm hungry you know.I only drinked coffee this morning.''

He watched me for a little more time and then he pointed to the larder that was in the kitchen.I had never felt so free in someone elses home,but this time I really felt I need to do this,to get my pay for doing this crap.Then I saw one other guy to come.

''Oh...'' He looked at me for a while.

''Oh...If I'm not wrong thenn....Yoseob Se....Umm..Seems like YoSeob eight.'' I smiled.


''Heyyy,I would like to ask..what is your reaction if he asks you to do that?Isn't this weird?To pretend to be someone else?'' Then he whispered..

''I'd like to try to do that one day too you know.'' I thinked for a while and asnwered then.

''Just a little confused.'' And thinked...A little?

                                        Now,in this chapter,I can't really describe YoSeobs feelings,you just.. 
              need to imagine,how hard it all was to him.I know it's hard but..It's a lot harder to put this in the words!
                                                                       Anyways,I hope you like it.:)

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?