✘This is it.

The best is yet to be ♥

''Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??'' She seemed shocked,I wondered if she likes it.I mean..Maybe she didn't even mean it so seriously saying it..Like that.

''You..like it?'' JunHyung asked.

''You...Are you...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!????'' Okay now I was even more worried she doesn't like it...I looked at DongWoon and he looked back to me.

''Well...We don't..'' HyunSeung said and I saw that he's also worried.

''This is...whatttt...But,I said I'm going to collect money and....This is sooososososoooooooo expensive right?''

''Well..''HyunSeung was about to say something...

''I'm won't exept it.''She said.Oooooooh,so it's still about the money right??Whuuuh,then she still likes it.I felt relief.

''But it's your birthday present....You won't accept your birthday present?Then..You will make us so sad...We failed with the present.''-JunHyung.

''Oh nonono..You didn't...I just.This is so big money.''

''Come one,take it.You really seemed disappointed knowing that this isn't your face and all that..So take it !!'' -DongWoon.And he was relying upon me again.Agh...Can't he really stand by himself?Tss...So I'm like short and he's tall so...it's really comfortable for him,right?

''Yeah but..'' She tried to fight back but we stopped her.

''Noooooooo buts!!!!'' We all said.

''And your flight goes tomorrow morning.Everything there is settled.You just go there,have the operation and come back.'' Junhyung said.

''Well..I hope it's gonna be so easy as you say.''

''So you accept it!!??'' JunHyung asked.

''Aaaah....I think...so...then..'' She said and after that we all screamed.

''Oooooookay,people!!!Now the suprise has successed and we can go in and celebrate!!!'' GiKwang screamed.

''But...I have to...'' She tried to say something again,but as usual there were no buts after we said so.


''So what do you want us to do?'' DongWoon asked me.

''Why I would  want you to do more????You've already done more than enough!'' I screamed back to them.

''But we want to do more!!!'' Junhyung screamed back to me.

''Okok,let's stop that screaming.Umm...Maybe...you...can...write me a letter??Cause..I'm gonne be away from you guys for a long time so...I need to be reminded of you.''

''Oh what a great idea!!'' DooJoon said.

''I'll bring the paper!!!!'' HyunSeung stood up but then YoSeob also stood up and pushed him,so he almost fell.

''Noooo,I'll bring the paper!!!'' He said and showed his tongue.

''Tss,fine,go then.''

''Really,you let me?'' He asked.

''Yeah,seems like you even ENJOY doing this.''

''What are you trying to sayyyy??'' YoSeob said and then DooJoon stopped them.

''Okok,guys,let's just...YoSeob,just go and bring the paper.'' And they laughed.


I saw them all writing.And the first to finish was HyunSeung.He gave it to me and I started to read it.

¨¨  hey dumdum...well...i know you're leaving but i have had just super lux time with you and i'm gonna miss you a lot!!!!
remember when you used yoseobs towel??? yeah...we know about it...and yoseob didn't give it to me.no matter how many times i said i will buy him a new one and i just begged him cause i was just....i just love the smell.is it really weird?i think it is...but what can i do!!??? mhh,but actually i just wanted to say that please remember me even though you're gonna be far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far,really far away from us.
and please come back safely and with a beautiful face,okay?^^
ps. if the doctors don't make your face as it was before or they're gonna ruin something i'll personally fly there and make things clear to them!! ~~kekeke

we all love you <3 ¨¨

I laughed while reading that a lot and also felt warm inside.
first when I came here..I thought it's gonna be hard to get friends.But I got the most amazying friends within so short time.Well..Thanks to YoSeob.I smiled to HyunSeung and he came to me and hugged me.

''Be well,okay?'' He whispered to my ear.


''Heyyyyy what are you guys doing??? Some kind of....???'' DooJoon asked.

''Whaattt,I just...'' 

''Eeeeeeehhhhhh and you even have your eyes wet!!!????''

''Nooo,I don't.''

''You do...and I'm not in the mood to argue with you so take it or leave it but your eyes are all wet.''

'You...'' And he sat down again.Then GiKwang gave me his letter.

¨¨¨hey so...you're leaving soon and.....what can i say..I still remember the first day when we met.i liked you a lot even back then.you were so funny...so..cute and at the same time really serious.and when i got to know you,you were even better from every side.
and...i was seriously sad when i heard about your past.i really was.so i'm really glad i can make you such a great gift and that really makes me feel warm inside and feels like i can really do something good for someone.
So i hope you're very happy about this present and arrive back safely and even more happily!! And please come back!!!If you dare to stay there....
Anyways!!! I hope you'll get even more beautiful than you're now!! DumDum,fighting!!!^^
-your good and loving and worth of remembering GiKwang!^_^ ¨¨

Meanwhile I read that,all the letters were already ready.So I took JunHyungs.

¨¨ maeri..please take care.i'm not gonna say something..really as a goodbye cause you're still coming back.right...righttt!!??
so...yeah.you're  really dear friend and...i would be sad to lose you.so please make sure i'm not gonna do that,ok! ^^
and please return safely!!! fighting!!! ¨¨

aww,what ashort and caring one.So now I took YoSeobs.

¨¨ oh...so you're leaving.actually i'm really sad.but well...the part when we thought that we're brother and sister...that was kinda scary.not that it's something...bad but...aaah,whatever.anyways...i'm sorry for getting you so much trouble...all that...you know what.and when did you get to know about the things in our room??everytime we asked something you always knew where to go and like that.even that thing what's under my pillow.you're really mystery you know...kekeke but hey,it was fun playing with you!! sssshh,i'm talking like you're leaving and never coming back.but you are!!! and i'm gonna miss you like crazy.seriously...i don't know what I will do...I'm gonna call you every single night!!!! okay? and please be well.i really hope your expectations come true and nothing goes wrong or like that.
Karen!!! Fighting!!! ¨¨

hmm....I decided to look what the boys are doing but they had fallen asleep.All of them were on the floor,sleeping.I decided to read DooJoons and DongWoons letter and then I will leave.

¨¨ Karreeenn!!! Or..MaeRi or....I don't know what's your name dear but...Heyyyy...I'm soooo happy you can finally get what you want.But also I'm like super sad that you're leaving and I would like to beg you to not go.But of course I'm not gonna do that.I will just miss you to death.Seriously.It has always been fun with you.Even if you're not with us,we always talk about you and laugh a lot.Like...You know we spent like 3 hours with Seungie in the shop just because he looked for the shower gel that you're using.You maybe don't have no idea how crazy he is because of that smell but....Yeah,he really likes it.So we laughed a lot and finally we just got him out of there with strength.We even wanted to call you and ask what the hell are you using but he said he will never bother you with that!!! haha yeah...so it's always fun.thank you for that.our life is gonne be boring again when you leave... :( but you come back and then we play around together again right!!! 
oh and for you to know..it was supposed to be me who had to hold your cake..:(:(:( but seobie took it for me.ssssssssssssssh,him.seriously.but....take care!!! we will call you a lot and i'm already so exctied to see your new face!^^
Fighting!!!  ¨¨

Aww...what a long letter....And finally I felt a tear falling down on my cheek.I was so happy that they care so much about me.It gives me a lot more reasons why to come back here.Why I said that now is because...I actually don't wanna go at all.I wish I could do the surgery in Korea,instead of America.
I wanted to read DooJoons but it wasn't there.I saw it's still under Doojoons and he's sleeping on that.
I didn't want to wake them up.So I just left to them a letter.

¨¨Hey guys...So...You fell asleep.But I'm going now.I'm not gonna see you anymore.I guess...Cause tomorrow is Sunday and you usually sleep a lot on that day and my plane goes 6am so...Ummm....I'm gonna miss you.I promise to come back soon.And you all wrote that you hope I'm still gonna remember you guys but...You're the one that have to remember me!!! Cause I will think of you every day.So...Byebye and...Be well,work hard and..I hope to see you successing  from the internet!!Right?Work hard!!
NB.I gave you all kiss on the cheek,so I hope you saw a good dreams.  *much love*¨¨

And I left.Right before closing the door I looked the apartment just one more time.I cried a lot.Even if I knew I'm coming back..It was still so sad to leave.And who knows what all may happen right..Finally I closed the door and took a long walk,before I went home to pack my things.

*7 months later*

''Why you must go back to Korea?You have such a great career in here.''

''I must go.This is what has always been...Known.You also knew that when you asked me to do this.''

''Yes but....You were doing so fine..''

''I told you I will take that job only when I can leave whenever I want.''

''Alright..We understand.''


''So...I hope you will do well in Korea and..Be happy then.''

''I will.''

''Oh MaeRi!''

''Yeah,so...Did you do everything I asked?Hotel,meeting..??''

''Yeah,I did.''

''Thank you,Shin Hye.Then I'll be coming soon.See you.''

''Okaayyyy,I'm already so waiting to see you!!!!Annyeong!!''


ShinHye made me smile again.
So today I fly back to Korea.Aah....I spent here even more time than there but I miss it so much.I just can't wait to breathe the Korea air again and feel like home.


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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?