✘ Is this how it's going to be?

The best is yet to be ♥

''Confused?Ohh..Okay..Well,I will defenitely try this one day out.''  Told..Was he,GiKwang?

''You better won't.That's not that great at all as you may think.''

''But..'' He tried to say something but then another guy came.

''What the hell..How many people's living in here??'' I asked.

''Haha,only 6.'' Said GiKwang.

''Only?This is like...Okay,now I feel weird to be in here.Really..weird,like the only girl on the earth or something.''

''Well..yeah,usually women don't come here.This is...OUR place.Like...Ours.'' He kinda laughed again.

''Okay..But...Who was that person just now?''






''Ohh...Sorry..I'm not used to the names in here yet.''

''Not used to?You haven't been living here since you born?'' He seemed suprised.

''Nooo,I just moved here,like...3-4 days ago.I...Don't remember.''

''Seriously??But then...Why you speak Korean so well?''

''I've always liked the language.I learned it at school.Actually...I already..Kinda...Started when I was in the kindergarden.But..That wasn't like...That serious studying.''

''Wooooooow,I hear something like that for the first time in my life you know.''

''Ohh..Well,yeah..That's how it is,but that's weird.usually people ask where i am from and now you are suprised that I'm not from here..Funny..'' But then I looked at my phone(what I still brought with me,even if I knew I couldn't call anyone with it)

''Mhhhppphh....''Ramen was about to jump out of my mouth.

''5???Are you kidding meeee?...Okay,I'm really sorry I did my ramen and now I can't eat it,but I reallyreally have to go.I'm super sorry and..I don't know...Say to YoSeob that he owns me a favor!!!!!''And While I said that I already took my things and ran away.Seemed like he wanted to say something back and also....HyunSeung looked at me really wierdly when he came out of the bathroom but..I just ran away.''

Ohh...Shin Hye....''  I was thinking.Yeah,I promised to be home at 5.And my phone is not working...She must be worried...So I just ran downstairs,I didn't even notice that there was an elevator.But when I got out of then house...I got hit by a motorcycle.

''Omo...I she alright?'' I heard a womans voice.But when I looked up,I saw YoSeob.Tttt....He's with that woman again...Nice...

''Are you okay?'' He came off the motorcycle and..Seemed to be really worried.

''Yeah,I am.Aiiishh...Can't you just drive a little more carefully?''

''Me?That was you who ran like a dog.''

''You..''I was about to..say something,but then the woman stopped me.

''But you're really alright?Maybe we should still take you to the hospital,to make sure everything is alright.''

''NO..Nonono,I hardly think that's neseccary.I'm..Kinda hurry..''I stood up, bowed and started to walk away,I felt like my leg is hurting and I couldn't help,I just couldn't stand on it normally.And I think they noticed cause..The woman said

''What are you doing?Go and help her!''-She whispered.And then he just came and took me.

''What are you...Hey,I really need to hurry.''

''Yeah?Where?''He put me on the motorcycle.


''Ok,then..Let's go.''   Eeeh...

''You sis,go inside,I think GiKwang is there right now,HyunSeung should be too,but I'm not sure.''

''Okay.''And he threw her the keys.Sis?So...That was...

''That was your sister?''

''Mmm.''Okay...soo...He ran away to meet her sister???

''Now..Take this...And..Hold on tightly.''  He gave me the helmet.Then he came on the motorcycle and started to drive.
Then we arrived to my house.
''Thanks a lot.''  I said and hurried inside.

''Ohh she's gonna kill me..'' I opened the door and..

''YOU,where were you?????Huh???''

''Aiishhh,you scared me!! I was just... Late.Thanks to..One person. ''

''One person?Who's that?I also heard motorcycle front of the house.''

''Aiishhh,that's YoSeob.I had to pretend to be him again,that's why I was late.''

''YoSeob??Which YoSeob?? Yang YoSeob?B2ST YoSeob????'' She seemed really excited.

''Yeah..I think so.'' I just started to walk to the kitchen.But she followed me and only asked questions.

''I was wondering at the hospital..Why those guys were there.I reasserted for a long time until I stepped to your room you know.I was totally shocked when I saw them there.How they know you?''

''Well..When I first came here then that.. YoSeob asked me to play him,so he can run away.And then I had to drive to their apartment where I met all the other guys,well..not all.. and now..Today YoSeob asked me this HUGE favor again and I was so stupid that I accepted and then I went there again annnnddd..Met the other 2 guys that I didn't meet last time and...Yeah,blablabla.''

She just stood there and listened me.

''Now...You're not joking?You're really serious?''

''Aiisshh,I'm not even in the mood to joke around right now.''

''So..That...Front of the house was...''

''Yeah,Yoseob.Now,if you excuse me,I'd like to take a bath now.''

''Yeahyeah..Go ahead...''She said.I already started to go upstairs but then..

''Hey,it would be great if you don't tell others about it.I think B2ST is going to have some troubles then.''  And I walked on.

*Next morning*

''Okayy,byebyeeee,see you in the evening.'' I said and left the house.But then...I saw YoSeob waiting front of the house.

''What the hell are you doing here?''

''I wanted to apollogize...About..Last night...''

''Ahh forget it.'' And I started to walk away.

''Is your leg okay?Doesn't it hurt?''  I looked back and then at my leg.

''Oh,no..It doesn't.''And I turned around again.

''I'm...Really sorry.I knew it's gonna happen..That's why I didn't want you to be my friend or something.I'm really really sorry.Please forgive me.''

What..I already said it's okay..

''Hey,it's really okay,now...Don't..worry.''  He just kept looking at me.

''Okay...But I'm.. Still really sorry.I would like to give you a ride but now I think..It's best to not do that.''   That's really...Okay,whatever.

''Mmm..Bye then.'' I said with really...Confused face and turned around and just walked.
Ohh..Another day for looking for a job.Great,by the evening,my legs should be dead again.I walked around the city and saw another coffee bar where I hadn't been yet.So I decided to go and try my luck in there.I felt kinda weird cause people looked at me.Then I was just about to cross the zebra crossing until one girl took a picture of me.Okay...this is more than weird.I understand that I don't look like a Korean,so people look at me but why they take pictures?Whatever...So,I arrived front of the cafeteria and then another person came and this time...She asked me to take a picture with her.

''What?Why you want that?''

''It would make me happy,please.''  Okay...this is super weird.This isn't normal.But no matter how much it didn't make sense I still accepted,since she said it would make her happy.

''Can you tell me what is so..different about me?''  

She just looked at me with really weird face and then walke away.Ehh?Tss...what a girl..So I walked on and front of the cafateria was one girl who gave newspapers.

''Want one?It's for free.''  She smiled.I thought...Why not and took the newspaper.I put it to my bag and entered to the coffee bar.

''Hello...Umm..My name is Karen and...I wanted to ask if here's any free place?To..Work?I really need a job and...

''I couldn't even finish my sentece,but he already accepted.

''Really????Oh thank you sooo much.When I can start?''

''You can start tomorrow.If it's not too quick.''

''Oh no,not at all.Gumawo.'' And I went away.I was soo happy that I thought I should celebrate it and sat down and ordered one coffee.I took out the newspaper that the lady before gave me and started to read.So..I changed another page and....Ohh,they write about Yoseob!!Cool..Waitwait...I looked at the picture.....T..T-t-t-t-this...That's me!!!I saw a picture where I was sitting on the ground and YoSeob was on the motorcycle.They wrote that YoSeob hit me with his motorcycle and then I sat on the motorcycle and we drived away.Annd.....Whattt? ''Could it be his girlfriend?'' Whaaaaaaat,girlfriend??????Noooo,noooooo,I'm not his girlfriend!!What the hell..Oh.So..That's why he talked so weird things today..Now I understand.Aishh...Stupidstupidstupid Karen.I just stood up,threw the newspaper away and started to walk out.But when I opened the door....Like the first time,when I met YoSeob.There were so many photographers and they all asked if I'm YoSeobs girlfriend and what kind of relationship I have with him...Yeah,obviously someone called them that I'm here but...So many of them??Okay..What to do now...Then one car came there and DongWoon came out of there.He just grabbed me to the car.

''Ahh,don't be afraid.We'll handle it.''


''Sssshhh,now...Seems like you need some protection in the future.We give you some bodyguards okay.You can also have a car.And here.I understood your phone is not the best too,right.Call with that if you need any help.''

''Are you serious?Is this how it's going to be?''

''I can't say anything right now..But I can hope it's not going to be worse.''

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?