✘ I'm sorry.

The best is yet to be ♥

So I woke up again...Aaah...That so hurts...What's going on...

''Help...''I tried to yell but seriously ,couldn't.

So I took my bag and searched something what I can make a big noise.So I found one emty water bottle.I started to hit it to the floor as hard as I could,but I wasn't able to do it really loudly,I was just so weak and everythime I moved I biggggg headache came.But no one came...But I knew I can't stop...So I continued.Soon one door opened.

''Ahjumma..''-I tried to thank her that she noticed.

''Oh dear child,what hapened to you?Here's so much blood!''

She started to hit B2STs door(I think because it was the only other door on that floor.) until YoSeob came.

''Oh god,thank you,you're home.Please do something...She's...She's...''-she pointed on me while crying.

And then YoSeob actually tried to help me.I problably wouldn't be suprised even if he would have said that he doesn't care at all.I heard him talking on the phone.

''Umm..Well I'm not sure what happened but I see a lot of blood here...I think it's coming from her head...but it's a-a-a l-lot.Please come quickly.''

Ahh....This really hurts...Both-the pain and that I still appear front of him again.

''BOYS!'' -I heard him screaming.

''Please bring me quickly something...that I can like...put...like...her head...QUICKLY!''

And I saw two of them running in.But I reconised DongWoon.cause I only knew his and YoSeobs name.

''How did this happen???!!''-DongWoon

''I have no idea,I just found her like that.Well,actually Ajumma did.And...here she was...like that...''

And then the other boys came.They put under my head one white and yellow T-shirt and also brought me one blue blanket.

''Did you already called help?'' one of them asked.And YoSeob answered.

''Of course I did.''  Ahh..So much trouble because of me...How did this all happen?

''I'm so sorry...''  I tried to tell them.


''I'm sorry...Specially..YoSeob'' He looked at me and held my head.Then he looked away.

''Aish,don't talk.'' He said.

At least he said something,not like usually,silence.So I decided to smile to him.But I felt so weak..so I just closed my eyes for e second...But I couldn't open them again.So I just fell asleep...Still hearing them yelling not to fall asleep.But I still did.Next moment I woke up in the hospital.I saw..YoSeob,DongWoon and...Two ther guys there.As soon as I opened my eyes,DongWoon spoke.

''You're awake?Thank god...''

''What happened to me?''

''You fell...really badly.There was really sharp thing you know,you just know the best place where to put your head.''

''But why I fell?''

''Hkhm...You have to eat more often.Now,if you're not gonna eat reulary and something like that happens again,I have to come and control you every day,if you have eaten.'' Oh he's...So caring.

''That's not neseccary.I will eat regulary.'' And I smiled to him.Then I heard my name from somewhere far..

''Karen...Karen!!??''  It was Shin Hye.I knew there would come a moment when she rushes in like that.

''Hey sunshine.''-me

''Are you alright?What happened?Why your luggage was front of the door?Why you didn't wait me there!!??I wrote you I'm gonna be there at 5.''

''You did...?Well..I think I didn't notice.Sorry.But I'm alright!Don't worry.''

She smiled back to me,tears in her eyes.I also smiled,until I looked at YoSeob.He didn't seem to be happy at all...like others.Why would he...He hates me.He wants be to disappear.I never thought someone would actually be so cold to me,I never wanted that.And when I looked at him...He just stood up and walked away,again...Not saying anything.As usual.He's the silence guy.

''Hey..I think I'm gonna sleep now,so you guys can go,okay?''

''Alright.Take care!!!''-DongWoon

''Ok,I'll be waiting for you at home,preparing all ready for you..''-Shin Hye.

I just smiled and turned to them my back.Why he's being like that...Like I'm doing it on purpose..Thinking of that I just fell asleep.Next moment I woke up and he was front of me.Looking at me with that face again...Like I did something wrong.To be honest I was already scared at him.
So I just dindn't say anything,cause I didn't want to be yelled at again.So there he was,sitting and didn't say anything.The silence continued until I saw a lot of white roses on the table.

''Oh..Who brought them?'' silence...

''I did.''  What....I saw him taking breath.

''I'm sorry.''-he said.

Okay..That was bomb...I couldn't say anything than just watch him.He looked down and then me and then down again and then stood up and walked away.But he came back.He gave me a cup of water and said to get better.And then he left.This time he didn't come back.I wonder what is wrong with him...He must have hard time.Or..He really is weird.

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?