
The best is yet to be ♥

Hey guys!I'm sorry that the size of the text is gonna change a lot but I couldn't do anything,it just went like that.Hope it won't bother you!And..It's gonna be a short one.Cause I plan to update once more tonight,so I just make a little shorter one,okay?Hope you enjoy.=)
So that's where it all ends..Huh?It was me who rejected him and now I get my payback.But something inside of me still wants to believe that maybe one day he will still remember me.That's why I feel like I should still stay next to him.Even...Even if he doesn't want to.I have to...I want to.It's the first time of my life when I feel like..I love him.It felt like my all world would fall apart,when he said these words.
I was at home and though my sister was finally with me and I should have felt a little bit better,I still heard those words in my head ''Who's she?''  
YoSeob,how can it be like this?You said I would have said yes if I would have had feelings towards you.But that's not true.I have feelings to you.I was just worried about JaeJoong.And now when I finally know all this..You don't even know who I am.Why me?You remember everything else than me?Did you want it?Was that what you wanted?
-All that,I just kept thinking while driving to the hospital.Of course I'm a big number now in media..So I have to cover myself a lot.They even blame me on pushing him down..How can they?They don't even know anything,how can they say something what they are not sure to be true?

''You..Again.'' YoSeob said when I entered into the hospital room.

''Mmm..I cooked your favorite food today.Wanna have some?'' I sat next to him,on his bed.I put the food on his legs and opened the box.
But he just...Hit it.It all fell on the floor and now it's all around there..

''Can't you understand...I'm saying it once more.Please don't show yourself front of me again.Are you deaf??How many times I must say it?I don't want your stupid food!And you!Get lost!''


''Why I hate you so much?Now..You asked me if I'm deaf at that night,right?I think you're the one in here that's deaf.How many times I must tell you that you mess my life up.I don't want to see you again,but you still keep appearing front of me.''

''Please don't ever appear front of me again.You mess my life up.I think I almost lost my very best friend because of you.So just..get lost.''

*End of flashback*

It happens again...
I looked down on the floor,where the food was lying and felt how the tears slowly covered my eyes.

''Wooowowowowwww....What is happening in here?'' DooJoon came in.

''Hyung..Could you please tell her to leave me alone?I mean it's seriously annoying.''

I saw DooJoon looking at me and my tears just fell.

''YoSeob.You used to love this girl.She also loves you,you can't ask a person who loves you just to go away.''

''That girl?Even the most weirdest guy on earth wouldn't love a girl like her!Look at her!She's doing everything that I ask her not to do.People,just get used to it.I don't remember her and I'm also not gonna remember her!Never, and it's even better cause she's just so annoying,I wouldn't bear even a second to be with her.''


''No, DooJoon-ah.It's okay.I can leave now.And this time I won't come back.Please take care of him,okay?'' I said and hurried out of there cause I didn't want to hear DooJoon asking me to stay and YoSeob being happy that I leave.

Agh..This is the biggest drama in my life.I just need to forget a person I love.It's not like it was with my ex boyfriend.He was dead..I had no choice.But he...He's right here!In this world,on the same earth with me.And even in the same country and city and..Freaking house!But I cannot be with him if he acts like that.Impossible.
I wish I could vanish like JaeJoong...To nowhere.
And when I get out there hes was,waiting for me to drive me home.

''Please stop that crying.I cannot watch this anymore.'' He stopped the car.

''You!You don't know how it feels!I feel like I'm gonna break into a thousands of pieces!I don't want to do anything...I feel like I don't even want to live anymore..''  And then I thought...Break?Break?And looked into JaeJoong's eyes.

''I know how it feels.'' He said.

Of course he does.So stupid of me to say something like that.

''I'm sorry..I just..'' And then I just burst to cry.I was glad he was there for me..Even if I cried because of other man than him,he still was there,supporting me.

''I'm just gonna be like he is.'' I finally said and pushed myself off his arms.I had decided that this is the last time I cry because of him.

''Eh?'' He asked.

''I'm just gonna pretend I don't know him.'' 

''Heyy...You can't do that..''

''Of course I can.Why he can and I cannot?Now..Drive me home.''

*2 months later*

I still kept  meeting the other boys.But they would just come without YoSeob.We had dinners together and believe me or not...I even kinda...Got used to the fact that he just doesn't know me and I also pretended to not know him.Of course somewhere inside I loved him but no matter how hard it was,I still held it inside.And with time..It got easier and easier.

*3 months later*

I was in the shop.On the line.Then suddenly I forgot I had to buy a ramyun for my sister.I went to get it and saw it was only one ramyun of that flavour in there,just for me.
I just got to touch it when another hand appeared and also got it.I turned my head and it was him..YoSeob.But no..I had to pretend to not know him,so just...

''It's you,huh?'' YoSeob said,while holding on to the ramyun.

''Me who?I don't know you.Oh!You're YoSeob from B2ST!!Arent you?'' I pretended to not know him.

''Weird..I could swear you're..Ahh.never mind.Yes,I am, so may I have my ramyun?''

''Eh?Hahaha,your ramyun?Who says it's yours?I got it first.''

''No,I was first.'' He said with a confident,like back then..

''No way!I was first!''

''No.Give me that.'' And he started to take it away from me.

''aaahhh..My stomach...'' I held my stomach and fell on the floor.

''Hey..Heyy...What's wrong?'' He tried to hold me,but then I quickly used all my power, took the ramyun away from him and started to run.I just forgot all my other things in there and kept on running.On the way I already searched my money out.I just passed all the persons that were on the line and put the money somewhere in there.

''There's the money.It's ramyun so please don't mind,I just have to...'' And I saw YoSeob running to me.'' GO!I HAVE TO GO!SORRY!''

And I ran out of there.He chased me for a long time and since I'm a little sick I had to stop running.

''Azzaaaaa!!Got you.'' He stopped and wanted to take the ramyun but I didn't let go.

''Still not letting go??'' He asked with a suprised face and while taking his breath from running.

''Do whatever you want,I'm not gonna give you this.I already payed for this so it's officialy mine.'' I said while also taking my breath.

He only looked at me and smiled with a face that showed he has something in his mind.He just came closer and closer.I backed off but soon I felt something from my back,so I couldn't go on anymore.

''You're not gonna get it.'' I said while feeling my heart bounding like crazy.

''Really?That's too bad..I really...'' And his hand went on my waist.  ''Want it.''  His face was already really close to mine and my heart was bounding even more and more harder.

''Yeah,really.'' I said with a confidence.

Then he pulled me into his one arm and the other hand was on my shoulder and headed more down and down..

''Watch your heart to not jump out.'' He said and I then I realised that we were totally side by side and he could feel my heart bounting with his chest.Then I felt how his hand had already arrived to my hand,so I thought what is he gonna do..Hold my hand?But then his face came even closer and closer and I could feel his warm breathing.He was just so close to kiss me until he took the ramyun and showed with it off.

''You!!!Give it back!'' He raised it as high as he could and I only kept on jumping to get it until I got it.But then it all happened so fast...He pulled me back to him again and..Just..Kissed me.Though..Why was that necessary?To get the ramyun back?No..Because he didn't take it.
Soon he backed off.

''Well..It's almost same good as the ramyun so I'm letting you go this time.'' And he started to walk away.I just stood there frozen.

''Oh and next time...If you still dare to fight with me...You will get something worse.So you better think hard before making a move.'' And he walked away.He just left me there...Standing under the tree with a ramyun.

I had never felt this before.It was like...Soo good and..Happy feeling.I mean..I have never seen him like that.He was like totally different person.Like..I really met a new person.


''I need to change.You don't know how I was before I met you.I..Since I met you I just...I'm so afraid to any kind of wrong move.Cause I'm so afraid to loose you.But now...Maybe girls just like those kind of people like I was before.
You remember our first days?How I was then?''

*End of flashback*

Oh my god...So this is it...He fell and..changed.Just like he said.

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?