✘The strange man and the strange message.

The best is yet to be ♥

Soon we arrived front of the restaurant.

''But I'm really not hungry.''I said with very sad face so they could understand that I'm seriously not hungry.

''Well...Then just come with us.'' Said HyunSeung.

We already walked to the house but then I realised someone is missing.Just to control myself I started to count them.I knew I should get 6 of them but I got 5.I thought maybe someone wasn't there from the beginning.So I walked on.But then I thought..wait,who's missing then?
I found out that YoSeob wasn't there.But YoSeob was there before,right?So...I thought he maybe stayed in the car.But why?He didn't even tell anything.So I started to walk back to the car.

''Heyy,DumDum! Where are you going?'' I heard from somewhere far.I turned around and answered them.

''Umm..you guys go in first,I need to check something.I'll be right there.'' I said and turned around again.

So when I got back to the car,I saw a lot of girls there.They weren't  here before, right??Ohh,they're quick.So I tried to open the door but I couldn't,it was locked.I also couldn't see inside.So I went to the top of the car and knocked on the glass to the driver,he should know me.He showed me to sit next to him.So I went inside and asked what's going on.But then he let the black thing down what separated B2ST from the driver.
Weird...It wasn't up before.It's not usually like that.

''YoSeob asked me to let him be by himself.And now he asked you to come from there cause fans would have seen that he's inside and would have gone crazy,so you just go back there from here.''

I saw YoSeob.He was so wet.He was lieing on his back and held his stomach.

''Omo...YoSeob,are you okay?'' I started to struggle back there and finally when I got there he also opened his eyes.

''Heyyy,talk to me.What's wrong huh?It hurts right?'' He nod. ''Where exactly it hurts?'' He just showed his stomach.I called immidiately to the amulance.

''Hey,wait here,okay?I'll be right back.'' And then I saw a water bottle next to the driver. ''And drink this.'' I gave him the bottle.

When I got out of the car I started to run as quickly as I could.I ran inside the restaurant and tried to find other members,but I couldn't.Finally I saw them laughing front of the table,which was really back there. 

''Heyyy!!!Heyyyy!!!'' I screamed already from far away there.They all looked at me and when I arrived there,they all seemed really suprised.

''YoSeob...Is sick.'' I tried to tell them but I was kinda taking my breath.

''What??'' They all asked.

''Yeah,he's in the car,his stomach hurts and he doesn't look good at all.I already called to the amulance and they're coming here but...Oh gosh,I'm so afraid what may happen to him.'' I tried to explain them but it all seemed so horrible that tears came to my eyes.

''Okay let's go.'' Said DongWoon. 

While we were running there they asked me to calm down and many other questions.And when we arrived to the car,the ambulance also arrived.So I opened the door,which was opened this time and tried to get him out of there.But then the other guys came there and helped me.
Doctors put him inside of the car and DooJoon went with him and said he will text us about the news.

''Oh gosh,I want to go there too.Can you bring me there?Please.'' I said to the guys.

''Alright,jump in.'' They said and we started to drive.

When we arrived to the hospital and I saw DooJoon sitting there...I knew things must be bad.

''Heyyy,how is he?'' I asked from him.

''Hey,umm..They're still checking him.''He said.

''But it has been such a long time already??'' I was kinda suprised..How long it all can take?
''Yeah,I know.That's why I'm worried.'' 

''Ohh...'' I sat next tom him and all the other member just stood there.

Finally the doctor came there and said he's alright now,but he shouldn't drink so much coffee.When I heard this...I was about to die because of happiness.He's alright.That's relief.I asked if I can see him and then ran inside.

''Heyyyyy,youuuuu!!!!'' I said him,like I was kinda angry. ''You think coffee is like a water what you can drink as much as you want?'' And then i laughed.

''Well...I was so tired.I felt like one cup doesn't help at all.And then I realised 3 cups doesn't help too.So I ended up drinking 6 cups...''

''6???? Hey,this doesn't even sound normal.Are you crazy??Oh..Why I'm even asking that...Of course you are.'' I laughed again.

''Yeah..I've never been normal.That's the good side of Yang YoSeob.'' 

I started to laugh.He also laughed and it was good to see him smile again.

''Okay,now...Do you know how long you need to stay here?''

''I get out soon.They already did what needed.'' 


There was a little more silnece and then other guys came in and said we can go.

''Ahhh,do I really need to talk with the stupid reporters again?'' YoSeob asked to others.

''Aaah,yeah.I think that's kinda necessary.'' Said HyunSeung.

''Aiiissshhh.'' Said YoSeob again.

Soon we arrived to the apartment.

''Make sure you watch over him okay?You should...Hide the coffee and..Only make it for him if he asks.''I laughed after saying that.

I saw how YoSeob made weird faces on that and just walked to the bedroom.

''Okay guys,see you later.I have to go now.''

''See ya,DUMDUM!And hey,take our car!'' They said.

''Whatever!'' I just waved and stepped out.

For the first time in my life I saw the elevator.I think it was because I felt good and relaxed when I came out of there.So I went to the elevator and there was one cute guy with cute black glasses.I went next to him and watched the buttons.He already chose the floor that I needed so I didn't have to push anything.

''You're new in here?'' He asked me.

''Umm..What do you mean?''I could really understand what he meant by saying that.Really.

''You live in here?''

''Oh nono,I just...visited my friends.''

''Friends?On that floor?There lives only one ajumma and B2ST so...You visited B2ST?''


''Ohhh,so they're your friends?You get along with them?''

''Kinda...''Okay...Why he's asking me so many questions.

''Alright,see you some other day then.Byebye''

And he stepped out of the elevator.That was really quckly done,I couldn't even say anything back.That guy was really weird.First he seemed so kind and cute but then he asked me questions like some kind of asking machine.Weird..
So,soon I arrived home.

''You came so late again?Why you can't just tell me when you're going to be late again?''-ShinHye

''Hey,YoSeob got sick and had to be taken to the hospital.You haven't heard it from the news yet?''

''What?YoSeob sick?Really?Why?What happened to him?'' She asked me like a crazy.She seemed to be really shocked.

''He drank too much coffee.But he's alright now.Don't worry.And I'm going to take a bath now.And then bed.So...Goodnight!!''

''Night...''She said and when I left she still kept staring at me.

''Morning!'' I said to ShinHye. 

''Wellwell,who's up so early!!''

''Yeaaaaaah! Actually I need to start searching about the badminton again.I can't get the job right now so..Yeah.But I miss badminton so much.I just need to play it as soon as possible.But I was thinking about visiting B2ST before I start to find some place.Maybe they know something too.And...I also want to see if YoSeob is okay.''

''Ohh,alright then..Umm,you can go.''

''Go?Just like that?I can't eat anything before I go?''

''Well...I kinda ate everything...''

''You ate everything????? When you're going to buy MORE food?So it's not only for a breakfast or for the dinner,but for all of it.Breakfast,lunch and dinner.''


''Okay,I go to shop today.And..I buy a lot.DON'T YOU DARE EAT IT ALL THEN.'' And I walked out of the house.

''Bye Karen!!Sarang hae!''

''Yaayaa'' I answered her.

Soon I arrived to the B2ST house.But then I met that man again.

''Hey'' He said.To be honest I was kinda afraid of him this time.

''Umm..Hey?''I answered him with a very afraid voice.

''Mm...You're going to visit B2ST again?You seem to be really close.''

''Yeah..Well,umm no,not close but..I just need their help and...I need to see if YoSeob is still okay.''

''Ooooh,I see so...Alright.I have to go.Byebye'' He started to run again but then I stopped him.

''Wait! Umm..What's your name?''


''Yo?Umm,just Yo?''

''Yeah,many people call me wazzup man because of the Yo.So it's like yoyoyo,wazzup man.'' I started to giggle.Wazzup man?Tss...What a weird guy..

''Umm..Okay,wazzup man.See you later.'' He nod,turned around and went away.And I thinked...This guy sure is weird...
I started to look for my phone,to check the clock,if it's not too early to go up there but it was missing.

''What..I'm sure I took it with me..'' I searched more and more.But I couldn't find it.Oh crap..That's not good,DongWoon gave it to me.I went to look outside,maybe I left it there but then I saw the guy again there.Ohh..I don't want to talk to him again...So I just started to walk away but he stopped me.

''Isn't this yours?'' I turned around and he was holding my phone.

''It is.Where was it?''I was kinda amazed,how he found it? He pointed to the ground that was a little far from us.

''Oh..Thank you.''


I smiled back to him and went back to the house.

''Heyhey,can I come in?'' I entered to the apartment.

''Heyyyyyyyy DumDum,how's going?'' DooJoon asked.

''I'm...Good.You?And where's YoSeob?''

''I'm good too.  Ohh,they're messing with the message that YoSeob just got.It's really weird you know.Do you know anyone who could send a message to YoSeob about you?''

''Message?No...I don't''

''Ohh..It said we should stay away from you and didn't even say a reason why.''

''Stay away...from...ME?haha,it must be a mistake I mean...Why someone..''

''Yeah,why someone would send something like that.They're also wondering that right now.''

I only looked at him and thought what the hell.Seriously,this is weird.The message...Is there someone who....Wants bad for me??Oh that strange message really scared me and I kinda felt uncomfortable.What if some day someone is going to kidnap me?Or..Kill me?Or..Kill them?What if,what if...Like that I continued standing and thinking there.
Today is a weird day for sure.I met the strange man again...and then that strange message came...What's next...


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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?