✘What have I done..

The best is yet to be ♥

I had a another without sleep night.I just kept thinking of what had happened all night.I mean..This is real world..There's no allowed some..invisible men.When YoSeob said he doesn't see anyone,I really freaked out.I think you would have too.Cause I really thought I'm so normal and it's just heart breaking to hear that you're the only one who sees him.So of course after hearing him saying the words ''I see the footsteps'' I thought he's just playing it all along with me.But after he stared to his eyes..I mean...He really looked into that man's eyes.That made me think that maybe it all still is possible.
I just have to be honest.I'm just freaking out right now.All this stuff..Confuses me just so much.
In the middle of those thoughts I suddenly heard the phone rang.

''Good Morning!!!'' 

''Ummm...Good Morning?'' It's the most stupid momen't in my life when I don't know who I'm talking to.

''So,you're ready?Not nervous?OH!And don't forget to bring the disc,I wanna get those pictures!!''

*Pictures??Ooohhhh,That's HongKi.He was talking about the pictures that we took while we were in US.But wait..Nervous????....OH DDDAAMMMMNNNN,today is my drama appearance...Shhiitttt,I haven't done anything yet.*

''Oh yeah,I won't forget it annndd..I gotta shower,I still have a lot to do.Umm..What time the car picks me up?'' I said while running to bathroom and letting the shower water get hot.For some reason it kinda takes time in that hotel.

''It comes....Wait..Umm..At 7.50pm!'' 

''Alright,bye then,see you in there!''


I really had no time,so I hurried a lot.I had to shower,do my hair,make-up...I didn't even have a dress yet.

''ShinHyeeeeeee!!!!'' I yelled through the phone.

''Don't tell my you forgot the appearance???''

''Aawwhh,ShinHyyeee,please dear friend.I have a favor to ask.''

''I knew it.I KNEW IT!!!You're just unbelievable!  Ok..What I have to do?''

''Thank you!!! Umm..Please go and buy me a dress.Pleasepleasepleaseeeee.''

''A...A DRESSSS??? You..You don't even have a dress?What the hell MaeRi!! I just can't believe it.I just simply can't believe it.And I won't believe it...''

''Awh ShinHyeee,I'm begging you.I'm really in a hurry.If you won't go then I must go there !''

''Azzzaaaaa!!You deserve to go there .Alright then!! I'm going.''

''Thhhankksss!!Mwuah!!!Saranghae ShinHyyeee!!Oh and make sure it's beautiful,ok?''

''Nonono,I'm gonna buy you extra ugly one.Arraazzeeooo,I'm going!''

And she hung up.

The time moved so fast and soon the clock was 6pm.



''Umm..I know it's kinda...weird and whatever but can you come to my drama appearance?It's...at 8.30pm tonight.'' Of course he's not gonna come...Why you din't call him beffoooreee..

''To...To where?Say it again.''  I heard some noise backround.

''Aaaaghhhh,today is the last episode of my drama.''

''Oh omo..Why you didn't tell me that before?I would have watched it every single day!''

''That's the reason why I didn't tell you.''

''Oh you..Okay,I can come but can also other boys come?''

''Of course.''


''Ok,see you there then.I'll send you the address with a sms.''


*Knock knock*
Someone's here.Agghh,I'm so in a hurry.And it's all because of that mess that have happened these days!

''Here.'' It was ShinHye.She gave me a huge big light blue box.I supposed there's my dress.

''Thanks.'' I took it and went to open the box.

I was right,it was the dress and it was amazying.

''You like it?I thought it's maybe too pink for you..''

''Nono..It's really beautiful.''

''Yayy,oh! And I also got the shoes!'' She gave me the bag,which had another box in it.

''Pretty.Really.Now I still have my hair to do..''

''Hair?You..Are you planning to go without make-up!?'' 

''No.Why you ask that?''

''Then you also have your make-up to do!Dummy!''

''Oh I do..I haven't done anything yet!!!''

''Sssshhh! Sit down.''

She pushed me to sit down front of the make up table.She started to brush my hair.

''Thank you.'' I said to her.

''No problem.''

''By the way..where are your clothes?'' I asked her.



In the end I got a hair like this

And make up like this

(A/N: A lot of pictures,I know.. O_O)

''Thanks ShinHye,you're the best.''

''Welcome.Now,let's change cause we have to go in...7 MINUTES!''

''What??? Ooommggg...'' And we hurried to change.

Soon we arrived to the party place and I saw HongKi through my window.And then I remembered I forgot the disc.

*Ugghhh..He's gonna kill meeeee..* I thought.

There were so many people waiting and they all screamed so loudly.All over the places were cameras...This all made me shaking.

''Jeeesus,MaeRi.You're shaking.''

''Yeah..I know.I think I'm..I'm nervous now.''

''Don't be.It will all be alright.I'm gonna go in,ok?''

''Ok...'' I still shaked.

''It will be alright,don't worry,relaaaxxx.'' She put her arms on my shoulders and that really calmed me down.
She left the car and soon HongKi gave me a sign to come out of the car.

As soon as I opened the door and heard that screaming even more louder..I got even more nervous!
I tried to smile to the cameras,but I was still shaking.Then HongKi came to ma and showed me to grab his hand.

''I forgot the disc.'' I whispered to him,while smiling to the cameras.

''I know.''

So like that we stood there and we were asked by many different questions.Of course HongKi answered to most of them,to save me of crocking up.

And then suddenly I heard even more louder screaming.I looked behind and B2ST had arrived.
They came out of the car and waved to everybody.Of course all media started to ask how do I know them,why are they invited.So I explained that they are my good friends and all that.
And then I felt relieved that I had my operation,or else they would have reconised me as YoSeob's ''long lost girlfriend'' . Then I felt how YoSeobs hand came on my waist and I looked what's going on.I realized it's just for taking the pictures,so I did the same.

After we were done taking the pictures,I knew the hardest time is still coming: Walking normally with those heels to the hall,without falling or anything.I started to shake again.
So instead of going back to HongKi's hand,I went to YoSeob's.He looked at me with his usual a little shocked face but as soon as he felt me shaking,he smiled and we started to walk.And not to left out HongKi,then he didn't even seem to notice that I left his hand.
We walked slowly to the hall and when we got inside,I had to go on the stage.YoSeob left my hand and said it's gonna be alright,I should just relax my body,then the shaking also stops.I did it and it worked.But it didn't take away that nervousness that I had in my stomack.So like that I went on the stage.I greeted all the other people that I had worked with in the drama and we strted to talk about the drama and watched all together the last episode.

When the party was over,we left together to my new home to celebrate.I didn't even know how my new home looks like.I think only YoSeob knew.

''Is it opened?And white?''

''Yes,it is.Don't worry,I did as you asked.'' We talked in the car,while driving there.

''By the way,you look just gorgeous.'' YoSeob said.My heart started to beat a lot faster,I tried to calm down but I don't know why such a little thing made me feel so good.I was just so happy to hear it from him.

''So do you.'' I finally answered.  He only smiled on that.

''We're here.'' He said.

He opened the door,stepped out and then gave me his hand to help me out.The house was exactly what I hoped it to be.VERY OPENED.

I ran quickly to the house to look around.Everything was just so perfectly opened and white.It was just perfect for me.

Main hall,bed is up there

The music room

Living room+kitchen

''YoSeob...This is perfect.''

''I'm glad you like it.''

''Ok people!!Let's eat dinner now,I've prepared everything!'' YoSeob yelled.

''Wuuhuu,Yoseob.I didn't know you had this in you.'' DooJoon said.

''You don't know anything about me.''

'Looks who's saying.I've been working with you 4 years for now!'' They all laughed.

I went to bedroom to change my clothes into some more comfortable ones.But as soon as I got up I found that guy on my bed.

''What the hell are you doing here?'' I tried to yell while whispering.

''I'm here to celebrate!!Congradulations on your first drama!!''

''Thanks but..Go down now.I wanna change.''

''As you wish my lady.''

I changed into this

Suddenly I heard screaming.I looked down and HyunSeung ran around and yelled like a girl.
I ran quickly downstairs to look what's going on.Then HyunSeung ran beside my back.

''What are you doing?'' I asked while laughing.

''It's not funny at all.You have ghosts in your house!!''

Of course the idea that JaeJoong did something came up to my mind.I looked into YoSeob's eyes and then back to HyunSeung's.

''Umm..What are you talking about?''

''Right now...That..That carrot there...Someone just ate it.I mean..It just..It was in air and...Got one bite and then two and THEN THREE AND FOUR AND...Ugh that was so scary!''

''Are you alright Seungie?'' DooJoon asked him.Of course we had to play along that there was nothing,though it was hard to make him believe that he's going crazy,I know how it feels.

Soon he just calmed down and we sat on the table and started to eat.HongKi told a lot of stories that happened to him in US and he also told how he got my drama's script idea.We got to laugh a lot.

''Pllleeaasseee MaeRiiii,I'm so hungry..'' I heard a voice close to my ear.I tried to act like nothing happened but then he did it again.  ''Pleasseeee''

I took one banana and apple with me,stood up so they can't see that there's anything I'm hiding and quikly ran outside.


''You!Stay here!And don't come in before everyone else are gone!''

''But it's so cold!!'' I closed the door and locked it.Though,I knew it's no use,he can still come if he wants.And that was something what I was afraid of.If he will do anything else,it will start to go weird.

We sat on the table and had a lot of fun.Time to time I felt bad cause I didn't see him around,so I thought maybe he really stayed out..But no way.A person like him wouldn't do it.For sure he's sleeping somewhere in here,or he just left.

Soon it was time for the quests to leave and we said goodbye.

''I'm still gonna watch the drama from somewhere else.'' YoSeob said and smiled.

''Pss,you.'' And he hugged me.

''Thank you all for coming and supporting me today.''

''Anytime!''  They all said and left.They walked on the way that went to their car and I walked a little with them to wave them.But just a little.

Then I turned around and saw that guy sitting or..actually sleeping out there.

''Oh my god,he really stayed here..'' I went to him and shaked him but he didn't wake up.I didn't know to do anything else that keep on shaking.

''wake up!!! Wakkkee uupp you dummy!!!'' I felt tears coming out of my eyes.I felt so quilty,I should have known this.

Finally he opened his eyes and I felt such a relief.

''Are you okay?'' I asked him immidiately.


''Oh...Can you stand up?Come inside.'' I tried to help him up.

''But there are people.They would think weird of you.'' He said while coughing.

''They're gone,don't worry about them.''

We went up to my bedroom and I put him on my bed.I ran dowstairs to get some medicine and then back up again.

He was sweating like crazy.I could only think what have I done..


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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?