✘ I hope you can uderstand what I'm saying.

The best is yet to be ♥

In the morning I already felt better,so I got out of the hospital in the eveneing.I took a taxi and went to my friends house.

''Heyhey,woooooowww,this is so big.''

''It is?Don't tell me it's too big?''

''Nononono,not at all.Just perfect.''And she smiled back.She took me to my new room which was white and a lot bigger than my last one was.

''Ohh,the bed is so big...And also the closet.Thanks to you, I can finaly put all my clothes to one closet.''I laughed.

''Thank you.''

''Welcome.Now,enjoy your evening!And don't hurt your head.''

''Okay,thank you.Thank you for everything.Seriously,this helps me a lot that you let me stay here.I promise I'm gonna move out as soon as I get enough money to buy apartment.''

''Don't wwooorrryyy ssooo much.I'm happy that you're here.It would be too..Depressing to live here...alone anyway.So no need to hurry.''

''Thank you.''

''Okay,now,good night!''

''Nightnight.'' After she left my room I started to pack my things out of the suitcase and then I found my moms picture.


So I took my phone and tried to call her but my phone didn't let me to do that again.So I just sneaked to my friends room and took her phone.

''Heyyy mooomm.''

''Heyhey darling,I missed you a lot.''

''You hear...Sleepy.''

''Hey,you've already forgotten about the time difference?Do you have any idea how late it is in here right now?''She laughed.That's good,that's all I needed to know that..She's happy and laughs again.

''Oh,well..Yeah,sorry.I'm gonna hung up then.''

''Nono,no need for that.Tell me how you're doing in there?Is everything alright and did you met your friend?How's the people in there?Also...Did you already find any kind of job or something?''

''Oh well..Yeah I'm doing very okay and yes,I met my friend.She's exactly that nice as she was on the internet.I'm staying at her house now,until I can find a job and get money to buy an apartment.Mmm..People..People are very great.A lot of friendly and.......Unfriendly people..''

''Hkhm,unfriendly?Hey,don't listen what they're saying!There's always people like that,the world won't be the same without them anyway you know.''

She laughed again.

''Well,yeah.Don't worry,I won't let him bother me.''


''Uhm..Yeah.ANYWAYS,I have to go now.So..Take care!Byebye.''

''You too,byebye.'' Oh...I'm so hungry..

And my head still hurts a litlle..I think I found out now why the doctors said to stay at the hospital for a little longer time,but I didn't want to be there at all,so I still came out.Hungry...hungry...So I went to the kitchen.But I couldn't find anything great to eat.''What the hell..Is this really possible?She doesn't have anything to eat at her house???Aish...

''I won't let it happen again.I will defenitely buy some food to here tomorrow.But I can't wait  until morning,I'm too hungry..So I decited to go for a walk,hoping to find some place to eat or where I can buy food.Walked a little away from my house I noticed McDonalds.

''Yayyyyy,found ya!'' I stepped in there and waited a person to come.Then...I saw..Guess who?Yeah,of course him.Now..What is he doing here,in this uniform?Working???

''Umm..I'd like to take one cheese burger,please.''

''I'm sorry,we don't have this right now.''

''You don't?Umm...Okay,then...One BigMac ,please.''He looked at me for a while and then answered.

''We also don't have that one.''  What the hell..Isn't this McDonalds?What they have then?

''Then...''I looked around a little and then said

''Then one McRoyal,please.''

''We also don't have..'' Yeah,I knew what he's gonna say,so I just stopped him.

''Stop it.Uhh...'' And I pointed to the McRoyal that was on the table behind him,ready for a service.

''I still can't understand why you hate me that much.Can't you just tell me?''

''Why I hate you so much?Now..You asked me if I'm deaf at that night,right?I think you're the one in here that's deaf.How many times I must tell you that you mess my life up.I don't want to see you again,but you still keep appearing front of me.''

''Now,who do you think I am?If you understand me only for A LITTLE BIT,then you should know that I don't do this on purpose.I've never done it on purpose and I'm not gonna, too.I didn't come here to live just for...I have so many other things to do than..''

''Then do these things and disappear with them.I seriously hope you CAN understand what I'm saying,cause I really don't want to see you EVER again.'' And he started to walk away,but I yellet back to him and he stopped to listen me.Even though he didn't turn around to look at me.

''What is your problem?No,I can't understand what you're saying cause...Do you think I'm some kind of fairy?I can't control the life you know.I don't know it when you're the other side of the street and I'm gonna bump into you in 10 minutes.So,I'm really sorry but I can't understand what you're asking for me to do.If you ask me not to appear front of you again then I must say I can't do that.That's it,that's the life.And there's many other..more serious problems in this life so maybe you should just stop thinking of this nonsence thing what you ask me to do and start thinking of other things,cause maybe this is exactly the reason that mess your life up.Just like that you're going to loose all your friends,people who care about you and everyone else.Start looking farer than yourself and maybe then people start to look back too.But this is pointless to ask me to disappear,I'm not gonna do that anyway.I just can't.Now,I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING.''

And I just took my wallet and went out of the McDonalds.Ohh...Gosh.Why he's being like that.He wasn't like that on the first day when I met him.He wasn't so cold and...Aish..Seriously...
I felt tears on me cheeks.So I just ran near there to sit on the grow and cried.Why his words hurt me so much anyway?I promised my mom that I won't let his words to bother me,but I still do exactly like that.Not good,Karen.Not good.
I cried until I felt again that I just don't have anymore tears.I waited him to go out of there so I can go back and still buy something cause I was still hungry you know.So I saw him going away and tried to enter there but then I felt someone grabbing my hand.I could understand from his back that it's YoSeob.

''You ask me to disappear but what are YOU doing now?'' He didn't answer me,we just kept on walking...

''Can't you just leave me alone?Then maybe it would be easier for me to leave you alone too.''  But he still didn't listen me..Ahh...Do I really need to say that again?

''Are you deaf??And where are you taking me anyway??'' He still didn't asnwer me.I felt my head hurting..Suddenly everything started to disappear and I didn't have the strength to try to get my hand off him and I just followed him.Then we stopped and I heard him talking but I couldn't understand any of his words or his face.Then my legs went seriously weak and...I'm not sure what happened then.

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?