✘ Well..That's just great.

The best is yet to be ♥

So I thought,maybe I should go back to the airport...Maybe she comes there...Nonono,I don't think she does.Okay,then I need to find a job,so I can buy a new phone and call her.Yes!That's what I need to do.
I had already tried so many times to get somewhere but no one wants me.

''Well...That's just great.'' I was talking to myself again.

Oh grap,this isn't good..Not at all.Okay..let's continue,I need to find a job.I just need to.
But after a couple of hours I still didn't have any chance to get a job.

''This isn't working out...What am I gonna do...''

I felt so tired.My legs seemed to be falling off.So I noticed one coffe bar near me and decided to go there.When I entered there..I saw there wasn't any free table.So I thought...What?Why...Why is this always happening to me.I was just about to turn around and go out when I saw one family leaving.

''Jessssss,that's great.''

Oh that smell,that was just so good.I still had some money left so I ordered one coffee.While I was enjoying my precious coffee,I saw a tons of photographers outside.I couldn't really understand what is going on but my first thought was that there must be some famous person.But,still,I didn't care at all.Untill...

''Wait a minute..they're coming in?''

Yes..They were coming in.Even if there wasn't any free table.Okay...Maybe they just order something and go back,that's one possibility.When they entered then a lot of security guys stayed out to watch over the photographers.So I saw coming in only one person with two bodyguards.He stood next to the door a little,looked around and then...

''They're moving here...Why they're moving here...'' He just came and sat to my table.

''Pss,what a guy..''

''Eh?'' He said.

Oh crap he heard me.I just looked to his face(what I didn't see cause he was wearing a hat that covered his face)and smiled,shaked my head and then looked down again.Then I saw one fat guy coming to him.

''What would you like to order?''

''What's the most famous coffee in here?I'd like to take that and...Chocolate please.If you have some.''

''Yes of course.That's all?''

''Yes.'' The fat guy walked away and then that person spoke again.

''Can't you just leave me here for a second?I'd like to be here without you,please.''I think he was talking to his bodyguards.

''No sir,we can't.''

And then...He grabed my hand and took me front of the men toilet.So we were standing front of the toilet doors and he spoke again.

''Are you going to follow me there too?I'd like to pee by myself you know.Oh..And that girl needs to come with me,I have some business do talk with her.I can't do it here,cause you're listening.''

So he took me to the men toilet and locked the door.Luckily there wasn't anyone inside,or else I would have been very emarrassed to be there...in men toilet.But I was kind angry.

''Who do you think you are?You think you have any right to take me here?To the men toilet?Isn't this too much?''(in Korean)

''Wow,you speak Korean,you doesn't look like you're one.''

''Tseh,I'm not Korean,I learned it hard at school you know,that's why I decided to come here to live.''

'' Okay,whatever.Now,here's the thing.I have something important to do today,so I need your help.''He went to one cabin and took one bag,I had no idea what's in there.

''Here's exactly the same clothes that I'm wearing.Now,you need to wear them and pretend to them that you're me.First I was planning to take some guy to play me but since you're kinda same long as me,then I thought it would be okay.''

What?He's out of his mind?Seriously,he thinks I'm some kind of toy to him what he can order around?

''Now,are you're talking seriously?I have no itention to do that if you wanted to hear that.''

Oh I would like to say more but...No,I still have to keep politeness.

''What?Please,I beg you.You're my only hope now.' 'Tss,you really think I...Wuuooohh,that guy really is something.

''NO,I'm not gonna do that.I already said no,so let me out.''

''Okay..if you're like that.''  He took out his wallet and gave me a lot of money.

''Here.Do you help me now?''

Oh that's enough money to stay alive for a while.But no..You can't be like this,you can't.

''I don't want your dirty money.I said I'm not doing it,so get out of my way.''

I tried to pass by him but he stepped front of me again.

''Okay...'' He took out his wallet again and this time he took more money out of there.

''Now,please take it and help me.' 'Wuuooohhh,that's a lot.But..Hmm...Maybe I can get some more.

''More.''I said proudly.


''I said more.Then I will do that.'' He looked at me like some kind of miracle.

''Aishh...''  Annddd he took out his wallet again.Oh crap..That's a lot of money..

''Okay,is this enough?''   Of course it's enough...

''Hmm...Okay,let's just pretend it is.'' And I took the money and he gave me the bag and said

''Okay,go there and change.There's also a phone in it,so you need to call me if you've gone out and you're already far from here and say:ahh she's not answering.Okay?''

Oh gosh..What I have done...This is going to be awful.

''Whatever..'' I said and went to one cabin to change.So I changed my clothes and came out.

''There wasn't that hat what you're wearing.''I said.

''Oh..I forgot it.Okay,take mine.'' He took his hat and put it to my head.

''Now,make sure you cover your face with that hat well,okay?Try not to talk much,if you can then don't talk at all.''  What a...

''How do you think I can do that?And besides,I'm 99% sure they will understand that I'm not you.''   Tshh..Of course they're gonna reconise.

''They will not,bodyguards are so stupid.now,go out and then call me if you're gone.If I anwer you,then what did you have to say?''

''Ahh,she's not answering.'' I said,with veeeery disappointed face.

''Yes,exactly.And if it's not much to asked then..Please act well,okay?''  Then he went to one cabin.

''Wait,what's gonna happen with my clothes?''  I defenitely want to get them back,no matter what.

''You leave them here.I lock this cabin as I did before,so if you want to get them back then come and get them later,okay?They're not gonna disappear nowhere,I promise.''  You better make sure they're not or I'm gonna kill you.

''Aish..'' -I said.

So I prepared to walk out of the door and...Wait a minute.I don't even know who I'm pretending to be.

''Wait,one more thing?Who are you anyway?I should know who I AM,or what?''  I'm sure he thinks he's so famous that every person on this earth should know him,I'm sure...

''Are you kidding me?You don't know me?Aish..I'm YoSeob.Now,go.''  

Yes,exactly like I thought.I didn't even answer him and just walked out,I walked and walked and while I was walking I tried to remember..Did he said where am I supposed to go when I get out of the toilet?Aaaah,I'm seriously going crazy.Then I thought..Oh,they usually drive with those..Black and big cars...So I just walked out of the coffee bar and looked back,to make sure the bodyguards still follow me and don't understand what's going on.But oh crap...When I opened the door..I was about to faint,cause there were so many photographers.So I tried so hard to get through them but then MY bodyguards came and helped me.And BINGO,I saw a big black car front of me.So I sat in there and showed with hand to the driver that he can start driving.I took out the phone he gave me and looked at the numbers.There were only one number where I can call and I chose it.Then he answered

''You're gone?''  I was about to say yes but then I remembered what he said and answered..

''Ahh she's not answering.''  And thoughed:

Well..That's just great.

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?