✘Are you happy now?

The best is yet to be ♥

''Okay..so....You're an actress right?'' He asked me while eating his apple-.

''Okay first..You knew I'm with B2ST,then you knew my name...And now you know I'm an actress???''

''I didn't.All these things are just presumable of your doings.  You practised before,right?Your speech?''

''Oh yeah.Oh I forgot this..''

''You...Act in dramas?Or movies?Or...?''

''So far in dramas.But I don't know what future brings me.''

''I understand.Would you like to do a drama with me in the future?''

I looked at him for a while.Cause that was really unexpected.

''I..Don't know.I need to think about it.Cause I just ended with one..And that was really hard you know.'' I laughed.

''I understand.'' He said and smiled.

''I need to go somewhere.'' He stood up and went out.I wondered where...With pyjamas??

And I went out to that terrace again.And luckily I heard YoSeob,what I expected and hoped to hear.He was singing.

''YoSeob?'' I asked him.I didn't see him cause we still had wall between us.But I felt even better not seeing him.It was like..easier to talk,cause I think I wasn't afraid of his answers but more about his reactions.
I heard he stopped singing after i said his name.

''What's wrong?'' I asked him.

''What do you mean?'' He answered.

''You don't seem okay these days.Is something...going on or..?''

''Yeah..Something is going on.''


I didn't say anything for a while and then I still decided to ask.

''Can you tell me?''

''I..'' He stayed quiet.I didn't want to bother him and I felt it's really hard for him to tell me this so I stood up and headed back inside.

''I've fallen in love.'' He said just before I opened my door. I just stood there and my heart was beating so hard.Cause it was..Really good or really bad.When I thought it's not me..It hurt me so much.I don't know why but it did and I wanted to think it may be me,but I also didn't want to hurt myself even more,so I let go of that thought immediately.

''Oh..'' I said,standing there,heart jumping out.So I just fell down sitting.I leaned my back to wall and didn't know what to say.

''I don't know what to do with that.'' He said.

I felt tear falling down on my cheek cause it hurt me so much.

''There's nothing to do...You should just...Love her.''

''Really?But I feel like she doesn't need my love.''

''Everyone needs love,YoSeob.''

''Really?I wish it would be like that.''

''It is like that.''

''Are you crying?''He asked me.

''Yeah...I'm so happy for you.You deserve it.''

There was a little time of silence.

''You are?...Now I think I shouldn't tell her that.''

''Why not?'' I asked while wiping my tears.

''Cause she's doing fine without me.''

''Please tell her.You would make her so happy.'' I said while crying really hard.

I heard a door blast so I I thought he went inside.
Soon I heard a door bell.So I stood up,I felt I was shaking and I wanted to wipe my tears away,cause I was sure it's that guy and it would be weird to cry front of him.But I couldn't,they just kept falling.
I opened the door.I could stand there only for a second and reconise it's YoSeob. And then he just took my head and kissed me.That was unexpected...I started to shake even more.
I felt like it last forever.I felt my tears,which started to dry.My right hand raised like it wanted to do something but then it stopped in the middle of it's way,just standing there,in the air.
I slowly felt how he's going to back off.And finally he removed his hands and looked at me.I was shaking so hard,you have no idea how shocked I was.

''Are you happy now?'' He asked.

''Wh---what?'' I asked really quietly,cause my voice barely came out.

''You said I would make you happy by loving you.Are you happy?'' His face was so serious.I couldn't say anything.I couldn't believe it..Was it really me who he was talking about?
I think he accepted my silent answer,cause he just hugged me.I felt how his heart was beating so normaly.So his heart calmed mine down and I felt free to hug him back without shaking anymore.For the first time of my life I felt he was so tall,cause me head leaned on his sholder.His hand went through my hair and arrived to my neck and then back to my hair and so on.I can't explain how warm and good I felt.I totally forgot that we stood there,where everyone could watch us.But what's so bad about hugging right?So I just forgot it again.

''Tell me now.Are you happy?'' I felt his warm breath coming next to my ear.

''Yeah.I am.'' It came out of my mouth just....Without thinking.

''Since now,I'm gonna take care of you as my own life.Even more than my own life.So please...Can I ask you to stay close to me?''

''I will.'' I wanted to say him that staying close to him is the best thing for me and makes me feel warm and safe.But I still didn't say it,cause...I somehow was afraid to ruin this beautiful moment.I wanted this all to stay forever.However..Even thinking about that ruined this all..

''I'm sincerely sorry to ruin this all stuff but I need to go to pee.'' We heard behind us.I opened my eyes and saw that guy.YoSeob backed off and  looked behind,to see who is it.The guy only smiled to him with regretting face.And then we made a space for him to let him go by us.

''Thank you really much.'' He said and ran to bathroom,holding some weird bag in his hands.

I still looked the way that guy ran until YoSeob said he's going to go.So I turned around.

He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead.And then he went out.I couldn't even say anything.I just watched him going,holding his hands in his pockets.

I quickly ran to my bed,went under my blanket and couldn't still believe what just happened.I was just so happy. And sooner than I thought,I fell asleep.

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?