✘Happy days seem to be back again ^^

The best is yet to be ♥

''Umm,umm..So...You've decided to..Have...Brother and sister relationship?Nothing else huh?'' Asked HyunSeung.

''What a...Aaaaiisshh,you..I said we are brother and sister.Well..Half brother and sister.But still,related.'' YoSeob was trying to make things clear,but...I can tell, I usually don't understand peoples faces what they're thinking but these faces...They were so confused that...

''Look...I came here and...I had no idea of you guys or...anything that's in here.But...It's all really fimiliar and sweet for me now,cause I've actually grown up in Korea.I just couldn't remember before,because of one accident,but now I do.And..With YoSeob...We just had same father,that's all.The thing is...He problably cheated both of his woman and..I can't really understand why but the three of them were in one car at that night..When the accident happened.So...Yeah.There must be some reason why they were all there,but I can't tell you that because I seriously have no idea and I have no itention to figure this out too,cause this is enough...It's enough for me to know that they're dead and no one have told me anything of this.Exept my sister,she told me when I was 10.But...I didn't remember that,till now..Cause I met my old friend and he remind me everything.But my mom..Well..What mom she is...So now you maybe understand.''

There was a silent.Long silent.YoSeob exepted their answer as much as me,but no one  talked.Finally GiKwang spoke.

''Oh well..That's very complicated story.And if you really said you don't want to know about it then..You should..Start with your ''new life'' in here.''

''Yeah,but don't be mad at your...mom cause,I think she must have a reason why she didn't tell you.I personally think she thought you maybe already know this,'' Said JunHyung.

''Well..I already tried to start a new life..But seems like I can't get peace anywhere I go.''

''Don't say that!You have us and...We'll do our best so you won't regret that you came here.''Said GiKwang again.I see they really want good for me.

''Oh well..I won't regret that anyway cause...I wouldn't have known all that if I wouldn't have come in here.And I also wouldn't have met you guys.And...My..Brother.'' I looked at YoSeob.
He also looked at me,but then..He just stood up.

''Aish,this isn't it...This just..'' And he walked away. I was sad cause...I see he doesn't like that I'm his sister.

''Excuse me for a minute,I'll go talk to him.'' Said Junhyung and ran after him.I saw them talking under the tree.

YoSeobs POV

''Heyy friend..'' I heard JunHyung coming.He took my shoulder and stopped me by walking.
I just turned to him and listened what he had to say.

''What's wrong..It seems like you dislike all that?''

''Dislike??You..Aishh...'' I couldn't take this anymore.I just hugged him and cried.

''Heyhey..'' He tried to speak but I stopped him..

''I really didn't look her as my sister.I felt like I can protect her and I can finally..''

''Mhh,hey you can still protect your sister huh?But of course I understand you...You just felt like that and...Since you've never had girlfriend before too then..Yeayeah,I know all of these feelings.I guess you really liked her,huh..But there's nothing to do now.She's your sister and no matter what, you need to throw all these thoughts away from your head,NOW.'' 

He took my head and slapped both of my cheeks 3 times.

''They're gone?'' He asked. I wiped my tears away.


''Good boy,now let's go and hang out with your sister,huh?'' I nodded and smiled to him.


''Eeeh?Why he's slaping him?''

They all giggled.

''I don't think he's angry.This is his help.''Said DongWoon.

''Help?Kinda weird way to offer help..It's always here like that??So...It's like...You fall down and get hurt and I slap you,so you'll feel better??''

They laughed again.Well,their laughing made me smile too.

''Seems like you're in a better mood now.'' Said GiKwang.

I just looked at him and smiled.Then I saw them coming back.

''Soooooooooooo,people?We should celebrate that huh?Brother and sister found eachother and who's trying to tell in the future that world is big...Will get something from me cause world is just so tiny as can be!Right???'' Said JunHyung very happily.He held YoSeobs shoulders and YoSeob also smiled.I wonder what he told him...

''Yeah!So...Let's go inside!It's super cold in here.''Said HyunSeung.


So we arrived back to apartment.

''We should order something good.'' Said GiKwang.

''Like what is that?'' Asked HyunSeung and looked at GiKwang like he's kinda stupid.


There was a silent until JunHyung couldn't hold his laugh.And we all laughed.Only GiKwand watched us with a face that what did he say wrong.

''I can go to shop and buy something.And make something good.'' I said.Even though...I had no idea what I'd like to eat and...what to do..

''Well that's better!But we come with you'' Said DongWoon.

''Nono,I go alone.''

''No you can't,I come with you.'' Said YoSeob.

They all looked at us and once again..With a silent.Come on guys...Why you shut your mouths so many times???Say something!!!Aaah..

''Mm..Okay.'' I finally broke this silent.

''Let's go..'' He started to walk out.


''Mmm...We should take carrots.'' He started to pick these.I just looked at him.

''What?Is something...wrong?'' He asked me,since...I think he noticed my..not very usual face.

''Well..Nothing.It's just...I don't like carrots.''

''Really??I don't like them either.''

''Seriously?Then...Why you..still pick them?''

''Not for me.When I saw carrots I thinked automatically of DooJoon.He loves carrots.''

''Ooh...Okay.Then..I just go and look around,okay?''


I left him there,picking all these fruits for others. I thought I should make a soup.So I headed to watch something in there.While I was looking how cheap is sushi there,one lady came to me.

''Mae Ri??'' She asked.But I had no idea who was she.

''Umm,no,you must have mistaken.'' Mae Ri..That's s fimiliar though..

''Yes you are...Wi Mae Ri?Don't you remember me?'' Wi Mae Ri...

''Mmmmm..No I'm sorry,I don't.''

''You really don't remember me?In the orphanage?I used to get along with you.''

Orphanage...Yes...I remember her.

''Excuse me...Orphanage?''I asked,so I can...Understand where do I know her.

''Yeah,so you remember now!How are you now?I looked at you for a while if it is you,but those big puppy eyes and forever long eye lashes..After seeing them,I was defenitely sure it's you.Your face has changed though.''

''I've benn in a orphanage?''

She looked at me like I said something wrong.

''Umm..Yes.Dear child,is everything okay with you?Or have these years really took you all memories of your childhood in orphanage?''

''So I'm adopted?''

''Y-Y-yes.You were.I was really sad to hear about your parents accident...Did you get a new home soon?''

Okay...Now I'm totally confused.

''Y-yeah,I did.In..other country though..''

''Other country?''

''Ye.In Europe.''

''Oh that's why you don't look so much yourself anymore.You had surgery right?''

''Surgery?What surgery?I have had many surgerys in my life.''

''For eyes.So you don't look like...Korean anymore.You were so cute when you had your own eyes.Why you had to do this?''

Now I remember..These days in a hospital..

''Ya!Sis! Can you see how many things I have here?Would you please come here and help me!?'' I heard YoSeob somewhere near.

''Thanks a lot mam,but I have to go now.''

''Wait!'' I still heard her.I looked back for a second.

''Give this to your sister.Once you left with her..She left this there,under the pillow.I believe this belongs to her.''

She gave me one little teddy bear with a star in his hands.

''Okay,thank you.''

And I ran to YoSeob.

''YAAAH!!Why you let me wait here so long?I looked everywhere for you.''

''Sorry,I bumped into someone.I also have a lot to tell you.Let's go.''

''But...The food?''

''Oh...Yeah..'' And I just grabbed a tons of ramens with me.


''Yayyyy,they're back!'' I heard others.

''Don't be so happy,we bought nothing more than ramen.'' Said YoSeob with a dissappointed face.

''RAMEN??'' They all asked together.And looked at me.

''Well,I was really rush to here.You have to hear something.''

''What now?We're all your brothers?Or YoSeob is your father?'' DooJoon joked.

''Yaaa,listen to me.'' After I yelled that,they all stopped laughing and really listened me.I put the store bag down and prepared to talk.

''I'm adopted.''

After hearing this they all stared at me again.Like YoSeob did when he left me to sit on that street on that night when I was drunk.They all had the same face.I wonder if they have practised that a lot so they look all so...same.

''What?'' YoSeob asked.

''I'm adopted.It means..Your parents adopted me..well..Your dad with some strange woman.And then they died and one other family adopted me to..Europe.That means...I have another parents right now and...You are not my brother either.''

I saw YoSeob swallow.

''That's not all.I got to know that I should be Korean.My real name is...Mae Ri?If I remember right..And..I should look like Korean too.But these...People made me a surgery when I was little..So...No wonder I don't know anything about it.''

''Eeeeeeh?'' They all asked.Not together but one by one it came..

''Yeah.And I want to get my real face back.''

''Real face?So this is like..Fake?''

''Exactly,this is fake.''

I saw how YoSeob went to bathroom.JunHyung looked him too.Until he went inside.He locked the door and..Started to bunch the walls.

''What's up with him now..''Asked DooJoon.Others just raised their shoulders on that.Indeed,I saw JunHyung giggling again.Soon YoSeob came out and  pretended like nothing happened.

''You're alright?I mean..You're not mad or crazy or something?'' I asked,kinda teasing him.

''Nono,everything is perfect.''


''So..Mae Ri, you're gonna take another surgery?What if it doesn't go as planned?What if you'll..Look..ugly...?'' HyunSeung spoke.I saw he really didn't enjoy saying these words.

''Well..At the beginning it will look ugly,for sure.But..No matter how ugly it is in the end...I want my old face back.'' They all stared at me and nodded,like they understand me.

''I mean..I don't want to be some beauty surgery woman and blablabla but..my sister has always looked like Korean.I've often wondered why I don't look like her.And now I got the answer and I'll defenitely...Get everything old back.''

''But that's expensive.'' Said HyunSrung again.

''Espescially when you want a good result.'' Added JunHyung.

''I'll get that money.No matter what.And I don't absolutely care how long it will take me to get that.''

''Oh you..''They all smiled.

''But hey!!Ramen time!'' DongWoon screamed.And we all looked at him.''What?..I'm hungry.''

''YAA!'' YoSeob yelled.Everyone stopped moving and looked at him.Me too.

''Don't you dare move!!'' He took the bag.He took out bananas,carrots,apples, watermelon and pineapple.He threw carroths to DooJoon.Bananas to DongWoon.Apples to HyunSeung.Watermelon to JunHyung and pineapple to GiKwang.

''Ooooh you!!! Thank you man!'' They all thanked YoSeob and went to...''Hug'' him.I smiled and  took the ramen and went to make it.


They all asked me to come near to the window but I said I can no way come.They all watched stars.Somewhere inside of me I wanted to go and sit down there and watch these with them..But it was all too scary.
Then YoSeob came and took my hand.

''Come on.Think about that.That glass have to be strong enough that I fall hardly into it and it won't break.Now.If you sit down there..Very carefully and we all sit beside you..I don't think something's gonna happen to you and you're not gonna fall anywhere.''

''But..It's not that...There's just some bad feeling inside of my stomach when I feel somewhere there.''

''I understand,but we..All protect you and maybe one day you wont have this fear anymore.''

So He dragged me there.I went very carefully.Finally,I sat down and felt some kind of relax,that I finally did it.

''Oh look!!'' GiKwang screamed.

''Ttttšššš!!!'' They all screamed back.

''You want to wake up our ajumma?We're gonna get yelled at tomorrow again if you continue like that.'' DooJoon said.

''Okayokay,but did anyone see it?'' GiKwang asked as there was something really important.

''I did.'' YoSeob said.

''What?'' I asked.

''Shooting star of course.I also made a wish.''


''Damn it!I missed it again!''HyunSeung said.

''Yea,me too.This tea is like so..relaxing and makes me...Fall asleep...''DongWoon said and you could see that just two more seconds and he's sleeping.So JunHyung took his tea cup off his hand and put a pillow under his head.

''What tea is that?It really is like DongWoon said.'' Asked DooJoon.

''Oh,it's orange.''

''We had this at home??'' JunHyung asked me.

''Nono,I bought it today.I remember I really liked it.''

''So why are you not drinking?''GiKwang asked.

''I have an allergy.I don't even remember when did it start.But who cares,you enjoy your tea!^^'' 

''Ohh,that's sad to hear.''DooJoon said again.

''Nono,it's alright.I've already used to it.''

So we sat there,they drinked their tea and I just smelled it.YoSeob was siting the right side of me.GiKwang left,after him came DongWoon who just fell asleep.Then JunHyung,HyunSeung and finally DooJoon.


I opened my eyes and it was all dark.I couldn't understand what position I am right now but I felt my shoulder hurting.I stood up to sit and looked around.
Finally I realised that my head was on YoSeobs stomach.His head was on pillow.GiKwangs head was on DongWoons back.JunHyungs head was on HyunSeungs stomach.HyunSeungs head was on DooJoon legs and DooJoons head was on the pillow again.It was so funny to watch and I would have loved to look this for a longer time but I was too tired,so I just fell back to sleep,thinking that happy days seem to be back again.

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?