
The best is yet to be ♥

I woke up at night because I felt cold,sad,emty and bad.I can't describe this.I felt just so bad.I moved the blanket off my face and looked around.The room was dark,but moonlight was powerful enough to make me see many things.The first thing I saw was that the guy..Was gone.There weren't any of his stuff.He seemed like...He's disappeared.I regret I didn't take his phone number,cause I couldn't call him.I can't tell you how..Weird and bad I felt at that moment.It was like..My heart was..like...frozen.It was the first time I felt like that.I couldn't guess anything else than something bad is about to come.What wold have been the other reason for this bad feeling?Cause it came so suddenly..And whats the most important: while sleeping.Though I was so worried and felt so bad I just fell back to sleep.
I remember I saw bad dreams and felt cold all the time.That night was so..Hard for me.
I opened my eyes and saw sunlight.I turned my head and that guy's face was right front of me.He was bowing down and looking into my eyes with his..Big eyes.

''Good morning!!! I just thought it's the time for you to wake up!!And you did.'' He said and smiled,as usual.He seemed just so happy...So happy.

Waitwait...I remember clearly he wasn't here tonight.

''Where were you at night??'' I screamed to him.A second later I though why I said that..Like I care..

Suddenly his face went so dark.I've never seen him like that.And then it went back to normal again.

''Eh?'' He raised his eyebrows.Everytime he did that, his face seemed like..''why did you do that?''Really..begging and cute.But I don't know why I even saw all these details and remembered them.

''You were gone at night.'' I said to him with kinda angry voice.

He turned around walked a litte away of my bed and then turned around again.

''I think someone saw a weird dream about me tonight.'' He said and smiled.

''It was not a dream!!! All your stuff was gone,including you!!You were not here,I know it.I remember clearly,don't lie.''

''I said it was a dream.Cause I slept here all night.''

''You just enjoy playing with me, right...'' I whispered.

''What?'' He said,while holding his hands in his jeans pockets.

''Ahhhh,nothing.Forget it.'' I stood up from the bed.  ''I'm gonna wash up.'' 

''Mmm.'' I heard his answer,while walking to bathroom.

I came out of the bathroom and he was sitting on his bed.

''You're ready?'' He asked and stood up.


''Ok.'' He said and took his stuff and headed to go out.

''Where are you going?'' I asked him,cause seeing him with his luggage and all that...

''Home.'' He said like a normal thing.And of course with that answer came his eyebrow thing..

''Home??Wait..Can I have your phone number?'' I don't know why I asked that.

''I don't use phone.''

''Eh?Heeeyy,don't play,please give me your number.''

''I'm not kidding.I don't use phone.''

He said it so seriously that I started to believe him.

''Why?'' I asked then.

''Because..I don't need one.''

''But what if..I want to meet you?How I can contact you?'' I don't know what was so funny about that question but he started to giggle.

''You can just call me in your head.I promise I'll be there.''

''You were still joking??? I almost believed you.''

''Nonono,I wasn't kidding.I'm not using phone.'' He said with serious face.

''What?Aaaah man,why you get me so confused,huh?''

''I don't know.I'm sorry,but I really don't use phone.And I'm going now.''

''Wait!!'' I yelled but he just closed the door selfishly.

''What a weird man..'' I thought.

*In the car,on the way back*

''You know that guy yesterday was really weird.He said he payed for your place too,but now this girl came and said there's still one more place that we haven't payed for.Tsshhh..He didn't do anything for you,right?'' DongWoon said.

''No..'' I said while wondering..This guy really was weird.

''Oh..Then I wonder why he did this..'' DongWoon said.

''You said..Place??'' I asked DongWoon.

''Yeah,seems like he payed for his bed and stuff...''

The guy didn't seem to be like that.He seemed so happy and..Not someone who would do it like that.He was weird in the morning though...

''Oh we're here.'' DooJoon said and I looked out of the window.We were front of my hotel.At that moment I felt like I don't want to go back there.I decided to buy a normal home for myself.

''Thank you guys.'' I said and looked at YoSeob.He smiled to me.It was really good to see him smiling again.I went out of the car and waved to them.

Suddenly I felt so sad again..Maybe because I was with them all day and night and now I was alone again?Maybe..
I walked upstairs and opened my door.I can't say how much I didn't want to go in there.Still,I went in and sat on my bed.It was all quiet,I couldn't hear anything than my own breathing.It made me sad.I felt like I want to call back to them and ask them to come back here and be with me forever.
Then someone knocked my door.I opened the door and it was that guy again.

''Hey.'' He said and smiled.

''Eh?How..Are..You here??'' I asked with a suprised face.

''Can I come in?'' He asked.

''Sure..''I made space for him to go inside and closed the door,while still wondering,how is he here.

''How did you know i'm here?'' I asked him again.

''I didn't.'' He answered again.Yeah..That's what he always says,why I even ask...I think I said something again so he problably guessed where to come again.I wonder how he listens every detail I say and then assume so correctly all..this..

''How can you live in here??'' He made a little stupid face.He asked this like...He was drunk.

''I can't.''

''Then move out.'' He said and smiled.

''I just thought about that you know..'' 

''Good.'' He said like he was super happy about it.Smiled again and started to look around.I only frowned on that.

''What are you waiting for?'' He asked.


''Didn't you say you're gonna move out?''

''Oh..Yes,but....Now?''I was a little shocked.

''Why not?''He asked like it's all normal again.It all went so weird..

''Umm..Can I ask you why you came here?'' 

''What if I said... No?'' 

I couldn't say anything.This guy sure is something.

''Ok,i'm going out.'' I said and took my bag.

''Heyy,what about moving out?'' He followed me.

''I'm not gonna move out today.I haven't even searched about places where I could live and..''I just can't tell you how weird that guy seemed.

''Okay,okay,I got it.I'm gonna leave then.Annyeong.'' He said and left.He walked in the corridor and then turned left,cause there was stairway.Yeah,I wasn't really sure why he came to me but when he left,I felt so bad again.I quickly ran to say him that he can still stay,but he was already gone.Though,I can say I really ran fast and I had no idea how he already disappeared so fast.

''Yoboseyo?'' I called to YoSeob.

''Hey,can you meet me tonight?'' I asked him.Cause I felt so bad again,just like at that night.

''Umm..Okay,what time?''

''How...About now?''


''Yeah..You can't?''

''Well..Okay then.But can we go and eat something,I was just about to eat.''


''Okay then,see you front of the McDonalds that I used to work,ok?''


''Annyeong'' He ended up the call.

''Hey.'' I saw him coming.

As soon as he arrived I hugged him.I just felt I really need a hug.And I knew he wouldn't mind.
I felt that he's hugging back,that made me feel even warmer.

''Is everything okay?'' He asked me.

''Yeah.I just missed you.'' And I backed off.I saw clearly how he was a little shocked of what I just said.

''Let's go in.'' He said smiled.

We went in and chose the table that we usually use.

''You know...I feel so bad these days..'' I started to talk,to cut this silence.

''Bad?And..These days?''

''Yeah bad..Since I was so long time away from you guys,I thibk.And these days..It has been really weird.I just suddenly feel so lonely and then I get goosepimples and..It's going cold..it's really weird,I can't even explain this.''

''Maybe you're sick?''

''Nono..It's not like that.I just suddenly feel like there's no one else on this earth and like I'm..So alone and have to live alone forever.Like a dream.I can't really explain this.Everything around me starts to dissapear and I can only think how bad I feel.''

Then he stood up and came to me.He kneeled down and took my hands.

''You're never alone.I'm with you and whenever you feel alone,then you can always call me.I will come.No matter what,even if it's midnight.Okay?''

I couldn't say anything.I just looked at him with a worrying face.Then I saw he took his bag and searched about something.Then he took my hands again and gave me one bracelet.

''And if the call is still not enough or I really really really don't pick up OR you just don't want to bother me,knowing you, then you can just hold this.It's the same as me.I've always carried this with me,so it has all the same things that I have.'' He looked deep in my eyes and smiled.

''Now,let's eat.'' He stood up and started to eat.I only looked at him and the bracelet that he gave me.

''Thank you YoSeob.'' I finally said.He looked at me and smiled.

We decided to walk a little in tha park that was close to their dorm.

''Do you miss them a lot?'' I asked from YoSeob,while we were walking.


''Your parents.''

''Oh..Umm..Yeah.I do.And I used to miss them even a lot more.But..Then I realized that this crying and all stuff ..Just doesn't bring them back.So..Now I just think that...I still have my sister.'' He smiled.

I wished to be as strong as he was.

''But..Is there someone else of you guys that has such a bad..Past?As we had..''


''Oh...What happened?Or..Can't you tell me?''

''Oh no,I'm sure he would let me say this to you.Umm..Her dad passed away when he was little.That's why he's a little..Sensitive and all that,cause he's raised by her mother.But he's a good guy.Really,he just enjoys to take care of others.''

''Oh...I understand.'' I saw that we had arrived front of their house.

''So..I'll call you later.Okay?''He asked me and smiled.

''Yeah.'' I smiled back and then he hugged me.

''Please eat well and take care of yourself.And don't forget to call me when you feel lonely again,huh?''

''Yes,daddy.'' I said and laughed.

''Who do you call daddy?'' He backed off.

''No one,no one.Go in.'' I pushed him to the door and waved to him.He waived back and then went inside.

Once again I was left alone.I don't know when did all this start,when this loneliness started to become a problem for me.Maybe I'm too often with people?Or..what's wrong?
I started to walk.Then suddenly someone walked next to me.I looked and it was that guy again.I kinda startled.



''I'm sure I didn't tell you a word about coming in here.So how did you know I was here???''

''I didn't.But..I still guessed,cause you said something.''

''What??Tell me what did I say that you knew to come here??''

''I can't tell you.'' 

''Oh really?Why not?''

''Cause then you're gonna read under the lines like me too.I can't let this happen,or what?'' He laughed again.

''YOU!!!! I'm sure I didn't say anything.''

''Then what??You think I'm some kind of...Pythoness??Or how other way I can be here right now?'' He smiled again.

''Umm..'' Yeah..He was right.But I'm so sure I didn't say anything.I mean..I didn't even know in the morning that I'm gonna be here tonight,so how could he know it?Aaaah..This made me so upset that I thought I need one drink.

''Why you came this time?'' I asked him.

''You don't want me?Okay then..I can leave.'' He started to walk away.But without thinking I just ran after him and grabbed his arm.

''No!Don't go.''  I said.

Then he bowed down to me again,touched my cheeks with his hands and then patted my head.

''Tsss,you're cute.'' He said and then started to walk again. I wasn't really sure why and what just happened but I ran after him again,cause he walked just so fast.

''Aaaaah,please slow down.'' I told him.

''Oh!I walk too wast?I'm sorry.'' He smiled.

''There.'' I pointed to the bar. ''I wanna get one drink.'' I said.

''Oh you shouldn't drink..'' He said with a troubling face again.

''I want.'' I sat down and ordered.

I felt how I wasn't able to control myself anymore.Words just..flowed out of my mouth.I also couldn't focus on what he was talking about clearly,but I tried my best.

''Hey,if you order more then...''

''Then what???You're gonna do what?'' I laughed.Though..I didn't even want to say these words..I still said them.

''Please just stop that drinking.''

''I..'' I wanted to say something,but then I forgot.And I fell on the table.I was almost sure that I was sleeping but then I heard him talking.Though I couldn't move,I listened carefully,even if I couldn't understand a word that he was saying,I tried to focus.

''Why you need to drink...Aah..You should be strong.'' Then there was a little time of silence.

''Do you want me to stay forever?You should get better.You have job and..Caring people around you.Why are you still so unhappy?Because of your family?I can't bring them back or change you past.You should just get stronger MaeRi.Please get stronger.''........''I know you get stronger.And I'm gonna go back then,you know it.You should take care of yourself ,not drink like that!'' I heard he's even screaming.I had never heard him saying all this serious things...And he haven't been angry..Never. I understood really well what he was saying,I just..Couldn't answer or..think about what he just said.

Later I woke up,cause I felt that horrible thing again.I woke up and the first thing to do,I looked for him.But he wasn't there.He was gone again.

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?