Chapter Forty Eight

I Don't Love You!

Five years later ~

YiXing POV


After having Yinho and Hui, Suho told me that it would be risky having children again. We decided not to have anymore children because we were blessed with twins so why need more kids.


Yinho is adorable as he can be! He always gave Suho a little pout when he wouldn't get his way and it ends with Suho giving in and giving Yinho what he wants. I guess Suho has a soft spot for Yinho because he knows that he won't be a dominant wolf.


Yinho acts cute all the time and he would always want to help me and his sister cook. I told Suho that he would be a submissive wolf but my pain in the mate didn't believe me. When Suho saw Yinho helping me cook, it sunk in that he wouldn't have a dominate son.


Every wolf father wants their son as dominate because it shows that your family isn't weak. If a father has a son thats not dominate then it would devastate the father because he wouldn't have anyone to go hunting with or teach him the way of the pack.


My father was upset when he found out that Luhan, Xiumin and I were submissive because he's the alpha of his pack and he didn't want to have his pack members talking behind his back but we came out strong. When my mom had Tao, my dad thought that he would finally get a dominate son but he was wrong. My dad doesn't care anymore. He loves us and the grandchildren we gave him.


Hui was a button. She loved me more than her father and that's what I love about my baby girl. She deafened herself when her idiot of a cousin JongSeok took her unicorn stuffed animal and pretended that his polar bear, along with ZiFan's dragon, was killing it.  She grabbed a chunk of her cousin's hair and yelled at the top of her lungs.


Of course, Xiumin didn't find it funny when he saw his son crying and everyone else laughing but when we told him what he did, he then thought it was funny because he knew JongSeok was a pain in the .


"Mommy! ZiFan took my unicorn!" I looked at Hui and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.


"Let's get it back from him." I picked her up and went downstairs where I saw her pain the the cousins playing with her unicorn, pretending it was dying while they kept on killing it.


They think it's funny to mess with Hui because she's the only girl thats their age and they always like to see her cry.


I tried to look for Yinho but I couldn't find him or Suho. They're probably getting groceries.


I walked towards the two boys, both stopping when they see me holding their cousin. I put Hui down and she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.


"Why did you two take Huui's unicorn?" I looked at ZiFan and he was messing with his dragon's eye and not giving me attention. I looked at JongSeok and saw that he was playing the his polar bear's ear. I rolled my eyes and decided to give them a scare. "Tao! Xiumin! Come down here!" I looked back at them and saw that ZiFan stopped what he was doing and gave me an apologetic look while JongSeok also stopped what he was doing but didn't look at me.


"What?! Zina needs to take her nap!" Tao yelled back at me whinning. Xiumin followed him downstairs and walked to me.


"Your sons took Hui's unicorn and they won't give it back. When I asked them why they didn't answer me." Tao looked at ZiFan, who bit his lip and shrunk when Tao walked closer to him.


All these years, Tao has stepped up. He's the alpha's mate and he's now showing authority to everyone including his own brothers.


"Why aren't you giving Hui her unicorn?" Tao bent down to their level.


"Because we want to play with it." JongSeok said but he didn't give Tao the attention the aplha's mate deserved.


"Eye's on Tao, JongSeok." Xiumin spoke with much power in his voice. "Give Hui her unicorn. Next time you take it away from her your father will be dealing with you." JongSeok nodded, bent down and picked up her unicorn, carefully givingit back to Hui because she was standing next to me and so wa his mother. "Upstairs now. It's your nap time." He nodded and headed upstairs.


"Your father is going to be dealing with you when he gets home." Tao told ZiFan, who nodded sadly. "Let's go upstairs because it's your nap time too." He picked up his son and headed upstairs but stopped next to Xiumin and I. "Kris wants to talk to everyone tonight."


"What's wrong?"


"I don't know. He's out talking with another pack with Suho and Yinho." He gave me an apologetic look.


"Why did he take Yinho?" I was about to cry when he told me my son was with another pack.


"Like I said YiXing I don't know. He'll tell us tonight." I nodded and he went back upstairs.


I looked at Xiumin and he gave me a hug before kissing my head and heading back upstairs. I picked up my baby girl and brought her upstairs. I put her on my bed and rubbed her back until I saw those precious eyes close.


A few minutes passed and I heard the front door slam open and I heard my son crying. I heard feet running up the stairs, the door open and I saw my son crying his heart out. Suho came in the and brought him o  the bed, in between his legs and tried to calm him down.


 "What happened?" I asked Suho but Yinho beat him to it.


"Another pack wants me! Mommy I don't want to go!" He bawled his hear out and it pained me.


"Why is it always him?" I asked Suho. He sighed and shook his head.


Everything will be explained in Tao's POV next chapter.

I'm starting to work on the sequel but I need help with a title. Help!!

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