*Bonus* Chapter Forty Four

I Don't Love You!

Chanyeol POV


When I ran away from my pack, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't want to be the alpha's mate because he was ruthless to his mates, or from what I've heard.


My parents thought it would've been a good idea to have me be his mate but they didn't let me have any say in it. My mom said that she and the alpha made a deal. If I was his mate then he would spare my family. I didn't want them to die, so I agreed to mate with him.


The day before I was supposed to mate with him, I ran away. I really didn't care if he killed my family, I just had to get out of there. He told me that after I give him a son, he'll bring me to the front of the pack and kill me without any mercy. I didn't want to die, so I ran away.


I guess his beta found out because two miles out of the territory, he tackled me to the ground and showed me no mercy. He bit me, made sure I had broken bones and spat in my face after I was done then he told me that I would never have anyone to love because I'm a dirty .


I couldn't move. Every time I tried to move, it was painful. I saw a white wolf with a black wolf. They ran towards me and turned into humans. The black wolf told me to change and when I did, I let out such a painful scream that my lungs were burning. I felt like I broke more bones and the wounds opened even more.


The one with the blonde hair ran his fingers through my hair and told me to go to sleep and  I felt my eyes getting heavy.


I woke up in a white room, with a heart monitor connected to me with an IV drip. I hissed when I tried to sit up. I looked at my right arm and saw that it was in a cast then at my left arm and saw that it was covered in bandages.


The door opened and three people walked in. The guy wit the blonde hair sat in the chair next to the bed while the doctor looked at my IV drip and one guy with a sharp jaw line stood behind the guy with the blonde hair, who I'm guessing is the alpha.


The guy with the blonde hair introduced everyone. His name was Kris and he was the alpha. Suho is the doctor and he was the beta then Chen is the skilled hunter who was also the beta.


He told me I had two options. The first was to join his pack and be away from my old one. The second one was to call my alpha and have him get me. I shook my head on the last one and tears fell out of my eyes. If I went back to my old pack, my alpha would kill me right on the spot once he gets me back to our territory.


 I told them what happened and Kris was basically on my side. He didn't want me to go back, so he put me in the pack as his delta. I was okay with the position because I'm not that strong of a hunter.


Once I got out of the hospital, I told Kris that I'm going to a cafe. He didn't argue and let me.


When I got there, I saw the finest piece of a human that ever walked the earth. His brown hair that covered his eyes, those skinny jeans that hug his and thighs, I just wanted him. He took me to my table and took my order. I told him that I would treat him to dinner after his shift and he agreed.


Once his shift ended, we went to dinner, where I learned that his name is Baekhyun, he's nineteen years old and he lives by himself. After dinner he took me to his place and that was probably the best night of my life.


I gave him my phone number and he gave me his. We've never stopped talking to each other and I knew he was my mate.


Kai came in the pack a few months after I joined and he was very secretive. He didn't like to talk to anyone he wouldn't come out of his room.


One day I was walking around the woods and I was attacked by a hunter. He took out his knife and started to run the knife across my back. Now I have the ugly scar that reminds me of what happened that day.


When Kris found out that Kai and I were dating humans, he wanted us to bring them here. When we brought our boyfriends, he told them flat out that we were wolves. They didn't believe him so he had us change in front of them.


My worst fear was that Baekhyun would run out and he did. I changed back into my human form and ran up to my room. I cried my heart out for an hour before I changed into clothes and went to his apartment. I begged him to come back, literally cried in front of him. That whole night, I made sure that he knew that I loved him.


After I changed him, we decided we wanted a family. When he was pregnant with his first child, he was so happy but when the miscarriage happened, he didn't want another child.


He found out he was pregnant with his second child, he was nervous but happy. He was scared that he'll lose our second child, so he made sure that he was on a strict schedule.


After he gave birth to Chanhyun, I felt like our family was complete. I had a beautiful child and a wonderful mate.


Kris told us that he wanted our next child to be ZiFan's mate. I didn't want to have another child because I didn't want my mate to lose another child but he was all for it. He, Tao and Kris kept on persuading me, so I finally agreed, so they would be out of my ear.


"Channie!" Baekhyun jumped behind me and wrapped his skinny arms around my neck. I turned around and kissed his lips. After I broke the kiss, he was smiling and his face seemed like it was glowing.


"What's up baby?" He cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips a thousand times.


"Guess what."




His smile never left his face. He shoved a pregnancy test in my face. I looked at it and a smile formed on my face.


"I'm pregnant! Two months actually." He rubbed the back of his neck and bit his lip.


I wrapped my arm around him and spun him around. I put him down and kissed him. "I'm so happy."


And thus BaekYeol is pregnant yet again!

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