Chapter Thirty Four

I Don't Love You!

Xiumin POV


I can't believe my own brother hates me. What have I ever done to him to make him hate me? Why does he still blame Chen and I for the death of his child?


Chen tried to calm me down but I wanted to go home. Nothing can help me now. I just want to go home and forget this day even happened. All I wanted was forgiveness but not even my own brother can forgive me.


I know that I shouldn't put stress on myself because it can cause for early labor but it's just hard to think that your own brother doesn't want to see you or live with you until their child is born and that's in six more months.


I didn't want to think about this but its hard. Everything is hard when you know that your brother hates you and that your half the reason why their child died. I was being selfish and I was a bit carried away and didn't talk to Chen when he wanted to but YiXing had no business going and yelling at Chen. That was his fault and there's no one to blame but himself.


"Xiumin, why are you still outside?" Chen sat next to me on the porch, of our new house in the city.


It was big and roomy. Our baby room is painted green with white furniture, that Chen's mother gave us as a present. The room is connected to our room, so it's easy access to get to our child's room without having to leave our room.


"What's wrong baby?" He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. I gave him a weak smile and looked at the city. During the day it doesn't look all that great but at night it's beautiful.


"I'm just thinking about how YiXing is being immature. It's not our fault Chen. If he didn't get his nose in it then he wouldn't have left the pack, he would still be with us." Chen sighed heavily while running his fingers through his hair.


"It is our fault because we got into that stupid fight." I rolled my eyes, got up and started to walk to the door but I felt horrible pain in my abdomen. "Xiumin are you okay?" I hunched over and put my hand over my stomach.


"My stomach." I groaned out. I heard Chen curse. He picked me up and brought me to our room.


The pain is horrible. I felt like someone is stabbing my stomach over and over again.


"I'm going to get Kris." He ran out of the room and about a minute later Baekhyun and Kyungsoo came in the room and closed the door.


"Xiumin, you're in labor." Kyungsoo told me. My eyes widened. I was only six months. "You have to change, If you don't then the baby will die along with you."


I changed but it was horrible. I've never had a hard time changing until now. Baekhyun put his hand on my stomach while Kyungsoo held my head and rubbed my forehead, whispering to me that everything will be okay.


"Okay Xiumin, if you feel pain that's a contraction. If one last longer than the other than you need to push." Baekhyun told me and I responded with a whimper.


I felt horrible pain and it lasted for a long time, so I decided to push. I pushed with all my might but nothing was happening. I felt like crying because it was horrible. Another contraction hit and I pushed again but this time I pushed harder than before.


Before I knew it, I heard my son crying. I quickly changed and looked at him. Baekhyun ran to the bathroom and got a wet towel for him while Kyungsoo got me new clothes. I carefully washed him and he looked more like Chen but I don't care. I'm happy my son is here. I know that we have to take him to the hospital because he's premature but I want to spend as much time with him as I can.


There was knocking on the door and Kyungsoo yelled for them to come in. To our surprise, it was Suho and YiXing. My brother smiled when he saw his nephew and Suho came to me, motioning me to hand over my baby. I wrapped him in the towel and gave him to Suho, who said he had to take him to the hospital.


"Do you know what to name him?" Suho asked me as he made sure my son was comfortable. I nodded and smiled.


"JongSeok." He gave me a smile and told me that he will hopefully have JongSeok back tomorrow. I thanked him and he left.


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun left the room, leaving me alone with YiXing. He came over to the bed and sat down next to me. He took my hand and started to play with my fingers.


"Xiu, I'm sorry about yesterday. Suho and I talked and we think that it's better to come back." He looked at me and tears were starting to fall from his eyes. "I just don't want you to be mad at me." He bawled out. I felt horrible for making my brother cry. I brought him in a hug and rocked him back and forth.


"I'm not mad Yi. You're my brother and I love you." I kissed his head and I heard him chuckle. "What's funny?" He got out of my embrace and had a smile on his face.


"You have to love me." I rolled my eyes and playfully hit his chest.


And the Baozi's baby is born!!!

Nothing much to say in this author's note...

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Chapter 14: Awww ... It's great to see XiuChen doing great together! You rule you two! ?
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