Chapter Seventeen

I Don't Love You!

Xiumin POV


I must really love Chen for going through this hell!


It was fine at first but now it's horrible. I wake up every hour of the night just to throw up. It's getting better but I still feel horrible from throwing up because I always think I'm hurting my baby.


YiXing found out he was pregnant two days after me. I was happy for my brother and I knew how much he really wanted to be a mother. Suho was thrilled when he found out. He made sure that YiXing had all the right medication for the pregnancy and made sure that he was on a strict diet. I guess Suho didn't want to lose the baby because his sister lost her's.


Luhan had told me that him and Sehun are now on good terms and I'm proud of the pup for finally up his pride and notice that he is hurting my brother. He had also told me that they got ually active but they haven't mated yet. I could tell that Luhan was depressed because he really wanted a family but he has to be patient until Sehun's twentieth birthday.


Tao came in my room yesterday and told me that him and Kris finally mated. He had  glow to him and he looked really happy. He kept on telling me how he wanted a pup so badly and how he was jealous of me and YiXing because we got lucky the first time.


I was happy that I got pregnant the first time because I really didn't like . I mean it was great but the aftermath is horrible. My backside would always hurt and I had a limp. That's two of the reasons that I didn't like . 


Chen and I have discussed that we would like kids but not until the future because we kind of rushed into this one.


I was upset when he told me that he didn't really want to have a child when we mated, so being the hormonal pregnant person that I was, I cried. After he calmed me down he told me that he was just not ready to be a father and that it scared him that he would have to protect another life. I couldn't blame him. I was scared too but I was carrying the baby so that put more weight on my shoulders.


Suho told me that he wants me on the same diet as YiXing. I asked him why and he said that he gives his patients this diet, whenever their pregnant, and when he delivers the baby, it's always healthy.


I started the diet a few days ago and I hate it. I have to eat three meals a day including a fruit smoothie. I also have to take pills in the morning and at night.


YiXing got used to it because Suho was always on top of him but I didn't really get used to it. One time I missed a pill before I went to bed and I had to go to the hospital because I fainted and was barley breathing. Now, Suho is on top of me, making sure that I don't miss a pill.


I walked downstairs and saw that YiXing was eating lunch, Tao was on the couch feeding Chanhyun and Luhan was talking to Kyungsoo, who was watching Jongsoo on his bouncer. I walked next to YiXing and he gave me a smile.


"Where's Chen?" He shrugged his shoulders.


"Suho hasn't been here all day either same for Kris, Kai, Chanyeol and Sehun." I furrowed my eyebrows.


I walked into the living room and Baekhyun waved at me, Kyungsoo gave me a little smile, Luhan smiled at me and Tao didn't even acknowledge me.


"Do you guys know where Chanyeol, Kai, Suho, Kris, Chen and Sehun went?" Baekhyun and Kyungsoo looked at each other and I knew I had them.


"Kris got a call from one of our ally packs and said that the hunters were getting close. They went in the city to try to find a house but I'm scared that the hunters will find us and hurt us." Baekhyun said.


This is my first time dealing with hunters and I knew that they were horrible people. There were stories that my dad told me. He told me that he watched his friends killed in front of him and his parents.


"They won't find us Baekhyun." Kyungsoo said as he tried to reassure Baekhyun.


In all honesty, everyone is scared.


Decided to update *shrugs shoulders*

Shameless self promotion



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