
Black and Blue

why do i have this spell to twist this into Jaesu? *innocent look*


      “Detective Yoochun is on field duty.”

      “Please, sir. Please, please, I need to talk to him. This is important.”

      “Call his phone.”

      “I don’t have his number, sir.” Changmin begs with wet eyes, blinking back tears.

      “I’m sorry, kid. We don’t give out personal number. Try to call again later.”

The public payphone gives off a dead end sound.

Changmin feels like breaking the payphone in frustration and desperation. Yunho is out of town for another social case and the detective isn’t in his station. He knows none else besides those two men. Junsu has come to and he told Changmin it’s fine. He’s just having a slight fever. Changmin refuses to buy Junsu’s words. The nosebleed has stopped after a while but it doesn’t mean Junsu is fine. He must bring Junsu to see a doctor to hospital and to do so; he needs help from other people. Mr. Fujitsu is busy with the new renter of Changmin’s previous flat. There are some problems too with the occupants in the fifth floor. Similar to Chae rim’s case. Payment postponing and complaints from the neighbors about partying too loud.

Who could help Junsu now? Changmin bites his lips, praying to God that someone will come helping them. The small money he has left is used up to call Yunho and yoochun. He should have seen it coming. Junsu’s been working nonstop these weeks. His last day off when they went shopping together was ages ago. Okay, three weeks ago and Junsu rarely sleeps at home. He sleeps in store most of the time.

The store!!


      “Um.. sir, there’s a customer asking for Junsu.”

Jaejoong looks up from his book he is reading and meets Lisa’s eyes.

      “Junsu is late today. He didn’t call?”

      “No, sir.” Lisa shakes her head. “Um.. the customer looks.. err..

      “Who is it?” Jaejoong stands up from his chair, annoyed that his peace reading time is interrupted.

      “He’s outside and asking for Junsu’s friend.”

      “I’ll go see to it.”

Jaejoong meets a tall young man who is sweating all over and looks very miserable. His clothes are funny and his hands clutching the tip of his front old oversized jacket.

      “Are you looking for Junsu?” Jaejoong eyes the sweating hard thin young man.

      “N-no. I’m looking for Junsu’s friend.”

      “The name?”

The thin customer shakes his head.

      “I-I don’t know.”

      “Who are you?”

      “I’m.. I live with Junsu. Junsu is sick, sir. He has high fever and.. and.. his nose is bleeding.. I’m..

      “Junsu is sick?” jaejoong is startled. “Where is he now?”

      “In flat. I was..

      “You shouldn’t leave him alone there.” Jaejoong hisses. “LISA!!”

      “Sir. I was asking to..

      “Yes sir?” an employee rushes to come to the handsome manager.

      “Call Hyukjae. Tell him Junsu is sick. I’m going to his flat!” Jaejoong walks fast to his office to get his car key. “Come on, boy. We have to hurry. How bad is he?”

Changmin avoids Junsu’s eyes all the way to and from hospital. Junsu insists that he’s fine. He just needs some rest and he’ll be alright the next day. Changmin is quiet when Junsu’s boss shouts at Junsu and carries Junsu climbing down the stairs by force. Junsu is too weak to resist. His nosebleed reappears when he stands and the blood stains Jaejoong’s expensive suit. Some people watch them descending the stairs as Jaejoong doesn’t stop scolding and lecturing Junsu. He drives Junsu and clueless quiet Changmin to one big hospital. The doctor confirms what Jaejoong suspects. Junsu is too exhausted and needs good rest. His fever and nosebleed indicate his low body immune due to overused stamina and lack of needed rest. Lack of good food consumption too.

      “You are banned from evening shift anymore.” The handsome boss growls on the way home. “Do you know that your brother ran all the way from your flat to store? He didn’t know where his brother’s workplace is and ran combing the road looking for Kim’s bookstore to tell me that you’re sick.”

Changmin lowers his head as low as possible because he knows Junsu is glaring at him coldly.

      “Is three millions more important than your health, Junsu?”

What three millions? Changmin steal glances to the driving jaejoong.


      “I’m not done talking!!!” Jaejoong snaps loud. “Whatever your brother needs for school, overworking yourself for his cover is not good. Do you think your little brother is happy seeing you like this? Do you think running all over the city by himself searching for our store is good?” The raised voice fills the car sharply. “I went to Japan because it’s my duty as third general manager, not because I lent you three millions, you rockhead!”

Changmin snaps his head up at once, daring and defying Junsu’s eyes on him.

      “A week rest!! No excuse of working on your campus assignment anymore. If you need that old damn computer badly, take it home, for God’s sake!!”

      “Doctor said three days.” Junsu bargains.

      “See that? Jaejoong throws a cold mean look to Changmin. “That’s your stubbornhead brother.”

      “He’s not my brother!” The words escape Changmin’s lips in colder tone than Jaejoong’s before Changmin realizes what he says.

      “Great. Combo stubbornheads!”


Junsu doesn’t talk to Changmin till someone comes to their flat. It’s Hyukjae. Junsu’s friends. Junsu throws pillow at his friend’s face as soon as the guest enters Changmin’s bedroom. Changmin purposely pointed at his bedroom when Jaejoong carried the sick man back to the flat and Junsu knew better than aggravating his boss more.

      “I told ya boss Jae will be very mad at you.” The guest sneers and hands two big heavy carton bags to Changmin. “Soups and some homemade ginger tea. Can you reheat it?”

Changmin gets the message right away. The guest wants him to leave them alone. He goes to kitchen and unloads the content of the two bags. Two big bowls of warm chicken soup. Fresh nicely cut fruit. Warm rice balls. Well sliced wheat bread and a big jar of warm brown tea. It emits ginger scent. This man is really kind. Changmin lets them talk long. He leaves the flat to give them privacy as he can hear whatever they are talking about if he lingers around. It’s a small flat, remember? He walks slowly in weak steps and sits on the stairs’ steps in the second floor, thinking.

Junsu borrowed three millions? For him? When? Does the bag cost three millions? Impossible. The bag is not the expensive kind. The scary mad boss said Junsu borrowed that much for his little brother. If it’s right then the little brother is him. Tsk. When will people stop assuming them as brothers? Does he look like Junsu? No way. If he does, the boss could recognize him when he came to store. The boss didn’t know who he was till Changmin said he lived with Junsu. Junsu is too exhausted. He must be bearing some heavy burden to work that much. Wait.. is he the burden? Is changmin the cause? Does he make Junsu work that hard?

Changmin stands up from the steps and climbs down the stairs. He leaves the building, wandering and roaming to places to calm his fast working brain machine. He walks on and on aimlessly till his legs feel like cracking chopped wood. He stops walking and sits randomly on the pavement. People walk passing him. Some swear at him for sitting on and blocking public pavement. Some kick him to move the stoned teenager from busy small walking road.

He walks home after his legs feel better. He stops at the steps again and sits there, unable to climbs to the third floor and face Junsu. He’s made unforgivable mistake by coming to Kim’s bookstore today. He just asked for help there since he knows none else to ask favor. He didn’t know that the manager himself would rush to help Junsu. He didn’t know that his intention would have such bad impact on Junsu. He didn’t know..

A soft tap on his cheek pulls Changmin back to the steps he’s sitting with burning legs and bruised toes from too much walking and running before.

      “Dinner.” Junsu taps changmin’s shoulder. “I’m hungry.”

Changmin freezes. Junsu stands next to him. His thigh is only two inches apart from Changmin’s cheek.

      “Come on home.”

Slowly. Very slowly, Changmin rises from his painful seat and stands facing Junsu. Junsu reaches Changmin’s hand, holding it and pulls it gently to follow him ascending the stairs to their flat.

      “Don’t run on the street again, okay?” Junsu sits the wordless Changmin on the dining chair. “It’s dangerous. You can get hit by car or motor.”

I’m sorry, Junsu. I’m sorry.

      “I’m fine.” Junsu fills changmin’s bowl with warm reheated chicken soup. “Just a bit tired. Some good sleep will do. No need to run that far to store.”

I’m really sorry, Junsu.

      “Are your legs okay? Should soak them in warm water soon but you are nowhere in home when I look for you.”

One drop of tear falls down on the bowl. Changmin is too guilty to say a word to his sun.

      “Hey, hero. What’s wrong?” Junsu lifts up Changmin’s dropped low head and sees the b tears.

Changmin just shakes his head. The heavy throbbing in his inside is too heavy.

      “I-I’m sorry.” His head falls again, suppressing a sob.

Junsu moves his chair closer next to Changmin and spreads his arms, reaching Changmin’s moving shoulders as the effort to block the sob from escaping.

      “I told you it’s fine. Everything is fine.” He hugs the quivering shoulders tenderly. “Don’t be sorry, kay? Everything is fine.”

The overwhelming feeling of guilt and forgiven traps Changmin’s mind and soul. He gives in to the pale warmth of Junsu’s tender hug and cries there. His low sobbing is heard in the kitchen for some long minutes. Junsu rubs his back to ease whatever bad feeling Changmin feels. He is glad he can find Changmin on the steps. He’s worried badly when Hyukjae left the flat and couldn’t find Changmin anywhere in the flat and in the building. He thought Changmin left the flat because the teenager was mad at him. It never crossed his mind that Changmin left the flat because the tall highchooler felt guilty.

Changmin sleeps with Junsu that night. His numb legs from pounding soreness have been tended and he doesn’t want to sleep far from Junsu. Junsu has gained some color on his too pale complexion. His fever stays but reduced fast after having dinner and taking pills. No nosebleed anymore. Changmin sleeps curling up to the sick man and Junsu can’t help watching the sleeping teen laying next to him in bed. This kid has grown so tall. Two inches more and he’ll be shorter than Changmin. He sighs and breathes long as Changmin holds his hand while sleeping. He sees the raw beauty he once saw when he found Changmin sleep sitting on the steps. The pure beauty and the hidden fire blast of angry force. The beauty enhanced more nowadays and the fire is flickering in warm dances on his eyes. The parents abandoning such son are very unlucky ones. Had they known how great Changmin is today, would they ever leave and toss him?


On Monday, Changmin goes to school and meets his homeroom teacher first thing in the morning.

      “Can I skip extra lessons today, ma’am?”

Ms. Trang gives Changmin a questioning look.

      “I need to go to Mr. Yunho’s office for something.”

      “Anything serious?” the homeroom teacher pays her full attention to Changmin. Changmin hardly lies these three months. She sees honesty in those dark brown orbs.

      “Um.. Junsu is sick. I need to straighten things out myself.”

      “Your brother is sick? Has he seen doctor?”

      “Yes, ma’am. And please, he’s not my brother.”

Ms. Trang hides her urge to tell Changmin that Junsu is considered as brother but she knows that look and she doesn’t want to add more weight on Changmin’s low spirit.

      “Alright. I’ll write a note to Mr. Sato that you will be absent today.”

      “Thank you ma’am.”

Jonghyun quickly catches his best friend’s sour mood.

      “Where’s the glowing shining golden sunflower?”

      “Cut into three by nosy tentacles.”

      “Aww.. Good morning to you too, limbo.”


After school ends, Changmin walks to police station and sees the detective. The other officers are not friendly with him. They remember how Changmin gave them hard time during his questioning. Yoochun approaches him and offers a can of cold coke to the student.


      “How did my case was dropped again?”

      “Why do you want to know?” The detective drinks his coke.

      “Junsu borrowed three millions from his boss and I don’t know for what.”

      “Have you asked your Junsu?”

Changmin makes a No gesture.

      “He won’t tell me.”

      “He must have a reason why.”

      “It’s my case. I have the right to know how it’s done.”

Yoochun whistles.

      “Smart, indeed. But you are not legal yet and this file is classified.”

      “Do I have to see my lawyer to get the details?”

      “If you think so but I have to warn you, the lawyer helping your case is your Junsu’s professor. If you come asking him, Junsu will know and.. I don’t have to say the rest, do I?”

      “Why can’t you just tell me?”

Because it’s fun revealing how you feel to Junsu, boy. You haven’t realized it yet now.

      “I don’t wanna cross your Junsu.”

      “He asked you not to tell me?”

Yoochun can’t help smiling. This tall kid was so quick denying the word brother everytime people say Junsu is his brother but he doesn’t once object to the label ‘your Junsu’ Yoochun been mentioning. Boy, get to your sense soon before it’s too late. Your father might come anytime and pick you away from your Junsu.

      “He said nothing, actually.”

      “You are a police officer. He can’t order you.”

      “But I don’t wanna cross your junsu, kid.”

Changmin rolls his eyes in burned up impatience.


      “I’m not the one in charge for your case anyway. I was just there and monitoring what happened that night. I’m not in child abuse and domestic violence dept.”

      “Domestic what?”

      “That’s for families, actually. Since we are understaffed, youth violence also under the authority of that department.”


      “Ask nicely to officer Han Jung woo. He might help if you ask him nice and fair.”

Policemen! Changmin curses silently.


He leaves police station and heads to Yunho’s office. Yoochun smirks naughtily from his desk as the tall student leaves the station.

      “Let Yunho have his fun.” He gets his phone and sends text.

Unfortunately, the social officer’s phone is off for battery recharging. Yunho welcomes Changmin without any precaution.

      “I’ll turn nineteen in few months ahead. I want a job now.”

      “What?” The social worker’s jaw drops.

      “I need a part time job.”

      “Look here, Min. You are still in high school. If you are caught working, the dept will take back all the support for your school fee and coupons-

      “I don’t care. I need to find a part time job before or after school.”

      “It’s against the rule for an underage child to work while that child is under the care of social department.”

      “Junsu has been working since he’s eighteen.” Changmin defies Yunho’s almond shaped eyes.

Uh. Junsu. Okay.

      “Junsu had graduated from high school at that time, I believe and he’s not under the soci-

      “I’ll drop out school.”

      “Wait, wait, wait. Slow down a bit. Sit down.” Yunho takes breaths. “Let’s talk about this in cold head.” He holds Changmin down to sit. “Why do you suddenly want to work?”

      “Three millions.”

      “Three mill.. “Yunho gapes. “That’s a lot of money. Care to tell me what for?”

      “My bailing out.”

      “Oh. Your bai.. Huh? How did you-

      “Know about it? I asked Yoochun.”

Damn that forehead!

      “You paid two millions and Junsu completed it into five so I could go home that night. Junsu’s been working like hell these two and half months to pay for it. He is sick of over-exhaustion yesterday. His nose bled and he had temperature so hot you can fry egg on his skin. I called you asking for help to bring him to hospital. You weren’t in town. I called Yoochun but he’s busy with field duty. I had to ask help from his manager and got scolded by Junsu. Now I need a job to pay for my bailing out.”

Yunho couldn’t stop the raining words sprung from Changmin’s lips. His hand flails signaling the teenager to stop since his tone attracts head turns and ears to Yunho’s square office. He covers his face with both hands when Changmin finishes his sentences, facepalming.

      “Err.. That’s.. Um..

      “If you are against it, I’ll return the coupons right now.”

      “Wait. Look. Stop, Min. Stop. Stay here while I’m seeing my supervisor.” Yunho makes hands sign. “Don’t move till I’m back. Got it?”

      “I have to go home soon. Doctor said Junsu has to rest for three days. He looked for his clean shirts this morning. Either he’s going to work or he’s going to campus. I can’t let that happen.”

      “Just.. ten.. minutes. Stay!” Yunho flees his office after locking the door in haste. His co workers peep inside to catch glimpses of Changmin’s figure.

      “Aw, he’s cute.”

      “I heard he could kick five people by himself.”

      “He almost killed his friend, didn’t he?”

      “But look. He’s sweet and so good looking.”

      “Back off, pedo!”

      “Eighteen is not kid, .”

      “Excuse me. You are forty. He's not even half your age.”

Changmin hears everything and he turns his head, glaring his utmost intense eye pierce and the people jump away from the door at once.


      “Still think he’s cute? Cute my doormat.”

Yunho reappears after twenty minutes. He is puzzled at why his co workers pay him a weird look.

      “Okay, here’s the deal. You can do a very light part time job. A job that has no working time and doesn’t interrupt your school.”

      “I bring the rest of unused coupons.” Changmin rummages inside his new bag.

      “No. No. No. You can keep it.” Yunho stops him. “My supervisor just called your school to check about your grades and he’s very happy about it. Keep and use it well.”

      “Where can I work?”

      “Uh.. You haven’t figured it out yet?”

      “I come here to get your permission first. Well, not permission, actually. Just confirming. So, as long as it doesn’t clash with school, I’m okay to work?”

      “Part time.” Yunho reminds. “Junsu’s consent will be required in any work place you apply.”

      “That’s easy. I just need to tell him you approve. He won’t object.”

Yunho feels so stupid suddenly.

      “Junsu doesn’t know you come here?”

      “Nu-uh. I locked the door when I left for school this morning.”

Smart student is dangerous.

      “But you said he’s going to-

      “I took his spare key but I don’t know whether he has another spare key or not. Thank you, sir. Gotta rush home now. Have a nice day.”

Punked by an eighteen years old. Great, Yunho.

Changmin flashes cold smile to people peeked inside Yunho’s office and the faces jerk up on their seats, uneasy and startled. Yunho searches for his phone. He forgets where he keeps it and remembers ten minutes later that he recharges his phone. He turns it on and calls Yoochun right away. He doesn’t see the incoming message as he’s too busy preparing curses toward his detective friend.

      “So, did the little lion sharpen his claws in front of you?” Yoochun chuckles after Yunho pours long incoherent swearing to Yoochun’s ear.

      “Sharpen your forehead. Why did you tell him about his bailing out case.”

      “He’s smart, Yunnie. He could put two and two together without help. He just needs to cross check and confirm his suspicion. Besides, if it’s about Junsu, do you think anyone can stop those long legs?”



      “How old are you again?” Junsu scowls.

      “Nineteen soon.”

      “I’m three years older than you. Imprisoning me inside my own flat is considered holding hostage.”

      “I didn’t imprison you, mind you.” Changmin turns off the stove and lifts up the pan. He is preparing their late lunch. “I was in hurry this morning I didn’t see whose keys I bring to school.” He plays innocent.

      “And you cut school for that reason? Telling Ms. Trang that you had to go home soon because your hostage would rip your bag into curtain if you didn’t show up sooner?”

      “Ms. Trang said okay. She even asked me whether you had seen doctor or not.”

      “Oh wow. Someone is being a brainy today.”

      “I got A for- ouch! Ouch! Ouch!”

Changmin winces and groans but he’s too happy to be smacked with a roll of old papers. He did lock Junsu for good reason.

      “You can’t lock me in our flat. Ever. Again.”

      “Huwaa.. Someone help! Junsu is beating me!”

Changmin doesn’t run from the smacking. He stays where he stands taking every landing smack in a made fake painful face. This is nothing compared by the loud yell and things thrown at him. Junsu doesn’t really smack him and papers? Puhliizz. Junsu can use fist if he really intends to punish Changmin.

      “Now take your pills and go back sleeping. I have homework to do.”

      “I’m the adult here!!” Junsu shrieks.

      “O really? I thought it was a junior high smacking me for- ouch! Junsu! Your pills. Ouch! Man! Really!”

And it fills up Changmin’s heart till his chest is bursting with such comfort and fulfillment when Junsu grumbles but does what Changmin says. He takes his pills and goes back to his room (he refused to sleep in Changmin’s bedroom after the second day) sulking. He slams the door but stays in their flat. Junsu listens to him. That persistent man is willing to be ruled by a senior high schooler.

At dinner Changmin informs Junsu about his new schedules.

      “I’ll leave an hour early starts from tomorrow.”

      “Why is that? School project?”

Other adults will ask detention? instead of school project?

      “Individual project.”

      “You already have three group projects for this semester.” Junsu frowns.

      “I’m graduating in five months, remember?”


      “Class decided to perform a stupid play.” Changmin dislikes the idea.

      “You take the main role?”

      “Haha. Not funny, man! I’m the miscellaneous one. Carrying props, buying drinks, checking the equipment..

      “Why don’t you take a role? I wanna see you on stage.”

      “So you can make fun of me for a year? Thanks, Junsu. That’s very supportive of you.” Changmin makes a face. “Besides, the only fitting role for me is a tree. I’m the tallest in the class.”

      “You’ll make a great eye candy tree.”

      “Cut it! What’s great about wearing a tree costume where your face is the only thing audience can see? And they paint the face brown. Yeah, right!”

      “The tree stands still on stage?”

      “It’s a tree, Junsu. Do you think a tree will jump or run around scaring people? This is a drama not a horror!” Changmin pouts fuller.

      “They make a happy singing tree in kindergarten.”


Junsu laughs freely at the red annoyed face of Changmin’s. He puts his spoon as he laughs longer.

      “Go on. Have your laugh.” Changmin sulks

      “Haha.. So how long will you leave for school an hour earlier?”

      “Hm.. let’s see. Graduation?”

      “Pardon me?” Junsu puts his spoon down again.

      “I’ll go home after five too. Maybe before six. I’ll be home before dinner. Dinner is the latest”

Junsu eyes Changmin straight without blinking.

      “Why do I feel like you are doing something I’m deeply against to?”

      “You are too sensitive.” Changmin mutters low.

      “Should I ask the school about it?”

      “No. You don’t have to.”

Junsu crosses his arms, totally ignoring his dinner.

      “I’m taking part time job. Jonghyun works as a paperboy and he said his paper agent needs more hand.” Changmin lowers his head, focusing on the dinner on his plate.

Junsu says nothing.

      “Um.. and delivering milk too after school. Only for the houses in two blocks. Not far from here.”

Junsu’s straight look doesn’t cease staring at Changmin.

      “Err.. Yunho approves. He said as long as it doesn’t clash with my scho-

Junsu has stood up and left the dining table.


unbetaed. thank you for reading. ^^

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buffy501 #1
can i read this story? i dont have any access
sisca23 #2
Chapter 31: i has finished read this story and i love your story so much made me cried when i thought junsu will die huhu...i love you chili!!!!love your stories your brilliant junsu so much hahaha...
sisca23 #3
finally...i can read this fic xixixixi....thx u so much chili!!!!!!!!
minsu_shipper #4
Bbbbb... After read BnB, i miss Max and Junsu from akashville.. TT,TT

Open water and sand? *grinnnnnnn*
minsu_shipper #5
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
love29 #6
Chapter 31: beautiful story..
i cant describe how i feel right now.. it makes me think for many things..
your writing is so beautiful..
i feel hope in there, ah.. thankyu for sharing this beautiful story^^
love29 #7
Chapter 22: it is nearly past 1am.. and tomorrow i have a midterm test..
here, i still cant get over of this story..
Gonna continue and reread it next time^^
It is really a great story..
minsu_shipper #9
Oh my goshhhh... My BnBBBBBBB!!!!!!!! *tackle glomp huggle*