
Black and Blue

A small treat for weekend. Happy Friday everyone.


      “You mean.. Changmin.. That kid.. Returned all of his social coupons because he doesn’t want the department to move him out from Junsu’s flat?” Yunho walks restlessly, pacing right and left in front of one amused detective who’s watching him in glee. “Why? I mean, why did he.. It causes rising speculations and suspicions.” Yunho can’t understand.

Can’t he be any slower?

      “Changmin plans something bigger, I guess.” Yoochun sips his warm ginger tea. The air is colder nowadays.

      “I know that!” Yunho is still pacing. “He showed me his big painting. No. He painted one big wall in school. It’s blue and funny. There’s this tall wave coming to crash you.”

      “He draws well.”

      “Yes. His teachers praise him on that. Wait, why do we talk about Changmin’s drawing? We were talking about his motives returning the social coupons before.” He glares at the sneering detective.

      “He does draw well.” Yoochun sneers wider.

      “It’s not like we will move him out from Junsu’s guardian. He does very well these seven months living with Junsu. A little bit too well, sometimes but why would he think we will move him out again?”

      “You saw them.” Yoochun raises his brow playfully.

      “You mean the hug? Changmin was too enthusiastic with the festival closing. Anyone could hug happily in such moments.”

Slow and stubborn. Why do I let my heart go to you again? Yoochun slaps his wide forehead mentally.

      “Say, if I hug you after I solve one case like Changmin did, is it okay?”

      “Sure.” Yunho answers quickly. “Hugging heals people, you know. Ignored children feel accepted or loved when people hug them whole heartedly.”

      “Are you a child?” Yoochun feels like biting his cup.

      “I’m not but everyone is happy when they are hugged sincerely.”

      “Do you think Changmin hugged Junsu sincerely? He’s the ignored kid here. Not Junsu. If it goes according with your theory, Junsu should be the one hugging Changmin.”

Yunho stops pacing, looking at his friend.

      “Does Changmin know we might find his father soon?”

Yoochun places his cup on the table.

      “You guys found that irresponsible old man?”

Yunho decides to sit.

      “We found some clues about his whereabouts. It’s accidental. We were courting two abused girls to new foster home in the south gate of Alistair when we heard about Shim Cheon Gul. Still tracking him.”

      “How do you think Changmin knows? Someone in your department tipped him?”

      “I don’t know.” Yunho shrugs. “That kid made me run from the fifth floor to my office back and forth last time he came to my office. When I set the files on my table, some of them were out of my recent cases and the files marked ‘Shim’. It’s his records.

      “What did the files say?” Yoochun leans back on the chair.

      “Just stuff.”

      “There are a lot of clauses there. Junsu didn’t read them, did he? Perhaps, Changmin read it for Junsu?”

      “Hmm.. the files were his recent school’s reports, coupons usage, behavior supervising from your end and yes.. the clauses too.”

      “Which ones?”

      “I think he read the removal of custody or guardianship right over him.”

      “Removal? As if taking him from Junsu?”

      “From Chae rim actually. Why would we take.. him.. from.. jun.. What the hell?”

Yoochun sips his last drops of warm ginger tea.

      “What do you think?” He asks the now mouth gaping Yunho.

      “But.. that’s.. Changmin is.. eighteen. He can’t ..

      “Nineteen today and will graduate in two months. Seven weeks to be more exact.”

      “He.. loves Junsu?”

      “If he stays with Junsu and still using your department coupons and supports for his school, you could move him out anytime after you know about his feelings.”

      “He loves Junsu?”

      “And if you know further about the extra bits, you’d definitely move Changmin out like right now.”

      “But he’s still underage! He can’t.. and Junsu is his temporary guardian. It’s against the law to have a relationship between underage child and its guardian!”

      “He returned his coupons three weeks ago. He cut his major ties with your department. His study goes well and he is proven better in controlling his temper. You want a social hearing?”

      “He is under the department care till he graduates from high school or till his father comes!” Yunho is still digesting the latest information he gets.

      “His social care provides for school’s fee, school’s equipment and food coupons. His relative, that bi*tch Chae rim, misused his coupons, neglected his progress in school and didn’t even bother to help Changmin out of jail. Now, your department has less power over him to decide what’s next since he had blocked the help from your department himself.” Yoochun explains slowly. He doesn’t want Yunho to decide things in rush. “Seven weeks from now, he’ll graduate from high school, I know he will because I know he doesn’t want to leave Junsu, and your department has no more impact on him. He’s considered as an independent teenager.”


      “If you insist on removing Junsu’s guardianship, Changmin has a year to wait till he reaches his legal age and runs back to Junsu, if and only if Changmin still loves Junsu.”

      “It’s not that simple, Chun!” Yunho sighs in defeat, admitting all the logical patterns yoochun draws.

      “Agree.” Yoochun nods. “Judging from Changmin’s loose temper, what do you think he would do when his first crush or love is parted cruelly from him? And he’s smart too. He could be a great lawyer what with his tricks making you run around your own nest so he could read the clauses.”

      “Rae Im will kill me.” Yunho covers his face with his hands. “She opposed the arrangement of changmin staying with Junsu. She’ll bark and go ballistic when she finds this.”

      “She doesn’t need to know this soon.”

Yunho gives his friend a look.

      “Seven weeks is not that long, trust me. Just don’t stay close around her too long that can make you spill the cuts that Changmin is in love with Junsu.”

Yunho bites his lips.

      “It’s.. I can’t lie well.”

      “I know.” Yoochun smiles sweetly assuring the shocked man. “That’s why you are friend of a smart detective.”

      “But.. It’s still immoral for them lovers to live under one roof.” Yunho bites his lips again. “What if something happens?”

      “Go talk to Junsu to warn him not to do something stupid.” Yoochun has to agree with Yunho. “I doubt Junsu understands the situation well. He knows Changmin loves him but he acts like he doesn’t know or he doesn’t want to know.“


Yoochun sees the stiffness and the well guarded composition from Junsu. He sees how Junsu tries to act casually despite his inevitable body hints that he cares about Chnagmin more as a guardian. What worries the detective is Changmin. That kid knows no fear, hugging Junsu in public like he’s daring or challenging anyone who has eye on Junsu.



      “Is this your manager?”

Junsu sends heave apologetic eyes to Jaejoong. He has tried to usher Ji Hyo out of the store as soon as he sees the woman but yeah, the ace Ji hyo is hard to tame.

      “And you are…

      “Song Ji Hyo, Junsu’s far relative. I bet he never tell you about it.” the young woman sneers confidently.

Jaejoong shakes the girl’s hand shortly.

      “Ten minutes receiving guest.” Jaejoong’s smile is firm and straight. Still look stunningly handsome.

      “No need to do such hospitality, manager.” Ji hyo waves her hand lightly. “I came to buy books. Need something to read before my flight back to Swiss.”

Junsu flails his hand, trying to get ji hyo’s attention.

      “Swiss?” jaejoong titls his head with one brow raised.

      “I’m studying there. Final year. This far nephew of mine is out of touch for nearly five years.” She points her finger at Junsu’s nose. “I have to ask around to find him.”

Jaejoong smiles genuinely.

      “Pick any book. Family discount.”

      “But sir..

      “If you have done picking, would you care for a cup of tea in my office?”

      “I’d love to.” Ji hyo eagerly agrees.


      “Go back to your post, Junsu!” jaejoong walks past the family in a firm steps and playful grin.



      “I heard about Junsu’s grandparents.” Jaejoong welcomes Ji hyo in his manager office. He offers the young pretty woman to sit and feel at ease by dropping unnecessary formality. It’s a very rare occasion of Junsu’s relative comes visiting his that one well trained employee. “He rarely talks about his family and if he does, granny and pop are all we get.”

      “Understandable.” Ji hyo sits casually. She appreciates how well arranged and well managed the office quarter is. Chic, elegant and relaxing. She has a thought of the manager reading books here rather than doing managerial works since the flat screen computer is off and looks bright as untouched new set. “Other than uncle and aunts, hardly relative is close with him but me.” She smells something tender and soothing coloring the air. This manager’s personal air conditioner refresher?

      “Family matters?” Jaejoong smiles.

      “And everything else.” Ji hyo shows the unsaid words with her shoulder movements.

      “His brother is good. I’ve been wanting to ask but it sound so inappropriate. Is Changmin his step brother?”

Ji hyo wants to laugh.

      “No. He’s not any brother of the kind.” Ji hyo holds her chuckle.

      “Junsu said he needed help for his little brother.” Jaejoong frowns. “They look so different both in appearance and personality. I nearly mistook them as- nevermind.”

      “You didn’t mistake them, manager. They are not related by blood.”


      “Changmin reminds Junsu of his teens. That’s why he said changmin is his brother.”

      “Hm.. I see.” Jaejoong nods. “You are Junsu’s aunt?”

      “Actually, no. My father married with Junsu’s mother’s far cousin. It’s kinda difficult to explain without a white board and marker.”

Jaejoong smiles longer.

      “I want to thank for your kindness looking after junsu.” Ji hyo’s tone turns a little bit serious. “Mom couldn’t talk to him much after Junsu’s grandparents’ funeral. Junsu just left and I couldn’t come to Fortbax soon. You know, studying abroad kills your saving.” She smiles back at Jaejoong. “Junsu talks a lot about how kind and generous you are on and on. I really thank you, manager.”

      “Drop it, lady. He’s one good dedicated employee. We are lucky to have such good worker like Junsu.” Jaejoong moves as his rolling chair spins a bit.

      “He told me you allowed him staying in the store basement before he moved in to his flat.”

      “He insisted. I told him to find a flat but he’s just stubborn.” Jaejoong sighs. “Does he have some illness we don’t know? He refused to be taken to hospital often and he has nosebleed like.. many of the times.”

Ji hyo’s expression turns stiff.

      “Nose bleed? Oh.. It must be from the accident.”


      “Middle school, first year. He got hard hit on his head and stomach. If he’s too tired or too.. Let’s say too hard trying to do something, he gets nosebleed.”




Junsu sighs for the fifth time. He is in his umpth attempt to talk to Changmin about Yunho. The tall student is busying himself with four thick books spread open in front of him, head buries down in furious scratching, writing and erasing. His lips are set in funny curve showing how deep serious the boy is. How is the smoothest way telling Changmin not to do physical contact openly? What if Changmin takes it wrongly? Yunho is right. Junsu is in charge here. He must be able to draw the rules to be obeyed by the student doing his school’s work right now.

Junsu puffs his cheeks in lost and stands up. He decides to take a small walk around the building. He reaches his old long coat (it’s cold outside, too cold sometimes) and puts it on before heading to the door of their flat.

      “Where are you going?” Changmin’s head is up and his eyes are sharp meeting Junsu’s startled unprepared caught up movement.

      “Air.” Junsu says the first thing popped in his mind. “Just some minutes.”

      “It’s heavy cold outside.” The sharp eyes object.

      “I’m stronger than the weather, hero.” Junsu twists the door knob. “I’ll be back before dinner.”

Changmin grimaces, strongly disagrees with the thin man wearing the old long coat leaving their flat for a lame excuse. People like them wouldn’t leave flat or any place they call as home in this cold weather. They don’t have heater. The best thing to keep themselves warm is staying indoors yet Junsu throws the very unconvincing reason to leave the comfort of their small flat.


      “Just be honest with yourself, dolph.” Ji hyo grunts as she pushes Junsu on to chair. “Why are you fighting a lost war?”

      “I’m being honest here, Mongji.” Junsu slumps on the provided chair. “Just today a social officer came to see me at work and told me many things. He’s right.”

      “I’m sleepy.” Ji hyo yawns. “If it’s about your self-denial or about your bull cover you call as conscience, leave!”


      “Five minutes. I’m really sleepy.” Ji hyo glares. “Cut it short and tell Changmin how you feel. It’s done and everyone is safe from headache.”

      “It’s not Changmin.”

      “Uh huh?” Ji hyo eyes the thin relative. She smirks in purpose. “The manager? I think he treats you too nice for a store assistant.”

      “Jaejoong treats everyone very kind and nice.”

      “Three minutes.”

      “It’s.. I don’t know how to tell that kid..

      “Changmin? Where’s my bed again?” Ji hyo rolls her eyes impatiently.

      “Not to do anything physical in public.” Junsu goes on with a defeated note. His shoulders turn low and his eyes closed.

      “Physical? Like hugging? What’s wrong with it? He just says what he feels. He’s braver than you, dolph. Haha.”

      “I’m thinking of-

      “I told you to just cut it and confess. Why makes it so complicated? He’s nineteen and he loves you. What else do you need to see? He begs on his knees?”

      “You know why I can’t do it.” junsu mutters low, eyes still closed and shoulders lean low on the chair board.

      “Junho was a past nightmare, Junsu. He is not. Changmin nearly slit my throat with his bare hand when I went to your flat yesterday, remember?”

      “Junho is my twin.” Junsu’s voice steps lower.

      “Was your possessive twin. He’s smart, cunning and manipulative. We both knew that.”


      “Okay. I’ll go back sleeping. You know where the door is.” Ji hyo rises from her spot and walks to the bed. She lets Junsu sits slumped on the chair and leaves the troubled man alone. Junsu needs to move on; she shakes her head over and over before diving on to her bed. It’s been too long from the accident and that poor man still holds the nightmare of Junho’s death up till now. She has a flight back tomorrow. Maybe she could talk to Changmin about it. He’s might be just nineteen but he does better than those people breaking Junsu’s self wall in. Junho was a great twin when she met those brothers first. He aced in many fields, well mannered and sweet. For a fifth grader, Junho was brilliantly attention capturer since minute one. He knew how cute and how innocent looking he was. Everyone loved Junsu’s twin better than Junsu. Ji hyo was fallen for Junho’s charm like everyone else until one evening, when her family paid a sudden unannounced visit to the Kim, she knew the hidden truth behind the well sweet cover.

Junho was a possessive twin. He wanted everyone to leave junsu alone because Junsu was his and only allowed to be his. She accidentally heard and saw how Junho threatened Junsu not to play any of their toys cruelly. He snatched a robot toy from Junsu and crashed it hard on the wall.

      “You can only play with my permission, Susu.” She heard Junho laughed low. “all the gifts we get were given to me, not you.”

She heard junsu talked back to Junho and a harsh slap sound followed soon. She was about to make herself seen by the twin but Mrs. Kim had come sooner and saw the shattered robot play. As good as she could bring herself to do things right (she’s barely fifteen at that time) Mrs. Kim refused her short explanation that it wasn’t Junsu who broke the expensive robot play.

Junsu got detention that night. ji hyo felt bad for him because people didn’t believe his words. People believed in Junho’s version more than Junsu. The mark of Junho’s fingers on Junsu’s cheek wasn’t enough proof for them that Junho had manipulated everyone to get to his side than Junsu.

Again, she witnessed something unexpected.

Since Junsu was grounded and punished for the broken robot play, the boy was told to do the dishes and clean up after merry dinner enjoyed by everyone. Ji hyo and her mom were offered to spend the night in the kim’s residence due to hard rain. They agreed. It was after midnight when Ji hyo felt thirsty. She wanted to wake her mom up to accompany her going to kitchen. Well, her mom wasn’t in the room. She walked alone in the dim light of night set lamps in the house, getting to kitchen. She didn’t remember well where the kitchen was. She was sleepy and oddly thirsty. She reached kitchen, drank the needed water and went back to guest room.

She passed the twin’s room and peeked at the slightly opened door.

Junsu was asleep, too tired after doing the washing and cleaning.

Junho was sitting on Junsu’s bed, his upper body bent close to Junsu’s face, kissing the boy on the slapped cheek.

      “You are mine and only mine, susu.” She heard the low snarl. “Only for my eyes.”

She saw and heard Junsu’s movement pushing the twin away and yelled at the other boy.

She didn’t tell what she saw to her mother. Junho eyed her wide the following morning, warning.


Changmin glances at the clock in rage. It’s past ten pm and Junsu is not home yet. Where does that thin man go? Changmin has walked around their block after one hour of Junsu’s leaving and the man hasn’t returned. He found no Junsu. He asked to the nearby food stalls in case Junsu dropped in, none said they saw Junsu. He walked back because it’s getting too cold outside with gritted teeth. He should have asked before, Changmin regrets his own play. He knows Junsu is bothered with something when the thin person came home early today. He should just shoot questions to Junsu but he didn’t. He chose to play dumb and did his homework instead of asking the owner of the tadpole eyes. He called the store, No, junsu is not there. Hyukjae’s house is too far for a walk and he doesn’t have Hyukjae’s number either.

Changmin slams the blanket on the bed when he hears the sound of opened door. He jumps out from his bed and runs to see. Yes. It’s Junsu. Coming back home just some minutes away before midnight.

      “You said you’d be back before dinner.” He shouts in anger at the pale face taking the long old coat off of the body.

      “I fell asleep.” Junsu answers calmly. “You had dinner, hadn’t you?”


      “Where what?” Junsu walks slowly to the kitchen, getting some drink.

      “Where did you fall asleep that long? Park’s bench?”

      “Silly.” Junsu ignores the high demanding tone. He checks the shelves and finds the untouched chicken porridge. Cooked but not eaten. Changmin hasn’t had dinner. “I told you not to waste food.”

      “Where did you go?” Changmin follows Junsu’s feet. His tone becomes firmer.

      “To Ji hyo’s hotel. She will depart tomorrow afternoon.”


      “You slept there???” changmin’s furious tone is obvious and boiling.

Junsu turns his face, looking Changmin straight in the eye.

      “Yes. I slept there. Why?”

Changmin bites his lips. Hard.


      “Why? She didn’t mind.” Junsu dares the sharp eyes.

No responds. Junsu senses the thick ice suddenly springs circling them. No, it’s not related to the cold weather.

      “You slept with her?” Changmin’s low voice is somehow more chilling and frightening than his loud shouts.

      “It’s her hotel room.” Junsu shrugs. “She made dinner too.”

Changmin does his best not to strangle Junsu. All his cells are screaming in red fire, demanding to be allowed crushing something. Crushing Junsu. Crushing their flat. Crushing everything.

      “Oh.. I met Yunho today.” Junsu moves passing Changmin. “He said you’re great with the festival.” He walks further from the enraged boy. “You know, he’s really caring and concern about you, Min.”

Changmin stands still, too wounded and hurt.

      “And don’t hug me anymore.” Junsu makes sure his voice is heard well by the tall boy. “I don’t like it.” Junsu enters his room and closes the door.

Changmin wants to.. he must shut his exploding being from burned into ashes.


thank you for reading. ^^ have a great weekend, everyone.


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buffy501 #1
can i read this story? i dont have any access
sisca23 #2
Chapter 31: i has finished read this story and i love your story so much made me cried when i thought junsu will die huhu...i love you chili!!!!love your stories your brilliant junsu so much hahaha...
sisca23 #3
finally...i can read this fic xixixixi....thx u so much chili!!!!!!!!
minsu_shipper #4
Bbbbb... After read BnB, i miss Max and Junsu from akashville.. TT,TT

Open water and sand? *grinnnnnnn*
minsu_shipper #5
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
love29 #6
Chapter 31: beautiful story..
i cant describe how i feel right now.. it makes me think for many things..
your writing is so beautiful..
i feel hope in there, ah.. thankyu for sharing this beautiful story^^
love29 #7
Chapter 22: it is nearly past 1am.. and tomorrow i have a midterm test..
here, i still cant get over of this story..
Gonna continue and reread it next time^^
It is really a great story..
minsu_shipper #9
Oh my goshhhh... My BnBBBBBBB!!!!!!!! *tackle glomp huggle*