As the days pass by, Kyungsoo and Minji got to know more about each other. The teasings never stop it only got worse, to the point that they just ride with the teasings and ignore it.
"DODYO!" Baekhyun called out as he saw Kyungsoo sitting under the tree at the park inside the campus.
Kyungsoo tried his very best to ignore him, but Baekhyun and Chanyeol were already heading towards his direction.
"Go away!" Kyungsoo uttered in a plain voice burying himself with his composition.
"Yah! Is that how you treat your friends?" Chanyeol stated hitting Kyungsoo's right arm
Kyungsoo then closed his notebook and tried to humor them, since there is no way to ignore the two with their loud voice.
"What is it?" Kyungsoo asked as he crossed his arms over his chest
"What are you and Minji?" Baekhyun asked all of a sudden, Kyungsoo was wide eyed... he remained silent, not making eye contact with either one of them.
"Yah! I asked you a question! What is Minji to you?" Baekhyun asked again.
"She's... she's someone special... I guess?" Kyungsoo replied
"You guess?!" Baekhyun shouted aloud, "What the freaking is that?! Is that considered an answer?!" he got angry at Kyungsoo, because he already knows what Minji feels about Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo here guesses that she is SPECIAL to him, that's all?!
"Why are you angry?" Kyungsoo was also agitated with how Baekhyun reacted towards his answer
"Aish! It's either you like her or not! That's it! DO YOU LIKE MINJI OR NOT?" Baekhyun shouted aloud.
Kyungsoo was shocked with the question, he knew deep down that he likes her and it goes beyond admiration, he cares for her... he doesn't want to see her hurt, he wants to take care of her...
"Not like...I don't like Minji..." Kyungsoo shook his head in disagreement
Just that moment Minji passed by, meaning to greet the trio, hearing only the first part of what Kyungsoo said... Minji stopped in her tracks, hearing those harsh words confused her and hurt her that was enough for Minji to feel pain in her chest as she ran away and tried to wipe away the tears starting to fall.
"Not like... I don't like Minji... I think it's not like... I think I love her... but I don't know how to tell her... how to show her... yes, at first it was admiration for her talent, which led to liking her, since I get to see her almost everyday during practice, I got to know more about her, and every moment I spent with her feels like it is not enough because I keep wanting more, I become selfish when it comes to her... I want her attention all to myself... I want to continue holding her hands. I want to listen to her sing, I want to watch her dance... I want to see her so bad, that everyday I wake up every morning just feeling happy that I can see her again... seeing her happy is enough to make me happy..." Kyungsoo said seriously looking at nothing in particular...
"You fell hard huh?" Chanyeol stated patting Kyungsoo's back, Kyungsoo nodded and bowed his head
"Yeah, I guess... I know I don't say much... I'm a bit shy... compared to her I am still lacking... even though she's younger than me, she is talented... and I feel like I don't deserve standing next to her... even our final piece... I can't seem to decide what to perform with her, because nothing is right... nothing matches how perfect she is." Kyungsoo stated, then they heard the bell ring. 
"Time to go to practice!" Chanyeol stated as he stood up then helped Kyungsoo stand by grabbing his arm as the three of them headed for the practice room.
"DODYO, let's meet your princess, shall we?!" Baekhyun smiled as they walked hand in hand towards the building.
Kyungsoo went ahead to the practice room while Chanyeol and Baekhyun stayed back,
"Did you get it? All of it?" Baekhyun asked looking at what Chanyeol was holding
"Every word of it... from start to finish!" Chanyeol jumped for joy while hi-fiving Baekhyun.
when they reached the practice room, everyone was there, but all of them were in one corner of the room, while Minji was at the center, seems like she was dancing but with a lot of anger.
"What's happening?" Kyungsoo asked going straight for Kai, Kai shrugged, he then shifted his attenion to Sehun, Sehun just mouthed the word 'I DON'T KNOW', he then looked at Suho for answers.
"Seems like she's in a bad mood, I guess?" Suho answered plainly, as they watched her do some crumping and some moves that shows how angry she was.
Minji looked at the mirror and saw Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun enter the studio. She ignored them and tried to vent off her pent up feelings through her dance.
After the song finished, she was so tired, she was breathing very hard, she saw Kyungsoo walking towards her, it seems he was bringing her some water.
"It seems you worked yourself hard!" Kyungsoo stated while handing Minji a bottle of water, she took the bottle and nodded.
"What happened with our princess?" Baekhyun whispered to Kai
"I don't know... she just stormed right in then piped in some loud music then she started dancing like that" Kai replied still afraid to come closer to the little one.
Everyone can see that Minji was sending dagger stares towards Kyungsoo who was clueless as to what was happening.
"What made her angry?" Suho wondered.
"Yah... Minji... come here for a sec!" Sehun called out thugly dropping any formality whatsoever... cause that's how he is!
Minji smirked and walked towards Sehun.
"What's the problem?" Sehun whispered in Minji's ear
Minji, feeling frustrated, she wanted to vent out her feelings so she then took Sehun out of the practice room and told him about what she heard, little did she know that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were trailing them and eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Oh ho ho ho... that's the reason then?" Chanyeol stated in his deep voice, appearing behind the two
"Princess... you are very wrong!" Baekhyun said while shaking his head, with his arms crossed over his chest.
Chanyeol then took out his mobile phone and pressed the play button.
Throughout the whole video Minji was staring hard at the screen, trying to take in what she was hearing and watching. After that, Minji came back to the studio and went straight for Kyunsoo... Suho was shocked seeing Minji angry like that, while Kyungsoo just stared back at her clueless as to what was happening.
Minji looked at Kyungsoo and stared him down... then she stomped her right foot forward and grabbed her bag and went running out the door.
"Huh? What the? What's her problem?" Kyungsoo uttered pointing towards the door where Minji exited.
"You!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol chorused pointing at the little lost one.
Since their practice started a bit awkward they decided to just call it a day and go home. Kyungsoo on the other hand was at a loss as to what was wrong with Minji, he tried to message her but she's not replying... even when he attempted to call her she was not picking up. He wasted no time and decided to just go to her house and talk to her. 
On his way to her house, the rain started to pour down so hard that he was soaked from head to foot, but still that didn't stop him from going to her house.
He knocked on the door and pressed the doorbell... Mrs. Gong was still at the office doing some overtime, so Minji was the one who opened the door.
When she opened the door, she saw a drenched Kyungsoo trying to catch his breath on their porch.
"Ann...yeong!" Kyungsoo greeted while resting his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath
"What are you doing here?" Minji asked in surprise as she ran inside and got some towel for Kyungsoo to dry himself
"You weren't answering any of my messages or even my calls... why? During practice you were in a foul mood... and what was that earlier... and then you stormed outside the practice room without a word... I was worried... what's wrong!?" Kyungsoo asked while drying his hair and trying to dry himself but failing in the process as he was really soaked to the skin!
Minji bowed her head... biting her lip... she was deciding whether or not to tell him the truth or not.
"Oppa... what are we?" Minji uttered with her head bowed down
"We are people... Minji... people..." Kyungsoo replied seriously looking at Minji's head
Then a moment of utter silence...
"Omo! Kyungsoo-ah.... you are wet! Come inside and dry yourself!" Mrs. Gong stated 
"Um... ani... Mrs. Gong... I have to go..." Kyungsoo bowed and ran away.
"Minkki what's wrong with Kyungsoo?" Mrs. Gong wondered as they went inside, with Minji still holding onto the wet towel used by Kyungsoo
"People! That's what's wrong with him... People! What kind of an answer is that?! Molla! Molla!
We are people! AISH!" Minji shouted then sulked in her room.
I chickened out... I know how I feel for you but the moment I saw you... I couldn't say a word... I tried to catch my breath from running... but when I thought I was ready to speak, I saw you... I saw you staring at me... with those of eyes yours speaking to me... pleading to understand me...
I don't know why I hesitated, I was ready to tell everyone how I feel about you... heck, I think I already told the guys... but, the person that needed to hear it the most...you... you don't know...
Tomorrow, I'll gather the courage to face you and tell you how I really feel... tomorrow...
The following morning... guess who caught a fever because of running in the rain... yes... Kyungsoo was sick... he was spiking a fever and was throwing sneezes as much as he was throwing tissues on the floor.
Chanyeol visited him to check up on him, since he didn't show up for their morning class. He saw a blanket-ball... Kyungsoo wrapped in a huge comforter like a ball, with only his head sticking out of it.
"You look awful!" Chanyeol greeted
"Hello to you too!" Kyungsoo grumbled
Chanyeol stepped inside and saw the sea of tissues lying around Kyungsoo's bed.
"Did you have a tissue fight in here?" Chanyeol joked as he tried to use a broom to clean up half the mess
"Molla!" Kyungsoo uttered as he then put the blanket over his head.
"Have you eaten something? Have you taken any medicines?" Chanyeol asked as he went near Kyungsoo's bed
You see, here's the thing with Kyungsoo... he is independent and he can take care of his ownself... but when he is sick... he is demanding, he is childish and he is hard headed... like a spoiled brat... it's a complete 180 degree turn  of his personality.
"I don't want to move... my whole body is aching... I want to sleep... go away!" Kyungsoo uttered with his face buried under the pillows
"Wait till I tell Minji!" Chanyeol stated as he ran out the door not giving Kyungsoo a chance to stop him.
Chanyeol told Minji that Kyungsoo was sick and was refusing to eat nor take any medications. Even though Minji was still fuming with frustration from Kyungsoo's answer last night, she couldn't help but worry for that wide eyed, hard headed boy!
She skipped her afternoon classes to go buy some medicine and some soup for the childish patient cooped up in his dorm room.
She knocked on the door, heart beating fast... it was her first time going inside his dorm room... it was going to be the first time she was going to see Kyungsoo's private space.
"Go away Chanyeol!" she heard Kyungsoo shout as she heard a pillow hit the door
"Kyungsoo-ah... it's Minji!"
She can hear rustling sounds and someone tripping and cursing and more rustling, then click... the door opened. What welcomed her was Kyungsoo wrapped in a thick blanket with only his head sticking out.
"Mind if I come in?" Minji smiled showing Kyungsoo a bag full of treats
Kyungsoo opened the door wide to let her in then closed it as he headed straight back to his bed and curled into a ball like a baby.
"I heard from Chanyeol you were sick... and you refuse to eat and take any medicines... why is that?" Minji asked as she sat beside Kyungsoo's bed
"Because they all taste bitter... I don't like it!" Kyungsoo pouted hiding half of his face under the blanket.
"Stop being a baby and eat something... how will you get better if you don't eat! If you don't eat you can not take your medicine, if you don't take your medicine you won't get better... if you don't get better... then I am doomed for my final exams... if I fail, my mom will be sad my dreams shattered and I will have you to blame for it!" Minji uttered knowing how nonsense it sounded
"We are people Minji-ah... People....aslkygapygajgasutd.... mumble....;oasiug98wiugus....blah blah blah... TO LOVE YOU!" Kyungsoo uttered out of the blue
"There you go again with your WE ARE PEOPLE speech...wait! What? What did you say!?"
Minji almost shouted. 
Kyungsoo hid his whole head under the blankets.
"I said I love you!" Kyungsoo spoke under the sheets sounding a bit muffled.
"You love me?" Minji was shocked... but at the same time happy... but then she was a bit frustrated... because what kind of a confession was that?!
"Ung!" Kyungsoo nodded as he emerged from the blanket
"What kind of a confession is that?! Starting with we are people.... people... you are one heck of a wreck Kyungsoo-ah!" Minji began and was about to throw Kyungsoo something hard but then Kyungsoo interrupted her rants
"We are people Minji-ah... people... with hearts that beat to keep us alive... you are the life and death of me... because when I see you, you bring color to my world... when I see you, you take my breath away... and I like you enough to love you, crappy but true!" Kyungsoo stated with a clear voice
"Crappy, yes!!! Am I to believe that, that crappy line is your confession?" Minji said trying very hard to control the feeling of giddiness trying to burst out of her.
"The place and timing is not important, just the heart that says... Can I be your boyfriend?" Kyungsoo said looking straight into Minji's eyes
"I like the other confession..." Minji uttered looking back at Kyungsoo, "that would have earned an immediate yes for me... but today's confession... blah!" she added as she stood up and headed straight for the mini kitchen to prepare the soup for Kyungsoo to eat
"What other confession? Did anyone else confess to you?" Kyungsoo tried to go after Minji but he tripped on the pool of blanket lying on the floor, "Ouch! What confession? Yesterday? Who? Kai? Sehun? Who?" he continued to follow Minji around the sink and around the table 
"I'll answer your question after you eat!" Minji uttered pointing to the chair in front of her, asking for him to take a seat and eat.
"But, it will taste bitter... blech!" Kyungsoo stuck his tongue out
"Yah! when I was sick and you cooked some soup, did I complain... it also tasted bitter but still I ate it! You! Sit down and eat!" Minji orderd with her hands on her waist.
"Arasso!" Kyungsoo sat down and began to eat.
Silence was in between them, Kyungsoo then asked Minji to grab for him some of his score sheets, as Minji was reaching the top of his bookshelf another book fell together with his score sheets, Minji was about to put it back when she saw her name...
Hi!    Hello!  You prob... You're probably wondering why am I writing you a letter
Hello! Today... you made my heart beat again...
I was hesitant to sing in front of you. We were not prepared. We haven't practiced yet... I wanted to show you a perfect stage.
And yet you gave me so much praise, you gave me courage and confidence to perform well.
I can't wait for OUR day to stand on the same stage and perform, together, with you.
Sometimes it makes me think if you feel the same way too...do you like me too?
I know it's not that obvious... but I LIKE YOU...
Feeling your hand against mine was the most right thing I have felt. Are these feelings I have the same with yours?
I want to take care of you... is it alright to say this? I've seen you tiring yourself, it worries me so much that you push yourself too much!
Please get well soon!
I chickened out... I know how I feel for you but the moment I saw you... I couldn't say a word... I tried to catch my breath from running... but when I thought I was ready to speak, I saw you... I saw you staring at me... with those of eyes yours speaking to me... pleading to understand me...
I don't know why I hesitated, I was ready to tell everyone how I feel about you... heck, I think I already told the guys... but, the person that needed to hear it the most...you... you don't know...
Tomorrow, I'll gather the courage to face you and tell you how I really feel... tomorrow...
She blushed seeing them, she hurriedly grabbed the score sheets and tuck the pieces of paper back to the book and decided to deal with that later. She handed Kyungsoo the score sheets as she ordered him to finish his food.
She then sat at the sofa near the bookshelf where she found the letters and wrote something on it.
so I decided to divide the ending to two... so there will be a part 5
let me know what you think... okay...
spazz... OoO
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thanks <3
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01062014 i am done with my xoxo-short stories waaaaahhhhhh it has been a long journey... do look forward to 2ne1-short stories...


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lovemedd #1
Chapter 84: Welcome back!
Chapter 63: you really like mermaid stories.
taodara is such a rare pairing.
it's like a ing miracle finding
one even half as good as yours.
thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 59: wahhhh! i love black pearl!! love d.o, dara and tao together!! xd
Chapter 7: Wolf with wings is so funny haahaha DO KYUNGSOO.
golddennangela #5
Chapter 34: Author-nim I want a kris and dara moment please...
Chapter 46: Bomkai is so cute, can't stop smiling read this one =)
Chapter 26: Suho x Bom? not bad ^^ Sounds very cute =)
Chapter 45: omo omo!!~~I love this!!~BomKai!!~~♡♡♡
Biszkopcik123 #9
Chapter 83: Please if you can do a fanfic about Chaerin and Xiumin I can't find it enywhere. pretty please! >.<