At the Dancing Studio..

Working with my Celebrity Idols

Because you have free time you texted Anne...



Anne are free today?? ^^



Yes..Why??wanna meet? :))



YES!! can we meet at our favorite park?



Sure! see ya there~~ :D


You waited for Anne at the bench while thinking about the pranks that you both did back when you we're college...

Like when there is a play at your school, you became the make-up artist for the characters then the bratty girl in your school have the lead role. Since you're the make-up artist, 

you have the right to decide the make-up of the characters. So you and Anne planned to play with her face. And guess what? You put a clown make-up on her and run away so you'll

not be scolded by that bratty girl. You're lucky 'cause she didn't peek at the mirror. But she knew it when the audiences laugh at her. Well after that, she tortured your ears by her screams but 

you didn't mind it since the laughter from the crowd was enjoying.

While thinking about those things someone tapped your shoulder then you go back to your senses. When you look it was Anne..

"So, what do you want to do??" she asked. "SHOPPING!!!" you beamed.

"SURE! I would like that!!" she replied while jumping excitedly. "Let's Go!" you replied then grab her hand to the mall.

You and Anne go to the clothes shop and bought these items..


tumblr_lc2w8k0A8X1qbu1tso1_500.jpg20110603_dancingwiththestars_32.jpg images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKchtcOz0CpogpZ97pnAi


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZr5TvO1LjEKhiob4GXTX  tumblr_l4wf09EV0V1qb7eyso1_400.jpg


girl,innocent,pretty,smile,ulzzang-34f0d   <== She wear it after you bought it. She also looks like this. ^^


After going shopping your cellphone suddenly rang, When you look at it you saw that it was Doojoon. "Annyeonghaseyo Doojoon"you said.

"Annyeonghaseyo _______-ah!" he replied. "Why did you call? Is there something you need?" you exclaimed.

"Just come here....please~~"he begged and you think he meant it. "okay fine, but my bestfriend is with me, can I bring her there?"You replied. "Sure!" he said.

"Okay...We will already go there.. Bye!"."Bye~!" he replied.

"Anne, we should go now.." you said. "BWAEYO?! Me too?!" Anne shouted while pointing herself. "Doojoon already-" you're talking but Anne interrupted you.

"You....mean...Doojoon... called....YOU?! I-If I go... with.. you.. i can m-meet B2ST especially Dongwoon(Dongwoon is the bias of Anne)?!" She said excitedly.

"N-Ne..." You replied. "WWWAAAHHH!! then let's go~~!!"Anne shouted then grab towards the bus stop.

At Cube Entertainment Dance Studio....

Yoseob go to a corner and thought about things...

Yoseob's POV

Wooohooo!! this is my chance to make my move~~!! I wish I will win this bet... I should think about the things that I should do when they come... 

"They are here~~!!" I heard Doojoon hyung shouted. I saw ________-ah with a beautiful girl...Omo! why is my heart beating so fast like this?!

Is this what they called 'first love at sight?!' I wanna know things about this girl....

End of Yoseob's POV

Your POV

Me and Anne go to Cube Ent. building excitedly...It's her first time to meet them super close!! I should Introduce her to them..

As I opened the door Doojoon greet us. "They are here~~!!" I heard him shouted.

When both me and Anne got inside everyone gathered except for Dongwoon who's still reading a book then I saw Anne become shy..

I introduced Anne to the B2ST members one-by-one..."Annyeonghaseyo I'm Doojoon" they bowed to each other.

"Junhyung Here!" Junhyung smiled..bubumbubum.... Why do I feel like this?! 

"Hi Anne I'm Gikwang!" he shook her hand cutely...bubmbubumbubum...AGAIN?! What's happening on me!! 

"I'm Hyunseung" Hyunseung said then wink.."H-Hi I'm Y-Yoseob...." Yo seob said with his head down..WAIT did he just stuttered?!

Ahhhhhheeee~~!! I smell something fishy~!! (Not litterally! ok?)

"Come on Dongwoon! Introduce yourself!..."I shouted.

"I'm Dongwoon..."Dongwoon said then go back reading his book. Then I look at Anne, Her eyes are sparkling and she's blushing..SERIOUSLY what does she like

about that bookworm?!...

End of Your POV

"Come on take a seat..." Doojoon said while grabbing 2 chairs for you and Anne 'cause you both wear dress..

"Hyung! I ordered pizza!" Junhyung said. "Hyung! I also ordered chicken!!" Gikwang said.

"Okay.. then let's eat both!!" Doojoon said. "Pizza here!" Hyunseung said.."Chicken is also here!!" Dongwoon said.

"________-ah what do you want to eat?!"Doojoon asked. Junhyung and Gikwang look at each other.

"Uuuummm... I want both!!"You said while grabbing a piece of pizza and a chicken.

You and Anne talked to the B2ST members and became alittle bit close..

"What time is it?" you ask Anne "it's already 5:00 PM" she replied. "i think we spend so much time here.. we should already go home.."You told Anne.

"I think too.."she replied.. 'WE should already go home...Thanks for thw good time~!!" you told them then you and Anne stand-up.

"Oh..okay.." doojoon said while lowering his head. " We can go back next time.. if we and you are free.."you said so they will not be sad.

"I will wait for that!!" Doojoon replied. then suddenly Anne elbowed you. "Can I take a picture of them to be a remembrance?"she said to you

while whispering. "I'll tell them" you replied. "Thanks.."

"Anne told me If she can take a photo of you to be a remembrance?... if it's okay with you?"you told them.

"It's okay."' they replied. Anne take a picture of them...

b2stt.jpg (that's my previous background, right? hehe.. ^^)

"Thank you" you and Anne said.. "You're welcome..Go back next time!!"They replied.

Then after that you and Anne leave...

"Thanks for the experience________-ah!"Anne said while hugging you.

"You're welcome!!"you said while hugging her back..

Youa nd Anne go to your own home paths..

"Bye _____-ah!!"

Bye Anne~~!!" you replied


How's the chappie???!! Please Suscribe and comment~~!! ^^

I would love to see your comments!!:DD


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b2strockz #1
Chapter 37: Update soon
AngelFish8386 #2
Chapter 35: Awww, how sweet Junhyung ^.^

Update again soon!
jasarana16 #3
OMO~ Junhyung is fallin'
jasarana16 #5
@joanna_MAgic: Hehehe~ There will me MOOOOOOORE scenes like those~ ;)
@Kpoplover_621 and @inspiritalways: UPDATED! ^^
@Nicolekpop: Hehehe. I LOVE YOU TOOO! :** ^^
Nicolekpop #6
I LOVE YOU ! Hehe :) and please update
MavisJae #7
Update soon!
Kpoplover_621 #8
Plz update soon!!!!!
KKKKYYYYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHH~~~~!!! Junhyung you naughty naughty! xD And Gikwang, you're swwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt~