The Day of Graduation

Working with my Celebrity Idols

You wake up at 5:30 am and immediately feel excited..Today is finally the day!

That was pretty strange cause you are definitely NOT a morning person. For the past four years you've been branded as Miss Almost Late by your batchmates. Probably because you don't get out of bed until you've only got like 10 minutes before your official time. So what's going on, really?

Well, today is just the College Graduation Day that you've been waiting for for 4 years. After this you're gonna be working on your dream job: a make-up artist.

Why a make-up artist, you say? Well, I don't know! You chose that in the first place! Nah, kidding...

Eversince your childhood, you've always wanted to be a make-up artist. There was just something about making something beautiful that makes your heart flutter with delight. You remember feeling like a fairy godmother or an enchantress transforming something so ordinary into something so breathtakingly beautiful everytime you practice with your mom's make-up. It's not that you beautify things that are ugly. For you it is more like uncovering the real beauty inside a person through the colors of make-up.

It was during your highschool years that you started to be serious about your dream. You started to research from every source available: books, magazines, pamplets, the internet... anything that you you thought could be useful. You applied what you learned on your classmates, voluntering to be the make-up artist whenever there is a play.  

After highschool there was one course on your mind: Cosmetology. It was the yellow brick road to your life-long dream. 

You get your best dress from your drawer and prepare yourself for the big day ahead of you.

"Honey!", you hear your mom call you from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Okay umma! Just a few more minutes!", you tell her. You get your towel and take a bath, singing B2ST's Shock while on it.

Everyday I shock, Shock!

Everynight I shock, Shock!

After you take a bath, you put on your dress and fix your hair. 

"Today is my graduation day", you say as you talk to your B2ST poster (picture: . Those boys have been one of your greatest inspirations eversince you've heard of them.

"Honey, come and eat your breakfast! You don't wanna be late!"

You snap out of your reverie (these scenes are getting too often...kekeke..) and immediately go down.

You get a piece of of toast, gulp down one glass of orange juice, brush your teeth, and now you're all set!

"I'm ready umma!"

"Ok, let's go!"  


 At school..

A few minutes later, you meet your best friend Anne.

"Hi, Anne!"

"Hi, ~~~~~!"

"OMG, I'm so excited!"

"Yeah, me too! I can't believe we're already graduating."

"You said it. I still feel like a freshman."

" Yeah, and you still act like one!"

"Hey!" you exclaimed, but before you can get back at her, a voice over the megaphone announced to all Seniors to arrange themselves.

"Tsk, aww man.."

"I'll see ya later, baby face!" your friend told you after giving you a playful punch on the arm.


The ceremony was looooong ang booooriiiiiiing... You were tempted many times to just close your eyes and... well... sleep. It was when you had finally decided to give in that you heard that most awaited phrase that signals the finish line...

Congratulations to all graduates and Godspeed!. *all students clap their hands*                                                                           

"YEAH!!!" you shouted out of excitement (and relief, haha).

"You!" someone called you. You turn your head to see your bestfriend Anne.


You guys hug each other but manage to hold back your tears. Anne was going to the city first thing tommorrow and there was a slim chance of you two meeting again.

"Hey, goodluck... and thanks!"

"You too Anne.."

"I-I hope we can see each other again.." she was choking on her words now.

"Come on! We're best friends! Of course we'll still see each other!" you say, catching her in another bear hug. You smiled to comfort your bestest friend in the world, but deep inside you were hurting to see her go.

After more tears and sad goodbyes, the two of you separate ways. 

You and your umma go home to celebrate your graduation with the entire family. You were still a bit down after that bitter scene but you forced your spirits up for the sake of your family.

After the celebration...

"So tired", you say to yourself and plunk yourself on your bed. It was a roller coaster day for you... 



Hope you enjoy my 1st chapter!, sorry for it's shortness.. :( 

    please leave your comment... ^^

*edit: the story has improved! thanks for the help of my sister sampaguita13!!! 

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b2strockz #1
Chapter 37: Update soon
AngelFish8386 #2
Chapter 35: Awww, how sweet Junhyung ^.^

Update again soon!
jasarana16 #3
OMO~ Junhyung is fallin'
jasarana16 #5
@joanna_MAgic: Hehehe~ There will me MOOOOOOORE scenes like those~ ;)
@Kpoplover_621 and @inspiritalways: UPDATED! ^^
@Nicolekpop: Hehehe. I LOVE YOU TOOO! :** ^^
Nicolekpop #6
I LOVE YOU ! Hehe :) and please update
MavisJae #7
Update soon!
Kpoplover_621 #8
Plz update soon!!!!!
KKKKYYYYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHH~~~~!!! Junhyung you naughty naughty! xD And Gikwang, you're swwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt~