Does it scared you?

This Is Me

The next night...


Subin and Sehun went to a funfair near the town and sometimes they thought,'Is this a date?'.While she was telling him about what she dreamt last night,his gaze was focusing on something not at her.She stopped her step making he snapped from his thought.

"Why did you stopped?",he asked while staring at her mad face.

"You don't even heard me",she stated the truth making him speechless.

"You said that you wanted the lollipop,right?",he sheepishly grinned hoping that her anger will calmed down.

"NO",she refused it and glared him.

"Okay,wait here.I'll buy you one",he gulped as he started to walk away from her.Her eyes widened as she saw him living her in the middle of crowdedness.She sighed and hugged herself tightly not moving any inch even people were pushing her.

One minute later,he came from the crowd with a sheepish smile and handed her a huge lollipop as he apologised.Her jaw dropped by his gentleman action.He chuckled at her cute reaction and held her chin up closing .Her cheeks automatically changed to light pink.

He pulled his hand back as she blinked a few times checking if she was dreaming.She touched her cheeks and felt her cheeks were burning,'Oh my god'.

"Won't you eat the lollipop?",he asked as he his lollipop.

"Huh?Ah,yes.Yes",she opened the wrapper and put the lollipop in .

"Hey,isn't that haunted house?",he excitedly asked while pointing at a haunted house.She turned and frowned at the haunted house,'Don't tell that he want to go there'.

"Yes,why?",she asked with a poker face.

"Let's go there",he said as he jumpped excitedly.'Oh-huh.We're not going there',she said as he blinked his eyes a few times.'Subin,stay cool and chill.Don't ruin your image in front of any guy.Show them that you are stronger',her mind started to advised herself as she took a deep breathe.

"O--Okay then",she gulped as she put her nose high and walked forward leaving him jaw-dropped behind.'She doesn't afraid?',he thought.



In the haunted house..


As they entered the haunted house,the scared-feeling started to creep onto them.She do not feel scared actually,she just afraid of shock because she know that she easily get a heart attack and might die.They steps slowly moved as she started to cling on his arm.'She scared?',he thought taking a glance of her and slowly pulled her close keeping her safe.

They started to hear the scary laughter along the way out.'Oh my goodness..I don't want to die because of shock',she gasped as her eyes travelling around the dark hall.They kept walking and suddenly a doll head fell right in front of them from the ceiling making they stopped besides screaming.The mini heart attack came as she put her hand on her chest.Slowly her grips tighten whether on her shirt or on his arm.He can feel her grips were tighten as it hurted him a bit.

She does not move any inch making him worried and tilted his head down a bit to check if she was okay.What a shock when he saw her eyes were shutted and no gap to peek.He can see how shock she was just by looking at her reaction.She do not even realised that he was staring at her.

Once she felt that she shutted her eyes way too long,she decided to opened it as she felt so quiet.She slowly opened her eyes and shocked when his eyes was right in front of her eyes.

"Oh my goodness!",she gasped as she took a few steps aback and stumbled but he catched her waist.They stared at each other about ten seconds and amazed by others face.

"Let me go",her cold voice came out with changed mood as she pushed him a bit harsh.He stepped aside shocked by her sudden cold action.

"I-I'm sorry",he stuttered and slowly followed her from behind trailing out from the haunted house.


Out of the haunted house..


"Are you okay?",he asked in worry as he held her shoulder making her turned around facing him.Her gaze soften as she saw his worry eyes and her lips slowly rose.Her gaze fell as she remembered how harsh she saw to him just now. opened up as she tried to say something and he realised it.

He bend down as their eyes were in the same level,"Say it".

She inhaled deeply,"I'm--I'm sorry".

He chuckled as he heard her statement,"You're so cute".

"What?",her cold voice came out again.He stopped laughing as he heard her scary yet cold voice and slightly apologised.

Suddenly,her handphone rang.She put her hand all over her body making he stared weirdly at her.She looked at him when she did not find her handphone.

"Your bag",he said as his stare on her bag.

"Oh,yeah!",she remembered as she quickly searched her handhone in her bag.

"Hello",she started the conversation.

"Hey,sweetie.Where are you?",a male voice apeared as she tried remeber the voice.'It's him',she thought as her eyes widened.It was Chunghee.

"What do you want?",her voice raised up.

"Oh,calm down.I'm just asking"

"Okay,fine.What do you want?",her voice soften.

"That's my girl",he praised her.

"Don't change topic.What do you want?"

"Let me guess.You're with Sehun,right?"


"I knew it.Where are you?Why is it so noisy?"

"In the funfair.BYE",she quickly ended the call tired hearing his voice.She held his hand and dragged him out from the funfair.

"Wait!",he yelled and she stopped walking.She turned around and faced him.

"What's wrong?",he asked.

"Let's go home",she stated and continued to walk.They heard steps from the left side and turned.They saw a guy ran toward them.He wore a hoodie and mask.All dark.He snapped her bag.Her eyes widened at the sudden act.

"YAH!",her male yet deep voice came out as she ran after the guy."I am and was an athlete",she gasped when she was about to reach his arm.She reached her arm out and yelled,"STOP!" and the guy stop.

"She seem so professional",Sehun said alone as he watched the act.

The guy turned around and their gaze met.She realised that the guy just gulped showing that he is scared by her glare.She tried to make a fake eyes contact as her right hand slowly reached for her bag.Her right hand snatched her bag as her left hand grabbed his shirt.She wore her bag then walked closer to him.

"DOES IT SCARED YOU?",she whispered to him and let him go.She glared at him and walked away leaving him shock.She walked elegantly toward Sehun and dragged him leaving the place.She did not want to waste her time there because she know every eyes were staring at her shockly.

"What just you whispered to him?",he asked making she stopped and turned facing him.

She raised an eyebrow,"Does it scared you?" and continued to walk.


This year,I'm going to celebrate my birthday in hostel again..My birthday is coming!!24th February,I'm coming.

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for the friend made it for me~ her name is rasyi and i don't think an account for asianfanfics..


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Chapter 25: mwoyah ,? this story is to short .?! author-nim , update more chapter after this please .? *puppy eyes