A gown

This Is Me

After school hour..On the way to Subin's home..


"Well,Sehun..I hope my gown suit with your wants",said Subin while playing with her phone.

"Me too",said Sehun plainly.


When they arrived at Subin's house..


They stood in front of the main door in a silent staring at each other.

"What?",she asked clueless.

"How can I see your gowns if you won't open the door and let me in?",he asked her back while eyes on the door knob.

"Oh,yeah.I forgot",her forgetful personality showed up again.'Oh,that's why I'm here',she thought and raised an eyebrow then put her hands in the pocket searching for the key.Her hand movements just making some noises from the key stealing others' attention.He secretly looked at her by the corner of his eyes while waiting patiently.

"Oh,yes.I found it",she whispered to herself and put the key into the hole roughly.She opened the door and stepped in followed by Sehun.

"Well,your house is small",he said then slightly threw his bag on the sofa.

"What?",she stopped right in front of the stairs and turned around to look at him.

"Yeah,look.It's way too small",he said and put his hands in those pockets on his pants.

She looked around and frowned with his comments before saying,"Well,I'm quite sure you're from a wealthy family".

"I'm not poor like you see but,I'm rich",he said proudly.Then,she  continued walking towards her room followed by Sehun.

Right in front of her room,she stopped and looked by corner of her eyes taking a glance of him making sure that he's with her.She twisted the door knob and opened the door.Well,he was welcomed by a light pink room.He looked around and sat on her bed gently.She stepped in and opened her wardrobe then threw out her gowns on his lap.She closed her wardrobe and turned around waiting for his reaction.

He stood up and brought the first gown then walked closer toward her.She watched him carefully while he lift the gown up beside her.

"No,you're not going to wear this",he said and put the gown on the bed then took another one.He did the same thing to the second gown.

"This one..NO",he said and turned to the window thinking of something.'I knew it!Those gowns will never suit on me in his eyes",she thought while looking at her gowns with pity eyes.Then,his blank eyes lit up.

"Well,just for this time",he mumbled to himself then turned around and stared blankly into her eyes making she felt uncomfortable.

"What is it?",she asked by his words just now.

"Hear,I'm going to say this only once",he said holding her tightly.

"Oh--Okay then,what is it?",she stuttered by his action.

".Don't ask me to say it again"

"Well,okay then",she said raising an eyebrow.

"I--"he stopped his sentence with a heavy sigh making her much more curios then he continued ,"--Well--I--I hate it".

"What?",she asked with her widened eyes.'Is this what he's going to tell me with this kind of situation?Just making me curios!',she thought.

"No,I mean--I will buy you a gown",he said and sighed in relief.'Just this time.My first time and I hope it's my last time',he thought and closed his eyes in disbelieve with what just he say.He really hate buying people stuffs even he has many money.

"Are you sick or what?",she asked in disbelieve.

"No,I'm okay and I'm serious"

"You're gonna be kidding me",she said then he pulled her out from the room then from the house.

She locked the door while asking him,"Well,where do you to buy me the gown?".

"To a boutique.I always saw the boutique.The owner of the boutique is my old friend's mom",he said then they made their way but Sebin stopped them.

"Unnie,give me the key and--Where are you going?",she asked while looking at Sehun.Subin took out the key from her pocket and handed to her.

"We're going to--",she was about to answer her but she was cut by Sehun,"Where is Luhan hyung?".'What?He's gonna be kidding me',she thought and frowned by his question.

"In his house?maybe?",she answered his question unsure.

"Sehun,we're gonna be late.Can we go?",she asked politely.'Are they going to a date or what?',Sebin thought while staring at them weirdly.

"Oh,yeah!Bye,we gotta go",he said and pulled Subin's hand then made their way to the boutique.Right after they passed Sebin,she mumbled alone,"Holding hands?Well,I thought they just friend" and slightly shook her head.




"Well,here we are",he said after running almost half a kilometer while slowly letting her hand go.Actually,a skinship is a normal thing for them. so,they will never care people touch them as long as they know the person.

She took her hairclip and clipped her hair aside.Her eyes widened when she saw how big is the boutique."Is this a boutique or a house--No,bungalow",she mumbled while tying her hair into a messy bun.

She turned around and stared at him who was sitting on the ground,"Yah,ireona.It's dirty".He slowly get up and cleaned his pants with his hands.Then,they entered with a bell rang right after they stepped in.Her eyes automatically lit up when she saw many wedding gowns.She stopped for sudden right in front of him making he slightly bumped into her back.He automatically apologised to her but she gave no response.

"Hey",he poked her shoulder and tilted his head forward.She turned right to say something with her eyes still at the gown,"I'm sorry but that gown is pretty,right?".She does not realised that their face just a few inches close.He the one who realised cannot say anything because of too shock.When she realised she does not receive any response,she moved her eyes from the gown to her right and because of she felt shock too,she pushed him on the face and took a few steps backward.

He frowned by her action and for the second time,he apologised.

"Ah,no it's okay.It's my fault",she said.

"Whatever",he said forgetting what just happened and walked towards the counter where there was a lady.She quietly followed him while hands at the back.

He smiled at the lady softly and she stood beside him sending an eye smile to the lady."Well,can I help you,sir?",the lady asked politely.

"No,thanks.I just want to know is she's here?",he asked still smiling.'Well,you can stop smile,Sehun',she thought forming a frown.

"Yeah,she's in her room",she answered and pointed to a room.He thanked her and pulled Subin's hand,"Hey,come on"."Your girlfriend is beautiful!",she yelled from behind then he thanked her again."I'm not his girlfriend",she mumbled sadly but he still can hear.He took a glance of her and felt so sorry for making burdensome to her.He knocked the door a few times and opened the door.He let go of her hand and entered in.

"Oh.Hi there,Sehun",a lady greeted him.The lady is really pretty and seems to has a nice personality based on what she wear."Who's that?Your girlfriend?",she asked and you slightly bowed.

"Well,yes.She's Subin.",he answered gladly and introduced her.

"Hi,Subin.Nice to meet you.I'm his friend's mom.You're sweet",she slightly praised her."And Sehun"


"Happy birthday"

"Thank you so much"

"Do you want any present?"

"No,thanks.I just want to buy a gown"

"Oh,really?For who?",then her eyes landed on Subin."Oh,I know.It's for her,right?"


"Then,I'll give it free as a present"

"Oh,really.Thank you so much.Will you come to my birthday party?"

"Of course.Your mother invite me.Let's find a gown for her"

"Can we see your gowns first?"

"No need.I already know what gown suit her"

"Really?",Subin asked in excitement.

"Yeah,follow me"




"Oh Sehun,thank you so much for the gown",she thanked him before entering her house.

"Well,it's okay.You're gonna be really pretty this night"

"Thank you again",she patted his shoulder and entered the house.



Christmas is coming!

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for the poster..my friend made it for me~ her name is rasyi and i don't think an account for asianfanfics..


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Chapter 25: mwoyah ,? this story is to short .?! author-nim , update more chapter after this please .? *puppy eyes