New Life

This Is Me

Sorry,guys.Actually,I already wrote five times just for chapter one.But,every time I wrote I will accidentally press the 'backspace' button and it will go back to really make me fed up!!Sorry...




Subin POV


Here I am in the new house,in the new neighbourhood sitting in balcony of my own room watching the sunrises.I will do the best for my new school since this year is my last year in school.I will be a good student and make sure every teacher know me.No,I'm not come here for being popular!I took my new pink diary starting to write a new profile since I just moved here.


->My Profile<-


-Park Subin


-24th February 199*






-2,4,24,42,22,44(since my birthday is on 24)

-More to left sight of brain



-168 cm(tall,huh?)

-47 kg

-B(blood type)


what does i hate?



-blood-vegetables-fish-oily food!-junk food-y-being asked-outdoor activity-popular-


what does i like?


-kpop-dinosaur-math-science-history-novels-comics-best friends-family-indoor activity-


what kind of girl am i?


-brave when need-shy-cold-boyish + girly-not matured-outgoing-naive-clever-not a neat one-easy to fall in love-easy to get mad-easily change mood-weird-not a stylish-emotional-sensitive-loves to eat-easily gain weight-athletic-artistic-rough-


okay,just here..i think this is too much..that's all for today


                                                                                                                                        >Mrs.Oh Pink<


I close my new pink diary and saw a guy brought his dog a walk.I slightly remembered my promise to Gyeoul,my female Siberian Husky dog for a walk with Sebin,my dongsaeng.I quickly took a bath and changed my clothes into a pink-grey tracksuit.I ran to downstairs and saw Sebin and Gyeoul already wait for me.I apologised to them and we went to the nearest park.


End of Subin POV


Subin and Sebin sat on a bench watching Gyeoul playing alone.What a pity.Where is other dogs?There was nobody except for them.They watched the sunrise while the silence started to surround them until Sebin killed it.

"Eonnie,you know,I'm not really care if you are late"


"Because even though you thought you were late but,actually you were not.Anyway,it's our human nature"

"You do know lecture"

"Nahh...It just get out from my mouth.You know what,eonnie?"


"I..actually jealous with you.."

"Jealous of what?"

"You are perfect"

"What are you kidding about?"

"Really,you look feminine"

"I may look feminine but,I'm not"

"Your shyness make you look feminine"

"See,I'm not perfect"

"Okay,I'm wrong.But,you still look feminine"

"Malhaebwa,why do you want to be feminine?"

"Because,I will look matured"

"Am I look matured?"


"There is nothing special with look matured"

"Every thing have goods and bads"

"There goes again~""


"Oh,come on~I'm kidding~"

"Aishh...Me too!!!",Sebin screamed into Subin left ear and ran away.

"Yahh!!!",Subin yelled and ran after her.




Thanks God,guys!I finished my first chapter!!!Muahahahahaha!!!~~

*yawn*...I have to sleep guys..we'll see tomorrow if I have time to write the second chapter..Bye...Night night~Sweet dream~

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for the friend made it for me~ her name is rasyi and i don't think an account for asianfanfics..


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Chapter 25: mwoyah ,? this story is to short .?! author-nim , update more chapter after this please .? *puppy eyes