Teddy Bear

Stranded ♥


When I knocked on the door there was no answer. “Leah?” I called, but it stayed silent inside my room, which I figured was the place she would go. “Leah…I’m really sorry. I totally didn’t mean for that to happen.”
“…I know.” She replied softly after a while.
I sighed in relief. “May I come in?”
“Well…yeah. It’s your room after all.”
Leah’s P.O.V.
I don’t know why I rushed to Yoseob’s room. I guess because it was private, there was a bed, and I didn’t want to go to any of the other boy’s rooms. The door clicked open and my heart jumped at the sight of Yoseob. I immediately turned away. He plopped down beside me on the bed. 
“Here’s what was really in the bag.” He stuck his hand inside and pulled out a notebook and a set of pens and pencils.
“Oh…Well…Cool?” I looked at it, puzzled.
“They’re for you.” He handed them to me.
“I…For me?” I was incredulous, but touched. I let him slip the book into my hands.
“Yeah.” He ran a hand through his hair. “After you told me about your writing and how you wrote like every day…I figured you’d feel a little lonely not being able to do it.” He said rather shyly.
“I…Yoseob…Thank you.” I held the book to my chest.  
“No problem.” He smiled sheepishly.
“That was so thoughtful of you.”
“Well…You are stuck in a foreign country all by yourself.” He shrugged. “It seemed like the least I could do.”
I squeezed my eyes shut tight. “Thank you soooo much!”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Let’s just pretend that whole fiasco in the kitchen never happened.” I smiled as normally as I could. Really, I was traumatized. My chest was on his face. He must’ve been too, I mean, who wants an ugly foreign girl all over you? I felt terrible, and terribly embarrassed, as well as ashamed.
“Um…I think I’m too embarrassed to go back out there.” I said hesitantly. 
“What are you talking about?”
“The—“ I paused. “Ohh, you’re good.”
He grinned. “Good at what? Come on, let’s go. I’m hungry.”
“I think I’ve lost my appetite. You go, I’ll stay here and write.” I held up the notebook.
“Well, all right…”
Yoseob P.O.V.
It was almost Thursday, our day off, and we’d been so busy that none of the guys and I saw much of Leah. Basically, we got up, left, she cleaned, I brought her lunch, we came back, she made us dinner, we went to bed. I felt bad, but tomorrow we’d be with her to keep her company and show her around. I was getting more and more excited about it. We all agreed that we should go out to eat, go shopping, and then go to a private water-park: one of the small ones that was inside. Leah had no idea, I’m sure she would be ecstatic!
I was breaking though, I had to go tell her. I still had her sleeping in my room since she was so busy every day. As soon as she cleaned up we stormed in and made a mess again. “Leahh.” I said as I let the door fall shut behind me. She didn’t respond. She was laying on her side, facing away from me on my bed. “Leah?” I questioned, walking over to her. She was sound asleep. I sighed, pulling the covers up over her when I noticed her notebook tucked between the wall and the bed.
I wanted to read it, but if she wanted anyone to, she would have asked me to right? I couldn’t. It was wrong.
But I reaaallly wanted to see how she wrote. I knew it had to be great. 
I let curiosity get the better of me. I leaned over her, trying to reach the notebook without disturbing her. I just about had it when she rolled over onto her back. I froze. This would NOT look good if she suddenly woke up. She seemed to be in a deep sleep, but then I heard the muffled sound of  whimpers. She was crying in her sleep again. Again? Tears pooled at the edges of her eyes but never spilled over. I felt so bad for her, I almost forgot why I was there. I decided it was best to leave her alone and just take the notebook when she started moving again.
Leah reached her arms into the air. My neck was directly above her and they wound themselves around it. All of a sudden, she yanked me close to her. I toppled over onto the bed, now straddling her on all fours.
“Leah!” I whisper-screamed, but she was still crying and her eyes were still closed. I tried to slip out of her grip, but she held me there steadily. Suddenly, she yanked me down again so I was laying next to her and she pulled me close, like she was hugging a teddy bear.
Maybe she slept with a teddy bear and I felt familiar to her? Who knows.
I tried to wriggle away, but every time I did her grip tightened and she started whimpering harder. I finally gave up and let her melt into me. At least I could read her notebook. I grabbed it and flipped it open eagerly.
It was all in ENGLISH.
I heaved a sigh and was about to close it when something caught my eye. She had written Beast in capital letters at the top of the page and a little further down was my name written in its English form. Yoseob. I struggled to find any other words that I recognized, but there were none. But she had written about me? Was it good, bad? I quickly found the other member’s names in the sea of foreign words, sounding them out and realizing what names the letters formed. 
So she wrote about us a little. Perhaps she started it off as a diary?
I flipped forward a few more pages and found some oddly structured writing. The lines were short and separated, like a poem maybe. And further on, there was just writing. Pure words took up the entire page and there were lots of quote marks. Here is where her handwriting got messy, like her thoughts came out faster than her hand could record it. It must’ve been a story.
Maybe I’d ask her to read it to me.
But not now. Now, I had to get out of here. 
I shut the journal and slipped it back into its original place. Leah’s arms were still firmly around me. I tried to use my arms to pull myself out of the bed, but she clung closer. Her legs entangled with mine, sending serious shock waves through my body. She pressed herself up right against me. After much struggling it seemed I couldn’t escape until she was the one who let go of me. It wasn’t that long before I grew so comfortable, that I fell asleep as well.


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whiteshirt #1
omg! im so excited for the next chapter@
post more soon :)
new subscriber here! Update soon!
Sci-Fi_Girl #4
YAAAYYY!! I love it so much!!! its perfect!!!
ShiHanILuvB2ST #5
Please update soon! It's getting very interesting~ ^_^
i love this story please update soon!!!
sesangeun #7
so, the story will end soon? huhu *cry<br />
asdfghjklSEOB- #8
Ohh no!!!!!! update soon!!~