Back to Beast!

Stranded ♥




Yoseob P.O.V.
As I carried her bridal-style, she wrapped her arms around my neck, on instinct I’m sure; she was freaking out! She pulled herself closer to me, unknowingly pressing herself against my chest. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, but tried to laugh it off. 
She was still panicking, so I told her to rest easy, because I was pretty strong. I was, really. And she wasn’t that heavy. 
She was STILL throwing a fit, so I decided to talk to her to get her mind off it. 
"You know, you're pretty easy to carry. You're all small."
"What?" She hissed.
Oh crap, did I say something wrong?
"I hate being short." She pouted.
“You’re not that short.”
“Yeah I am. My best girl friends are taller than you.” She teased. 
I ‘hmped.’ She had friends, girls, who were taller than me? Weird thing to think about. “What about guys?”
“Most guys are about six feet.” She said. I arched a brow at her. “Umm…” She pondered, and held her hand  high above me. “This tall."
She giggled. “Don't worry.” She patted me on my head. "I like your height."
I walked a little longer. She seemed to have relaxed in my arms a little bit more. She couldn’t figure out where to put her hands, so she just let them rest around my neck. She was still pressed a little close to me. Her chest was right under my nose. I couldn’t help it, I looked. She was definitely foreign. She was quite curvy, but she wasn't overweight or anything. It seemed like she was reading my mind because she said, "You must think I look weird."
"I don't." I really didn't. 
"I hate the way I look."
"Why would you say that?" 
“I love Korean culture. Korean culture loves pretty, skinny girls with light skin. Not tan girls with curves.” She frowned. “I wish I looked more Asian.” Oh, so she has a complex.
“You should be happy with the way you are.”
“Yeah? Why should I? I’m sitting here and you think I’m ugly right? Nothing you like about a girl in me?” She said bitterly.
“I don’t think you’re ugly, I think you’re pretty.” I did, it was just that looking at her took some getting used to. She had big eyes, round cheeks, cute lips. “It’s refreshing.”
“Yeah well. I don’t care. People like curviness back in America, not here.”
I assumed she was a catch in America. “There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just different.”
“Yeah. Uh huh.” She said, just to end it. I felt kind of mad, and angry at her. She was pretty. I’m sure she knew that in America, she was really pretty! Guys would be falling all over her, I mean, I even had to admit I liked her chest…I’m a boy, it’s not something boys can just ignore! I also felt bad for her. Was it because of our standards that she felt so bad about herself? She shouldn’t worry, it’s not like she lived here, or was even Asian.
Finally, we reached the apartment. I set her down in front of the door. “Ready to meet the rest of Beast?” I asked.
She seemed to be in a better mood now. “Yeah!” She said excitedly.
“Just let me go warn them first, so they don’t throw a fit about it.” 
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, I don’t want to cause trouble!” She fretted.
“Don’t worry, once they hear about your payment plan, they’ll be begging for you to come in.” I gave her a quick grin and a thumbs up. “Just hold tight for a second.” And with that, I disappeared inside.
“OK, YOU GUYS!” I shouted.
“Ah! Yoseob-ah! You’re finally back!” Dujun called.
“Yeah, but I didn’t bring dinner, I brought something else!”
“What?” Hyunseung asked. “Dessert?”
“I brought a girl!”
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whiteshirt #1
omg! im so excited for the next chapter@
post more soon :)
new subscriber here! Update soon!
Sci-Fi_Girl #4
YAAAYYY!! I love it so much!!! its perfect!!!
ShiHanILuvB2ST #5
Please update soon! It's getting very interesting~ ^_^
i love this story please update soon!!!
sesangeun #7
so, the story will end soon? huhu *cry<br />
asdfghjklSEOB- #8
Ohh no!!!!!! update soon!!~