Every Night I SHOCK!

Stranded ♥

Thank you so much for the subs and comments! I love comments, let me know what you think! >.<




All I heard was silence. “Oh.” Gikwang said. “So you DID bring dessert.” He eyed me suspiciously.
“Yoseob! You CANNOT do that.” Junhyung glared at me.
“You guys don’t understand! I met this girl on the street, and she was crying. She came here on vacation and almost everything of hers was stolen! So I said she could stay her in exchange for taking care of the house and cooking and things like that.” I explained hastily. Leah was still waiting outside.
“Yoseob, you can’t just decide that on your own!” Dujun scolded.
“We have to you guys! We can’t just leave her on the streets! Come on, I’ll bring her in, she’s so sweet. You’ll be surprised!” I ran over to the door as they followed.
"Is she a B2TY?" Dongwoon asked
“Well, yes...” I said, opening the door, I took Leah by the hand and yanked her in. “Everyone,” I said motioning next to me. “This is Leah.” I looked over at her, but she was gone. All I had to do was look down to find her and there she was, somehow barely up to my shoulder.
“H-hello everyone.” Her accent cracked a bit through her speech. She quickly bowed, unknowingly revealing her cleavage. I hastily straightened her back up. “T-t-thank you for letting me stay here! I promise I’ll work very hard!” She said with determination, but also with embarrassment.
“How did you get so short?” I asked her.
“I took off my shoes.” She held up her crazy high heels for reference. “I told you I was short.”
She didn’t tell me THIS short. She was tiny!
Leah P.O.V.
I glanced around; everyone was just staring at me. I felt my cheeks heat up. I was standing in front of my favorite band Beast, and they were just staring.
“Yoseob…” I nudged him a little bit.
“Right! Leah, this is Dongwoon, Dujun, Hyunseung, Junhyung and Gikwang!” He motioned to each of them standing in a line.
“I know.” I smiled weakly. 
I saw a few of them look me up and down, completely shocked. 
“Why does she call you by your first name Yoseob? Is she older than you?” Hyunseung asked in disbelief.
Yoseob turned to me. “Oh yeah, I forgot to ask! How old are you anyways Leah?” 
“In Korean age?” 
He nodded.
“Umm, I’m almost nineteen in Korean age.” 
A few jaws dropped. “So internationally you’re only seventeen?” Dujun asked dubiously.
“Y-yes, well, I’m almost eighteen! That’s an adult in America!”
“Aish, Yang Yosoeb…” Junhyung sighed.
“You brought an under aged girl into our home?!” Dongwoon exclaimed.
“I-I’ll be legal this month!” I repeated.
“What? It’s not like any of you plan on doing anything to her right?” Yoseob said casually.
“NO!” They all answered in unison, which I was happy about, but also sort of bruised my ego.
“Come on Leah, I’ll show you where you can sleep.” Yoseob said happily, putting a hand on my shoulder and leading me to another room. Behind us I could hear the rest of the group discussing the issue.
“She’s under age!”
“She’s foreign!”
“She's cute!”
“Oh God, shut up.” I heard a smack.
“Whaat? It’s true.”
Before I noticed, we were in a sort of living room, where the TV was along with a few couches. Yoseob drew me over to the longest one. “It’s not much, but you can sleep here.” He looked around. “Actually, I can sleep here and you can take my bed.”
“No! I couldn’t!” I waved my hands in front of me. “You don’t have to do that!”
“Sure I do. You’re a lady.” He said cheesily.
“No, nonono. I’m going to be staying here a while. I don’t want to put you out. You’re already doing so much for me already.” I held my hands together on my thighs, looking down.
“Ahhh fine.” Yoseob sighed good-naturedly. “But just take it for tonight. You must be really worn out.”
“Now that, I can’t deny. Thank you.” I sighed dreamily. 
“Do you need pajamas? You can wear some of my old clothes.”
“Yoseob, you are too kind.”
“Hey, don’t say that yet. Tomorrow you start your work!” He laughed.
“Aigo~” I whined. 
I followed Yoseob into his room. He began fishing through his closet and some drawers. “Hey,” He turned back to look at me and I perked up. “Will you say something in English for me?”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t hear it too often. I just wanted to hear it spoken fluently.”
I eyed him carefully. “Don’t lie to me. I saw you sing ordinary people.” I smiled knowingly.
“Yeah, but I know I messed up.” 
‘Well, only a teensy bit.”
“Okay…” I sighed and then in English said, “Yoseob Yang, you are a life saver! I can’t believe I got to meet you and the rest of Beast of all people and now I get to stay in your house? It’s like a nightmare turned into a dream come true.”
“What did you say?”
“I guess you’ll have to figure that out on your own.” I winked.
“Awww no fair!” 
I just giggled. Finally, he pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts. “Here, these were the smallest I could find.” He said handing them to me.
“Thanks. I’ll go change right now, I’m exhausted.” I my heel but quickly turned around. “What about dinner?”
“I’ll take care of that tonight. Just get some sleep.” He smiled that wonderful smile.
Aiiiii I could've fainted!
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whiteshirt #1
omg! im so excited for the next chapter@
post more soon :)
new subscriber here! Update soon!
Sci-Fi_Girl #4
YAAAYYY!! I love it so much!!! its perfect!!!
ShiHanILuvB2ST #5
Please update soon! It's getting very interesting~ ^_^
i love this story please update soon!!!
sesangeun #7
so, the story will end soon? huhu *cry<br />
asdfghjklSEOB- #8
Ohh no!!!!!! update soon!!~